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Coffin Surfer

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Everything posted by Coffin Surfer

  1. Coffin Surfer

    No Country for Old Men

  2. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    "Compubox numbers are bullshit." Agreed. See the second Holyfield/Lewis fight where most of Lewis' jabs were deflected by Holyfield's open glove and counted anyway. Never the most accurate way to guage a fight. "I will say Mayweather gained something in my eyes when he tried to put Hatton over after the fight and Merchant kept trying to deflect PBF's praise of Hatton into calling him out for not fighting Cotto, and I lost some respect for Hatton with all his "but he kept fouling me"." Yeah, Hatton said if he lost he wouldn't make any excuses after the fight.... Hatton also claims he only got caught with the knockout punch because of a slip, yeah after throwing an ugly ass haymaker.
  3. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    "Who cares what ESPN or HBO scored the fight. They hate Floyd and love Hatton, it was apparent of that during the build up to the fight. Look at the CompuBox records for fuck sakes. Hatton punches for the most part were getting blocked by Floyd's glove. I understand if a n00b that hasn't watched boxing before thinks that Hatton was actually landing, but he wasn't. Floyd's punches were clean and better. Almost everytime he hit Hatton, his head would snap back." The impression I got from watching the fight last night was that Hatton had some early success in smothering Floyd and pushing the action, and I'm sure you would agree, Floyd really turned things up during the 6th and turned it into his fight rather you feel he was already winning and controlling the fight or not. And I don't care if Hatton got out pointed in every round, I thought he fought well and did what he could against an ATG as you cut and quoted out of context just to be a dick and look for an argument I'd assume. BTW,the usually unbiased Boxing News 24 Hours seems to confirm both our viewpoints of the fight. Your "WWE wrestling" remark also leads me to believe your a bit biased yourself, both Hatton and Mayweather are dirty inside fighters and both delivered tonight. As far as the head snap back thing, this is because Hatton got caught at his worst while charging in. Floyd was getting caught while he was on the ropes or fading back.
  4. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    "2/3 of the judges scored it the same as I did. Hatton barely landed any punches at all, the only thing he did was try to muscle Floyd against the ropes. You don't score points by doing that. Floyd was landing the cleaner, and better punches the whole fight. The only round I gave to Hatton was the 5th, I believe." Neither guy was really landing that much clean, Hatton was smothering Floyd, and Floyd was not letting him get off that much on the inside. I remember thinking this was Hatton's fight, he was very busy and he was landing a bit more than I think your giving him credit for, it wasn't until the round of the point reduction...that Floyd starting turning this around as I recall(6 was it?). I'm not sure Floyd lost a round after that. Checking ESPN's round by round, they seem to have it the same way.
  5. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    He only won one round, on my scorecards. Harold Lederman is a crackhead. You know, I didn't score rounds last night and I didn't see Lederman's card as I watched some sort of European broadcast online. Sometimes Lederman's card is a joke, sometimes I find myself scoring the same thing. Eh.... I didn't see a near shutout like your impling and several rounds looked like they could go either way, an ugly fight like most anticipated. I thought Hatton was controlling the early rounds but yeah, I got the impression Floyd was in control and winning the fight before the knockout. Like I said above, Hatton faded.
  6. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    "Not you necessarily, but all the Brits that came out of the woodwork to pick Hatton despite never seeing him fight, solely on the basis that they share the same birthplace." Well, I'm an Amercian without any British Isle ancestory. From what I gather from the boxing forums I frequent and people I know, plenty of Americans were rooting for Hatton and picked him with their "hearts." I think most anybody who's followed boxing to some degree knew the easy money was on Floyd and that he was the clear cut favorite, but there's nothing wrong with anybody picking the upset in this instance. Last time I went against Hatton, he pulled off the big upset on Tszyu whom was not only a favorite of mine but the guy that all logic pointed to. Don't be so hasty when it comes to generalizations. And there is nothing wrong with people rooting for a coutryman and wanting to believe he can win. Hatton did very well last night and gave Floyd some problems in the early going; he just couldn't keep it up and lost to a guy that will most likely be viewed as an ATG.
  7. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    If your directing this towards me and my "feeling," I'm not sure what your problem is. Anyways, Floyd did a great job shutting down Hatton's inside fight. Hatton looked to be controlling early but faded as fatigue set in which I didn't expect to happen.
  8. Coffin Surfer

    No Country for Old Men

    Wow, never noticed you were from you Louisville. We prefer Baxter Ave., not only is it walking distance from our house it is a nice little theater with good crowds. Yeah, Stonybrook sucks and their goofy lounge makeover doesn't help; we go there when we get gift cards but otherwise try to avoid it. Never been to Tinseltown as it seems to be too far for everyone. Though it may be nostaglia, I actually miss Showcase on Bardstown. Anyway, great movie. The tension of the Llewellyn/Anton scenes was incredible, and Jones was as about as world weary as you can get.
  9. Coffin Surfer

    John Carpenter deserves a thread

    I've always liked Prince of Darkness. Not a great or even good movie by any means but a really interesting creepy concept with a few very fun performances(especally from the Chinese dudes from "Big Trouble"). The final few scenes are surprisingly some of the most menacing images Caprenter ever shot, I still get the creeps from the last scene and the relevation of the shared dream. BTW, Russell says he's game, where the fuck is Big Trouble in Little China 2!?
  10. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    As I've said before, I have a feeling Hatton is going to hammer out a close decision. I like the momentum he has coming into the fight and he looks to be really motivated and in great shape. The Castillo knockout is the best thing that could happen to him coming into a fight like this. Floyd is well..Floyd but his wierd bitching and seemingly indifferent attitude during the 24/7 at least has left me with a bad feeling.
  11. Coffin Surfer

    The Mist

    Wow, this movie sucked pretty hard in my book. I always thought the King story was decent for all its short comings, if not just for the Lovecraft invades suburbia concept, the atompshere, and the bleak hope of the ending. I knew the story but I thought I'd least see some cool monsters but the effects and designs were pretty bland and the changed ending was just bullshit irony. As in the story, the characters were never strong but the performances were weak and sometimes very campy(even the reliable William Salder phoned this one in). Bland direction as well, never really felt as dreadful or supsenseful as it should have; the pacing was just off.
  12. Coffin Surfer

    This week in the NBA

    Finally, got to catch a full game this year and it was one fucking monster of a performance from Kirilenko, who not only had a Triple Double but flirted with double figures in steals and blocks. Crazy numbers I haven't seen since the Dream.
  13. Coffin Surfer

    Lets remember the genius of Freddie Mercury

    Well, everyone has their opinion. As I said before I'm not even the biggest fan of the song or even Queen in general, but I'm certainly not going to deny the creativity and uniqueness in some of their music. But I was really just pointing out that Freddie was much more than the voice and face of the band as seemingly implied by many of the posts in this thread. Before bashing the man, at least know who your bashing.
  14. Coffin Surfer

    Lets remember the genius of Freddie Mercury

    "I personally found the lyrics and structure to be pretty simplistic. People call it genius because they assume Mercury was using the lyrics as a metaphor for something, but since they don't know what it was, its genius." Just to clear this up. Mercury did more than the structure and lyrics, he wrote everything from the drums to the guitar solo by most accounts with everything being pieced together by Freddie in the studio. Anyway, I'm not sure how many people actually love the song because of some hidden depth they attach to it. There is alway stupid speculation about lyrics but I'm not sure that's why the song is such an immortal hit. I thought people just liked it cause it was fun and different. News to me. Wasn't sure a song had to be overly complex and deep to be genius either.
  15. Coffin Surfer

    Lets remember the genius of Freddie Mercury

    "Didn't he just write the lyrics? not so much with the composing? Maybe I am wrong...*shrugs*" He wrote and arranged many of the songs on the piano. The word play of the lyrics are also pretty damn genius on their own.
  16. Coffin Surfer

    Lets remember the genius of Freddie Mercury

    The man wrote and composed "Bohemian Rhapsody!" I'm personally indifferent to the song after years of overkill but if that song isn't genius I don't know what the fuck is. "Killer Queen" is another really great inventive pop song he composed that really wasn't like anything else before or sense. He was indeed a gifted vocalist and an even better performer, but his song writing is incredibly overlooked. Genius? Why not. Queen's resume was never the most consistent but there is still plenty of great varied stuff. The Highlander soundtrack rules btw.
  17. Coffin Surfer


    I like how the "blind" scene just drags and drags with endless slow motion shots of him making confused pained faces and screaming. Great stuff if your making comedy. I also like how the Biker dude gets beats down, what a dumbass.
  18. Coffin Surfer


    Really great episode with the suspense really steamrolling now. While I think Doakes' number is up this season one way or the other, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up supporting Dexter once he finds out what he really is in a surprise twist. Remember, Doakes hasn't had a problem killing criminals that escape the law himself earlier in the series.
  19. Coffin Surfer


    Disappointing. The animation was pretty bland and often lacked detail, the performances seemed to be good but the character's facial expressions were surprisingly wooden. Outside of the Lovecraft treatment of Grendel's mom, the monsters were all pretty dull and predictable looking. I like what Gaiman tried to do with Beowulf being a big bullshiter and questioning the hero myth, but the theme just didn't seem to come together. I also wasn't feeling the new "Excalibur" esque explantation for Grendel or the Dragon's origin, weak.
  20. Coffin Surfer

    Best Album of 1975

    A couple great freak out live albums from 75: Area-Are(A)zione Miles Davis-Agherta
  21. Coffin Surfer

    Boxing Thread

    Really excellent fight with both guys going all out for 12 rounds while still fighting smart and technical. Calzaghe fought great as the aggressor with a surprising amount of body work. His infamous fragile hands were looking good as he connected with some of the hardest shots he's thrown in a while; he even rocked Kessler with a combo in the 8th. Kessler also came out looking great as he fought a tough smart fight, apparently hurting Joe with some uppercuts and body shots a few times before being overwhelmed. I hope Kessler can rebound becaue he could probably take anybody else at Supermiddle.
  22. Coffin Surfer

    Best Song of 2007

    "On A Friday"-Blaqk Audio One of the better edgy pop anthems I've heard in some time. Prime Prince doesn't have anything to worry about but damn impressive none the less.
  23. Coffin Surfer


    ""BOO-YAH" and "I'M GONNA TAP DAT ASS" during the chase scene is strong female dialogue? Most of the women I talk to have never even heard of Vanishing Point, so that's just QT jacking off on the screen shooting women's feet and hearing them talk about his favorite obscure films." Uh, two of the women were car nuts and stunt drivers. Of course they heard about Vanishing Point. Now if all four were proclaiming their love for the movie, something would be off. But none of the women you talked to ever head of the movie so.....so fucking what?
  24. Coffin Surfer

    Jena school case

    Well attempted murder was insane and would have been impossible to prove. Second Degree Battery sounds about right, so the system appears to be working for now. Hopefully, they will get an appropriate punishment and are not turned into saints as this Bell character apparently even has a record, which is what I believe Jingus was trying to get at. Obviously, you can't bum rush and stomp somebody who or may not have said something offensive and go scott free. White or black, they really don't fuck around with high schol violence anymore. I mean I have a 12 year old cousin that got sentenced to community service for getting his ass kicked in a fight he didn't provoke, since evidently your suppose to curl up into a ball when someone is pounding you.
  25. Coffin Surfer

    Freaks & Geeks

    Kim and Daniel dramatically fighting and trashing Lindsay's house in front of her and her family. The Disco guy bragging about the Stones going disco with "Miss You" The death of Millies' dog, oddly the same dog that a high Lindsay believed was dreaming existance earlier in the season. Daniel using the same phony "I never had a chance" speech to Rosso that he gave to Lindsay earlier in the episode. The disturbing Bionic Woman bit in the Halloween episode. "Why are you always laughing?" "I watch movies in my head sometimes." Pretty much everthing with Martin Starr was gold.