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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    Im The Juggernaut Bitch!

    I think it's funny because honestly, if I had the power of the Juggernaut, that's how I'd talk.
  2. The Metal Maniac

    I "can't" swim

    "I'm not afraid of guns, I'm just afraid of being shot."
  3. The Metal Maniac

    I "can't" swim

    At least try to keep your gimmick consistent, kid.
  4. The Metal Maniac

    I "can't" swim

    Thank Christ, I'm not the only person on earth who can't ride a bike. Everyone should be able to swim though; it could save your life. Unless you never, ever go near water. And how in the fuck do you live in Nova Scotia and become afraid of water?
  5. The Metal Maniac


    Odd thought: Maybe they're on Atlantis. Like, maybe that's where the foot came from. The island used to be Atlantis, but somehow it got totally fucked-up, lost for thousands of years behind the magnetic sheilding thing, and it was gone until Dharma somehow found it, and decided to use it as a base for some bizarre experiments. Oh, like that's any crazier then some of the other theories.
  6. The Metal Maniac

    The board is broken.

    I've already seen two threads where there's multiple people doing multiple posts. It looks like everything got gummed up, then the floodgates broke at once.
  7. The Metal Maniac

    Flipping Out On A Rude Customer At Work

    Man, you should've told him to fuck off as soon as he interrupted a transaction because he was in such a damned hurry. If you're in such a hurry to get your friggin' phone, show up before the doors open and be the first in line. Problem solved. Also, I work at Wal-Mart. I *hate* when people are like "I was over at Zellers and this was cheaper." I always wanna ask them "Then why the fuck didn't you buy it there, dummy?" but I'd get fired awful quick.
  8. The Metal Maniac

    WON News and Notes 5/22

    Considering that HBK has beaten up all 5 members by HIMSELF, I think this is a really easy question to answer.
  9. The Metal Maniac

    WON News and Notes 5/22

    Considering that HBK has beaten up all 5 members by HIMSELF, I think this is a really easy question to answer.
  10. The Metal Maniac

    Lame Franchises You'd Re-Invent...

    I don't consider them lame myself, but since a lot of people do, I'd re-do the Matrix sequels. Well, mostly just the last movie. I'd leave the first one basically as it is, tinker a few things in the second to make it flow better, and totally change up the third, to give it an ending that people can understand and doesn't suck. Oh, and I'd have Agent Smith's clones all gang-pile on Neo, and a gigantic battle scene between them all that destroys whatever city it is they're in. And I'd have Agent Smith infect a machine somehow (like, one of the sentinels) just to show that he is a threat to the machines, because he really didn't seem like it in the final film.
  11. The Metal Maniac

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    I don't believe there were explosives, and I think it's kinda silly that so many people (not here) seem to think that there HAD to be. It just seems to me that when the planes hit, they would've taken out the supports for that floor, which meant that all the weight of the buildings (prolly a lot) above that would've been bearing down on supports which are no longer strong enough. Once they gave, the weight of all those floors was now bearing down on the floor below that, which wasn't able to support it either, and you've got a domino effect of them coming straight down. That's how I figure it happened, anyway.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    The Da Vinci Code

    I find it really funny that critics are complaining that the movie is like a textbook, with big spots where people are just sitting around talking and there's no action. Hello, did you *read* the book?
  13. The Metal Maniac

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    Dur. That's exactly why. I mean, I believe it was Muslim terrorists, but if it WAS the US government, bombing the Pentagon is a good way for them to avoid suspicion. I mean, as you said, it makes "no sense".
  14. The Metal Maniac


    Consider this too: Hengry Gale told Locke he came to take *him*, because Locke is a good person. So either Gale was lying to fuck with Locke, or that list isn't good people.
  15. The Metal Maniac


    I was thinking about "The Room" that Ms. Clue threatened Walt with. Think it's possible it's a sensory deprivation chamber? Might sound kinda silly, but if they block out all his senses, then it might cause him to focus more with his mind and perhaps develop his psychic powers better. Also, it's quite possible that in such a chamber, he'd be floating in water. Perhaps that's why he was soaked when Shannon saw him?
  16. The Metal Maniac

    Favorite Aqua Teen Episode

    Lovecraft is correct. "And then you'll roam the earth forever, trying to kill yourself, but you won't be able to! Won't that suck, little man?" "Actually, that sounds kinda cool." "Yeah, it does.'' "I'm doing it." "NO YOU'RE NOT!" Runner-up is the one where Meatwad is able to see into the future. "Come on Shake, we all know what you do in there. You do it 5 to 6 times a day!" "What is it that you think I do?" "I think you read BUTT Fiesta." "NO DON'T! But HOW did you know? YOU have the gift! I'm surrounded by shiners! Come on!" "Where are we going?" "To EXPLOIT him!"
  17. The Metal Maniac


    I missed the preview and am having a tough time finding it online. Anyone care to help me out? And Micheal did ask for a boat, but I think he meant the Other's boat, and not that boat, because that looked more like a small sailboat, and not the boat the Others were on when they took Walt. Besides, why would they send him the boat *before* he did what they wanted?
  18. The Metal Maniac


    I figure he means the fact they the don't really live in the jungle, or something. There was the fake beard, and some of them looking clean and tidy in the medical hatch.
  19. The Metal Maniac


    No way. It's Desmond. He got lost when he tried to leave the island, or something.
  20. The Metal Maniac

    Songs stuck in your head today

    Me and my buddy's spent literally about 6 hours listening to "The Final Countdown" OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. We were on a lot of drugs. That's gonna be stuck in my head for eternity.
  21. The Metal Maniac

    Star Wars Trilogy coming to DVD (again)

    The thing that bugs me about it is the way Han's head moves when Greedo shoots - it's like his head just suddenly is two inches to the left. The effect just looks weird.
  22. The Metal Maniac

    First screening review of X3...

    Yeah, cuz it's not like they stole that from Iceman in the first place.
  23. The Metal Maniac


    I think that there's some relevance in the fact that in the video, the Pearl workers are told it doesn't matter what the button-pressers *think* they're doing. It has to matter. I think that that isn't the end of the weirdness, as there's probably a deeper experiment going on. Furthermore, either that hatch has a different entrance, or no one has been in it for a long time.
  24. The Metal Maniac

    WON News and Notes, 8/5

    So they want to catch all the ex-ECW fans, but they don't want to risk not getting all the WWE fans too? WTF?
  25. The Metal Maniac

    Star Wars Trilogy coming to DVD (again)

    I have that set, and the SE Fullscreen set. And for the record, that set does say on it that it is the LAST video release of Star Wars in it's original form. So it's not like Lucas didn't warn ya.