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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    Good Job TSM

  2. The Metal Maniac

    Do you think the world will end in 2012?

    Please, someone tell me I wasn't the only person who noticed this.
  3. The Metal Maniac

    Mega Man X Collection

    Chezch: That was always the order I used for Mega Man X, mostly because that way you get the boots, helmet, and X-Buster upgrades without having to re-do anything, and you're only three bosses in. I did really like that beating some levels before other levels made the levels different, too. Like, beating Chill Penguin froze over Flame Mammoth's level, which made it a lot easier. Is it like that a lot in the other X games? I only ever played like, X, X3 and X4 to any extent, and I didn't really notice anything like that (though I could have just been beating the levels in the wrong order). And not only is the weapon almost totally useless, but it's the one you *need* to beat the final boss. I think Mega Man 2 was the worst for that though. Fuck Bubble Lead.
  4. The Metal Maniac

    PS2 Game Reccomendations

    If you like action style RPG's like Baldur's Gate, get X-Men Legends. The first one you can prolly get on the cheap, but the second one is a bit better. Worth a rental, at least. Excellent games.
  5. The Metal Maniac

    A clip from Eli Roth's Hostil....

    I still like the story on Beyond the Mat where Afa talks about having an eye popped out, so he put it back in, then realized that he had hair behind his eye, and he had to pull the hair out.
  6. The Metal Maniac


    Crazy yardtards.
  7. The Metal Maniac

    A clip from Eli Roth's Hostil....

    From that clip, it looked like he was trying to help that girl, but I've gotta ask.... HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HELP???
  8. The Metal Maniac

    does anyone really celebrate kawanza?

    You know, the principles of Kwanza are based more on Marxism then they are anything African, and some of the symbols used (like corn) aren't even native to Africa.
  9. The Metal Maniac

    Better wrestler poll #2

    I voted for Bobby Roode, because I'm a Bobby Roode mark. He used to wrestle in one of the local indies, so I got to see him live every two weeks or so; the guy is *good*, that's all there is to it. Sonjay Dutt does the Sprinkler, which is about the worst thing I've ever seen, hence, I didn't vote for him.
  10. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    I dunno if any of you guys read the JLA/Avengers crossover from a little while back, but in that, Batman and Captain America squared off; they fought for only a minute or two, mostly just throwing feints and going through a feeling-out process, before Batman conceded that Captain America could win the fight, but it'd take him a hell of a long time. Batman then suggested that the two of them let the rest of the teams duke it out, while they agreed to a truce so they could find out some real answers. I think that one would be tough to call, since Cap is probably a bit stronger and faster then Batman, plus his combat training was probably just as good, if not better. Assuming Batman couldn't come up with some sneaky scheme to win (which he probably could) I'd give it to Captain America.
  11. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    I don't see why Juggernaut being able to bend the laws of physics means that physics should be totally out of the equation. Juggernaut cannot be stopped, and Superman can; thus, if the two of them collided, Superman would be stopped, not Juggernaut. Unless they meshed into each other somehow, in which case they'd both be dead. I dunno about Onslaught; I never really got into that.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    Justice beat me to the list, but I just wanted to ask how it is possible that you noticed and read one part of a sentence, (and I know you did, because you quoted and responded to it) yet somehow totally ignored the second part, where I said in plain english that Juggernaut doesn't need oxygen to live, then created a list of ways to "defeat" Juggernaut, where SUFFOCATION is *two* of them. I'll re-state it, just for the record: Juggernaut is kept alive by the magic of Cyttorak (did I spell that right?) and does not need food, water, or oxygen to survive. And I already said that heat vision through the eyes probably wouldn't work, due to his force field, his physical resistance to virtually everything, (including temperatures as hot as the sun)and the fact that he could cover his eyes with his hand (which, if I'm not mistaken, would probably have some of his armour of in; you know, his magic armour that's nigh-indestructible?) And as far as flying at him goes (I know that I *said* that Justice had already covered this, but I'm just filling in some holes) I would think that, assuming Juggernaut was moving towards Supes at the time (and why wouldn't he be? He knows he's unstoppable), that would be more likely to knock the air out of Superman, since Juggernaut cannot be stopped, only slowed. And laws of physics tell us that when two things hit, and one of them cannot be stopped, it's the other one that gets fucked. Anyway, I think it's clear by now that a concensus canot be reached and we're just going around in circles? Agree to disagree? Dr. Doom/Superman: I think this one would depend on the circumstances surrounding the fight. Like, if the two of them just bumped into each other on the street and said "Let's fight!" I'd give it to Superman; but, if Dr. Doom had time to observe Superman and prepare a good game plan, he might be able to get the drop on him with a bit of magic and turn the tide. Hell, he's apparantly capable of switching minds with another person; imagine the shit he'd cause if he traded minds with Superman. Unless he got a fair bit of luck in there though, I'd say Superman.
  13. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    Then why does Superman ever get punched in comic books? Couldn't he just dodge everything, all the time? I still think that, in combat, Superman would realize that dodging around was not slowing Juggernaut's pace, so he'd step up and take a few on the chin, hoping to actually win in the process. Except beating him to death. The exact same way that Superman died last time. Name them, because honestly, I can't think of that many. Maybe I'm just not very imaginative, but so far I've got "Throw him into the sun/space" which I'll grant, even though some sources say that wouldn't really kill him. But gimme some more and I'll leave it alone. I could be wrong, but this statement seems (to me, anyway) like you're implying that Juggs can't; if that is the case, I just wanted to point out that Jugernaut doesn't *need* to hold his breath. He needs neither food, water, nor oxygen to survive. Anyway, Spider-Man/Batman: I think that, assuming Batman has time to prepare, he could probably whip up something that would counter-act Spidey's webing; some sort of chemical that dissolved it instantly, or something. I think in that case, Spidey would be in big trouble, but it might still be kinda iffy on account of his Spider-Sense and super-strength; Bats might have to use some sort of gas to get a win, cuz I dunno if he could effectively fight someone who's that much stronger and faster then he is, and can also tell when Batman is going to throw a punch, even if he's not looking at him.
  14. The Metal Maniac

    Mega Man X Collection

    Any idea what the release date is? For a while it was supposed to out in like, november/december, but now I've heard not until like, January. There mere thought of this game gives me a hard-on.
  15. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    But since Doomsday always comes back better then before, is it not possible that, in repeated encounters with Juggernaut, he would eventually gain at least a bit of psionic powers in order to defeat him? Cuz that's his thing, isn't it? Coming back so that the last thing that killed him can't anymore? I mean, it is kinda reaching, but it sorta makes sense.
  16. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    Through Juggernaut's magical forcefield? Even though, as theintensifier pointed out, Juggernaut is capable of withstanding the heat of the sun? Is Superman's heat vision really capable of generating temperatures far greater then the heat of the sun? Cuz it'd have to be. And he'd also have to hope that Juggs didn't close/cover his eyes. That doesn't stop Juggernaut, it just keeps Superman from getting killed. My theory on the fight is this: Juggernaut only has one weakness, and Superman *cannot* exploit it, because Superman doesn't have psionic powers. It has, however, been demonstrated that Superman can be killed by someone strong enough - and I think Juggs is strong enough. I mean, sure, Supes would probably just give Martian Manhunter a call and Juggs would be totally fucked, but in a one-on-one, I don't think Superman could beat him.
  17. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    Technically, yes, but since he'd be flying through space forever (no friction + the inability to be stopped) I'd count that as being defeated.
  18. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    So he'd create a wall of ice in front of Juggs? He'd just walk through it. Maybe a big fire? He'd walk through that too. Pick up a water tower, make a big hole, toss Juggs in the hole and fill it with water? He'd climb out. Put a mountain in front of him? He'd go through it (sure it'd take a while, but he'd do it). Like, honestly, I'm not trying to be a dick, but what could Superman do that could effectively defeat Juggernaut?
  19. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    Superman may have more powers then just that, but which ones will work against Juggernaut? I don't think heat vision would do much, since Juggs is virtually immune to everything. Cold breath likewise wouldn't work, because the Juggernaut cannot be stopped (I would assume that, if Superman is vunerable to magic spells, a magic spell cast on the Juggernaut would be able to override Superman's powers) so he couldn't freeze him in place or blow him away. Superman's flight and super-speed would give him something of a tactical advantage, but I still don't think that would be enough to enable him to beat Juggernaut, since Supes really can't exploit his only weakness. I mean, I suppose Superman could pick up Juggernaut and throw him into outer space, but that's the only way I can see him taking the fight. And that would be pretty damned hard in and of itself. But like I said, I'm biased and think Juggernaut is one of the best villians ever. EDIT: So I'm looking on Wikipedia (possibly not the best source, but I don't know a good DC bios page) and it says, essentially, that magic that enhances normally occuring stuff is no worse to Superman then anything else. This explains how he was able to defeat Thor in combat. However, it also says that magic that is totally against the physical laws of nature affects Superman the same way it would affect anyone else. I think what that means is that Superman's invunerability would enable him to battle Juggernaut without getting destroyed, but he wouldn't be able to stop the Juggernaut (cuz being unstoppable is against the laws of physics, methinks).
  20. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    Here's one: Superman vs Juggernaut. I may be biased, but I think Juggernaut would win. I mean, what's Superman gonna do? Sure, he probably could rip his helmet off, but he doesn't have telepathic powers, so there's not much he could do beyond that. Plus, Juggernaut's powers are magical in nature, and isn't Superman vunerable to magic? Or at least, isn't magic capable of injuring Superman?
  21. The Metal Maniac

    Best twist/swerve in a video game?

    Aeris's death was stupid, mostly because your characters died all the friggin' time, but they could easily be brought back to life. Not her, though.
  22. The Metal Maniac

    The verses thread

    Threads like this should never start off with Batman. Batman *always* wins. And it's versus.
  23. The Metal Maniac

    Worst Song of 2005

    "My Humps" My God, I heard this song on the radio the other day...I was almost in shock at how friggin' BAD it was. I also still can't figure out why they used the word "hump". I'm sorry, hump is an ugly word; it conjures up images of hunchbacks and shit. Why would they use it in that context?
  24. The Metal Maniac

    People Who Tailgate

    Am I the only person who really doesn't think that being tailgated is a big deal? I mean, unless it's night and they're in the exact right spot to get their lights reflecting off my mirrors, I never even notice the people driving behind me. I mean, they're *behind* me, so why should it matter? I've *never* understood the logic of "Hey, there's someone behind me, I better slow down so that neither of us gets where we're going"
  25. The Metal Maniac

    Why X division is not good at all...

    I would watch UWF-i religously if I could. It was on here like, once; my dad didn't know it was fake until someone told him.