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Coffin Surfer

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Everything posted by Coffin Surfer

  1. Coffin Surfer

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    At the moment for the Stones: 1. Paint It Black 2. Sway 3. Under My Thumb 4. Get Off My Cloud 5. Can You Hear Me Knocking? Though not top 20 material for them, I really enjoy "Let Me Down Slow" and "Sweet NeoCon" of their last album. And for Bowie: 1. Ziggy Stardust 2. Changes 3. Life On Mars 4. Moonage Daydream 5. Starman
  2. Coffin Surfer

    "The Devil and Mr. Williams"

    "a) you never told me I was in the promo when we PM'd about it, if you had I'd have asked not to be" I figured a wordless cameo wouldn't hurt considering we had originally discussed you having a rather large role in the promo. It was harmless and helped the angle, to request it be edited it completely out strikes me as bad form on your part. That's my opinion. " and b) so don't describe me by the name that I have spent the last nine months trying to DISassociate with the character." Than don't repeatedly refer to him by that name in the pms. WTF? "And I still think it would have worked better with Peters. That's my opinion. I don't have to agree with Tom." It is his character. "Don't make me mock your glorified clothesline, monkey boy " Don't make me mock your glorified Ace Crusher.
  3. Coffin Surfer

    "The Devil and Mr. Williams"

    "Reason for edit: Adjusted at the request of the wrestler I removed" Oh for the love of fuck, live a little! (rolls eyes) Sorry but yeesh. "This would work better with Peters instead of Flesher" Flesher gave it his approval.
  4. Coffin Surfer

    Favorite MSG Matches

    I'm glad somebody else remembers that one. I'm surprised the two Hogan-Flair matches are getting so much love, as they really aren't that special aside from the novelty at the time (particularly when one of them was at the same show as the Hart-DiBiase match mentioned here). Well I'm surprised the Ted/Bret match is getting any love. As I recall, Hart doesn't play a very good foil to Ted's opening stooge act. Ted doesn't do anything interesting with Bret's control offense, but the peril that follows is pretty decent though as Bret gets to bump around a little and Sherri gets to have fun. The finishing run is just Bret leading Ted through an extended run of his spots, the momentum, intentisty, and crowd heat dying about half way through the sequence. The Plancha is cool, but the match is boring and disappointing as hell in my book. Both Hogan/Flair matches are tons of fun with great, urgent performances from both guys, with a few clever mix ups from their formulas. Far more than novelty matches. I'm not sure how anybody can't enjoy a scared Flair struggling to survive and find an answer to a pissed off, raging Hogan but hey, to each their own. Much better than their god awful Bash 94 mess at the very least. EDIT- Oh I forgot Savage/Adonis vs. Tino/Bruno Cage from 85 or 86 I believe. Clipped but what's here is gold. Tino bleeding buckets, Adonis being a dick, with Savage bumping his ass off for Bruno.
  5. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    If you saw the fight, how did Tommy look overall? I heard he actually lost the 1st round, but that's understandable after a decade plus lay off. I've only seen a few pictures and I don't know what to think, the disturbing frail looking legs can't be good. Though, evidently he still has power in the left.
  6. Coffin Surfer

    Favorite MSG Matches

    Hogan vs. Race 87 Texas Death Match Hogan vs. Flar 11/91 and 12/91
  7. Coffin Surfer

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    "i thought that was "psalm."" The title is Pursuance/Psalm, the same song, just different sections. Sorry, I was being lazy and should have made that more clear.
  8. Coffin Surfer

    The Condemned

    That's why Evil Dead Trap is considered to be such a classic in the states...... Battle Royale is appealing because of the cool characters and visuals, an interesting concept, memorable death scenes, and a grumpy old Takeshi Kitano will forever bring a smile to the face(even if this is far from the best movie he's acted in). I don't think it's the greatest movie ever, but it is a damn fun experience. Outside of it's obvious social commentary, it's rarely pimped as a film of deep thought so calling it mindless crap is a rather mute point. However, the lack of suspense and dread given the subject matter is often criticized appropriately.
  9. Coffin Surfer

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    1. Can-Halleluhwah -One of the funkiest grooves ever with wild improv from Damo. I also love Peking O though and Agumn is terribly underrated. 2. Kayo Dot- On Limpid Form -Beautiful swaying ballad turns into a 20 minute claustophobic nightmare. 3. Naked City-Leng Tche -The music sounds like it's alive. 4. Coltrane-Pursuance -The climatic conclusion of Love Supreme. 5. Opeth-White Cluster -Probably my favorite metal song from the band. Bitching solo
  10. Coffin Surfer

    Better Know A Writer!

    Real Name: Dan Sauer Characters Portrayed: Danny Williams In SWF Since: Eh.....a few years Real-Life Height: 6'2" Real-Life Weight: 175 Real-Life Age: 24 Real-Life Location: Louisville Education: College Accomplishments Outside of SWF: Graduated College, Klaus Kinski as Aguirre portrait, I play guitar... Favorite Band: Can Favorite Song: "New Grass" Talk Talk Favorite Movie: Kikujiro Virgin? Explain.: No, been in a relationship for some time. First time, 19 a different girl I had been seeing for only a couple of days; was a lesbian who wanted to see what it was like on the other side. It didn't take her long to go back. Accomplishments Within SWF: Favorite SWF Moment: My win over Francis during our last run was probably my favorite match that I can recall. Favorite SWF Writer (All-Time): Frost Favorite SWF Writer (Current): I haven't been following Why You Joined The SWF: Maybe I liked wrestling too much.
  11. Coffin Surfer

    State of the SWF, 2007

    Horrible, horrible news. I'll have to figure out some sort of schedule but I would like to comeback for this final run and make the most of it. Hopefully more vets will comeback as well, even if we can't save the fed, at least it can go out with a strong year.
  12. Coffin Surfer

    Joy Division vs New Order

    "Unknown Pleasures" is a fantastic album that I actually prefer over "Closer." Strongest highlights are: "Disorder"(one of teh all time great album openers) "New Dawn Fades" "She's Lost Control" and "Shadowplay." For singles, you can't go wrong with "Love Will Tear Us Apart."
  13. Coffin Surfer

    Joy Division vs New Order

    Joy Division. I prefer the darker edge but I also find their music to be generally much more hypnotic and gripping. A song like "New Dawn Fades" is such a powerful piece of music; the guitar is as menacing as anything in metal while the conviction in Ian's distinctive vocals is simply untouchable. I hope the poll starter's comment was a joke; if not, what a goofy narrow minded assumption. It is possible that both bands have individual merits that people value differently....I love "True Faith" but I can understand a fan of Joy Division's darker moments being turned off by it or vise versa.
  14. Coffin Surfer

    The Cure.

    Yes, "Disintegration" is probably the best. It's like a great, epic, melting pot of all Smith's ideas over the years with everything finally coming together as one. However,"Kiss Me, Kiss Me" is the most fun. A wonderful random collection with Smith and company running through pop, punk, funk, gloomy ambience, and whatever else they felt like doing. "Hot Hot Hot!!!" is still such a blast.
  15. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    And Lacy somehow pulls off a 95-95, 96-94,96-94 majority "gift" decision despite getting sporadically pounded, staggered a few times, and doing nothing noteworthy outside of the first two rounds. Oh, and evidently his shoulder got hurt or something(though I'd say getting busted up everytime he tried to close the distance probably had more to do with his inactivity). Some comeback. And I'll say Wright by UD.
  16. Coffin Surfer

    Christmas Music

    "Fuck Christmas" by Fear
  17. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    The body work was a surprise. Brock did very well for what's it worth, and to his credit he took some monster punches in that last round(I couldn't believe he stayed on his feet after that first right cracked his nose and eye). I believe Briggs was talking trash about Brock after the fight which only makes him look like a bigger joke. Brock looked good in defeat while Briggs looked like an embarressment during his win.
  18. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    And Wlad KO's Brock in 7 with some of the sickest straight rights I've seen in some time. Brock was scared but lasted longer than I expected as Wlad got off to a slow start before finding his range.
  19. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    "I was glad they didnt try another 'Americas Last Line of Defense!' type ad-campaign for this fight...considering they were in Sergei's hometown of Phoenix." Someone should have reminded Briggs. "How do you call a guy a faggot then keep your distance for an entire fight waiting for the guy to practically fall before you throw some serious punches? Unreal." I suppose the name calling was Briggs and King's midguided attempt at creating drama since he can always say he didn't mean it after the fight, though all it really does is make him look like a tool(win or lose.) Briggs threw some serious punches a few times though they were either blocked or comically short like he was seeing double or something. He was a joke for the most part, lurching about the ring at a pace that makes Valuev look like Pacman. I know he has health problems(which I doubt carrying a ton of weight helps) but the man was fighting for air after raising an eyebrow nor could he do anything to avoid the few punches and jabs that were thrown to his head. Maybe they knew something we didn't but I couldn't believe the verbal blowjob Sergei's corner gave Briggs throughout the fight, no wander he ended up so gun shy. I know they didn't want him to get a big head and stand toe to toe with stronger man, but he had to be somewhat confident and active to pull off the win convincingly(though he was still up on the cards until he lunged into a right hand with his chin out).
  20. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    Liakhovich was awkward and sloppy as hell in the Brewster fight but he was still very busy and threw lots of clean combos. Briggs was a walking statuesqe target last night, yeah really odd turn of events overall. "and he called his opponent a 'faggot' among other things...then he fights like a pussy for 11 1/2 rounds?" Yes, this is on top of a horrid fight is not the type of thing the heavyweight division needs. Especially from a guy that supposively won for America, never mind most of the Europeans are fighting out of US cities now.....
  21. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    And Briggs scores the shocking upset in an otherwise crappy fight. Briggs looked as terrible as ever while Liakhovich and his corner seemed contempt with a head scratching minimalist strategy of trying to win while doing as absolutely little as possible. Odd approach from the guy that overwhelmed Brewester.
  22. Coffin Surfer

    If you could only watch one wrestler

    Flair has some very interesting matches against guys like Garvin, Funk, Piper(NWA), and Hogan(WWF) where he smoothly fit himself into the other worker's formula to create something special and unique. However there are far too many matches where he smothered far more capable workers like Gordy, Morton, Eaton, Dusty(in most of their meetings), game Scott Steiner and even to some degree Windham with "his" match. Sadly, Flair is a guy your not gonna be surprised by too often. Don't get me wrong, a great worker who had fantastic matches to be sure but not exactly ideal for me in this category either.
  23. Coffin Surfer

    Recommend Some Jazz for Me

    Ornette Coleman-Shape of Jazz to Come Spontaneous and crazy but also very soulful. It is essentially proto-free jazz but it also still swings. Coltrane fan would probably dig it. "Lonely Woman" is an all time classic.
  24. Coffin Surfer

    If you could only watch one wrestler

    Certainly not Bret Hart. I'll go with Kawada, thanks to his mixture of approaches against a variety of different opponents(in his prime at least.) Jumbo is a close second.
  25. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    I'm going with Bald by a split decision. Regardless who wins, I doubt either fighter will be koed unless it's stoppage.