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Posts posted by humongous2002

  1. Because the man is 7 ft. tall he should get special consideration?


    Ummmm yea. He's 7 ft tall!! Choken's point was that he wasn't lazy because he was willing to take unprotected chair shots, bleed and do bumps to get over.


    And he's had some entertaining matches. The guy's not going to do crazy moves b/c a) He'd probably get very hurt and b) He realy doesn't need to

    I'm not expecting him to do a SSP or a frankensteiner (the main reason he's not agile is not because he is a giant, is because he's an overweight slob that can't control his bad eating habits), I'm glad that the guy entertained you with his matches but to me he was just a boring wrestler. Like I said before Andre was way more entertaining without being athletic because he had this main event charisma, Show is just a stick in the mud.

  2. Because the man is 7 ft. tall he should get special consideration? Since when taking a chairshot equals a good worker? I know the man is a giant but so is a guy like the Undertaker (5'11") and he really busts his ass when he wants to, Show was lazy in the ring with guys that could make anyone look good and never did anything in or outside the ring to entertain me. Andre was 10 times better than Show because he was an entertaining wrestler without being a great worker.

  3. I'm surprised we haven't got the annual "Orton is planned for the WM main event" speculation.


    Once upon a time, Cena/Orton would've been a big deal for WWE braintrust.


    Actually..... about Orton. Here's the full post, but no source was linked.


    Rumors are swirling around about what the main event for WrestleMania will be in Detroit, MI. Rumors have mentioned Batista vs. Undertaker and Cena vs. Orton. However a new rumor developing is Batista vs. Cena. There could be a plan in place where one turns on the other at the Smackdown's Armageddon PPV.

    WWE's double standards, it doesn't matter how many times Randall fucks up he will always get another chance to become a top main eventer since Vince and HHH have a hard on for his metrosexual looks.

  4. I just finished watching the free stream video and I feel violated. I'm angry and speechless, a bad ECW house show from 2000 was more entertaining than this crap tonight.


    Violated? Did the PPV touch you in your private areas?

    Are you flirting with me? :huh:

    Damn, we all had to suffer through Big Show's long ass title reign and Lashley winning is the big payoff.

  5. It doesn't appear to really matter, the ECW crowd tends to stick around the 1.7 mark and Lashley won't effect that rating as a negative if he sticks around as the face, which is highly improbable. RVD isn't the guy anymore and with the reaction that Punk is getting with the crowds, they have no choice but to do Lashley/Punk.


    Short of moving RAW/SD talent over to ECW for good, they don't have much else to work with. Still sad that a 1 hour show and limited roster still beats Raw everyweek in quality.

    There must be something wrong with the audio on my tv because I could swear that RVD was still the most over guy in ECW or WWE for that matter. Punk is a good wrestler but he's just finally getting over with the WWE fans to give him the ball to carry WWECW, giving the belt to Punk now would be a bad idea since the fans love for the wrestler to earn his spot the old fashion way, by working his way up the ladder. The only choice right now is RVD since he is still more over with the fans and has entertaining matches (even with guys like Test and Holly), like I said Punk is a great wrestler but he hasn't been able to showcase his skills to the WWE crowd and he needs to do that first to see if the fans will want him as the top WWECW guy.

  6. 2 or 3 months ago I was thinking about purchasing this p.p.v. since ECW has become the only wrestling show I watch nowadays, RAW is just a horrible show with uninteresting characters like Cena and HHH, while SD is on fridays and I got better things to do on a friday night. ECW was good until Show became the champ, RVD got demoted to 3rd babyface, and Lashley (a green wrestler) gets promoted to #1 babyface, I guess WWE doesn't want my money or my support to the WWECW brand.

  7. The show was very good last night and as always RVD has shown why he is the man to carry the ball for ECW, the match against Holly was good and that 2 middle fingers salute frog splash was amazing.

    Lashley is just not over or experienced enough to become champion but if he works hard enough to improve in the ring he might make it as a top guy.

    Punk is good but he still needs to get build up for at least another year to be the future ECW champion, eventually he'll be given more time to showcase his wrestling skills that made him an indie sensation.

    The only thing ECW needs is more top level guys like a Rey Rey or a Benoit, if Vince wants to keep those guys in SD then he should get wrestlers like AmDrag from ROH or try to pay Samoa Joe or A.J. Styles to jump ship from TNA, forget wasting time and money on an untalented turd like Monty Brown.

  8. Tully Blanchard is already gone. According to the latest Observer, there was a big scene at one of the recent tapings when JBL went off on Tully, cutting a promo on him about how Tully treated him in Texas when he (JBL) had just broken into wrestling.

    Bradshaw is one bitter guy. However, what's sadder is that he's simply allowed to get away with it because Vince likes him.

    Which is sadder, the fact that Bradshaw still has a job in the WWE or that he has fans that praise him even though he is the most overpushed untalented piece of garbage in pro-wrestling history?

  9. The WWE chairman is a well known cocaine and steroid user but he's ok because he's never been caught yet but lets give RVD the death penalty for having weed on him. The only reason Rob is not getting the belt is because guys like HHH are in Vince's ear politicking against anything that would be a threat to their spots.


    How do you know? This is one of those things that bother me about message boards like this...someone probably made an offhanded comment a while ago that Vince McMahon does cocaine, and it's suddenly taken as fact. Do you actually have any proof for that allegation? I mean, you just said the chairman of a billion dollar company does drugs...it's not out of the realm of possibility, but what evidence do you actually have?

    Well in the book "Sex, Lies and Headlocks" there's a quote that was made by Vince which goes:

    "I can snort as much of that stuff as anyone can put in front of me and never get hooked"

    By the way that was a great book which it's where I got my info from. One more thing, if Cena or HHH gets caught with drugs by the law I would bet you that they will still get pushed down our throats like nothing happened, Hogan admitted under oath (Steroid trials) that he was a steroid user and he still got the WWE belt back in 2003.
