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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    Blasts from the Past

    Fuck yeah they are. They're not Candy Cigarettes and they don't have the little red dot on the end anymore, but they're still tasty. And, for the record, if one does smoke them, it tastes like a burnt marshmallow.
  2. The Metal Maniac

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    One would think that WWE stockholders would want to know whether or not the guy who runs the sodding company was dead.
  3. The Metal Maniac

    Michael Moore's Sicko

    Yeah, I was gonna say, unless he mentioned waiting long enough that the gash in your head (which will require 4 stitches) actually stops bleeding before a single doctor even looks at you, then he's full of shit. Granted, I think I'd rather wait a while in line than not being able to afford surgery or whatever, but our system is certainly not perfect.
  4. The Metal Maniac

    I am starting a TSM Wiki

    No he didn't. He pretended he died, then pretended to be his own wife, signing on to the board to tell people the guy had died. Saddest thing ever. Like, in a "Jesus Christ get a life that's fucking pathetic" sad sorta way.
  5. The Metal Maniac

    Feta Cheese Pizza?

    Do you mean like, JUST feta cheese? I've had pizzas that had feta as a topping (like, mozza cheese, then chunks of feta) and I really can't imagine a whole pizza with just that cheese. I dunno, something about it struck me as the kind of thing that's good in small doses, but once you get beyond that...blech.
  6. The Metal Maniac


    I don't think that's out of the question, even if people besides him and Kate returned. It's possible, that even if 30 of them got off the island, 10 stayed behind, and Jack feels guilty about them, Personally, I think he was more distraught about just not being on the island anymore, because he realized he never should've left.
  7. The Metal Maniac

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Okay, seriously, how many times has Kidman injured himself or anyone else with the SSP?
  8. The Metal Maniac

    Could an alligator

    And you've only got two hands and two feet, so even if you jumped in the air and did some crazy Matrix move that also included a headbutt, you'd only be able to hit 5 kids at once, and there'd still be 45 more charging you, punching you in the balls. I dunno that they'd hold you down, but I doubt they'd attack black ninja style. Nobody actually attacks like that. They'd swarm. Furthermore, I dunno that a gator could climb stairs, but I still wouldn't trust a flight of steps to keep me safe.
  9. The Metal Maniac

    Bring back forums.thesmartmarks.com

    Dude, just look at the main page of the forums. 17,122 threads. 667871 replies. Nothing else on the board even comes close. NHB has like, barely a third of that. Hell, if you add up the entire pop culture folder, you only get about seven hundred something thousand replies, and that's comparing the entire pop culture section to *just* the WWE folder, not counting the other wrestling ones.
  10. The Metal Maniac


    Um, why? Didn't Locke admit as the hatch was blowing the fuck up that he had made a mistake? Why would he believe him this time if he was wrong last time? Also, the finale spoilers that were posted a little while back - were they right, or what?
  11. The Metal Maniac


    Okay, wait, I understand Locke not shooting Jack, because they've shown us a number of times that Locke is not a killer. He doesn't have the heart for it. So, um, where'd he get the heart to plug Naomi right in the back with that knife? And where'd it go when he NEEDED it? I just thought it was kinda silly for Locke to show back up like that, only to slink away in defeat seconds later. Also, I can easily see them not making some weird time-shift on the show. I think it's been well-established, through Desmond, that the future is not set in stone. It can be changed. What we saw in the flash-forward could possibly only be a potential outcome, if they do indeed get rescued.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    Pictures I Like

    I'm so glad I'm not the only person who thought the Ender thing was funny.
  13. The Metal Maniac


    The Looking Glass is the underwater station. Sayid said so, and he had the maps labelled "Looking Glass". Here's a thought; what are the chances one of those girls in that hatch was Annie? Juliette said that Ben told her the station was flooded, but it's possible Ben just lied to everyone, and has Annie basically hiding down there, without any other men, so her chances of getting pregnant are nil. That's why he's so gung-ho to solver the fertilization issue - he wants to be able to fix that problem so he can bring Annie back up and have kids.
  14. The Metal Maniac

    Pictures I Like

  15. The Metal Maniac


    Really? I hadn't heard.
  16. The Metal Maniac

    Suggest some Graphic novels and Trade Paperbacks

    I believe it's called either "Emerald Dawn" or "Emerald Twilight". Never read it, though. Emerald Dawn is Hals orgin story, and is fantastic. So Im pretty sure it would be Emerald Twlight. Just to be picky, it's Emerald Twilight - New Dawn. At least, that's what the copy I have says on the cover.
  17. The Metal Maniac


    Hurley saw that bird too, and he even thought it said his name; that might even show that it is Jacob trying to communicate with the Losties.
  18. The Metal Maniac

    Shows Worthy of Cancellation

    Plus it means the annoying ads for that show don't run constantly when you're watching your shows.
  19. Because alcoholics are perfectly normal, right?
  20. The Metal Maniac


    I can't see Rousseau wanting to blow up Jacob. Why would she care? She wants her daughter back. I think she's going to create some big-ass explosion, mostly as a diversion, so she can get Alex.
  21. The Metal Maniac


    I think he still is. The Island is his destiny, man. He can't die with all that stuff left unfigured. *crosses fingers*
  22. The Metal Maniac


    K, Locke can't be dead, because none of the other Losties care about finding out anything about the island; they just wanna get rescued. Locke is necessary, I think, because someone has to be finding this stuff out, or we never will. I figure that Ben is actually a dick, and doesn't do exactly what Jacob wants. This is why Jacob said "help me". Jacob wants Locke to be able to hear him, so that he can tell Locke what Ben is up to. I also thought that Jacob is possibly the former actual leader (like, he was there, everyone saw/heard him, he gave direct orders) of the Others. He somehow managed to become so in touch with the Island, that he sorta became one with it, or at least in such deep commune with it that he cannot be seen or heard by people that are not sensitive enough to the Island. This would also explain how Ben managed to become the leader of the Others; somehow, he's the only one who can see/hear Jacob. Cuz I mean, it seemed weird to me that one of the Dharma people took over the hostiles, you know? Anyway, I also thought that this could explain some of the weird things (Jack's dad, Ben's mom) that people see; maybe Jacob is trying to make himself heard, and the people who see these things are more likely to be able to see him. Locke, obviously, is so in touch with the island that's he would probably be able to se/hear Jacob eventually. Ben doesn't want this to happen, because then Jacob will tell everyone, through Locke, what a dick Ben is, and then Ben would be fucked. And then I thought, perchance if Jacob really is just incredibly in touch with the Island, then he's able to make the Island manifest it's powers in certain ways - like healing/not healing people. He healed Locke up, and left Ben injured, to show that something was wrong with Ben, and that he wanted to try and talk to Locke. Ben couldn't walk when Locke wasn't there, then Locke shows up and now he's feeling much better. And, assuming all of that, that means that Jacob can just get the Island to use it's healing powers on full to get Locke the fuck outta that ditch and back to the Other's camp. But that was all just stuff I thought up while stoned, while desperately trying to convince myself that Locke can't be dead. I really, really hope he's not.
  23. The Metal Maniac

    Movies you like...

    The hell is that doing on there? It made $380 million dollars, and is pretty much universally regarded as the best of the new trilogy. Unless you actually happen to be the single biggest Star Wars nerd on the planet. In which case, that's kinda sad.
  24. The Metal Maniac

    Movies you like...

    "Who would win in a fight, Lemmy or God? Trick question! Lemmy IS God!"
  25. The Metal Maniac


    I think so. I think the island has some sort of sentience; not to say that the island can conceive of itself in terms of "I Am", but I think it somehow does manipulate events. I think this is why Locke is out of his wheelchair, and Ben is in his. The island, for whatever reason, likes Locke, and doesn't like Ben. I already mentioned this, but I just had to point out that, in hindsight, I don't think it was very subtle. They locked them up in a place that Kate could escape from, and though they MUST have known she was capable of escaping, they left them there. Surround them with strangers and convince them they're as good as dead, and what did you think was gonna happen?