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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Not if Luke was smart enough to realize that Palpatine knows a hell of a lot more about the Force then he does, and that it would be wise to learn from him BEFORE killing him.
  2. The Metal Maniac

    Do you think the world will end in 2012?

    He was probably talking about St. Malachy.
  3. The Metal Maniac

    Trailer Park Boys, Season 5

    I know this wasn't from this season, but I'm posting it anyways, because it's easily one of the best bits in the history of the show. "Ricky, what you've just done, pissing on my car, you have crossed the LINE with me. I've had guys throw beer bottles at me, they've broken the windows out of my car, they've cursed and sworn at me, but the bottom line is, I ain't shook. Because when the RIGHT HOOK comes out, crazy motherFUCKERS get knocked out! Don't you be looking me in the eyes, boy! I ain't got no candy for you. No candy...but the RIGHT HOOK." May be paraphrased.
  4. The Metal Maniac

    Trailer Park Boys, Season 5

    The season thus far is good, but MAN, is it ever depressing. Like, I'd like to see at least ONE episode that ends with the boys not being more fucked over then when it started, you know? Lahey has been awesome this season though. He's amazingly good at acting drunk, to the point that you knew he was drunk before it was actually revealed in the show. I think my favourite part though, was when the cops dumped Ray out of his chair, and Ricky is like "Dad, don't your legs hurt?" and Ray kinda slowly realizes what's going on, and then starts to scream in pain. Also, I'd like to point out that not only am I from Nova Scotia, where the series originated, but I also once met Ricky, Bubbles and Julian and proceeded to make a drunken ass of myself. But that's the way she goes.
  5. The Metal Maniac

    WWF Winged Eagle or WCW Big Gold

    The big gold belt always struck me as too huge, ugly and gaudy, even for a wrestling title. Eagle all the way.
  6. The Metal Maniac

    Do you think the world will end in 2012?

    That, and there are many people who don't think that Popes should have really really long reigns, and since they just had one of those, why not cut this other guy a break and give him a few years? That's how it was explained to me, anyway.
  7. The Metal Maniac

    Whats the longest your have fasted for?

    I have no idea, but on two seperate occasions, I was actually so hungry that I threw up. Yeah, I didn't understand either.
  8. The Metal Maniac

    Do you think the world will end in 2012?

    On the Catholic end of the world: Depending on how you interpret Revelations, some people *will* be saved before the really bad End-Times stuff occurs. These people will be only the real, true Christians (IE, not the people who go to church once a month), and God will simply call them up to Heaven so as to spare them the horrors of the end of the world (which will be very very nasty). However, some people say that the Rapture (as it's called) won't happen until AFTER the end of the world is started, and some say it will be the first thing that happens, so I'm really not sure. The bottom line is though, if every good Christian you know suddenly dies for no real reason, get down on your knees and repent, asshole. The stuff called for in Revelations is just insane. Not only do you have the Anti-Christ, who will not only perform miracles but return from the dead, but you have insane amounts of carnage - I think something like 2/3rds of all Jews will be killed (they and Christians will be persecuted), as well as a similar percentage of the rest of the planet. Also, in what seems like a total slap-in-the-face, Revelations claims that when Jesus returns, every single Jew will suddenly realize that Jesus *is* the Messiah. What a prediction, eh? "When the world ends, you'll see how wrong you were!!" But again, Revelations can be interpreted in different ways, but the stuff I mentioned seems to be at least a general concencus. On the Mayans: The Mayans measured their calendar in terms of suns. When there was a solar eclipse, they considered that to be the death of one sun, and the birth of another. Their calendars correctly predicted a bunch of solar eclipses, and the next one they predicted is scheduled for 2012 - but, this sixth sun is apparantly the LAST sun. So there's *some* rationale for the 2012 thing, but I don't really buy it. I mean, a LOT of the Mayan culture was destroyed by the Spanish, so who knows what knowledge was lost? Maybe they thought there were supposed to be more suns, but all of their calenders indicating so were destroyed. Anyway, as it stands, I don't think the world will end in 2012. But it might.
  9. The Metal Maniac

    Anyone ever been on a Gameshow?

    Anyone ever see the video of that guy who got up on The Price is Right, and bet 420 on everything? The worst part was, he actually would have made it on to the stage, had someone not wagered 421.
  10. The Metal Maniac

    This is just sad

    The first thought that popped into my head when I read this was "Talim is only 15 you sick fuck!" Then I realized I *really* need a life.
  11. The Metal Maniac

    Woman on cell gets pulled over doesn't listen.

    I think there's a slight difference between one's husband/wife and a police officer, no?
  12. The Metal Maniac

    Undertaker (3-disc), HHH (3-disc), Ladder Matches

    Three discs of the Undertaker? That should be interesting, just to see what kind of matches they'll put on it. I think I'd like the ladder match DVD the most though, though the HHH DVD could be good depending on which matches they put on it (which is to say, if it has a lot of 2000-01 stuff, it could be good).
  13. The Metal Maniac

    What are you eating right now?

    Hot dogs in fried buns.
  14. The Metal Maniac

    Things in life that annoy you.

    Hey, "nice boobs" IS a compliment.
  15. The Metal Maniac

    Hardcore Discussion & General Chat

    I voted merge, because both folders are really just for random topics, only HD was intended as the one where you could call someone a douche. Only now, you can call someone a douche anywhere, so it's redundant.
  16. You answered your own question. Remember, this is the WWE we're talking about.
  17. The Metal Maniac

    Boston Bans 'Ultimate Fighting' Event

    It's absurd. Ultimate Fighting is safer then boxing, and these "dangerous" holds aren't really that dangerous when you consider that the guy in it can get out at any time simply by giving up.
  18. All I can say is this: Those RAW jobbers had better only be at the ECW show to be cannon fodder for 911. Come on, tell me it wouldn't be sweet if they ran in one one of the matches, beat down some ECW guys, and then 911's music hit.
  19. The Metal Maniac

    They're over...and we don't know why

    Because he was enormous, an amazing athelete for his size, a decent wrestler and he had a huge push.
  20. The Metal Maniac

    Little Punk

    Man, if parents would just beat their kids at HOME, then bus drivers wouldn't have to put up with this shit.
  21. The Metal Maniac

    Today is a good day.

    The real question: Is this a Japan-only release? Damn bastards.
  22. The Metal Maniac

    Things in life that annoy you.

    People who are in the way. And as if it wasn't bad enough that they're standing directly in the friggin' way, they also have to make sure to not hear you shout "EXCUSE ME" at them multiple times (even though everyone else in earshot is well aware that this asshole is standing right in the fucking way), and then, when they FINALLY turn around, and see ten shopping carts in a line pointed straight at them, and a pissed-off me at the end, they just give you this weird "Oh, I'm sorry, am I in your way even though it'd be painfully obvious to a blind person that I am indeed in your way and somehow, I'm still not fucking moving" look.
  23. The Metal Maniac

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I've only seen the re-done Greedo/Solo bit on the DVD's like, once. So someone correct me if I'm wrong, but...don't they make Han Solo's whole head move like, an inch to the left, as if he's dodging the shot? I seem to recall that, and thinking "wow, that looks hideous"", not because Greedo shot first, but because Han's head magically moved to the left or whatever even though his facial expression doesn't change in the slightest. It just looked really un-natural.
  24. The Metal Maniac


    Slapping your hand on the mat is a bit more refined then yelling "OH GOOD GOD YOU'RE KILLING ME, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I GIVE UP!!!" It's also a safer way to submit (though this doesn't often come up in the fed) as you're pretty much guaranteed to have at least one free hand at any given point in a fight. But, if someone is choking you out, then your ability to verbally submit may be a bit....lacking.
  25. The Metal Maniac


    Yeah, tap-outs in the fed seemed to come along right around the same time that Shamrock did. At least, that's what I recall.