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Coffin Surfer

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Everything posted by Coffin Surfer

  1. Coffin Surfer

    Worst film you've ever seen

    You watch Samurai Jack and than watch Kill Bill afterwards. It makes Kill Bill appear even 20 times worse. Lance Storm was so right. The movie has no physcology at all. It's like a horrible spot fest wrestling match. Even the spots in Kill Bill are overrated. If someone wants to see "cool" done right watch Samurai Jack. And Samurai Jack doesn't even have to resort to underage girls. Imagine that. Now that I think about it Kill Bill reminds me of several of those overrated ROH matches. Trying so desperately to be something they're not and failing miserably. Reinsert Misawa's elbows or a head drop for the Green Hornet music and you've got a movie ROH and all the ROHbots would be proud of. And that's what we got -- Kill Bill Vol 1. And you feel sorry for me sometimes.... Anyway , worst for me is "Ghost Brigade." No redeeming qualities to be found, no real gore/violence, no nudity, no camp value, no let's just get drunk and laugh at it value, nothing. I think Martin Sheen shows up in a non speaking role or something. The abyss of cinema. I'm sure there's worse but damn. And probably "Elephant" because I think they actually tried to make a distrubing realistic masterpeice here. Lots of people walking down halls, horrible improv, no characters, lots of walking down halls..etc.
  2. Coffin Surfer

    American Psycho

    I rented the new "Special Edition" DVD at some point several months ago and I remember the director saying something like Bateman was really killing those people but he thinks he dropped the ball when it came to fully getting that point across in the finish. Sorry my memory sucks if anyone has the new DVD please double check.
  3. Coffin Surfer

    Emo/Punk/Pop Rock stuff...

    "Exactly my point, Vyce. Emo bands, at one time, were actually punk and hardcore bands, they were just more emotional in their music and lyrics than their punk/hardcore brethren. Now? It's not even punk or hardcore, it's just emo. " Somebody finally says it. Actually I still reserve the term emo for Sunny Day Real Estate and Mineral. Which always struck me as a raw post punk influenced prog rock sound for lack of better description. The stuff their calling emo now reminds me of some sort of bastard evolution of Under the Rader era Grade and their clones with more of a contemporary hardcore influence.
  4. Coffin Surfer

    Emo/Punk/Pop Rock stuff...

    If that's a response to my post I don't know what the hell your talking about. "Fun House" is a studio album in which every song was pretty much a jam. I just brought them up to counter balance all the "hippie" examples but whatever.
  5. Coffin Surfer

    Roddy Piper

    I've only seen the Flair/Piper 9/91 match from the Gardens. Beyond disappointing. Flair takes one good bump for Piper's knee lift but I can't think of anything else worth going out of where to see.
  6. Coffin Surfer

    Emo/Punk/Pop Rock stuff...

    The Stooges had some great jams, especially on "Fun House" but they aren't exactly in the same universe as the Grateful Dead "hippe" examples being used.
  7. Coffin Surfer

    Best squash/one-sided matches

    "Malenko/Benoit v Taz/Sabu" -Love this match! Finally somebody else mentions it. "Speaking of Sting, I recall one PPV match where Vader basically destroyed him the entire time, and I believe won the World Title from him." Vader actually spends the entire first half match bumping and stooging for Sting and is in serious trouble down the stretch. Their other matches follow a similar pattern. My picks: Kawada vs. Akiyama 7/93. -Kawada stretches and punts the rookie around until he casually puts him away with a one step Lariat. Midnight Express vs. Road Warriors. Crockett Cup 86 -The Express keep running into dead ends and powerslams until they get themselves d.q.ed and head for the hills. Hogan vs. Race SNME 88 -Both men doing what they do best. Hogan kicks ass and the ancient Race bumps like a madman.
  8. Coffin Surfer

    DVDVR Best wwf matches of the 80s

    Even in 86, fat Adonis was an excellent worker and bumper. He was loften limited by the gimmick and the WWF's put over the babyface and little else format of the matches.
  9. Coffin Surfer

    DVDVR Best wwf matches of the 80s

    "14)Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage (4/2/89 Wrestlemania 5) As with a lot of Savage matches this felt like a big important match. Very good wrestling." As opposed to all those small Hogan matches that felt more like midcard matches than epic Main Events.
  10. Coffin Surfer

    artists you don't get

    I always found the Misift era Danzig's approach to the horror themes to be one of their most unique and appealing qualities. His lyrics and vocal delivery treated the material with such emotional sincerety that these absurd songs came off more passionate and honest than some artist's most personal inward works. As silly as some of the songs were they never come off as tounge in cheek or camp, you end up taking them seriously. Just listen to something like "Horror Business", where Danzig delivers the Psycho inspired lyrics with such exhausting desperation that you get the impression that he's treating the Norman Bates character as seriously as Anthony Perkins did without every coming off cheesy, it's an incredible accomplishment really. Or even in a song like "Skulls" where the horror isn't in the gore but the way he convincingly sings the lyrics.
  11. Coffin Surfer

    artists you don't get

    Dream Theater-Grow a fucking pair. And this is coming from a Edguy fan. Jeff Buckley-He's not bad but he was a very blah song writer. The only stand out on Grace was a cover that towers over his original material. As far as Black Metal goes, check out the first Ulver album. If you like Agalloch their the main band that influenced them.
  12. Coffin Surfer

    Just Watched the Bret Hart DVD

    First off, I mostly agree with your viewpoint on Bad Blood. HBK and even Taker's treatment of each other's offense was just fine. But my problem with the match was HBK's timing during the first portion, which is most likely the biggest reason for the crowd being so dead at the start. The opening strikes me as a 10 second chase and a ten minute catch, which spoils and bores the viewer that wants to see HBK get his ass handed to him. Payback comes a little to easy for Taker. What seperates a Flair or a Race from an HBK is they had the ability to space out their early stooge bumps in a manner that didn't spoil the fans. While they were getting their ass kicked they would still find ways to slightly break up the momentum and get under the crowd's skin, leaving you always wanting more. Here, HBK's comeback is almost welcomed as a change of pace. It has an inappropriate babyface feel that isn't helped by the fact he kicks it off with all his high flying face spots. It's not until HBK uses the chair and busts out great heel spots like the step Piledriver that the match really comes to life. The ass kicking that occurs after the Superkick also works much better since HBK keeps things moving by constantly running for his life and trying various methods of escape. Sorry for taking things off topic for a post.
  13. Coffin Surfer

    Best World Title Matches of All Time

    NWA: Jumbo vs. Funk 6/76 Eh, maybe one day it will get acclaim because it's simply a good smartly worked match.
  14. Coffin Surfer

    Must See Matches

    Wha? Furnas and LaFon have only worked Tag Match of the Decade Candidates in both the 80s and 90s, so it's not very shocking they would be in a crisp well worked tag match past their primes or not.
  15. Coffin Surfer

    What makes a 5 star match?

    I don't recall Benoit/Angle being nearly as great as Beniot's best singles matches, the 96 New Japan matches with Ohtani and Eddy. Those are outstanding matches where the roles of wrestlers are clearly established and developed. As the match develops, you know what each wrestler's strengths are, you know who the favorite is, and you know who they want you to root for. I honestly don't recall Beniot/Angle doing that very well until the last anklelock or so. The reason the crowd reacted like they did is because the post match is the only time Benoit has the opportunity to express his pain and really connect with the audience. Now as far as star ratings go, they are suppose to be a quick reference. An easy way to gage the value of the match in relation to others. That's why you really shouldn't have a hundred ***** matches. It's gonna confuse the hell out of somebody who's just looking for must see essentials. When a ranking is that broad and vague, you don't know what to expect.
  16. Coffin Surfer

    Awesome 1-2-3 punches in albums.

    Stooges-Fun House "Down on the Street" "Loose" and "T.V. Eye" Though any combination of songs from the album could work. Prince-Purple Rain "I Would Die 4 You" "Baby I'm Star" "Purple Rain" It would be nice to include When Doves Cry but these three flow so well into each other.
  17. Coffin Surfer

    Best Albums

    After putting a little more thought into this, I'm gonna withdraw my pervious nominations and go with Guitar Romantic by the Exploding Hearts.
  18. Coffin Surfer

    Best Albums

    Turbonegro-Apocolypse Dudes that or Agalloch-The Mantle
  19. Coffin Surfer

    Recent Purchases

    Down-Nora I've only had one vague listen so far but I really dig the opener. Phil's vocals have never sounded better, great screaming and wailing. Lovage-Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By The centerpiece "Book of the Month" has quickly become an all time favorite of mine. Overall the album is a tad disappointing, there's too many skits and not enough Patton and Charles together or on their own. Still what's there is awesome but you can't help but want more.
  20. Coffin Surfer

    The Greatest Tag Team ever....

    Could someone point out some great or at least good Hart Foundation matches. Something better than the all booking/little wrestling Demolition 2/3 falls Summerslam meeting, something that can at least showcase their capabilities. Is there anything that's even as good as the single fall Brainbusters/Rockers SNME match? I haven't seen most of their stuff in years and when I recently rewatched a Gardens match with the Bulldogs, outside of a few good Bret bumps, the Harts didn't look very impressive as heels, certainly not in the same galaxy as the Express or Busters. Perhaps they were better as faces?
  21. Coffin Surfer

    Asian/Japanese Cinema...,

    For Kung Fu: Fist of the White Lotus! -One of the best Kung Fu movies ever even if it isn't the most original. If you've seen Kill Bill, the invincible death touch master Pai Mai is the villian here though Gordon Lui plays the hero this time. Very fun movie. As far as Ju-On goes: -Please stick to the original, direct to video version. It's easily one of the best horror movies from any country. Ju-On: The Grudge and the American Grudge are crap and should be avoided at all costs since they will do nothing but spoil the much better executed scares of the original.
  22. Coffin Surfer

    Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard

    "Goddamn the Sun"-The Swans One of the most sincere vocal performances I've ever heard. Not the faintest hint of hope can be found in this song, this is the void.
  23. Williams snaps his head up as the doctor enters the room, he had been waiting for test results for way over an hour and he has places to be. The expression on the doctor’s face isn’t a good sign, it’s as if he’s trying terribly hard to look stoic and indifferent but fooling nobody. He’s a harbinger of bad news and nothing can hide that. Staring at his notepad as if he’s avoiding eye contact, the doctor nervously mumbles,” I just got your test results back and the results are.....interesting to say the least.” Clearing a lump out of his throat the doctor continues,” I don’t know how tell you this but........you’re a robot.” “What?”exclaims a confused Williams. “You’re a robot.” repeats the doctor with more confidence. Resting his strong chin on one of his massive hands, Williams ponders the situation before agreeing,” That would explain the infrared vision and what some have described as a one dimensional personality. But tell me this doctor, I have memories, a childhood, were they implants and nothing more?.” Shaking his head, the doctor answers,” No one is born a robot, Mr. Williams. It’s a gradual process that infects one out of every five thousand people in this country alone.” “Is there no cure?” Looking more cheerful, the doctor responds with a smile,”Yes, you have a number of options. The first would be to find the Blue Ferry but I wouldn’t recommend that, she can be a real bitch sometimes. Another option would be a new over the counter drug, Robotitiusaway. It’s a prove cure that has restored it’s user’s humanity in at least ninety percent reported cases. “ With that off his mind, Williams worries turn to the sports he loves. “Will I still be able to wrestle.” Trying to hold back from laughing, the doctor wipes away a smile and stoically responds,” Until your cured, I’m afraid you won’t be doing much of anything. Robots don’t have the same rights people do; you can no longer vote, use public restrooms, and you may be subject to more taxes.” “Damn!” curses Williams,”My luck keeps getting better and better.” "Don't be so glum, bad things come in threes so it looks like the worse is over." "But this is only the second bad thing to happen to me!" protests Williams. Counting his fingers, the doctor nods," Oh, I suppose your right. Don't worry I'm sure number three won't be that bad." Williams buries his head in his hands.
  24. Coffin Surfer

    Genesis Losing Matches

    Test, post not showing up.
  25. Coffin Surfer

    Genesis Losing Matches

    Wow another zero reign. Grrrrrrrr, Comments required. There’s a magic aura looming in the air of the Gardens, the unmistakable electric atmosphere that surrounds all events of great importance, historical or otherwise. There’s little doubt that this is the place to be tonight, if your not here your watching at home, and if your not watching you better be dead or in jail. After all this is only the biggest wrestling promotion in the world’s biggest yearly pay per view, the proverbial New Years Day on the SWF calendar where new dynasties and legends are born while others crumble into dust. Even those who aren’t fans find themselves tooning in, drawn to the spectacle if not the monumental event itself. This isn’t just the biggest night in wrestling, it’s one of the biggest nights in all of entertainment. As a result there are more than just wrestling fans in attendance, scattered throughout the front rolls and the balconies are the smiling faces of numerous A list celebrities like Judd Nelson and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Jack Nicholson, Bill Clinton, Al Pacino, and Muhammad Ali are also in attendance. Not to mention past SWF greats like Edwin, Z, Grandslam, Strangler, and.... Cutthroat, who is immediately hauled away by security for jumping the guardrail and getting beat up by Funyon’s little girl. This is indeed the place to be and now as the Main Event draws near, the feeling of importance has never been stronger. As Funyon enters the ring for the final time tonight, there’s a feeling of excitement that surpasses the night’s previous matches, transforming what has been the typical great Garden crowd into something more. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for the Main Event of the evening. The following contest is scheduled for one fall,” like Freddy Mercury at the height of his powers, the fashionable virtuoso announcer suddenly shifts from an elegant speaking voice into a thunderous boom,” and will be for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship!” The fans passionately celebrate with a respectful applause, they’ve enjoyed the whole show but this is the moment it’s all been building to, the match that will decide who’s gonna lead the company into the new year. With this in mind, it’s not surprising that the crowd turns hostile when the lights go out and a rhythmic shout of “Hey Hey!” echoes out of the loud speakers. These are the trademarks of the El Luchadore Magnifico’s entrance, a man the fans obviously don’t want to lead the company anywhere. Putting his rock star voice on the shelf, Funyon temporarily resumes a more proper tone,” Introducing first, weighing in at a slim 210 pounds, hailing from Mexico City...Mexico, he is the number one ranked challenger in the world today....EL LUCHADORE MAGNIFICOOOOOOOO!” Red, White, and Green explosions form a path up the walkway, leading the fan’s eyes to a modestly built man in black and red tights, holding the Mexican flag with a great sense of duty and importance. His ribs are heavily taped, a painful reminder of his brutal series of matches against Dangerous. Examining the jeering masses around him, a snarl forms on Mag’s battle weary middled aged face. This is the closet he’s gonna come to dignifying the controlling vampires that populate the arena. They mean nothing to him now, he might as well be wrestling in a empty arena. Ignoring the screaming lunatics that surround him, Mags moves down the walk way with purposeful strides. He moves like he wants to take it to the Champion as soon as possible but there’s also the cool patience that comes with age and experience in his steps, a restrained walk with hints of boiling intensity hiding beneath the surface. Upon entering the ring, Mags waves the flag of his home land, a private hello to his family watching at home while everyone else lowers their thumbs. Pete: This is it, fans! In just a few short minutes we will see that man, the challenger El Luchadore Magnifico take on the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, the seemingly invincible Danny Williams. King: This is much more than a title match between two of the biggest names in our sport, Pete, this is a collision of ideologies. Pete: That seems to be the case as of late. Last week, Magnifico urged Williams to not make the same mistake he did, that he should wrestle for himself instead of the fans. King: I can’t say I agree with that. Pete: What, your taking Williams’ side? King: Hell no. I just don’t think it’s wise for Magnifico to share his secret to success with his upcoming opponent. With his flag propped up on the outside, Mags warms up with some flexible stretches that most gymnasts would have a hard time pulling off. But his routine is interrupted by the shredding guitars of Edguy. The response is overwhelming! Raising his voice to the point of shouting, Funyon struggles to be heard over the screaming hordes,”And his opponent, weighing in at a solid 272 pounds, hailing from Louisville, Kentucky..........HE IS THE SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.......DANNY WILLIAMsssssssssssssssssssssssssss!” While Funyon does an impressive Whitney Houston impersonation, all eyes turn to the locker room area, scouring the darkness for their first glimpse of the almost mythical athlete. Moving with almost ape like movements, the indistinguishable hulking frame of the new Champion steps from the shadows, his girth just barely clearing the doorway. Emerging from the locker room like a hungry beast leaving his den, Williams makes his grand appearance. His presence is unequaled, a monestrous long haired barbarian that humbly carries himself with intelligence and dignity. Tightly sporting the gold around his wide waist, Williams makes his way down the aisle, gently slapping hands with the rabid front roll fans. His walk is calm, confident but not too laid back. Williams knows he can take Magnifico, new attitude or not, but memories of his past short comings won’t let him be as confident as he’s been in the challenger role. Even though this looks like a sure victory on paper, Danny is taking this match very seriously. Pete: Since his return, Williams has been a human wrecking ball, demolishing all competition in route to capturing the World Title for a fourth time. King: And if he doesn’t want to lose that title for a fourth time he better take Magnifico’s advice. Pete: I disagree, the humble crowd pleasing approach that Magnifico criticizes so much has proven to be quite successful for Williams. King: But being a nice guy won’t always work. Even you know that, Pete. Pete: I know but thus far Williams has been so dominating that he hasn’t had to get mean and dirty to pull off the win. King: That could change after tonight, I got a feeling that Mags is gonna drag this one as deep into the gutter as he possibly can. Now that both men are in the ring the size mismatch on paper becomes a glaring visual. Even by average joe standards, Magnifico’s build isn’t that impressive. His body is only slightly larger than average without the faintest hint of any muscle definition, making his tanned skin look far more soft and fair than his pale skinned opponent. Williams on the other hand is quite the specimen, a giant of average height, he may not be as ripped as he once was but the sheer bulk of his muscles is pretty damn scary. If one didn’t know better they would come to the conclusion that Williams would run over Magnifico in under ten seconds but the majority in attendance are familiar with the crafty luchadore’s deceptive athleticism, his veteran smarts and most importantly his deranged motivation to take the title from the crowd favorite. With an anxious look in his firey brown eyes, Magnifico licks his lips in anticipation as he ever so carefully creeps further and further from his corner. This gets Williams’ attention, who can only smile at his opponent’s eagerness to start the match, perhaps the burned out luchadore still has some gas left in the tank. Unbuckling his massive pure gold title belt, Williams hands the heavy thing over to Soapdish. But as soon as he turns his back, Williams feels the deceptively strong arms of Magnifico constrict around his waist like a snake. Looking down, Williams finds the black haired head of Magnifico tucked under his arm pit. Williams tries to resist but it’s too late as he’s already being hurled backwards for the Backdrop Suplex! To the accompaniment of a bone crunching thud, Williams lands hard on his broad shoulders, folding completely over on his stomach! Williams is in bad shape and the size advantage is only a fading memory. Pete: Williams has been Pearl Harbored before the bell! King: That’s his own fault, Pete. A Champion is a wanted man that should have alert eyes in the back of his skull. Shaking his head, Soapdish angrily calls for the bell while the outraged fans hiss and jeer. Ding! Ding! Ding! Like a bear that hit his head on the entrance to his cave, Williams crawls around on the canvas, slowly shaking his head form side to side. Eyeing the devastation he’s created, Magnifico finds his attention drawn to Williams’ right arm, the symbol of his failure. With the Champion lying prone on his stomach, Magnifico savagely applies a painful step over armbar on Williams’ right elbow. The intention is clear, Magnifico isn’t twisting the arm to cause Williams’ discomfort, he wants to rip his arm clean from his shoulder. Kicking his legs and screaming, Williams crawls to the ropes in a panic. Soapdish administers the three count and Magnifico obeys, after all he can’t win the title if he’s disqualified. Free from the torturous clutches of his captor, Williams rolls to the sanctuary of the floor. Magnifico thinks about following him but the Champion is already on his feet, pacing around and holding his arm. Wearing a confident smile, Magnifico motions his arms around his belt line, a mocking variation of the same taunt Williams used against Dangerous. This doesn’t go over to well with the fans who loudly boo the cocky luchadore. King: Brilliant strategy from the former Carnie. While others would foolishly try to stretch the early advantage and go for the quick pin, Mags wisely looked to the long term and set about damaging Williams’ main offensive weapon from the get go. Pete: Might I ask why? Magnifico employed the exact same strategy in their previous meeting and it didn’t pay off. King: But that was goody goody “anything to please the fans” Magnifico. Now Williams is up against a deranged ego maniac that wants to tear his arm off and beat him with it. Rubbing his tricep and elbow, a sneering Williams prepares to go back into battle, rightfully taking offense to yet another attempt at injuring the elbow that’s so crucial to his success. Following Soapdish’s commands, Magnifico keeps his distance but it’s clear by his stance that he doesn’t intend on giving the Champion a break. Not harboring any fear for the much smaller luchadore, Williams shakes out his elbow one more time before boldly sliding inside. Pushing the official aside, Magnifico tears into Williams before he can reach his feet, whacking his arm with some well placed roundhouse kicks. Flinching with every blow, Williams struggles to reach a vertical base only to be immediately took over by a fireman’s carry. The fans gasp in terror as Magnifico drops to the canvas and scissors the arm, securing it for the deadly Cross Armbreaker! No stranger to applying or escaping the infamous hold, Williams suavely slips out of Mags’ clutches and promptly rolls to his feet. Aiming for the arm, Mags fires a wild kick in frustration! But it’s caught! Dropping the boot and spinning in place, Williams drops the challenger with a graceful yet powerful Rolling Elbow! Clutching his jaw, the embarrassed challenger crawls out of the ring on his knees. After briefly shaking it out, Williams raises his arm to the cheering masses, letting them know that Mags offense had no lasting effect. Pete: Like so many others before him, Magnifico has found out the hard way that Danny’s elbow is unbreakable. King: We’ll see. I got a feeling that Mags has much in store for the Elbow King. Pete: That may be true but right now Mags better get himself out of the hole he’s just dug himself in. Barely making the count, Mags drunkenly slides into the ring. Showing more courtesy than his challenger, Williams waits for the luchadore to reach his feet before opening up on him. A mauling six elbow combo sends Mags teetering into the ropes. Taking the staggering challenger by his thin wrist, Williams whips him off the ropes so he can do more damage. The elbow drunk luchadore doesn’t make it far, barely managing a few steps before collapsing in the center of the ring. Improvising, Williams keeps his position near the ropes, patiently letting Magnifico mindlessly stumble to his feet before obliterating him with a demolishing running elbow! The impact blows Mags into the ropes, who much to the pleasure of the fans somehow tangles himself up in them. Smiling at this rare treat, Williams looks to the screaming masses for advice. They want blood and Danny is inclined to agree. Wide eyed with fear, Mags pleads for mercy. Pete: I bet Mags really doesn’t want Williams to listen to the fans now. King: Actually, he should listen to em. For once these idiots called it right. Pushing the official aside, Williams winds up his elbow and fires it towards Mag’s exposed ribs. The luchadore flinches but nothing happens. Chuckling, Williams walks away with a bright smile on his face. The fans laugh at the joke while the official untangles the embarrassed luchadore. Infuriated by Williams’ crowd pleasing jest, Mags blindly charges the Champion, who casually dips his head and flips him over his shoulder. Clearing the ropes, Mags lands on the outside with a thud, prompting Williams to take position on the far side of the ring. Knowing what’s on Danny’s mind, the delighted fans make some serious noise. Leaning into the ropes, Williams launches himself across the ring. Picking up an alarming amount of speed, Williams dives through the ropes with surgical precision, nailing the rising challenger with a jaw smashing Elbow Suicida! The powerful blow sends Mags crashing into the guardrail, than the floor. The surreal sight of seeing such a large man perform such a graceful move sends the crowd into hysterics, no wander Williams is such a star. Pete: The challenger is in serious trouble! King: Not as much trouble as he would have been had Williams slammed that forearm into his busted ribs. Pete: You’ve seen enough Williams’ matches to know by now that he doesn’t need to fall back on such crutches. King: Bull! Everybody gets desperate and now that he’s defending the title, Williams will learn that lesson soon enough. Suspending the near dead challenger over his head, Williams press slams Magnifico back inside for more punishment. The throw is strikingly precise, dropping Mags directly on his lower back, that’s not an accident. Holding his back, Mags tries to crawl to safety but Williams is already on top of him. Dragging the luchadore to his feet, Williams grabs a rear waistlock and snaps back! The German Suplex drives Magnifico’s upper back into the mat, compacting his body like a crushed coke can. Balancing his body weight on nothing but the top of his head and his tippy toes, Williams maintains the bridge with uncanny elegance for a man his size, pinning Mangifico’s shoulders for the pin. One! Two! NO! As well executed as the German was it’s not nearly enough to put away the battle tested luchadore in the opening minutes. However, Magnifico does appear to be in pretty rough shape. Staring down at the quivering mess before him, Williams decides it’s time to take this one home. Winding up his arm, Williams brings the entire arena to their feet. Standing poised and ready on the far side of the ring, Williams anxiously waits for the moment to strike. It never comes as Magnifico aimlessly rolls around on the canvas, showing no interest in making it back to his feet in the near future. Letting out a frustrated “bah”, Williams throws up his hands and angrily marches onto the scene. Grabbing Mags by his long messy hair, Williams guides the drowsy challenger to his feet. Drawing back his massive arm, Williams fires the.... Pete: Axe Bomber! but it’s dodged! Maneuvering around the would be fatal blow with swiftness that suggests his drunken mannerisms was nothing but a ruse, Mags attempts an Armbar Takedown! King: Crafty move from Magnifico! The struggle is immense but in vain, no matter how hard Mags pulls, Williams isn’t going anywhere he doesn’t want to. Drawing a mixture of chuckles and cheers from the crowd, Williams calmly waves a finger in Mags’ face before muscling him to the mat with a powerful hiptoss! Wincing, Mags hustles to his feet only to find Williams firing the Axe Bomber he intended to land earlier. Pete: Here it comes! But it’s blocked! The impact floors Magnifico but he’s in much better shape than he’d be in if the deadly strike had landed. Crying out in pain, Williams stumbles around, tightly cradling his throbbing arm. Rushing behind the occupied Champion, Mags hurls Williams overhead with a maliciously angled German! Landing hard on the back of his skull, Williams limply rolls all the way back to his feet with the momentum, his once passionate blue eyes now vacant and glazed. Tumbling backwards, the rubber legged Champion spills over the top rope at an awkward angle, tangling his right arm in the top and second rope! Revived from the pain, Williams howls as he painfully hangs from the hurt limb. Pete: What a horrible turn of luck for the Champion! King: But what an excellent break for the challenger, pun intended. Worried that he may have a serious injury on his hands, Soapdish frantically struggles to untie the helpless Champion when Magnifico comes flying in out of nowhere, slamming his boots into Williams’ damaged arm! The well aimed dropkick connects with bone crunching force but on the bright side it does knock Danny’s arm loose. Free, Williams drops to the floor, takes a few steps and collapses. Pete: Heavens, he may have broken Williams’ arm! King: Now that’s what you do when you got a man tied up in the ropes. Mags’ devious actions earns him a nice negative reaction but he could care less. Knowing that Williams could be seriously injured, Soapdish administers a stern warning to Mags before rushing to the outside. Inspecting Danny’s tender arm, Soapdish comes to the conclusion that it isn’t broken but seriously fucked up. Pale and shaking, Williams refuses aid, insisting that he can go on, if Mags wants his title he’s gonna have to pin him in the ring. Not having enough grounds for a stoppage, Soapdish has no choice but to let the Champion have his way. Soapdish slides into the ring while Williams painfully climbs on the apron, where Mags is waiting with a devious grin. Temporarily blinding the Champion with a villainous eye rake, Mags grabs him by his thick wrist and runs him to the nearest corner. Leaping onto the top turnbuckle with a cat like spring, Mags jumps to the floor, snapping Williams’ arm across the steel cable of the turnbuckle! In to much pain to even scream, Williams simply grabs the busted appendage and crumbles, falling from the apron and tumbling to the floor. King: What a creative move that was, so do you still think attacking the arm is a bad idea? Pete: His methods are questionable but there’s no denying that he’s doing some serious damage to that arm. Dusting himself off, Mags angrily pursues his ailing rival. He’s got a grudge to settle with that arm and he’ll be damned if it makes a fool of him again. Jerking the ailing Champion to his feet, Mags rolls him back into the ring for more abuse. Following his victim with a sinister grin, Mags confidently guides the champion to a vertical base. Danny’s arm and shoulder is a mess, there’s no way it can pose a threat to him now. Standing toe to toe with the Champion, Mags tries his luck with a stinging knife edge chop! Williams wobbles without returning fire, encouraging the luchadore to try another! It connects with a loud smack but this one doesn’t go unanswered! A sudden elbow smash answers back, knocking the unsuspecting luchadore into the ropes! King: Impossible! Pete: Williams’ arm has been beat from pillar to post but his heart keeps on pounding. The wounded Champion lets out a fearsome battle cry, a defiant challenge to the luchadore who thought he disabled him. Leaning against the ropes, Mags rubs his jaw, staring at Williams with disbelief and frustration. What does he have to do to make this guy stop elbowing him? Even though his arm is in unending agony, Williams beckons the luchadore to step up and face him. Mags is a little unnerved by but he’s not gonna let Williams absorb his arm offense and overtake him again. Thinking that there’s now way Danny’s arm can have that much more power left it in, Mags steps up to the plate. Intrigued by the pending rumble, the fans start to come to their feet and make some noise. The two exchange hateful glares, as more and more people rise until everyone in the building is standing and screaming. Pete: It’s on now! Drawing first blood, the aggressive luchadore slices Danny’s chest with a loud chop! But Williams sucks up the pain and returns fire with another elbow from his bad arm! Shaken up by incredibly hard shot, Mags desperately directs his next strike to the arm itself! With a disturbing thump, Mag’s boot connects stiffly with the outside angle of Williams’ arm! But Danny is far too pissed and stubborn to let that stop him from doing what he does best! Another brutal elbow staggers the magnificent one! And still another kick answers back! But Williams still scores with one more elbow! This one has a lot of starch behind it, rocking Mags hard! Fearing that he’s fighting a losing battle, Mags does what any cornered man would do, go absolutely nuts! Going into berserker mode, Mags slams an endless flurry of rapid fire kicks into Danny’s busted arm! To the shock and horror of the fans, Williams caves in under the relentless violent attack, letting Mags score with unanswered kick after kick! Pete: By falling back on the injury crutch, Mags has maliciously gained the upper hand of this brawl! King: It’s not like Williams couldn’t direct one of those elbows to Mags’ ribs. Backing into the corner, Williams slumps to the canvas in agony but no relief comes as Mags continues the assault, stomping and kicking the arm like he’s putting out a fire. Since you can’t hit a man while he’s on the ropes, Soapdish steps in, ordering Mags to knock it off! Mags refuses, forcing Soapdish to loudly count in his ear. Knowing what will happen if Soapdish get’s past three, Mags pulls himself away, leaving Williams to wallow in his misery. Disapproving of Mags’ dastardly but effective methods, the fans let him have it with a barrage of “boos.” Pete: Williams doesn’t beat people because their injured, he beats them because he’s better. King: Being better has nothing to do with winning. Do you really think I was a better wrestler or a better athlete than most of the guys I faced? Pete: No, you were a damn cheater who got further than you had any right to get. King: You say that like it’s a bad thing. Unlike you, I achieved Pete. Look at me, a scrawny non athlete, no wrestler, and I’ve won more matches than your big muscle head ass can count. Soapdish checks on Williams, who insists he can go on. Feeling that he’s giving Danny a long enough break, Magnifico inserts him onto the scene and pushes Soapdish aside. Snatching Williams up by his battered arm, Mags sadistically applies an arm wrench before whipping him out of the corner. With a loud boom, Williams goes shoulder first into the turnbuckles of the cross corner, hitting them so hard that he leaves his feet and sails over the ropes. Not content with letting Danny suffer on the outside alone, Mags pursues his foe with a vengeance. He’s tried to keep his emotions in check but he’s sick and tried of eating elbows. Hell bent on taking Williams’ arm from him at all costs, Mags forces the Champions up by his lengthy brown hair and cruelly bends his arm into a chickenwing. Getting a good running start, Mags brutally shoves the elbow of Williams’ captured arm into the ring post! In untold agony, Williams goes down yet again, trickles of dark blood can be seen forming on his arm. The front roll fans vent their disgust but Mags brushes their taunts off and goes back to work. Forcing Williams up into another chickenwing, Mags sadistically takes him for another jog, punctuating it with a slam into the guardrail, crushing Williams’ bloodied arm into the steel! Still not satisfied, Mags laces Williams’ arm around the guardrail, forcing it to unnaturally bend against the steel. The blood freely flows like a raging river, causing the nearby fans to cover their mouths in a desperate attempt at holding back the rising vomit in their throats. Williams tears and claws at Mag with his free arm but the pain is so consuming it zaps his strength to resist. Pete: This is sickening. King: I can see why you never won the title, you don’t have the stomach for it. Pete: If you’re a real winner you shouldn’t have to critically damage someone’s livelihood to pick up the win. It’s a repulsive short cut that far too many people in our beloved sport carelessly walk down to get an easy victory. Even though he would love to continue dismantling the most feared arm in the business, Mags knows he’s running out of time. Making sure that Williams doesn’t go anywhere, Mags executes a nasty Montezuma’s Revenge, slamming the champion’s chin into his jaw while simultaneously driving his blood dripping under arm into the steel! Sliding back into the ring, Mags stops the count and goes back out. Marching to his corner, Mags hoists the Mexican flag in the air. He eyes it in contemplation but his mind was already made up when he grabbed it, he has to make sure Williams’ can’t land the Axe Bomber again. The fans boo the flag but Mags plans to do more than merely mock the fans with it, he wants to make damn sure that Danny’s elbow won’t cause him any more problems. Holding the pointy end of the pole in front of him like a lance, Mags charges at full speed, grotesquely plunging it into the open wound on Williams’ captured arm! Blood geysers from the wound, making the already queasy fans fight back more vomit. Pete: For Pete’s sake! This is gone to far, Mags should be disqualified! King: Completely disabling a limb isn’t easy, sometimes weapons are necessary. Though I do agree, he shouldn’t do it out in the open like that, I would have found a way to divert the ref’s attention. Pete: Not since the infamous crucifixion of Chris Wilson have we seen Mag’s desecrate his home country’s flag in such disgusting fashion. King: That’s how bad he wants the title, Pete. Outraged, Soapdish darts to the outside, grabbing Mags by his thick mane of hair, using it to pry him off the blood spewing Champion. Totally repulsed by Mag’s unprovoked actions, Soapdish goes off his rocker,”What the hell is a matter with you? Get him in the ring or I’ll stop this match right now!” Remembering that he has a title to win, Mags comes to his senses and drops the crimson stained flag pole. With the aid of Danny’s hair and tights, Mags easily rolls the pale Champion into the ring. This gives the entire arena a good view of the gore, drawing a huge collection of gasps and squirms. Williams’ entire arm is red with blood, pouring and pooling everywhere he crawls. It’s not easy seeing their hero in such poor shape, in fact it’s almost too much for some fans to take. Wanting to do anything they can to pull Williams through this dire situation, the fans rally behind him with a ear bleeding chant. “DAN-E! DAN-E! DAN-E!” Mags thinks of a time when he heard thousands of loyal fans calling his name but those days are gone, chants never helped him and they won’t help Williams. When your in the ring, your in the ring alone. He wants to scream at each and every one of them, telling them that their chants will do Danny no good but he remains focused on the task at hand, he can’t let those insignificant observers throw him from his game plan. Staying on Danny’s tail, Mags reaches down and helps him the rest of the way up when a desperation elbow finds it’s mark! It knocks Mags goofy but the consequences of using the damaged arm prove to be greater than Williams anticipated. Recovering from the strike, Mags finds Williams doubled over in unbearable pain that he can’t imagine. Ceasing the opportunity by the balls, Magnficio swiftly sweeps Williams up for a Body Slam but instead of following through, he simply sits out! Trapped between the luchadore’s skinny legs, the top of Williams’ head compresses into the canvas with spine shattering impact! Stretching forward, Magnifico hooks one of Williams’ well developed legs for the pin. Pete: The Dia de los Muertos! King: And the crutch pays off! Nearly every jaw in the house hits the floor as Soapdish slides to the canvas and starts what will no doubt be the longest count in history. One! Two! ................... THR-NO! Williams shoots a shoulder off the canvas, bringing the crowd back from the dead. Smacking his open hand across the mat, Magnifico curses Soapdish with all his might, accusing the official of counting slow. Standing by his decision, Soapdish raises two fingers in Magnifico’s face, sending the luchadore into a temper tantrum. King: That was a very slow count but that’s not surprising since this is Soapdish, the exact same official that practically handed Danny the title two weeks ago. Pete: Williams won the title with sheer guts and determination, the same things he’s using to hold onto it as we speak. Breathing hard, Mags feels a burning pain in his chest and sides as his ribs inhale and exhale. Calming down, Mags reminds himself that Williams kicked out of the Thunder Driver before and it really shouldn’t come as a big surprise that he survived it again. However, it will be interesting to see if he can survive a second one. The crowd is so loud that Mags can’t help but rain on their parade. Extending an index finger to the fans, Magnifico shouts, “One more time!” Reaching down, Mags tries to scoop Williams up but the heavy Champion resists. Intent on stunning Williams again, Mags slices his arm with some hard chops, causing the Champion to cry out in pain. Acting quickly, Mags scoops him up before he can sandbag again! But the massive 270 pounder makes himself dead weight and the pectorally challenged luchadore can’t keep him up! Falling backwards both men tumble to the mat, collapsing in a heap of humanity with Williams on top for the pin. Delighted by this turn of events, the fans heat up with hopeful cheers. “One!” “Two!” Kicking and squirming, Magnifico just barely pushes Williams off his flattened chest. Normally the fans would be disappointed by the kick out but they stay hot as Mags appears to be in extreme anguish. Wearing a tight pained expression on his wrinkled face, Mags cradles his sternum and sides as he struggles to get on his feet. Sitting up, Williams tries to shake away the cobwebs from the first Driver in addition to get some feeling back in his arm. In need of some recovery time, Mags quickly hatches a plan to keep Williams down. Forcing himself to stand, Mags rushes to the seated Champion, slamming his boots into his arm with a low Dropkick! The desperation move sends Williams into spasms of pain, angering the untold thousands who wanted to see him gain some momentum from the reversal! Pete: Without the arm injury, Mags wouldn’t stand a chance against Williams. King: Which is exactly why he’s exploiting it so much you dummy. Once the pain in his ribs ceases, Mags hastily goes back to work on Williams, who is seated on the ropes, struggling to get his blood dripping arm working again. Not forgetting what brought him to the dance, Mags goes right back to the arm with a smacking cowboy kick! Shooting his head up, Williams stares at Mags with raging volcanic blue eyes. He’s in pain but he’s also very very angry. How many times is it now that some lazy bastard has tried to cheat him out of a win by trying to break his arm? Is this really the only way they think they can beat him, by trying to end his career? Somewhat frightened by the intensity in Danny’s face, Mags tries to snub out the fire with an even harder kick, but it only makes the Champion madder. Rising to his feet, Williams snorts and puffs, seemingly oblivious to the dark streams of blood spewing from his arm. Jubilating at the possibility of Mags’ getting his just deserts, the crowd starts to heat up faster than a t.v. dinner. Pete: Uh oh, I think Williams has had enough of Mags’ arm attacks. Mags tries another kick but it proves to be the final ingredient in sending the normally passive Champion over the edge! Turning Mags to the ropes, a growling Williams digs into his ribs with some heavy mean spirited knee lifts! Unable to withstand the bone crushing barrage very long, Mags sinks to the canvas, curling up in the fetal position. This doesn’t stop Williams from soccer kicking his taped ribs until he bails to the floor. Pumped up by this satisfying act of revenge, the blood splattered Williams roars like a wild beast. Liking what they see, the crowd goes completely ballistic! King: Some hero! He’s just like anybody else, when his back against the wall he’ll sink to whatever low it takes to gain the upper hand. Pete: Every man has his breaking point, King. We haven’t really examined this from Williams’ view point, can you imagine what it must be like to have people trying to end your career every other night? This is an act of vengeance not desperation. King: Like that’s suppose to be any better. Either way, this is a victory for Mags. He got Williams to break his code of honor and do something he hasn’t done since he returned with his new attitude. Keeping his arm tucked into his side in some sort of imaginary cast, Williams drops down to the floor in hot pursuit. Pitifully dragging himself on his forearms, the barely there Magnifico makes a sad attempt at escape but Williams easily catches up with him. Memories of Mag’s relentless assault on his arm through Williams’ head, giving the Champion a good idea of what he wants to do. Helping the luchadore to his feet, Williams positions him for what appears to be a Northern Lights Suplex but instead of executing the bridge he runs Magnifico backwards, driving him into guardrail with a loud clank! Leaving Mags crushed and hung out to dry, Williams makes his way over to the blood spattered Mexican flag. With visions of Mags’ despicable assault running through his head, Williams grabs the flag and holds it over his head. Knowing what he’s up to, the fans let him know that they full heartedly approve. Not wanting this again, Soapdish cuts Williams off only to be casually pushed aside. Angrily stomping over to Mags, Williams extends the flag in front of him, aiming it for the ribs of his helpless target. Getting a good run start, Williams draws back the flag back and...... stops a couple of feet short of his target. In deep contemplation, the statuesque Champion freezes in his tracks, staring at the flag with great confusion. The puzzled fans egg him on, reminding him that he’s justified in running the rudo bastard through. A confused look forms on Williams’ face, he loves his fans and he would do anything for them but if he crosses this line he wouldn’t be any better than the pitiful lost soul before him. Examining the flag once more, Williams comes to the conclusion that this isn’t who he is. He never was really, even back in the JL when he refused to attack Sydney Sky in the final minutes of the Iron Man as blood poured from her nose, her mouth, and her ears. Even as she attacked him with what little strength she had left, he had the match won and to go any further would be senseless. This is how he feels now, he made his point, he turned the tide of the match, there’s nothing left to do but win it. The disappointed fans sigh as Williams puts the flag aside, so what they’ll get over it. Grabbing the agonizing luchadore with his good hand, Williams runs him off the guardrail and tosses him back into the ring! Pete: I guess there was some truth in Magnifico’s words, always giving the fans what they want may not always be what’s best for you. Sliding back into the ring, Williams is greeted by a meek ovation from the few who understand what he just did. It catches on as more and more realize that Danny did the right thing, even those who disagree understand his viewpoint and clap anyway. Williams is a hero to these people, if they don’t understand who he is and why he does the things he does than who will? King: Are you kidding? Listen to these morons, I think he gave them exactly what they wanted. Pere: Or perhaps Williams just changed their way of thinking. King: That wouldn’t be hard, do you know how easy it is to train a simple minded monkey? Just as Spike Jenkins, he’ll tell you all about it. Pete: Yuk, I hope I’m the only one who understands that reference. With Soapdish back in the ring, Williams raises his arms over his head, calling for his beloved Powerbomb. Shaking just the faintest feeling back into his arm, Williams wraps his massive meat hooks around Magnifico’s frail heavily tapped waist. Normally the Powerbomb would be academic but his weakened arm has made what used tobe an easy lift much more difficult than it should be. Still, there is so much adrenaline pumping through the veins of the fired up Champion that the blood loss isn’t a big factor at the moment. To the accompaniment of resounding cheers, Williams strenuously lifts Magnifico onto his broad shoulders! With a quick snap, Williams delivers a crushing Powerbomb so hard that the unlucky bastard in the cheapest of the cheap seats can feel the tremors! Leaning forward on his tippy toes, Williams holds the broken luchadore down for the pin. “One!” “Two!” ....................... Suddenly, Williams feels what appears to be human teeth sinking into the blood crusted wound on his shoulder and arm! It stings as if someone plunged a hot piece of iron into the wound, causing the Champion to jump backwards and abort the pin. Getting a clear view of Mags gnawing on Williams’ arm like a rabid dog, the fans react with repulsion and anger! Pete: How disgusting, Williams gave Mags a break and this is his reward. King: You can’t fault the guy for wanting to win the match. Thrashing about the mat, the nerve endings deep within Williams’ arm awake from the penetrating bite, inflicting a great deal of torment upon him. Spiting out the blood he unintentionally drew from the wound, Mags staggers to his feet only to awkwardly collapse on his bottom, a side effect of the brutal Powerbomb. Putting his pain aside, Williams stomps after the seemingly helpless Magnifico only to be taking down by a double leg pick up. Snarling like a blood thirsty animal, Mags once again digs teeth into the wound, setting Williams’ arm ablaze with pain. Pete: This is pathetic! King: I bet Williams wishes he still had that flag right now. Soapdish tries to intervene but Williams has already solved the problem himself by angrily shoving Mags’ off his chest. Rolling to his feet, Williams tenses the muscles in his bloodied arm, making it into a solid rock of muscle. The pain is intense but Williams can tolerate it if it means putting Mags out of his misery for good. Still woozy, Mags uses the ropes of a nearby corner to drag himself upright. Channeling his rage into his massive arm, Williams charges for the Axe Bomber! But Magnifico ducks! Unable to stop the destructive power he’s unleashed, Williams swings his arm into the unforgiven steel of the ring post! The lariat that would have decapitated Magnifico without question nearly dislodges the ring from it’s location! In too much pain to even scream, Williams slumps in the corner. Mags breathes a sigh of relief when to his horror, Williams comes bolting out of the corner at him, mangled arm at all...... But the fast thinking Luchadore takes Williams over his shoulder with a crisp arm drag! Much to the dismay of the crowd, Mags drops to the canvas, scissoring the captured arm in a familiar hold the fans know to fear! Pete: The Cross Armbreaker! King: Teeth are nice but nothing beats out some good o fashioned brains. Pete: Williams conquered this demon from his past earlier in the summer against Mak Francis but tonight I just don’t know, his arm has been absolutely ravaged and it’s doubtful it can withstand much more. As can be expected, Mags doesn’t hold back, his intentions are the same as they were earlier, he’s not looking for a little pain he wants to do some un-repairable damage. Pulling back as far as he can, Mags struggles to hyper extend the strong hunk of flesh and bone in his clutches. The wound on Danny’s shoulder stretches with the pressure, opening it up even further spilling out what looks to be gallons upon gallons of fresh dark blood. Williams screams, unable to see the damage himself he imagines Magnifico snapping his arm in two, a mess of gore, broken bones and tendons spewing everywhere. Than like some sort of Mexican Beowulf, Mags triumphantly prances about the ring, carrying the arm around and making bad puns like “Sure I needed a helping hand to win the title.” Realizing that this isn’t likely to happen, Williams thoughts shift to the more realistic. Thoughts of failure, the sorrowful look of his fans as the announcement of his submission is made. How could he live with himself if he gave up the title for a forth time? Not after so much hard work, not after so much sacrifice, to give up now would be to go back into retirement for good. By the time Soapdish can pop the question, Williams is already screaming... “Noooooooooooooooooo!” Moved by Danny’s defiance, the fans spring back to life with cheers and whistles! With the encouraging shouts of his fans ringing in his ears, Williams kicks and sways, stretching his free hand towards the ropes. His finger tips the grace salvation when Mags releases his arm and drags him back a couple of feet. The luchadore cruelly reapplies the hold while screaming,”Tap! Tap! Tap!” This is a huge blow to not only Williams but the fans, who are in complete turmoil The tendons in Williams’ arm begin to stretch to the breaking point for real. Psychologically broken, Williams begins to think that submitting won’t be such a bad idea, he can still have a career if he gives up now, people will be disappointed but they’ll understand, his arm had been run through a meat grinder for crying out loud. Mags is just willing to waltz into dark places Williams would rather not venture, if he has to follow him into those depths to keep the title than maybe it’s for the best if he loses it. Giving in to pain and disillusion, Williams stretches his hand out, not to reach the ropes but for the tap. King: It looks like this is gonna be the year of Magnifico! The arm started off as means of defense but now it’s turned into a path to victory. But before Williams can make the commitment, he hears a familiar sound. Faint at first but it builds and builds, gradually surrounding him. “DAN-E! DAN-E! DAN-E!” How could he have forgotten about the fans, the people Magnifico thinks are worthless. But now that he can hear their hope and desperation in their voices, Williams realizes he’s not just wrestling for himself. It’s much easier to quit when you think your actions only effect you but when there are others that depend on you, things become much more complicated. If this was an empty arena, he would have quit right than and there but it’s not, it’s stack full of people who have come to see him defend the richest prize in the sport with his last breath. Grinding his teeth to hold back screams, Williams digs his nails into the canvas and pulls, dragging himself and his captor back to the ropes! This time, Williams doesn’t come up short, as motivated as he his, the Champion could drag Magnifico across the entire state if had to. Pete: He made the ropes! It’s not over yet, King! Refusing to admit defeat, Magnifico keeps the hold applied but the tired and annoyed official tells him he isn’t even gonna count anymore. Not wanting to get d.q.ed when he can taste victory as sure as he can taste Danny’s blood on his lips, Magnifico angrily releases the hold with a snort. Keeping his hands locked around the wide wrist of Williams, Mags jerks from the ropes and walks him to the center of the ring. From there, he twists the arm around and snaps it over his shoulder with a grisly Armbreaker! Letting out a short cry of pain, Williams drops to his knees in agony but he doesn’t stay down. Refusing to yield to Magnifico any longer, Williams heroically rises in defiance, curling his arm as if he’s still struggling to land the same Axe Bomber that was thwarted minutes ago. Determined to bring Danny back down, Mags snatches back the busted limb, wrenching it with another Armbreaker! Hearing Williams’ cry out once more, Mags spins around expecting to find the Champion cowering in pain! WHAAAM! Going head over heels, Mags corkscrews in the air before crash landing on the canvas! Pete: Axebombaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! The excitement of seeing the fabled strike finally connect sends the fans leaping out of their chairs and turning cartwheels! Mags is out like a light but Williams can’t make the cover. The pain is searing, worse than anything Danny’s ever felt before. He starts to think it was a bad idea to land the Lariat until he spots Mags lying lifelessly on his back, a reminder that his sacrifice was not in vain. Frantic, the fans motion for Williams to go for the cover but he’s simply too weak to worry about it right now. The blood loss hasn’t just took a toll on his arm but his whole body, draining him of his overall strength, physically he has nothing left. Pete: Of all the muscles in Williams’ body, his heart is most likely the biggest Though his arm was mangled and bloodied, he still put everything he had into that lariat. Shell shocked, Mags sits up with a somber look on his tired old face. If he remembered what happened he would probably be losing his mind, to learn that all his arm offense had been in vain would no doubt be a psychological blow to great to come back from. King: But look who’s up first. Williams didn’t do nothing but more damage to his arm. However the fans start chanting again and sure enough Williams hears their pleas. Raising his head off the mat, Williams turns to find Magnifico crawling his way up the ropes, one rung at a time. When he tries to reach his feet, Williams finds that his arm has gone numb. It’s good that he can’t feel pain but how can he control something he can’t feel? Grabbing the limp pile of flesh with his good arm, Williams shakes and pounds his dead arm into the canvas, struggling to wake it up before Mags can come to his senses. Not having any fans to drive him, Mags takes his own sweet time in reaching his feet, giving Danny some long much needed seconds to recover. Now able to wiggle his fingers, Williams flexes and bends his arm until it can do it on it’s own. Ripping off his elbow pad, Williams dramatically winds up his arm, letting the relieved fans know he’s ready. Pete: It doesn’t matter how much damage is done to that arm, King, Williams will keep charging until he has nothing but a stump. Now on his feet, Mags turns from the ropes and with clumsily coordination stumbles into the center of the ring when Williams comes rocketing forward.... but a superkick catches Williams’ right in the joint of his arm, stopping the Champion dead in his tracks! But it’s only temporary as Williams sucks up the pain and charges once more... when a desperation dropkick bashes his outstretched arm! Grabbing his blood gushing arm, Williams blows back into the ropes but he’s far from done. Refusing to be stopped, Williams prepares for another charge. Knowing that Williams is on his way, Magnifico swiftly returns to his feet with a kip up, just in time to see the Champion bulleting off the ropes at him! ........ Another Dropkick saves Mags from decapitation! Breathing hard and exhausted, Mags hustles to his feet the old fashioned way, but he only makes it as far as his knees when.... WHAAAAM! a diving Danny Williams nails him in the face with the second Axe Bomber of the night! An explosion of cheers erupts as Williams finally breaks through Magnifico’s defenses! Still on his knees, Mags’ torso gruesomely bends backwards at an unnatural angle before snapping forward like a mousetrap, driving his face into the canvas! “Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh!” groans the fans with half smiles. Sure it’s brutal but there’s no denying that Mags had it coming. Danny’s arm goes numb again but he got what he wanted out of it. With one arm, Williams rolls Mags broken carcass over and weakly crawls on top of him. The suspense is unbearable for the fans who fear that Williams may have took too much time or that Mags could get his boot on the nearby ropes. “One!” “Two!” ................. “THREE!” Soapdish calls for the bell and all hell breaks loose in the stands! Ding! Ding! Ding! Rolling off Magnifico, Williams rests on his back, staring up at the glowing arena lights above him, basking in the cheers of the fans. His arm is a mess but it’s a sacrifice worth making, he got his message across loud and clear, he’s the Champion and he’s here to stay this time. The arm is unbreakable. You couldn’t write a better happy ending for the fans in the audience, this has truly been a special night they won’t forget. Pete: What a magical career defining performance from Danny Williams, the true irresistible force. With the crowd on his side, he overcame a horrific arm injury to run over an aggressive Magnifico, who may want to reconsider his viewpoints after tonight. King: Just remember, Williams wouldn’t have to over come crap if he went for the ribs at the start and stayed with it. Pete: Maybe so but where would the glory be in that? King: The glory of saving yourself a monster ass kicking. Pete: Fans we would like to thank you for joining us on this historical night, for without you we are nothing. King: Speak for yourself round boy. Soapdish hands the belt to Williams, who gratefully accepts it. This hunk of tin cost him a lot of blood tonight but it wasn’t just for some cheap most likely fool’s gold that he gave so much for. Even though he doesn’t have that much remaining strength, Williams gives the fans what they want to see. Standing up on his own, Williams painfully raises the belt with his bad arm in a symbolic gesture of total victory. He barely has the strength to keep the belt up but he holds it up long enough for some photo opportunities. The fans are equally grateful, they understand how much Williams gave for them tonight and they thank him for his memorable performance with roof raising applause. The cameras fade but not on the World Champion but the epic crowd that were just as responsible for making the event so special.