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Everything posted by Damaramu

  1. Damaramu

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    Man, I really don't know if the East team will stop the Lakers. It's really annoying me on talk radio around here though. I don't mind Lakers fans. Guys like 909 that agonized over the past few years when Kobe Bryant was the only decent player on the team are cool. They stuck with their team through thick and thin. What irritates me are the bandwagon fans that are coming out of the woodwork that we haven't heard from in years. I don't know how many times I've heard "Well I'm a big Laker fan, always have been" on the radio over the last few weeks. I never heard these people when the Lakers missed the playoffs or when they were losing to the Suns! A lot of people call in with funny names and handles to the radio show and the hosts comment they haven't heard some of these people since the Shaq/Kobe days. Damn, if you're going to be a fan then stick with the team through thick and thin. I respect you 909 for suffering through it in hopes something better would come along. Not following another team or not watching altogether and then picking it up when they get good again.
  2. Damaramu

    The Damaramu Gym-o-Rama

    Well I'm taking some days off. Tuesday I went to a submission grappling class at the place I used to kickbox at. I think I hurt my shoulder because it's pretty tender now. But, it was a damn good workout. Wednesday I didn't go to the gym. But, I did go for a 2 mile run/walk after dark. It was pretty tough because of the humidity. Today I'm resting completely and I'll see how I feel tomorrow. My body is probably screaming at me to take a break.
  3. Damaramu

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    Wow......this free throw contest sure is fun....
  4. Damaramu

    UFC 84 - Ill Will

    She lost about 70% of her attractiveness to me when she was hanging out with Jack Osborne. Come one, dude's a fucking douche.
  5. Damaramu

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    Well with that game my interest in the NBA playoffs have taken a nosedive. I think the winner of the WCF was going to win the whole thing. Well, I think we just named our west champs (i don't think the spurs can win 3 straight agains the Lakers), so all the drama is really gone for me. I mean Boston's my favorite team, and I'll root for them but I just think the Spurs and Lakers were that much better than the two East teams. And I know Boston beat up on the West during the regular season, but they also only lost 10 road games all season and then they lose like 7 in the playoffs.
  6. Damaramu

    The Damaramu Gym-o-Rama

    Alright alright. I'll have to give some of those a try. Today was supposed to be my upper body day. Usually I run(or more appropriately run/walk) 2 miles for cardio and then I lift. Well Thursday and Friday I didn't go to the gym because of my 10 hour days in that hot ass factory working my ass off. Saturday I ran and Sunday I ran and worked my legs. Monday I go in to do my upper body and I'm about to die. I ran my 2 miles, but I was much slower than I normally am and I went to lift and just felt weak and drained. It might be the humidity or it might be the fact I need a day where I do nothing. My body may be screaming at me to take a small break. But, I'm proud of myself because I went to the movies tonight and didn't buy popcorn. Usually I get a bag of the shit covered in butter. That's not exactly good for you, so I'm proud of myself for turning it down.
  7. Damaramu

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Maybe they're so mad at the situation that they just have to yell at somebody? They either do that or beat their kids.....maybe both.
  8. Damaramu

    The Damaramu Gym-o-Rama

    When I was boxing a lot of my drive and snap came from my shoulders and me turning into it with my hips, but I can see what you're saying too. VX how do you usually prepare tofu? I'm trying to figure out the best dishes I can make. Maybe use it as a meat substitute and just have it grilled instead of grilled chicken? Cook it in broth or with boulon(however the hell it's spelled) cubes and slice it so it tastes like meat and can go on a sandwich or just to eat? I know you can put it in stir-fry but the noodles seem a little fattening(i was checking them out at wal-mart today).
  9. Damaramu

    The Damaramu Gym-o-Rama

    They sell big blocks of tofu at Wal-Mart. I'm thinking of picking some up. I'll have to look at how much to have in a serving and how to prepare it. You don't eat any meat besides fish? Not even chicken? I cut out beef. If I do need ground beef or something I buy ground turkey, but that is very very rare. But occasionally I'll get a hamburger at a restaurant. I usually only eat chicken and sliced turkey (for sandwiches) and t he occasional pork chop. I'm trying to completely cut out the beef and turkey beef stuff. It just gets hard to find things to cook for dinner when you're not that great of a cook. lol
  10. Damaramu

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    You have to find me first! *grabs his notepad and sits down for First Take*
  11. Damaramu

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm not a racing fan, but the Indy 500 coverage really irritated me from ESPN. Instead of being like "Yeah Dixon wins the Indy 500" it was more like "DANICA PATRICK DOESN'T FINISH......oh yeah....some guy won." Like I said I'm not a racing fan, but it irritates me because it's just a small portion of their overall problem. They have who they will hype, and if that person loses the hype still centers around them and everything else is shuffled to the side. I saw the wheel bounce off though at the 600. That was pretty cool, the rednecks going nuts really made it. I wish it would've smashed into their RV so I could see their reaction, they probably still would've cheered and tried to keep it.
  12. Damaramu

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Oh yeah, and bandwagon fans. They don't really annoy me all that much. What really annoys me are the ones that cheer for a team and then deny ever liking another team. They claim "Well this is my team. It's always been my team." Like this dude I went to college with. Right after AI was traded to the Nuggets he got himself an AI jersey and walked around talking about how great his Nuggets were. Well just recently his facebook status read this "Kellen is upset his Cavs were eliminated. There's always next year. Cavs for life!" I sent him a message saying "I thought you were a Nuggets fan" and if he'd responded with "Well I like both" I would've been fine, but he responded with "Nuggets? I don't like the Nuggets! I've always been a Cavs fan!"
  13. Damaramu

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    This is why I constantly complain about ESPN! Because of shit like this. They spew their BS all over the airwaves and then people buy it and try to use it as a debating point about sports.
  14. Damaramu

    The Damaramu Gym-o-Rama

    What do you guys think of tofu? Is it a good food to eat? A good substitute to meat?
  15. Damaramu

    UFC 84 - Ill Will

    This is what I like about him. Yeah he "runs" or is "elusive" as Rogan puts it, but he scores and lands some good blows before backing up. Most guys that pull the running BS will throw a jab and then take off. Machida will throw a good combo or a wicked kick (loved the double kick that hit tito in the gut) and then back out. That's awesome. He's doing damage and scoring and then being smart about it. I was getting annoyed with Tito throwing his hands up and saying "come on man" because he was getting hit and what not. And it's not like Tito really pressed hard at times.
  16. Damaramu

    UFC 84 - Ill Will

    Anybody ever think BJ is just pulling an Ali? Talking so much shit that he gets into his opponents head and pisses him off?
  17. Damaramu

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    I didn't catch all the game b/c I was at a friends house getting ready for UFC. Was this the Celtics looking good or the Pistons looking very bad?
  18. Damaramu

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    Can a game be both a great comeback and a colossal chokejob? Because this game was both. I've heard people on the radio today debating that the Spurs should feel good because even though they collapsed they were able to be up 20 in LA when they were so tired. It sounds a little screwy, but also makes sense. Then again if that makes the Spurs feel good then the Lakers should feel great since they were down 20 and playing like shit and then basically flipped a switch.
  19. Damaramu

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    What an epic collapse this has been by the Spurs.
  20. Damaramu

    The Damaramu Gym-o-Rama

    My new gym habits will really be put to the test tonight. I took a job to get some extra cash flow while I look for a job in my chosen field. The extra cash job? Assembly line building air conditioners. I work 10 hours a day building hotel air conditioners in a 100 degree factory. I sweated like mad today and my feet are now killing me. But, I have to work my upper body today so I'm going to the gym to do it anyway. Oh and I have to wake up at 5 a.m. to be at work at 6, so that kind of sucks too.
  21. Damaramu

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    I joked with a friend that Horry was going to piledrive Kobe at midcourt then act shocked and argue with the ref when they throw him out of the game. Maybe Bowen or Horry will deliver a dive for the ball elbow to Kobe's bad back when they're going for a loose ball. Then they'll make the case they were just going for the ball......with their elbow........at Kobe's lower back.......
  22. Damaramu


    I thought the numbers were already explained online or something? Like they were a code to the end of the world or something? That's another thing I hate about today's internet age. When things from shows are explained on some website as an "extra" rather than on the f'n show.
  23. Damaramu

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    Hmmmm...it's probably just the crazy ramblings of a guy desperate to get out of prison, but I know a lot of the people that think the NBA is rigged will love this. I've heard it suggested before by other people in the know that officials shy away from allowing stars to pick up a 5th and 6th foul.
  24. Damaramu

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    Wuss. What's more important? Eating or Lakers tickets? Gas or Lakers tickets? I think you know the answer, man up!
  25. Damaramu

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    I was going to be happy with whatever finals combination after yesterday's events. I backed off on my earlier LA hate, mainly because I like the way they've played this postseason.