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Everything posted by Damaramu

  1. Damaramu

    Spring college football practices are starting...

    I had a dream OU was up 42-14 on Oregon going into halftime next season and I got on TSM and talked some serious shit. Then Peterson sprained his ankle and had to leave the game on the first play of the second half. Bomar threw two INTs in the second half, had a bad snap, and Peterson's backup(Alan Patrick) fumbled three times and Oregon came back to win 45-42. What a nightmare.
  2. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Ah ok. So cardio everyday? Ok. We were talking about building lean muscle like a triathlete in the MMA folder. How do you go about that as opposed to bulking?
  3. Damaramu

    Biggest Money Fights for the UFC???

    And the joint part of this story was neccessary for what reason? *bows because you're cooler than me b/c i don't smoke fatties* But seriously I want to see Mir and Arlvoski hook it up. Hell I want to see Mir and Sylvia do it again.
  4. Damaramu

    Dave Coulier

    Wait wait wait......Danny f'n Tanner does a stand up act that is lewd? Man I'm still reeling over him saying "I sucked dick for coke" and that was 8 years ago!
  5. Damaramu

    TUF 3: The Thread

    Yeah I still don't get how Forrest can be 205 while I'll probably never be below 225 or 230 unless I was just bone thin and lanky. We have the same body type. I just watched the episodes that were on Spike TV and good god I didn't realize how sad the scene with Hammil coming back was the first time I watched it. I genuinely felt really bad for the guy and the looks on everone else's faces(especially bispings) made it even worse.
  6. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Well a debacle with a stray dog and the owner coming to retrieve her has left me missing Judo and unwillingly getting another day of rest. That's two days in a row after working my body hard on Monday and Tuesday. I go back hard tomorrow though and we'll see how my body responds to the rest. The Judo is arguably harder on my body than weight lifting so it's probably going to respond well. Then I get a semi-day of rest Saturday. I'll be at the amusement park all day...so I'll get a decent walk in. I'm wondering if I should rest Sunday though b/c I'll be lifting weights Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with Judo on Tuesday and Thursday. Maybe it's a good idea. Or is it alright to do a cardio/aerobic workout everyday?
  7. Damaramu

    Nacho Libre

    Nope pretty sure I live in yours. People's tastes are different. Once again this stuff is entirely subjective.
  8. Damaramu

    Nacho Libre

    I SMELL COOKIES~! My Super Ex-Girlfriend looked like a pile of utter shit. Even the row of fat sorority girls sitting behind me stated aloud, "That movie looks dumb." It drew laughs from my theater and I heard several people say it looked good.
  9. Damaramu

    Spring college football practices are starting...

    Are the shoulders supposed to look like steel? I can't wait to see the yellow helmet in action.
  10. Damaramu

    Nacho Libre

    Didn't work for you but I was rolling at the Ferrell part. The Ballad of Ricky Bobby looks hilarious but I'm afraid of people going in expecting Anchorman on Wheels and then trashing the movie when it's not. I got a preview for the Owen Wilson movie and the CG movie about the Cows. Both of which look great.
  11. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    I like bannanna's. I eat a bunch(ok not a real bunch but the stuff you get at the store) every two days or so. I think that's usually two pounds. It's hard with the vegetables because the only ones I really like are broccoli(raw not cooked) and salad with romain lettuce. I guess celery is alright. It doesn't really have any taste but I don't really like the texture. Celery with peanut butter(protein) though is good.
  12. Damaramu

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Whatever happened to that big loser Wes Simms? Did he realize he sucks and has no business in the octagon?
  13. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    I don't have health insurance so it would be expensive as hell to see a doctor. I'm just exhausted and I got dehyrdated yesterday. I just need to recover. My gf is making fish for dinner and I'm eating that with lots of broccoli. So there's my veggies and the fish is good protein.
  14. Damaramu

    Ultimate Fight Night V

    I'm pretty sure my references go over the heads of pretty much everyone here, except maybe a few that YPOV get. *does secret Brown Brotherhood handshake* EDIT: on account of our skin the colour, the previous gesture is now a "gang signal" I thought that was a 90's thing and went away in the late 90's when every white person on the planet started doing stuff like that.
  15. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Well I got virtually no sleep last night and I dehydrated at Judo, and my arms and legs are tired from Judo, so I've decided to rest today and lift again on Friday(i have judo thursday). I lifted Saturday, rested Sunday, lifted Monday, Judo Tuesday, so I'll rest today. Everyone(not just people on this board) are harping about how important resting is to development so it sounds like I should rest. That and I may still be feeling the effects of my dehydration because I went to eat a sandwich for lunch and could barely keep it down.
  16. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    I actually do have a bike. But I'm getting used to riding it again. Whoever said "it's like riding a bike!" was a liar. I can ride it decent but I need to get used to riding it while having my laptop on my back. Yeah the dehydration was a one time thing. I don't get dehydrated at the gym because I have this liter bottle of water that I carry around with me all day and drink. And then in between different exercises I go take a swig from the water fountain. It was just yesterday I was at work all day and didn't get much water so that combined with the heat and the grappling made me sick. It probably won't happen again. Some weights? Hmm so maybe not lift as much as I am now? Or am I on a good track? I'm trying to do more and more cardio as well.
  17. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    you may other health issues going on Dama, heart issues, blood pressure and such...have you seen a doctor lately? My family has a history of heart issues but my blood pressure is absolutely normal. Like I said. It was dehydration.
  18. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    The main problem with puking at Judo was that there is no air conditioner or fan in our gym and it's 95 degrees outside. I was dehydrated b/c I didn't actually puke I just had serious dry heaves. About the muscles not recovering...yeah I might need to rest more. But it's hard to lift and do Judo but I want to lift. My main goal is to slim down and lose the gut but get stronger. I don't care about having big pretty muscles. I just want to be stronger and be defined. But I mean I don't want to walk around looking like HHH. But i would like the muscle to be defined. Besides I need endurance for Judo so I can't walk around with a ton of muscle on me anyway.
  19. Damaramu

    Ultimate Fight Night V

    I think I put the worst triangle ever on this dude at practice yesterday and he tapped like a biatch. Kristian isn't going to be on TUF but he's going to be on UFN? Hmm.......does anyone else have INDemand? Do you know if these fightsm that don't make it on the show will be shown the next day like the undercard to PPV's are? Because I really want to see Kos fight. All I've ever seen of him was on the TUF discs.
  20. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Yes well I'm going to give my routine a chance doing 3x8 today. I guess if I can't do it then I'll just lower the weight a bit. I went to Judo practice yesterday and we had a hard grappling practice and I puked afterwards. Today I feel like I did a full body workout. So my muscles are getting a workout in Judo to.
  21. Damaramu

    TUF 3: The Thread

    I could cut to 205........maybe.....if i had no muscle...... That's the thing I don't get. I'm 265 right now and 6'4". If I lost the fat and built muscle wouldn't I just weigh MORE than I do right now? So how do guys like Forrest and Stephan do it? I have literally the exact same frame and bone structure as those guys.
  22. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Hey pal you don't like it then don't read it or use that ignore feature. That's why it's there. So you don't have to read posts from people you don't like. But instead of just simply using it you'd rather start shit. Just use the god damn feature and leave me alone.
  23. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    I'd like to thank the league for giving this to me.
  24. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Not for me. last year was a hell of a lot better and didn't have BS.
  25. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    I'm not really a Pistons fan. I just like the 5. If they broke it up I wouldn't care about the Pistons at all. I care because I like basketball and I hate Zo/Williams/Payton/Shaq and I didn't want to see them given a title. I liked D-Wade going into this but seeing the favoritism that he got made me sick. He doesn't need me to like him he's got the entire NBA hugging his nuts.