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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    X-Men Legends II

    Well, you COULD just wait a little while and buy Legends II for $60....or you could buy Legends for $20, play that for a while, and then wait until Legends II drops in price before picking it up. That's what I did....er...am doing. It's a hellaciously fun game, if that helps.
  2. The Metal Maniac

    The Complete Calvin & Hobbes

    It makes me really sad that incredibly clever, hilariously funny comic strips last less then 15 years, while fucking Dagwood has been in newspapers for 75 years, and hasn't been funny for at least 70 of them.
  3. The Metal Maniac

    Marvel = WWE

    They HAVE to put Thor in the Avengers movie. He's THOR, for fuck's sake!
  4. The Metal Maniac

    X-Men Legends II

    Silly question: What are Apocalypse's natural mutant abilities? It has always been my understanding that his shape-shifting abilities came from the alien technology he aquired like, thousands of years ago. Or is that his natural ability, and I'm just stupid?
  5. The Metal Maniac

    Marvel = WWE

    I can see some of the movies doing well (Avengers, Captain America) but the fucking Power Pack?
  6. The Metal Maniac

    Movies Ranked by...

    Why is Devil's Rejects above #1, then at #25?
  7. The Metal Maniac

    I shit my boxers tonight

    You know, I was once so drunk that I passed out in a bathtub, and woke up the next day covered in vomit. Somehow, it suddenly seems a lot less stupid.
  8. The Metal Maniac

    Sharon Osbourne sabotages Iron Maiden, cuts power

    Something occured to me, much later then it should have. Isn't this the same Ozzy Osbourne who pissed on the Alamo?
  9. The Metal Maniac

    Shark vs. Octopus

    I knew the second I saw Dutch's name that the goddamned FISH~! was gonna show up.
  10. The Metal Maniac

    Shark vs. Octopus

    They thought the Coelacanth had been extinct for more like 80 million years, and had existed since about 360 million years ago. We're talking dinosaur fish right here. Hell, they were around before megalodons. I think there is a shitload of crazy animals to be found in the ocean though. Think of how much space there is in there - could be lots of enormous creatures.
  11. The Metal Maniac

    Sharon Osbourne sabotages Iron Maiden, cuts power

    I still find it amazing that a British guy is complaining that another British guy came to America and waved around the British flag.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    Tinkerbell and the Annoying People

    But, it's okay to carry them around as if they were THIS season's trendy handbag?
  13. The Metal Maniac

    X-Men Legends II

    You're quite right Lushus. I know because I just played that level like, yesterday; I bought the game a short while ago, on account of the fact that the price dropped. I can't wait for the new one.
  14. The Metal Maniac

    Simpsons Season 6 DVD Set Complaint

    The box wouldn't bother me half as much if it was at least capable of standing on it's end. I mean, come on; they couldn't have put the hinge on the top, or the side? The inside bit is great; they should've just made that the whole box. I dunno if I'll bother with getting a new one though; I don't even use the Season 5 box, on account of these plastic nubs which scratch the DVDs all to hell.
  15. The Metal Maniac

    IMPORTANT: Concerning TSM's Future

    So....will there be any changes to the board rules, or is it gonna be same ol', same ol'?
  16. The Metal Maniac

    Pink is NOT the new black

    The whole idea is ridiculous. I remember when my gay cousin first told me about this; I can't understand how it works. Did some fashion designer just suddenly decide one day that pink was now manlier then black? And why the fuck did he think people would listen to him? And why DID people listen to him?
  17. The Metal Maniac

    What Does Lobster taste like?

    Around here, years ago when lobsters were more plentiful, they were regarded as a poor man's food; that is, you ate lobster only because you couldn't afford to buy anything better. It amazes me that people pay so much money for what are essentially giant, shit-eating, sea ants.
  18. The Metal Maniac

    Why the fuck shouldn't zombies run?

    Because all he needs to do is find one stupid person and bite them. Then they're a zombie. Then, those two zombies just have to find two more stupid people, and now there's four zombies. 4 becomes 8, 8 becomes 64, etc. It's scary because they cannot be stopped. As long as they manage to...uh...."breed" fast enough, there's not really much you can do to stop them. And now there's a million zombies who want to eat your brains. That's the scary part. http://zombies.insertdisc.com/mattcordes/ Check that link out; it demonstrates exactly what I'm talking about, though you may have to start it a few times to get it going; sometimes the first zombie or two gets killed and the whole thing stops, but once they get past a certain number...whooo boy.
  19. The Metal Maniac


    For the record, I'm neither snobby nor overly sensitive (well, maybe in the teeth), I don't like indie music (assuming that's what you meant) and I wasn't bullied at school; their music just grates on my ears.
  20. The Metal Maniac

    Why the fuck shouldn't zombies run?

    But that's WHY zombies are scary. I mean, you're walking along, and you see a group of zombies - no big deal, walk the other way. But then you see zombies over there too. Then you realize that there's zombies EVERYWHERE, and they are going to get you eventually, because you will get tired, and they won't. They'll just grow in numbers until you're searching for warm flesh too.
  21. The Metal Maniac


    I hate Oasis. I've always hated Oasis. I'm not quite sure that I can explain why, except to say that their music just sounds bad to me.
  22. The Metal Maniac

    Smurfs TV Question

    The other day, while digging through the junk in my attic, I came across a button that had Smurfette walking away in a huff, that said "No means no!" I found it quite comical.
  23. The Metal Maniac

    US seeks extradition of Canadian pot dealer

    The person I was using for an example? Probably life. This pot dealer guy? Uh, nothing, I think. I believe it is legal in Canada to sell such seeds, for the purpose of growing hemp. I mean, Canada doesn't seem like they're trying to bust him so he's probably safe. But I don't have the best knowledge of laws, so I could be off.
  24. The Metal Maniac

    Time Travel Possible

    I'm not sure I fully understand the concept of spacetime, but doesn't it have something to do with the fact that, no matter how fast you go, it would still take you some time to travel across vast distances? Like, basically the two are related, because you can't travel one without the other. I think it has something to do with that and the theory of relativity (which I don't really understand either) but I could be wrong.
  25. The Metal Maniac

    US seeks extradition of Canadian pot dealer

    Yeah, they could put out a warrant, but, let's say that they were seeking the death penalty. In that case, Canada probably wouldn't send them back to the states, because Canada is against the death penalty. I think this is essentially the same thing. Sending this man back to the states is giving him a death sentence, because he'll be in jail for the rest of his life.