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Coffin Surfer

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Posts posted by Coffin Surfer

  1. The exact quote:


    "When Justin Meldal-Johnsen [of Ima Robot, a long-time Tori collaborator] first played it for me, I thought about this giant vagina raining all over the Taliban, and I thought it that was pretty hardcore. This was before the Twins went down in New York in September of that year, and there were dreams of bloody vaginas all over the place. I really like Slayer. They sent me a T-shirt: ‘God Hates Us All’"


    I wouldn't say she missed the point of the song, she was just saying that was the image that came to her. It is actually one of the album's better moments, not as loud as Slayer's but equally menacing and effective.

  2. "Hopkins has enjoyed one of the better "late careers" in boxing history, and beating him now is certainly nothing to sneeze at (it's arguable if it means more than Jones beating him "pre-prime," so to speak), but I wouldn't dare say that the Hopkins of today is better than he was 6 years ago. This can be said of many of Calzaghe's biggest name opponents: Calzaghe rarely beat them at the peak of their fighting ability. That really does count for a lot when considering someone's career."


    I don't think Hopkins is better than he was 6 years ago but it would be tough to argue he's declined significantly. While he may not be absolute peak fighting ability as Calzaghe in reality isn't either, Hopkins is still one of the elite p4p and a win over him is a great one. That's how I see it anyway.


    Eubank was a great win for Calzaghe as well all things considered. Calzaghe was an untested prospect who had never went the distance and Eubank still only had two very close loses to Collins under his belt. Eubank also made no excuses about making weight on short notice, Joe was the one who was actually having stamina issues in the fight as I recall.



    "The predictions in the lead-up to that fight was a great example of mass retardation within the North American boxing community at large. Most fans and pundits wanted desperately for Lacy to be something special, despite absolutely average showings in many of his fights leading up to the Calzaghe match. While Joe was a heavy underdog going in, there were a handful of non-British boxing fans who saw the upcoming fight as an exposing of Lacy."


    Not completely fair. Calzaghe was coming off a string of hand injuries that had many speculating at the time that he was done. Lacy was coming off an impressive knockout over Reid who gave Calzaghe a close fight, it isn't easy to see why he was the favorite.


    But yeah, I think Calzaghe needs a Dawson or someone in that vain to really complete his record. It would also be interesting to see what Kessler looks like the next time he steps up. Doubtful Joe is even hanging them up now anyway.

  3. I disagree that Calzaghe's career will go down as "great" at this point. While he'll rank on a lot of people's all-time lists, it'll be based more on his abilities than who he actually fought at beat. Even with a good late-career run, he's still more likely to be remembered for a decade of questionable matchmaking and reluctance to fight outside of the UK, with the only highly touted fighters he beat in or around their primes being Kessler & Lacy (and alot of people are of the opinion that Lacy may have never been as good as suspected in the first place).



    Depends on what one means by "prime." You could say Hopkins was young or physically prime when Roy Jones beat him yet he was hardly the crafty mastermind that would go on to take apart fighters like Glen Johnson, Trinidad, Tarver, or even Pavlik in his greatest wins. Hopkins is in his 40s and should be past his "prime" yet since he peaked years after the Jones loss he has been a top p4p mainstay with only true elite fighters in an inspired Taylor and Calzaghe edging out very close wins against him. The word "prime" can be misleading.



    It is also easy to look back now and say Lacy wasn't very good pointing to a few shaky moments before the Calzaghe fight that nobody thought much of at the time. Many of those same people were predicting an easy knockout win for him coming into the fight and he was a considerable favorite.



    At any rate, Haye was impressive against the always solid and tough Barrett. Don't think he'll beat Wlad or Vitali but he should be a good exciting challenge for them.



    Dimitrenko also got a good knockout over the European equivalent to Barrett in Krasniqi. Not as impressive though, he's quick with a strong busy left but he's easy to hit and seemingly one handed.


  4. Lacey has never recovered from the Calzaghe beating and Taylor looked pretty excellent in his last match with Pavlik despite losing and taking another pounding. Taylor should win a pretty comfortable decision. I heard Kessler may fight the winner and that should be interesting.

  5. To be fair it was a good win for Calzaghe though hardly his greatest challenge.


    Roy doesn't have the best record at Light Heavy but calling him complete shit isn't accurate either. Despite less than stellar competition in his recent comeback run most everyone commented on him looking sharper and more motivated than in his last lethargic outing against Tarver. He showed the quick hands, craftiness, and natural power that would make him a decent threat to Joe. Many including yourself even gave Roy a good shot at an upset but now that he lost badly he's suddenly shit and Joe deserves no credit. Come on, you can't have it both ways. Calzaghe did exactly what he needed to do and more than some thought he could do, completely dominate and mess up Jones in exciting fashion. Joe isn't that much younger than Roy with bad hands that have robbed him of what little power he had, fighting just his second fight at Light Heavy after spending most of his career at 168. Calzaghe could have a ton of excuses himself, the difference is that he doesn't need them.


    Dawson's effortless win over Tarver wasn't that much more impressive. Tarver is just as old as Jones and has looked even more sluggish and undewhelming since the Hopkins spanking. Why is Calzaghe's win meaningless but Dawson's very impressive? Hmmmm. I sense some bitterness.


    At any rate, I wander if Jones/Hopkins II will still take shape. I think the fight would be more competitive than some would think.


    Don't get me wrong, Calzaghe still has a great career if he walks away right now but I do think Dawson deserves a chance at him before he calls it quits. Dawson would be an interesting challenge but I think Calzaghe will have the kid's number. Hopefully if it does happen we won't be treated to a wave of Dawson is overrated shit comments from Calzaghe haters everywhere.

  6. I like Andrade and could care less for Bute but that wasn't even close to robbery. Bute went down with like 2-3 seconds left in the round and was up in like 7-8 if you speed count. Regardless if the ref took his time to bitch at Andrade or not there wouldn't have been any time left and Bute beat the count fairly.



  7. That's probably for the best. Their first fight was a horrific style clash and split decision or not Hopkins best chance at beating Joe came and went when he surprised him in the first round; that probably wouldn't happen again. He just doesn't have an answer for Joe's "slick defense" and handspeed. I don't think anyone wants to see Hopkins running from Joe's jabs, clinching, fouling, and crying for 11 rounds or more again.


    Sucks for Pavlik though, what a difference a year makes.

  8. "Don't let this fight destroy you," Hopkins told him. "You're a great middleweight champion. You have a great heart. Keep your head up. Keep fighting. You have to learn one thing. You have to learn that slickness that black fighters have and then you'll really be a great champion. I don't want you to quit. If I have to go to your house and take you to the gym, I will."


    And just when Hopkins pulls out an impressive victory that would win him my respect. Nevermind Pavlik has knocked out his fair share of black fighters. Race has nothing to do with slickness, decades of experience does though. The youthful green Hopkins that Roy Jones took apart wasn't a slick fighter either. Fucking outrageous thing to say. I wander what would happen if after Pavlik beat Taylor he said "don't quit you need to learn the mental toughness of white fighters."





    Pavlik did look very lethargic in the Taylor rematch, but he still had a high workrate. I'm not sure that was the little extra weight or just overconfidence which could have also been a factor here; he hasn't really looked hungry since the first Taylor match and I wander if that has effected his training. I was shocked to see he only got off 400 punches this time, looked winded, and was completely outworked by Hopkins. What sucks is he'll probably never get another chance against Hopkins or even Calzaghe now, hopefully he can at least rebound at middleweight.

  9. I really enjoyed the new Unearth. It isn't going to reinvent the genre or anything but the song writing is much more tight and focused than in the past, their energy is great as always, and I really enjoyed the added guitar flash. Very solid outing in my book.


    The only song of Oncoming Storm I cared for was Zombie Autopilot, though that is oddly enough still probably my favorite song from them.

  10. Maybe Calzaghe deserves more credit for moving up in weight to only get a SD win over such an ancient shot fighter? Can't tell you how many times I read that on other forums. Nevermind Hopkins has evolved wtih age into a tough, troubling defensive fighter Jersey Joe Walcott style.


    Haven't seen the fight yet but it sounds like Hopkins experience was just too much for the talented but crude Pavlik. I also read Pavlik was looking winded far too early, stupid move if he took the fight lightly as seems to have been implied by much of the hype and interviews.

  11. And an excellent performance from Vitali, becoming the first to stop Peter. Four years and piles of injuries and he still looked sharp and deceptively quick; really pouring it on strong in the last few rounds after he shook the rust off. Peter showed great durability for being in such bad shape, staying on his feet while taking a beating but he was simply outclassed. Hopefully, Vitali has a few more fights in him, its good to have him back.

  12. So is anyone else hoping that Samuel Peter smashes in Vitali's face in on Saturday?


    Fuck no. I hope Vitali harpoons Peter; who seems content with eating himself into oblivion. If Vitali isn't completely covered in rust and crippled by injuries, he should win pretty soundly. Why would anyone root for Peter, the guy is a disgrace. The ideal situation would see Vitali come back with a bang by beating Peter before going on to lose to someone class like Gomez, who can than fight Wlad for a unification. Gomez would actually stand a good chance against Wlad, while the increasingly overweight Peter would probably get blasted away by Wlad in a rematch.

  13. Who are these writers who scored the Margarito/Williams fight for Margarito? Williams was a clear winner in a close fight. Don't try to make it sound like a controversial desicion. Williams landed more and threw more, he pretty much landed at a 2:1 ratio.


    Here's a list:




    This is just a sample but there were differing opinions on the fight and the official cards were even close(1 round away from a draw on two cards), which was my main point. The fight was close, and certainly not a KO for Williams.

  14. I like Paul Williams, myself... Humble dude, doesn't hype himself up or play to the cameras, plus I love his style.


    The attributes which you admire in Williams so much is eactly the reason he is a veritable unknown to most boxing fans. He should be challenging other title-holders Clubber Lang style at every major fight. He KO'd the current champion and yet I haven't seen him come out and challenge him at all. The guy was at the Mosley match last night, that would've been a 2 for 1 publicity stunt for Williams.


    Koed the current champion? Margarito? Uh no. He won a close pehaps generous unamious decision that many writers also scored for Margarito or had a draw. Paul Williams also just suffered an emberassing loss that now avenged was still a bit of a set back.

  15. Yeah, Opeth's Akerfeldt can be hilarious on stage. Refuses to take himself too seriously, very laid back and self critical. When I caught him a few years back he was making fun of one of their videos for "Ghost Reveries." laughing about how it was full of metal cliches like bad lighting, snakes, and cockroaches for no real reason.



    Teaching the crowd to growl along.



    His trademark "Shut the Fuck Up" and some funny stuff about Lutes.



    "The Michael Jackson Song..."




    I don't know I like Opeth because the playing and arrangements are epic without being masturbatory, at least in comparision with most technical or progressive metal. Their stuff always seems more purposeful and tasteful, can't say I find them boring at all. Very interesting and involving music, Akerfeldt plays and sings with much more feeling than flash. Opeth is the opposite of Dream Theater. Wow. "Blackwater Park" and "Damnation" are just masterpieces in my book.

  16. -Dream Theater have some good songs "Pull Me Under" and "These Walls" come to mind but most of their stuff is just nausating. I did like what I heard from "Train of Thought" and I've been meaning to give that a chance.


    -I'm just know getting into King Crimson actually. Loved "In the Court of..." and especially "Red." From what I've heard so far I haven't came across anything that reached those heights yet.


    -Porcupine Tree's last few albums were hit and miss but the hits were very impressive. "Trains," "Arriving Somewhere..," and "Sentimental" have become favorites of mine.


    As as Can fan I've been meaning to check out Magma for some time.


    Anyone else in to Area? Incredible Italian Prog Act from the 70s.

  17. Well, this died real quick.







    Get Carter-1971 Michael Hodges



    A violent sociopathetic anti-hero viciously beating and killing people to one of the most badass soundtracks ever laid down. Easily one of the all time great noirs and possibly the greatest British movie ever made. Michael Caine brings the hate like no other.




    Wow, someone actually has this on youtube. Great scene.

  18. 630547771X.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg


    Tokyo Fist

    And now it's time for my "I seriously doubt anyone here has ever even heard of this movie" pick. Tokyo Fist comes from the sick mind of Shinya Tsukamoto (the guy who did Tetsuo: The Iron Man), and is often erroneously described as "a Japanese Fight Club" by people with utterly no imagination. It's the story of a middle-aged man who is in such despair that he quits his job in order to start training for a career in boxing. Meanwhile, an old classmate of his is trying to steal his girlfriend. And since it is a Tsukamoto film, pretty much everyone ends up sickeningly mutilating their own bodies in truly vile manners. The reason I pick this one is that, despite the fact that it's about boxing, it also perfectly captures the almost obsessively masochistic and self-destructive ambience which defines almost every pro wrestler I've ever known.


    Well, shit. I was actually going to pick that but there are other Shinya movies I find just as interesting to use on my list. Still, probably the best balance of Shinya's visual and narrative talents.


    Yeah, the "Japanese Fight Club" thing makes no sense since this movie actually pre-dates the Fight Club novel by a year and the movie by several more. I can see similarities but I often wander if Fight Club is really an "American Tokyo Fist" though it made a wonderful film in its own right.

  19. Bale isn't ignored and is still the definitive live action Bruce Wayne/Batman. It's just that compared to Begins which was 90% Batman, there is far more happening with other characters in TDK. Batman and Harvey Dent get equal screen time and the movie is all the stronger for it as their story arcs are closely linked. Gordon has a considerably expanded role, and the Joker, while onscreen less then Batman is absolutly mesmerising. TDK is a true ensemble piece.


    Part of the reason why Batman get a lack of attention in reviews also has to do with the way Bale plays him. His Bruce Wayne (who has equal screen time with the Batman persona) really comes across as a joyless damaged man that is a mere embodiment for his overwhelming drive for justice. He plays it cocky when putting on the Playboy persona, and you see his intelligence when conversing with Fox and Alfred, but there is always a hint of sadness underneath. It's not as flashy as the work done by Ledger or Eckhardt, but at the same time it shouldn't be as it would detract from the film.


    I agree with this. Well put.


  20. Well I stated my love for The Long Halloween a few days ago, so it looks like I'll love this movie. I thought the Killing Joke was good, though I don't like that the book seems to make the Joker a somewhat sympathetic character with the flashbacks, although he is still an extreme psychopath in that book. It kind of worries me that you said Bale doesn't have enough to do. Does this mean Batman is ignored in his own movie again? Thats the thing I hated about the previous series.


    There is nothing sympathetic about this Joker and as stated in interviews he remains enigmatic, but his motivations and "plan" should ring a bell with those familiar with "The Killing Joke." Batman isn't ignored, but Bale the actor doesn't have enough to do; at least not as much as the first film.

    Harvey Dent is the the main arc of the film

  21. violence1.jpg



    History of Violence (2005)-Cronenberg


    Easily the most overall satisifying Cronenberg effort with his mutation and repression themes translating well into subtle modern noir. Intruging performances, brutal violence, and one of the better mainstream sex scenes; not bad for a desert island movie.


