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Everything posted by Damaramu

  1. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Now what will ESPN and EA do with their video game covers? They already used the Heat on last years games(even though they didn't even make the finals). Maybe a shot of Stern and Riley in a dark alley exchanging money and Wade jersey sale figures.....
  2. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    They weren't saying it wasn't a foul they were saying that you shouldn't call a foul in that situation. Then Legler basically said that Wade was called based off of reputation(or star power). Thank god the idiots have eyes! Now if the main idiot(Stern) had eyes(or a brain) then all would be right.
  3. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Of course ESPN won't mention that there is any sort of conspiracy because the Heat are one of their favorite teams. If the NBA was trying to give it to the Mavs then ESPN would be crying. That Car dude on the radio ranted till he couldn't breath the other morning about how there was no conspiracy and everyone that thinks so is an idiot and a hater.
  4. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    ESPN hasn't even mentioned the fact that it was a questionable foul. I knew that was coming. If Wade was fouled at the end there then so was Terry at the end of regulation.
  5. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Stuart Scott is now proceeding to turn Sportscenter into Heatcenter.
  6. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Hopefully justice is served in Dallas and they take care of business. They're pretty much going to have to get a huge lead and just let Wade have any drive he wants. Because which is better? Wade scoring 2 on a lay-up or 3 on a lay-up and a foul because a Dallas player dripped sweat on him?
  7. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    And a crucial game ends with Wade on the line. Shocking from the NBA. The Heat are going to be given the NBA title.
  8. Damaramu

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I know I've asked this before but I want to get everyone else's thoughts that might not have been around when I asked this. How good was Don Frye for his time? I watched Godzilla Final Wars the other day again and he was in it and made out to be this huge badass in the movie and I was just wondering if he was a badass in MMA?
  9. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    That's right. I'm being held down in my life because the NBA has shitty officials.
  10. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Wow I didn't know that me posting on a message board could hamper someone's enjoyment of a game that they're watching on TV away from the computer. Wow.....I'm sorry then. I didn't know anyone was that sad.
  11. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    If the roles had been reversed and that was Wade taking that shot with 3 guys in his face then every window in the arena would've shattered from the sound of whistles blowing.
  12. Damaramu

    Nacho Libre

    Yeah humor is subjective. I love how people try to say "That's not funny and you're obviously low class and not smart if you think it's funny." It's just like beauty and all that other crap. It's in the ey of the beholder. One man's trash is another's treasure and all that crap. My gf and my best friend hated it. I actually found it pretty funny. But not like knee slapping, tear jerking, can't breath funny.
  13. Damaramu

    TUF 3: The Thread

    I think I agree with that assessment that most of the talented heavies just cut. Like I weigh 260 right now and I'm 6'4". If I got my ass in gear I could probably walk around at 220 and cut to 205 for a fight. If I was ultra talented I would probably want to do that to fight the bigger name competition in the LHW division rather than beating up on a bunch of fat men.
  14. Damaramu

    TUF 3: The Thread

    Yeah but was the reality aspect of the show and the interaction with the coaches and training segments any good?
  15. Damaramu

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I just watched Tito/Silva and they had a 5 round system. I figured that was something Zuffa came up with. I thought UFC before that had like a 12 minute time limit or something.
  16. Damaramu

    Are we at the peak of the sport?

    I just don't think it's as deadly as it's made out to be. I've been doing Judo for almost a year now and it's basically throwing(sometimes onto your head), grappling, and submissions and it doesn't have a bad rap. Sure it's not mainstream but it is an olympic sport. And we learn a lot of chokes that go across the throat rather than just blood chokes which seems to be what they use the most in MMA and those are relatively safe.
  17. Damaramu

    Are we at the peak of the sport?

    After Raja Bell clotheslined him he said in the news conference afterwards "That stuff belongs in an octagon. I don't know if ya'll know what an octagon is but that's the place for it." or something like that. Also Shaq said something like "Randy Couture is the only athlete in the world I'll pay to see."
  18. Damaramu

    Who takes the best KO's?

    Nate Quarry getting KFO by Rich Franklin was pretty brutal. Quarry turned into a board and just fell straight backwards.
  19. Damaramu

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I wonder if we'll see any other major rule changes in the future?
  20. Damaramu

    Are we at the peak of the sport?

    I thought I'd bring this back up because ESPN recently had an Outside the Lines about UFC(inspired by Kobe's octagon reference) and some boxing promoter was on there still calling it human cockfigthing and saying that it wasn't a sport. I dunno. It looks like the mainstream watches UFC 1 and thinks that's still what it is. This guy was saying things like "Well it's a no rules competition. Boxing has rules. This has no rules!"
  21. Damaramu

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I'm watching some old UFC fights on this UFC ONDemand thing and I was just wondering. When did Zuffa buy the company? Like which event was their first? And when were the new rules, rounds, and all that instituted?
  22. Damaramu

    2006 NBA Finals

    Ok I don't know if there is actually a conspiracy but ESPN Radio just had a whole segment on their show where they did everything possible to debunk the theory of a conspiracy and everything possible to say there was no agenda by the NBA. I think the only ones guilty of furthering an agenda are ESPN and they should re-evaluate themselves.
  23. Damaramu

    TUF 3: The Thread

    Well I like the reality aspect of these shows too. I love to see the guys training and interacting with their coaches and I like to see how the fighters live. It's as much about that for me as it is about the fights because let's face it....there are way better fights out there and easier ways to watch them than a reality show. UFC's store doesn't have TUF2 listed.
  24. Damaramu

    Spring college football practices are starting...

    I didn't think Bomar threw it over the middle too much and I remember one of the times he threw an INT. OU rode Peterson and their defense for most of that game. Like Leaf's interception. I talked to Ingram about that and he said that Leaf had thrown the same ball past him earlier for a huge gain so he knew the pass and was just waiting on it. So when Leaf let go he said his eyes lit up and he knew that it was his. Just like a Leaf.
  25. Damaramu

    Spring college football practices are starting...

    He played pretty good, IIRC. It's not like OU's wideouts had a chance to catch anything though with Shit Bomar throwing the ball.