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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    Nash's Movie,Scott Hall and Booker T

    In the 1st appearance of Spiderman, way back in the early 1960's ,he started as a wrestler instead of a superhero. But in the Punisher, i've never seen him deal with a wrestler, i might've be wrong.
  2. humongous2002

    It's not always a damn carry

    There's your problem right there, you need Scott Keith to tell you that a match is either one * or 5*, think on your own if you hated the match that's your choice but if you were entertained by it then good for you. I'm not trying to tell you that RVD is the best worker the WWE has, but i'm not also going to sit here and agreed with your biased remarks.
  3. humongous2002

    It's not always a damn carry

    I've seen all his matches against Lynn and he wasn't overblown, you might not like RVD but it doesn't give you an excuse to come into this forum and make up lies. If you want to prove that RVD is overrated you got to do better than that. Now lets go back to what makes a good match, and the answer to that is personal preference. There are fans that love a match just because their favorite wrestler is in it, hence the Undertaker getting pops even though he sucks more than Jenna Jameson. There are fans that love the lucha libre style or the puroresu style and they will tell you that that's great wrestling, there are others that love the old school style and they feel that still is the best type of wrestling ever. RVD's matches back in ECW and in WWF 2001 were very entertaining, back then he had a lot of moves in his repertoire, including slams and suplexes believe it or not, but in the WWE the only ones that have freedom to use their full moveset are the people they want to push to the moon or Kliq members. It's all about personal opinion, either you like a match or you hate it without having a so-called expert tell you that it was an awesome match because his taste might be different from yours. Thank God for the freedom of choice.
  4. humongous2002


    RVD will win the World title from HHH, and will take the WWE to a new era of greatness.
  5. humongous2002

    Has Orton's monster push ended?

    "Monster face"...bwahahahaha.
  6. humongous2002

    Summerslam 2003

    Carry what? Their luggage?
  7. humongous2002

    How many people do YOU think will hold the title

    Booker T is not coming back and Foley has always been used as a transitional champion and he doesn't need or deserve a title shot, even less a title reign. That leaves us with RVD,but since he's been telling the truth about the bookers he will most likely be buried ......again.
  8. humongous2002


    Rob Van Dam was the guest of Joe McDonnell yesterday on KSPN radio 710 in L.A. The interview itself was pretty basic. He talked a lot about his comic book shop. One bit of news was that he is going to have someone from the wrestling world signing autographs once a month. He will be there himself next Thursday from 6-8. He said he would announce next months guest when he is there next week. Then he went on to make a couple Jeff Hardy references, so I think we can read between the lines on that one. A couple funny and INTERESTING highlights were when Gay Dave Joseph (Big Joes board op) asked RVD if HHH was going to sign at his store. RVD replied "Strangely, No!" Joseph then came up with the funniest line of the whole interview when a caller asked RVD who would win a match between he and HBK. G-Dave out of nowhere yelled out "Shawn Michaels is a P***y!!" Very funny stuff! Other quick notes before the interesting ones. -Noted to Joe that he arrived at "4:20" (Only RVD eh?) -Misses ECW (I think a lot of people do) and that it is the favorite part of his career so far. -Says the strongest (most powerful) wrestlers he has worked with are Big Show and Brock Lesnar. -Working on his comic book series and hopes to get the first issue out in the fall I believe. When asked about how he doesn’t get killed out there noted he "Has not experienced a move he can not take" and that he likes taking those shots. Then Joe asked/noted to RVD about "working stiff" to which RVD laughed and said " I see you have a folder full of evidence there, I wont argue that one" They also talked about why RVD doesn’t get a bigger push when the fans pop for him like they do. RVD answered, " I do my part" and also said that "It can be frustrating if you let it be." He then talked about how when he first came to WWE/F he was very frustrated saying how the locker room was "way different then any other locker rooms I had been in before" Politics was one of the reasons he mentioned. Then later in the interview politics came up again when he talked about "all the politics " then said "which I'm in the middle of right now " (We all know it, it is just something to hear one of the guys actually mention it) Also talked about how he does have his other interests besides wrestling such as the comic book store. Said he didn’t want to be one of these guys who wants to sit and watch all the matches before and after his like some of the guys do. He doesn’t want to have to be wrestling when he is 50-60 like some do. A caller asked (by the way I apologize to those who heard it for jumping around here) his thoughts about guys like Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff getting in the ring. He responded by saying that he has come to accept it. Realizing that he is working openers on Pay Per Views while these guys are headlining (Ouch). Joe also mentioned to him that he didn’t know if RVD was married or not but if he wasn’t he could have taken a shot at Steph and maybe he could be higher up now. I believe he gave a nice political answer there. Overall another outstanding WWE interview for Joe McDonnell and his crew. The only thing missing was Joes partner Doug Krikorian who is on vacation. I missed hearing Doug's usual question to any of the wrestlers (Doug's not a wrestling fan) "What's your height and weight and how did you get into the business" credit:1wrestling.com RVD is my hero.
  9. humongous2002

    Smackdown screwed

    How about New York?
  10. humongous2002

    Smackdown screwed

    Will they replay SD again or not?
  11. humongous2002

    Orlando Jordan

    Orlando who???????????
  12. humongous2002

    Exactly why is Shane wrestling @ Summerslam again?

    I don't mind RVD being the sacrificial lamb, but the only way he's getting pinned is by either being thrown off a titantron , or something, in other words he should be massacred and come back for more till he gets knocked the fuck out.
  13. humongous2002

    The Rock being " bald "

    yep...although he's never been steroid big You're forgetting Rocky from 97-2000, he wasn't Steiner big but he was pretty huge back then, damn, he was even bigger than HHHomo.
  14. humongous2002

    Favorite Raw Segment

    When RVD frog splash onto the chair, it shows me that he still has it in him to shock the crowd.
  15. humongous2002

    New IC Contender

    RVD, if they don't have any plans for him with the fake world title.
  16. humongous2002

    What's so bad about Randy Orton?

    Oh come on now. There are lots of wrestlers who get a decent reaction on Raw, and could be elevated if WWE would work on them for more than .0004 seconds at a time. Hurricane comes to mind. Even tonight RVD got some chants when he came out, despite playing second fiddle to Shane McMahon. These guys do not have Lawler and Orton going on about how great they are. They were not teamed up with Flair and HHH in the hopes that some heat would rub off on them. And they are still more over than Orton. When the audience cheers these guys, they are asking to see more of them. Instead of doing something to meet that demand, they say "Now how can we get Orton to get reactions like that?" It's just bad economics. And even in a lot of forums such as this one, you hear a lot of smarks and marks praising RVD. Orton might have some marks rooting for him but there aren't that many. Back in 2001 RVD used to get pops as big as Rocky, something that Orton or even WWE's golden boy Brock haven't accomplished yet.
  17. humongous2002

    WWE Hires An Indian Dude

    He could play the character of a quickie mart hindu heel.His ring name should be captain Slurpee.
  18. humongous2002

    Some WWE Notes From The New Torch

    OMG, Brock Lesner is a killer BAH GAWD!@ Seriously though, how many people has he put out of action now? And RVD is the "sloppy" one in WWE? If it was up to me i rather be busted open with stiff kicks than being sent to the hospital with a broken back.
  19. humongous2002

    Exactly why is Shane wrestling @ Summerslam again?

    Shane and his sick bumps, that's the only reason people love this guy.Nothing more nothing less. Want to see sick bumps go watch those ECW wannabes XPW, they got sick stupid bumps without the wrestling and they do them every week instead of Shane's sick bump of the year.
  20. humongous2002

    I just cannot make myself care for Raw anymore

    Not that I necessarily disagree with the rest of your points, but how has HBK been burying anyone since he came back? And please don't say Jericho at Mania. The wrong guy might've went over, but I wouldn't call it a full-fledged burial. That honor goes to HHH and Booker. Anyhow, I know where you're coming from as a long time fan getting too fed up to care, so my advice to you is do what I did last year- stop watching. Not permanently, just take a good six months off and you'll come back refreshed. You still might not be happy, but you'll be able to take the bullshit they're showing with a grain of salt and eventually you'll get back into it. Sometimes a break can do you good. He's burying other much deserving wrestlers by stealing their main event spot instead of doing a few matches here and there while keeping away from the world title picture or just fuckin' retire and give your spot to RVD or Jericho.
  21. humongous2002

    Kane=Ratings Good...Goldberg=???

    The only reason people were watching the over run was because they wanted to see Stripperela, Kane still sucks in a wrestling match.
  22. humongous2002

    What's so bad about Randy Orton?

    Orton is missing the following things to get push: -Overness -wrestling skills -charisma(trying to be Rocky lite is not considered charisma) -world champion looks, being tall and having gay abs doesn't make him look like a real threat, he needs to bulk up more. -boring promo skills -hasn't done anything to impress me yet -injury prone
  23. humongous2002

    Blatant Political Sabotage

    Shitberg didn't just need 2 matches to beat Flair for the old but he needed help from HBFey to beat him and......gasp.....Orton??How the mighty has fallen, as much as i can't stand Crapberg the way he is being used or misused is just unbelievable, Vince is too stupid to waste a lot of money on these untalented fuck but then he doesn't want to do anything with him, might as well give that money to the poor. Now about RVD,why is he not getting a chance to cut a promo on Kane to further this angle, why is he being treated as an aftertought even though he is facing Kane for the ppv, it still feels like Shane-o is the one wrestling Kane at Summerslam, even a regular mark could tell that he is being bury big time.RVD will get squashed at the ppv and then he will be demoted to the midcard or lower, meanwhile Kane will eventually get the world title and putting out those 2* or lower matches.
  24. humongous2002

    Raven Inetrview

    For real??What a shame, he makes a great booker.
  25. Call me crazy but the best thing they should do it's to give the title to Shitberg, now hear me out before the flaming starts. Let that bag of shit win the title at the ppv, have him loose the title to Kane at the next ppv since we all know that Vince feels that Shitberg is not a worthy champion so might as well use him as a transitional one. Then let Kane be on a path of rage by destroying everybody but let him loose to a returning RVD(since we all know he is going to be destroyed at Summerslam) at Survivor series.And we all lived happily everafter.