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Everything posted by razazteca

  1. razazteca

    So, David Beckham in Los Angeles..

    What about REAL Salt Lake vs Chivas USA or DC United vs FC Dallas in the gimmickry name game. PS. I wish Dallas Burn + Frisco Fire = United DFW!
  2. razazteca

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Did anybody see the Rock, Paper, Scissors championship last week the hosts were some retired pro by the name of Master Roshambougha and Howard Lederer of Poker fame!
  3. razazteca

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    You cheating mofos!
  4. razazteca

    Rush Hour 3

    What made Rush Hour 2 work was that it had one of the hot up and comer stars in it as the villain that being Zhang Ziyi from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. It seemed that Rush Hour 3 tried to do the same this time but Tony Jaa but for whatever reason he turned them down so that leaves them with what, Vinny F'N Jones. I don't know about you but I don't think its going to work unless someone else in the cast steals the show. The thing with Jackie Chan movies of the past is that generally you knew the plot and overall acting was going to be bad very bad but it was from Hong Kong so it gets a pass cause it has the Asian charm and anything not from Hollywood is suppose to be good, right. But now that he crossed over he has to work with people expecting him to act + bad scripts + insurance companys + stunt men + old age which gave us big budget bad movies. Or he could be like Terry Funk totally reinvent himself work with the best of the young talent out there and become a living god of the present instead of living in the past. Case point check out SPL: Killzone where both Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung redefine the martial arts action genre.
  5. razazteca

    Bobby Lashley - Is he underrated?

  6. razazteca

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Just like everybody else in his peer group currently in the NBA, Tony Parker makes rap videos in the off season!
  7. razazteca

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    Cibernetico and Muerta/Banderas/Mesias do the WWE style promo to near perfection. The matches generally suck cause Kenzo Susuki is involved and is a waste of time etc., etc., etc., but Cibernetico has the stage presence that cannot be ignored. Zorro's "I've been in a dungeon forever" beard sets him apart from everybody else in the company but he is still just tag partner #3 at the moment what a shame. The Apaches vs Billy is basically the only angle that makes sense on tv at the moment but to say thats its the best is just crazy. This just shows that the bookers everywhere need to keep it simple.
  8. razazteca

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    You actually like that more than the Zorro angle with the evil mask and the manly beard or the whole Main Man Cibernetico vs Ricky Banderas angle?
  9. razazteca

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Speaking of long shots I hoping that it will be Black Tiger or a Team Japan wrestler so they can start up the X Cup again.
  10. 1. Vince McMahon, Champion or if any member of the family decide it is a good idea to be on tv in every segment every week. 2. Two hours of nothing but dick jokes i.e. DX HHH vs Spirit Squad. 3. Great Khali having the longest title reign in the history of the company. 4. Nick Hogan vs David Flair in a never ending feud. 5. Steve-O, ECW Champion.
  11. razazteca

    Rush Hour 3

    So did Chris Tucker all of sudden find religion like Dave Chappelle did and decided to only work when Chris Rock isn't? I doubt that this will be any different or better than Rush Hour 2 or New Police Story but then again I can never get enough of the Michael Jackson jokes from Chris Tucker.
  12. razazteca

    Why isn't TNA getting it?

    Maybe somebody was loving the movie Hellboy too much and decided "Hey! Christopher Daniels is bald let's have him grow a beard and morph into that evil guy from the movie!"
  13. razazteca

    Bobby Lashley - Is he underrated?

    Goldberg worked because: 1. The entrance was awesome 2. He grunted alot thus looked intimidating 3. 100+ squashes Bobbly Lashley sux because: 1. His entrance is nearly the same damn thing as Batista among others 2. Babyface, literally 3. Powermoves do not have the "OMG WTF" shock factor at all 4. Poor choice of name, sorry but it is too girly no pro wrestler should use the name Shannon, Lashley, Shelley unless they are Divas!
  14. razazteca

    The Simpsons Movie

    Did they replace Maggie with the pig?
  15. razazteca

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Senshi where art thou? Did he run off to Mexico with Konnan?
  16. razazteca

    So, David Beckham in Los Angeles..

    Since this whole deal is to sell shoes I ponder if the impressionable childrens out there will be running to Footlocker at the mall to buy the new Adidas instead of that shoe that their favorite rapper is shrilling. Right now the coverage of soccer is sporadic at best with very little coverage of MLS on ABC/ESPN. Now if the addition of the most overhyped man in the sport can get some attention to the league then great maybe it was worth the money but I think the citizens of USA are more interested the celebrity aspect of this than the actual game itself. Will all the tabloid loving Jerry Springer fans and soccer moms actually drag the family to the games, I don't know about that but they sure as hell be watching that reality show on NBC. I don't think the general fan actually cares about soccer unless it is World Cup season and only then will they watch the games due to patriotic fanfare. So basically unless Beckham gets on Sportcenter on a daily basis with clips of him winning games off of penalty kicks I don't think this will do much to help the sport or MLS much. Hell I think Arena Football is getting more coverage than MLS at the moment!
  17. razazteca

    Bobby Lashley - Is he underrated?

    Let's put it this way Bobby Lashley has no personality at all so they (the company) has to manufacture one from successful superstars of the past to bad Lashley couldn't fit the mold he had the body type and all but when it came time to open his mouth to speak a few simple one-liners or try to look intimidating it was apparent that the man has no acting skills at all.
  18. razazteca

    The Simpsons Movie

    I wish I had a 7-11 that was converted into a Qwicky Mart here so I can buy pink donunts and super sugary squishys
  19. razazteca

    Bobby Lashley - Is he underrated?

    Maybe if Bobby Lashley was himself and wasn't trying to emulate a great champion of the past I might be able to tolerate him on tv.
  20. razazteca

    OAO 7/12 Impact Thread

    If I recalled Ricky Banderas has been thrown into a volcano and had fireballs thrown at his face yet he has no scars, the man is a monster! I still want to see AAA Chessman and Charly Manson on Impact! HB > LAX
  21. razazteca

    Teddy Hart signs development deal?

    Lame would be taking 3 random pop icon names and using it as a stage name like combining Bill Gates + Steve Jobs + William Hurt = Bill Jobs Hurts or in WWE terms BJH! Teddy Hart would be as good as anybody else the company brings up to be the ECW champion.
  22. razazteca

    Why isn't TNA getting it?

    For some weird reason I see Kurt Angle as the IWGP, TNA, X, Tag champion in the future....then Jeff Jarret saves us from this evil and the crowd goes mild. when Kurt loses all of the belts on a weird gimmickry PPV where he loses 3 straight matches to Jarret, Kaz, Roode/Hoyt. Then in an impromtu match Morishima gives Kurt Angle the deadly backdrop driver breaks Kurt's freakin neck and walks out with the IWGP belt with it in his mouth as if he was a pitbull.
  23. razazteca

    OAO 7/12 Impact Thread

    Judas Mecias = Ricky Banderas?
  24. razazteca

    Best Referees?

    Bill "Call it down the middle" Alfonso , "Peanut head" Teddy Long, "Lil Natch" Charles Robinson, were able to become acceptable managers there is no way in hell that Hebner could of pulled it off.
  25. razazteca

    OAO 7/12 Impact Thread

    Overall good Impact: Positives Abyss voice wasn't as bad as expected Alot of video packages Seretonin match was decent + Kaz won Long main event with as clean of finish as possible Negative Bob Backland.