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Everything posted by Damaramu

  1. Damaramu

    How exactly does one party hard?

    I've got that part down(after much trial and error). It's the partying like a rockstar that I must learn.
  2. Damaramu

    This is the NFL Preseason Thread

    I like the fact that ESPN feels the need to show Young highlights after all of his games, and since the highlights aren't that high, they end up just showing a run on a broken play that most QBs would have been able to find someone to dump the ball to. Or maybe a long pass that does show impressive arm strength, but is often a pass that could have been knocked down or intercepted by a starting DB. They focus on the Vince and Reggie highlights like they're the best players ever already and we have to see every little thing they do. But neither is doing squat right now and it's the preseason at that! I just though their attitude about the signing of Collins sucked. It was like "Well Volek and Young have failed so someone needs to save the team."
  3. Damaramu

    This is the NFL Preseason Thread

    ESPN talked about the Collins pick up and said "Well Volek and Young haven't been impressive in the pre-season" like Young was supposed to be throwing like an NFL vet already.
  4. Damaramu

    Man crushes.......

    This is true. Maybe your girlfriend accused you of having a man crush because she really wants to nail him? I would be perfectly ok with her doing that too....
  5. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    See this is why I hate school. I've gotten plenty of time to go to kickboxing and what not but I haven't been to lift in like a week or a week and a half. argh.
  6. Damaramu

    UFC 62: Babalu Vs. Liddell...

    I mean what the fuck was he doing as far as his strategy goes? He didn't even try to take Chuck down. He just rushed in with an odd looking flurry. Even Chuck was surprised by it. And back to Kongo. Have any of the hardcore MMAers here seen him in anything else?
  7. Damaramu

    UFC 62: Babalu Vs. Liddell...

    One of the tards behind me was like "He was rolling over to regroup!" Then he shut his mouth when everyone surrounded Babalu and he didn't know where the fuck he was. McCarthy always lets fights go long. I'll have to echo it again though.....what the fuck was Babalu doing?
  8. Damaramu

    Why no NFL in Alabama or Oklahoma?

    Yeah but wouldn't that be something for the owner of the Seahawks to worry about not the NFL? I thought when it came to things like that the owner of the competing team tried to block the other team from moving there. Kind of like the Orioles owner having a problem with the Nationals?
  9. Damaramu

    UFC 62: Babalu Vs. Liddell...

    A lot of people at my bar were crying foul and saying that the Liddell/Sobral match was stopped prematurely. Then they saw that Sobral had no idea where the fuck he was and it quieted down. Did anyon think that on first glance before you saw that he didn't know where he was?
  10. Damaramu

    UFC 62: Babalu Vs. Liddell...

    Also I need to figure out how to get a body like Kongo. The dude is my height but the fact that he had absolutely 0 body fat made him look like he was 8 feet tall.
  11. Damaramu

    NCAA Football 07

    Damn did they make this game harder? I was awesome on Heisman in the other versions in this version though I can't play on Heisman. My defense can't stop shit on Heisman and I can't ever run the ball. There's never a hole and they run me down if I get to the outside. But my defense just bounces off of their RBs and the pass is always precision on Heisman. Plus it's too hard to hold sprint and hit the cover the ball button. And I still can't figure out how to kick it long with this damn new meter.
  12. Damaramu


    Yeah the move ends after Papale's second game. Then to add to the feel goodness they show scenes from real life while telling us how long Vince played and then telling us that Vermeil took the Eagles to the Super Bowl.
  13. Damaramu


    Wow I loved this movie but I love pretty much any movie that has to do with football. I went wearing my Eagles jersey and Eagles hat which turned out to be a mistake because I got stopped like 20 times by people going "You must be going to see Invincible!" or saying "You're going to see Invincible. Do you like the Eagles?" It was a good movie but the ending suffered the effects of Hollywood and when they showed real clips of Vince during the credits you saw the final scene of the movie in real life.
  14. Damaramu

    This Week in College Football 8/31 - 9/4

    Yeah what I said was a cynical exaggeration but they're seriously going to lose confidence in Thompson the first time he screws up and run AD until he gets hurt. AD got hurt last year because there were 8-9 guys in the box constantly and all they did was run him(to the same side of the field each time too) and now they're saying they're going to run him more. No man can withstand 30 carries a game while running into an 8 guy front constantly. However OU's defense should be back to Stoops like awesome levels so they won't have to worry about having to score too much because nobody's going to conistently score very much on them.
  15. Damaramu

    Why no NFL in Alabama or Oklahoma?

    Allow me to expand further. They are decent programs that the fans think are crap b/c they haven't won a national title. See fans in Oklahoma base there teams success off championships(national titles they don't seem to care about conference titles here) and if the team does not win a national title then they are an absolute failure in the eyes of most fans here. So the fact that OU has no national basketball titles and the fact that OSU only has 2 has made me hear on more than one occasion "Man these teams sucks." Basically the fans here tear down the b-ball programs b/c they don't have the success the OU football program does or b/c they aren't Duke.
  16. Damaramu

    UFC 62: Babalu Vs. Liddell...

    Mir still looked like he had a stomach when he was sitting there at the PPV. I mean he didn't look like he was pregnant like at the last PPV but he wasn't exactly sporting a six pack.
  17. Damaramu


    He acted all tough around the players but at home it showed him as a nervous dude that was worried he might not make it. So what was so different from this and real life?
  18. Damaramu

    NCAA Football 07

    Damn fkrosters.com doesn't have Notred Dame or Pac 10 rosters and I can't find them anywhere else.
  19. Damaramu

    Why no NFL in Alabama or Oklahoma?

    It's more about selling the season tickets. I don't think Oklahomans would be able to afford OU, Hornets, and an NFL teams season tickets. Oklahoma's market is just too small. It's getting bigger but it's still not big enough.
  20. Damaramu

    The OAO Nightmare on Elm Street thread

    Did anyone think it was annoying or just plain stupid that they tried to explain Freddy with the demons? That annoys me because they did the same thing in Jason trying to explain him with demons and shit. Why can't they just be evil with something supernatural happening to them?
  21. Damaramu

    This Week in College Football 8/31 - 9/4

    I hope this happens before the Sooners come to Eugene. Oregon did a decent job of holding Peterson in check during the bowl game(he only had 80 yards and no TDs) and I doubt Thompson will be composed in front of that hostile of a crowd. He'll only have 3 total college starts going into that game(counting the TCU game last year) which means he probably won't be completely comfortable and will probably be rattled easily. Then all Oregon has to do is load the box.
  22. Damaramu

    This Week in College Football 8/31 - 9/4

    Why because I'm being realistic? OU is going to have trouble this year(maybe not as much as last year) but they are really fucked without Bomar now(even though he wasn't that great) and the O-Line is fucked worse than last year. And Leena you should be happy I'm not blindly being an OU homer and declaring that AD is going to run wild on the country for 4,000 yards. Or do you want me to do that so it gives you more ammunition?
  23. Damaramu

    Why no NFL in Alabama or Oklahoma?

    I can't speak for Alabama but there are several reasons for Oklahoma: -people would support OU and OSU over an NFL team any day. -people don't make as much money in Oklahoma as any other state so they wouldn't really be able to afford it. -there really isn't in space in Oklahoma City to build a football stadium right now(it'd have to be in a suburb or away from downtown and they wouldn't do that. the MAPS project wants everything downtown) I read that OKC is the third largest city in the country area wise but that's a lot of suburb land b/c downtown isn't very big at all. -we have an NBA team and that's probably all we'll be able to support b/c i mentioned the money issue(plus our college b-ball sucks and we've never had a pro team here) There's probably other reasons that people could mention but basically the market is too small, there is no room in the city, and people don't make enough money here.
  24. Damaramu

    UFC 62: Babalu Vs. Liddell...

    The power went out at 7:15 at the bar I went to because of a storm(the fight was starting at 9 our time) so everyone cleared out by about 830. We just sat in the dark with only water and cold beer(it was all they had) and then at 8:59 the power came back on. Unfortunately they couldn't get the satellite signal until midway through the 2nd round of the Franca fight. I'm glad Diaz is back b/c I used to hate him but now he's become the guy I love to hate. What the hell was Babalu doing? I did like him trying to put Big John in a leg lock though. Are Griffin and Bonnar un-KOable or something? Jesus they threw some hard shots. How good is Kongo really? Because I really want to cheer for this guy a lot. He just looks awesome but he hasn't fought anyone awesome in the UFC yet.
  25. Damaramu

    NCAA Football 07

    Yeah but if you pick a hard one don't you have to study and meet with the tutor each week to get a high ranking? I know I was doing that and my GPA was in the 3's and then one week I went to a social events instead of studying and it plummeted.