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Posts posted by humongous2002

  1. Coach announces Cena vs. Orton for No Mercy in a Last Man Standing match.



    Soooooo.... are they ever going to suspend this fucking guy?????????


    Umaga loses his Championship, Booker gets 60 days, and Orton gets yet another PPV bonus??? :bonk:


    A trashed hotel room, bags with shit in and some pissed off Divas are probably asking the same question.

    At least he didn't get the belt like Batista, I wonder what would it take for Orton and Batista to get themselves suspended? Child pornography? Murder? Terrorism?

  2. According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the confirmed 30-day suspensions include Charlie Haas, Edge, Gregory Helms, John Morrison, William Regal, Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, Funaki, Chavo Guerrero.


    For most of the list, I could see them being on steroids, but the ones highlighted I'm still going WTF?



    Heres is the thing about steroids. They are not neccesarily just to make you "jacked up". They help your body recover from bumps, bruises and soreness. Some people claim that is the main advantage to use them for weightlifting. You can work out for 4 hours in a day and go to the gym the next day and do it again.


    I saw a documentary about steroids once. They interviewed a Woman who was about 25 years old, a long distance runner who ran in 10K runs and such. She was about 5' 7" and maybe 110 lbs. She quit using steroids because she felt guilty about going from a good runner to DESTROYING running fields on a regular basis. She was burying the competition so easily she said she felt guilty about cheating to win, so she quit.


    Its not just about putting on muscle mass.

    Or maybe they bought roids so they could sell it to other wrestlers smart enough to do things under the table instead of dealing with having their names on a doctor's list.


  3. RVD's thoughts on Benoit from RobVanDam.com

    Benoit Balls

    Well, there’s no need to wait until we have our heads wrapped around this, because I doubt that’ll happen, so here it is. I know that a monster committed those terrible, unforgivable acts of horror. Just like everyone who knew Chris Benoit, I can’t think of him as a monster. Not Chris.


    Chris was truly a role model’s role model. You simply had to respect him and admire his focus and unmatched discipline. If I ever got asked a question about who I looked up to the most in the business, you guessed it. That’s me sharing a real feeling with you. Not talking about bull shit that I have little interest in, like who would I like most to wrestle with, or what’s my favorite color, but who I actually looked up to in the dressing room. It’s Chris Benoit- in the ring and in the dressing room and with his family.


    The last time I talked to Chris, a few weeks ago, he told me how much he respected me for stepping away from the business. His message now comes to me from beyond. He said “Some of us don’t know when to get out.” I told him that I always held a little contempt for him telling me back in 1992 that I was a dumb-ass for wanting to quit WCW, and mentioned the irony.


    Over the last several years, on overseas tours I’d always see Chris in the gym when the other guys were recovering from the night before. He’d train hard and sometimes I’d see him allowing young wrestlers to follow his lead and get a guaranteed killer workout. He took pride in what he did and set a great example for others, myself included, to follow.


    How many murderers…baby murderers at that… are praised so highly by EVERYONE who knew them? This is all so bizarre and new information seems to come out every few hours but I can’t imagine we’ll ever understand what happened here. It appears that Chris took the answers with him. To tell you the honest truth, the easiest thing for me to believe at this moment is that if no frame work was involved, he was taken over by demonic energies with no compassion. I have to believe this is often the case with such inhumane acts.


    Nancy, Daniel and Chris’ tragic deaths obviously have affected a lot of people. Just remember, there’s enough hate in this world. Hateful thoughts do not move us in the right direction, so make a conscious effort to remember that. It’s important now and always.

  4. Benoit House show results


    Hardcore death match: Chris Benoit d Nancy Benoit via submission


    Submission death match: Chris Benoit d David Benoit via chokehold


    Hang 'em high match: Weight machine cord d Chris Benoit via chokehold


    Attendance: 3



    At least Chris did the honors on his way out the door


    Yeah, I'm banned...whatever


    So, then you created an account to unleash this gem on us? You could've at least had the right name for the kid.




    Yeah, looks like a lot of dumb ass n00bs having been joining over the last few weeks and have been dropping these classic posts.


    Fucking idiots

    Some people have a lot of free time. :huh:


  5. Tough break for the dead guy that tied his wife up and strangled her with a TV cable and then used a wrestling submission hold to murder his mentally-impaired seven-year old son. C'est la vie and all that.


    Being deceased and/or mentally unstable doesn't preclude you from being labelled a scumbag murderer and taking responsiblity for your actions.


    They are responsible insofar of the severity of their condition. No rational or healthy person can murder their family like that. So obviously Benoit had reached the point of no return where his breakdown cause a complete collapse of rational thought and morality. Such a condition isn't something you can just turn off at will.


    Ok, he was neither rational nor healthy. He was also a 40 year old man who, presuming he was mentally impaired to such a degree that it required professional help, had opportunities to seek that help. It's not my fault, nor his wife's fault, nor his boy's fault that he didn't do that. It's his own fault. He held down a job that paid him enough a year that he could've, realistically, gotten help for whatever his problem was. Apparently, he did not choose to get help or put enough of his resources into getting himself help. He went 40 years of his life without murdering anyone; I don't think the fact that might've had something in his head 'snap' should make him in any way a sympathetic character. There are resources available. That Chris Benoit chose not to take advantage of these resources to an extent that would've caused him to not savagely and brutally murder two people and, in fact, apparently did many things that would contribute to his own mental breakdown does not and should not make him a sympathetic character. He certainly probably did have some type of mental breakdown, but, still, he took two innocent lives. No amount of psychobabble will change that. Chris Benoit is not a victim. Chris Benoit is a murderer.

    Amen to this.

    Benoit might've been crazy or not but he went out of his way to torture his wife by tying her up like a worthless animal and then choking her, even O.J.'s killings pale in comparison to the Benoit tragedy.

  6. I found out on Monday afternoon during work from a friend of mine that one of my favorite professional wrestlers, Chris Benoit, lost his life along with his wife and kid over a meaningless act of violence. I really looked up to the guy over the years and became a huge fan of his so it pains me that he, OF ALL PEOPLE, could commit such an unspeakable act of evil, but I would rather remember him for how he lived and what he did for the sport than how he died. I know people are going to be sad and angry, but I hope that fans and people, in time, can find it within themselves, within their hearts...to forgive him.


    I'll have more later because I don't know what to think right now. I'm seriously traumatized by this shit. But meeting him in person and seeing him win the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania XX were two of my greatest experiences ever as a wrestling fan, I'm a mess and so depressed over this senseless tragedy of how a beloved hero could meet such a violent end.

    First of all the guy was an entertainer on a fake sport not a hero (unless he saved you from a burning building), Benoit is actually a coward and a monster for killing a woman and a kid. I do admit he was a great wrestler but after this tragedy he doesn't deserve to be missed, praised, or to rest in peace.

  7. The sad thing is that the media is already making this tragedy into a steroid issue instead of getting their facts straight, wrestlers are out on the road 300+ days out of the year and they need to take a lot of painkillers to perform every single night, drugs to wake them up and drugs to put them to sleep. The Roid accusation is not a valid one since I don't see bodybuilders or guys like HHH or Hogan going out on a rampage.

  8. its really hard to put everything together in this whole mess, some people feel that we should honor the wrestler and not the person he apperantly was, and i can respect people if thats their way of greiving for someone then so be it, i do think the jokes about his death need to stop mainly out of respect of his family


    i think at the end of this whole mess WWE haters will use his death to smear WWE even further

    OJ killed two people but since he was a great football player let's throw him a parade in his honor.

  9. My girlfriend asked me today that if Benoit loved wrestling so much, he could he have not know what he did would cause so much damage to the business?


    It's a great question that no one's really posed yet.


    i did, guy.


    and i love people saying rip benoit. he's a loser. i am more offended by people pandering to his bullshit & memoralizing him than any of the jokes. get real.

    I feel disgusted by the fact that there are people with RIP Benoit and Benoit portrayed as an iconic figure pics on their sig, is disrespectful to the memory of Nancy, Daniel, and members of this forums.

  10. Here's some interesting info:


    By: Bob Ryder 1Wrestling.com

    6/26/2007 5:08:55 PM


    In speaking with close friends and confidants of Chris Benoit contacted this afternoon, apparently there were some warning signs that something was wrong with Benoit.


    Some of the information learned by 1Wrestling.com by colleagues and friends that did not want to be quoted:


    "This wasn't roid rage, this was insanity. Roid rage doesn't last for 48 hours. There were signs that something was wrong. Stories have emerged that a year ago he became paranoid and believed he was being followed. He wouldn't let Nancy leave the house because he believed someone was out to get them."


    “Chris hated religion. He didn't believe in it. I cannot comprehend him putting bibles by the bodies. I am shocked.”


    In addition, 1Wrestling has learned that sources close to Nancy are reporting that she had a safety deposit box with evidence of past rages and that authorities should check the box if anything ever happened to her

  11. Benoit the wrestler was the best ever and he has been one of my favorite pro-wrestlers since I first saw him in an old New Japan tape against Jericho, but as of right now the man is in the same category as an O.J. Simpson (if the allegations are true) and the only smart thing he did this weekend is take himself out too. Murdering a defenseless child is the lowest thing a human can ever do regardless of "mental illness" and "roids".

  12. I think we need to hear the whole story before we really decide if he's this horrible guy and what not........if he was suffering from mental illness....

    If he did it, comments like this are as tasteless as the jokes people were complaining about. Seriously. I liked the guy in the ring and was shocked when the news first broke yesterday. But if it turns out he killed his wife and CHILD, then there should be know, "well, let's get the whole story on why he did it." No. It doesn't matter why he did it. Nothing can excuse him killing a child.


    If it's true, I really don't know how anyone will be able to watch, let alone ENJOY a Chris Benoit match. I know I'd just be thinking the whole time, "This man killed his seven-year-old son." To hell with separating performer from the man. It's not like he robbed a bank or something.

    What makes it worse is the fact that he has pictures of Benoit all over his sig, for some reason it makes me feel uncomfortable just looking at them knowing that he might be a sick murderer.
