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Everything posted by Damaramu

  1. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Hey they weren't given this game tonight. But they were given Game 5. It was absolute bullshit that they had a chance to win the title tonight. It should be tied at 3-3 right now. The no call on Wade elbowing Dirk was BS though.
  2. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    You didnt have to wait long. Miami wasn't "given" Game 6, Dama. Dallas just sucked. They were definitely given Game 5. At worst this series should be tied right now.
  3. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Did you not see all those missed ft's the other game? Or the constant missed shots in the 4th tonight and the lack of offensive rebounds? I've seen the refs give Wade call after call. I've seen the Mavericks mugged under the basket and no call made. I've seen the obscene free throw differential. I've seen Wade elbow Dirk and get a foul called on Dirk. Shit Wade could probably pull out a shotgun and lay waste to the Mavs and it would've been called against the Mavs. They were given the title.
  4. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    And the Miami Heat are given their first NBA title. Wow. This series was the biggest amount of bullshit EVER. I don't think I've ever seen a team given a title like this before.
  5. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Yup. Miami is getting an unearned title. Wade committed the foul. He elbowed him!
  6. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    If Miami wins the title it will be an unearned title that they don't deserve. They didn't beat the Mavericks in 4 games. As it is right now they've won maybe 2 completely fairly.
  7. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Conflicting reports! Ah! What is it? 5 or 8? I heard someone say that he did near max and did 5x3.
  8. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Well ESPN is finally stepping up and calling BS on this. Well everyone is calling it BS on ESPN except that tard Wilbon. He defended the league until he was blue in the face.
  9. Damaramu

    TUF 3: The Thread

    He did? Where do you guys go to read these things that the fighters say? A middleweight though wouldn't he have a tougher time? I mean the MW division in the UFC is pretty competitive.
  10. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Yeah I try to practice good form. That's why it drives me crazy when I'm doing like a 20 pound dumbbell but using perfect form and some jackass walks up beside me to try and show me up(and you can tell they're doing it b/c there is a whole row of mirrors but they have to come share yours) with a 60 pounder and he's standing there swinging the weight and arching his back. I just want to laugh but I'll wait until he hurts himself before I do that. But I wonder how those guys get muscles at all.
  11. Damaramu

    TUF 3: The Thread

    I didn't like the whole "I'm fighting for my child thing!' then it makes you feel bad for rooting against him.....no wait it didn't make me feel bad.
  12. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Well leg press is doing the trick for me because I'm sitting and not standing and in danger of it popping and me falling over with the weights. Ok I'll give it a shot. It sucks never having seriously lifted and just starting now. Because in my head I know that's why I can't lift very much. But nobody else at the gym knows that. So here's me. A huge guy struggling with a 30 pound dumbbell while some 5'9" dude is pumping a 60 pounder. Then again I notice a lot of guys that lift a ton of weight have the worst form I've ever seen. I've been doing Judo for about 10 months. But since I advanced in belt rank the competition has seriously stepped up and I need to be in waaaaaaaaay better shape.
  13. Yeah sure......... Mustangs are still popular with the high school girls but the Eclipses are too. When I was in HS(4 or 5 years ago) they drove a lot of Camaro's too. Trucks seem to have gained a little popularity with girls aorund here but I see trucks mostly being driven by dumb dickheads that think they can squeal there tires and go 90 during snowstorms. Meanwhile I'm tooling around in my beat up 1500 dollar 94 Chevy Lumina. Oh I've also never met an inbred person, a toothless person, or a full fledged hick. So people must pull these stereotypes out of their asses because I've lived here my whole life.(then again I have lived in a big city my whole life) But I have seen plenty of soccer moms.
  14. Damaramu

    TUF 3: The Thread

    Bisping just looks like a tough guy. My gf only watched the first episode of TUF and then the next episode she watched was Bisping vs. Kristian. She saw Bisping getting into the ocatgon and said "This guy just looks like he's about to fuck someone up." And he proceeded to do just that. He does. He looks like a tough guy that will hurt you. I don't know what it is. He could be a soccer hooligan in another lifetime. But if Haynes wins by some miracle I'll be very upset. I hate that guy.
  15. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    It's funny because it's true.
  16. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    No I get gassed doing Judo. I don't really get extremely tired lifting. It just gets hard to lift that much weight. Maybe I'm lifting too much? I've never been able to do a lot on bicep curl anyway so I was shocked I could do the 35's. I'll try to make it to 8 on my 3 sets with my current weight next time I lift. And my body isn't used to lifting weights. I've lifted before but never did anything serious or regular in my life. Any suggestions of other exercises I should do? I don't do squats. My left knee isn't all that great and the pressure of squats on my knees is too much for it.
  17. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Ah. See I was doing 12 before so I was thinking of something much lower than that.
  18. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Hey I do do Judo. But just doing Judo isn't going to get me in shape. I hate gassing during ground work and being outmuscled by guys smaller than me. 8 reps? I can probably squeeze out 8. But I was told that you wanted to do lower reps with more weight. Like the overhead tricep makes my arms really sore. Like so sore I feel like the msucle is about to rip. Hopefully it won't take long before I can lift more. When will I know to try and lift more? I guess it's different with everyone.
  19. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    I really hope the Mavericks win the title just so Cuban can tell Stern that he bought this trophy through fines. Say something like "Hey I paid big bucks for this championship and I got no help from the refs? What gives?"
  20. Damaramu

    Good lifting plan?

    Yes I'm dragging this back up. Whereas before I was just interested in defining now I want to get stronger for Judo(so it'll be easier to muscle someone during a throw or hold someone down during grappling). I'd heard that lifting more with smaller reps will help with that. Well when I was working out during the semester I was doing 3x12 with little weight(15 pound curl, 135 bench) and what not. Well I'm still not very strong because I rarely lifted before college and I haven't seriously lifted in a few months. So Saturday I began my new workout and I did it on Monday to and will go tomorrow. I was going to ask some of TSM's weightlifting guru's to look at it and tell me what to add or change. Remember I'm trying to get stronger and this really seems to be the maximum I can lift right now because I'm a weak girly man. So I do: Bicep Curl 3x5 with 35 pound dumbbells. Overhead Tricep Press(you know where you lift the one weight over your head) 3x5 with a 40-50 pound dumbbell. Shoulder Raises with dumbbells 3x5 with 35-45 pound dumbbells. Bench Press 3x5 175 pounds(that's not my max. i haven't tested max yet. i'm doing that without a spotter. i can probably do more but i'm kind of afraid b/c of the lack of spotter). Lat Pull Downs: 3x5 135-155 pounds Calf Raises(on the machine) 3x25 210 pounds Leg Press 3x8 240 pounds Leg Curls 3x5 110 pounds Leg Extensions 3x5 120 pounds And of course good old fashion crunches. I also do a 25 minute warm up on the exercise bike. I plan on lifting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I also do Judo on Tuesday and Thursday nights. And on Saturday and Sunday I either relax or swim.
  21. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    They're probably better athletes than you guys(not to mention better b-ball players) so that's probably why it doesn't screw them up. But I know what you guys mean. I'm so uncoordinated that I can't even jump correctly when I travel.
  22. Damaramu

    Nacho Libre

    Yeah, there's the shock of 2006. Well that seems to be how everyone on this board is. If you thought a movie wasn't funny then it by all means wasn't funny and anyone that thinks it was funny must not know comedy. Humor is purely subjective.
  23. Damaramu

    Nacho Libre

    Well that's just you. Doesn't mean the movie wasn't good or wasn't funny. Just you didn't find it to be those things. I however did.
  24. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Well to be fair I think NBA officials let things go a little bit more in Jordan's era. Now they like to call fouls for everything. Especially for the star players.
  25. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Josh Howard messed that finish up with two missed free throws and a Chris Webber moment, but this Avery Johnson press conference is AWESOME. He's making that guy look like shit. I turned it off. What's he saying?