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Everything posted by Kardo

  1. Kardo

    New FLASH Series in the Works at WB

    "That's a BAAADDDD score" - Random Punk "Bad, I just broke the record" - The Ghost "No, I mean bad as in good" "Good is bad, bad is good, right is wrong, like Orwellian Double speak from 1984" "84, I can't even remember last week" "Who wants Gum?" - The Trickster "I do, I do" - Prank "So what your doing Abe, now that your dead" - The Trickster I have every episode on tape and me and my brother have been using them as in jokes since they first aired.
  2. 1) Mankind vs Shawn Michaels - Mind Games IYH 1996 2) Cactus Jack vs. HHH - Royal Rumble 2000 3) SCSA vs. Kurt Angle - Summerslam 2001
  3. Kardo

    Theme songs of the day - TONS!

    Oh, I'm right clicking alright. Let me guess working for everyone else except me
  4. Kardo

    Theme songs of the day - TONS!

    I don't even get to there, says it can't find the site.
  5. Kardo

    Theme songs of the day - TONS!

    Does the "right-click, save target as, rename to .mp3" ones not work for anyone else?
  6. Conways OVW was the Rude Awakening
  7. Kardo

    Underworld: When the battle begins

    The movie will suck because it doesn't have werewolves and vampires..... Oh wait it will
  8. Kardo

    Favorite Jericho vs. Rock match?

    That "I Am Not A Joke" promo is so overrated it isn't funny. I was watching that Smackdown at my friends place and we were in stitches. Jericho is a awful bad ass, sounds like he's screaming everything. Ten times better talking softer and more intensely.
  9. Kardo

    What would be...

    Ultra - Say It Once A-Ha - The Living Daylights
  10. Kardo

    Wrestling's biggest FLUCK UPS1

    Must have been typing that line at exactly the same time....
  11. Kardo

    Wrestling's biggest FLUCK UPS1

    "…and that’s why I kicked your leg out of your…uh…leg." Owen Hart - Best flub up ever
  12. Kardo

    WWE Hires New "Talent" or "Host"

    "Jesus Christ what a Palm Strike", singing about Lyger eh..... SHOOOTAAAYYY~!
  13. Kardo


    http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling/cawthon777/ You will never need another site...
  14. Kardo

    This week's TNA newsletter

    TNA for the Ethical Treatment of Wrestling Fans TNA hereby calls for a halt to the cruel procedure of having Vince Russo on live television. If you have witnessed such an occurrence, be sure not to watch TNA this Wednesday night to fully recover your sensibility as quickly as possible
  15. Kardo

    The Musical Works of Quentin Tarantino

    Stuck In The Middle With You - Stealers Wheel Reservoir Dogs
  16. Kardo

    Summerslam results...

    Did Matt Hardy win?
  17. Slamfest 1995 - Kliq Tag Match, Bret and Bulldog vs. Owen and Anvil Monday Night Raw Prime Cuts - Awesome, awesome tape.
  18. kane3212321- $1000 on Kane
  19. Kardo

    Vengeance buyrate

    You want to know why this pay per view tanked. Think of the last feud you really wanted to see a match of and was built up with intensity. Really think hard. For me it was Rock/Jericho before No Mercy 2001.
  20. Kardo

    Top 50 Worst Music Artists of All Time

    What on Earth is wrong with Kenny G. Song bird is one of my favourite songs to put on when I'm relaxing at home.
  21. Kardo

    Graphic Novels

    Okay I've started collecting TPB's myself lately The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen are a must. If you prefer a more detective Batman over crazy violent one, The Long Halloween followed by Dark Victory are good. Fables and the League are also good reads. Blankets by Craig Thompson is awesome a bit pricey though but worth it.
  22. It begins and ends with Heat, or the movie that never ends. I mean c'mon what sort of cop/robber acts in the way they were, especially the coffee scene, total garbage. Could have cut at least 1 hour out and had exactly the same effect.
  23. Kardo

    So what superstars are assholes to fans?

    Bubba Ray, swore at this one guy, tore up this other guys autograph sheet and was a real jerk.
  24. Kardo

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who I believe is still with SUNNY
  25. Kardo

    Silent Hill 3

    Shoot for the secret ending in Silent Hill 3, PURE HILARITY