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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Reeves would have NOTICED someone pulling the plug though. I think that's the key difference here.
  2. The Metal Maniac

    Why all the Orton hate?

    First off, I didn't claim that; it was on an episode of Confidential. It wasn't worded quite like that, but they did say that he just walked into the office one day and got a job. And no, I don't hate the Rock, though I did when he first came in and started getting way over-pushed. However, when he eventually grew into his role and became over, then I started to like the Rock. But yeah, I did used to hate him too. Why should we wait for a guy who's ALREADY in the main event to get better, when the WWE could easily hire about a hundred workers who are ALREADY good enough to be in the main event? Batista must be more charismatic then Orton. Why? Because ALL Batista ever did was hang out with HHH, and now he's the current golden boy. Why? Because they put him on TV, gave him a nice little push, he got over, so they pushed him more. Orton had to be pushed. And pushed and pushed and pushed, and put over "legends" just to get the response he does now, which is nothing compared to Batista these days. This, to me, is the biggest problem in wrestling today. The WWE hand-picks guys to be world champions before they event debut on TV, and then they FORCE fans to like them, come hell or high water. To me, that is a ridiculous way to conduct business, when they could just as easily put guys on TV with no expectations, and see who the FANS respond to better. The, they could use the FANS reactions to decide who gets the big push. It should have little/nothing to do with your look and/or name. WTF? You must be watching a different WWE then I am. The guys looks like a douche, has about 4 moves (two of which are chinlocks) and cuts half-decent promos. If that qualifies for top ten, then the fed is in much sadder shape then I thought. Unless, of course, as others have pointed out, it leads to nothing but a fan backlash on Orton. Orton has HAD his pushes, he's HAD his chance to get over. You can't put all your eggs in one basket - if he can't get over on what he's had, then why give him the streak? The streak, if done right, could put someone who's never had a strong push over HUGE and cement them in the main event. Why spend it on the guy who you've already pushed harder then hell, and still isn't that over? HHH is still over these days because he goes over EVERYONE ON THE FUCKING ROSTER ALL THE GODDAMNED TIME AND WINS EVERY SINGLE FEUD. Again, *I* could be over with treatment like that. Do you *really* think it'd be worth putting Orton over everyone, all the time, to keep him over? Because it may take that.
  3. The Metal Maniac

    Why all the Orton hate?

    Why the fuck did you even make the comparison in the first place if you knew it was totally off-base? Also, I really don't get how hitting a poor Diamond Cutter on guys who haven't been in the ring for years is "killing" their legends. That annoys me too. He's like "I'm a Legend Killer!" when most of his legend killing involves attacking people who aren't wrestlers anymore or aren't legends in the first place. It just makes him look like more of a pussy, methinks. So he'd be over if they put the World belt on him 9 more times? Christ Almighty, *I* would get over as a heel if they put the belt on me ten fucking times. Sometimes, it just ain't worth the effort.
  4. The Metal Maniac

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    What is he supposed to do, exactly? They may be married, but she's a vegtable. Again, is he supposed to have been sitting next to her hospital bed for the last however many years? Well, yeah, I would, but I'm not a doctor; I thought it was possible that she's been getting worse over time, as opposed to being that fucked, right away. But yeah, seven years without saying anything about it (assuming of course, that's she's been this fucked the whole time) does seem suspicious to me.
  5. The Metal Maniac

    Worst wrestling related conversationd you've heard

    I said the exact same thing to them. But of course, it HAS to be fake blood, because it's IMPOSSIBLE that they would ever do anything even remotely close to real, right? RIGHT? People will believe the dumbest things before they will believe that wrestlers actually do get hurt.
  6. The Metal Maniac

    Best wrestling outer wear

    Undertaker's outfit, back when he was wearing the gray/purple gloves. Not just because it looked neat, but because of the fact that he'd get in the ring and just stare a hole in his opponent while Paul Bearer took off the tie and the coat, then he'd slowly remove the hat, never taking his eyes off the guy. Good stuff.
  7. The Metal Maniac

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    So just because he found another woman instead of sitting by her bed for 8 years, he's not allowed to be of the opinion that she's never, ever going to get any better, and it would be better to let her die? And how long ago was the idea of letting her die brought up? Like, did they think it would have been a reasonable idea seven years ago? Or is it only recently that they realized the extent of the damage? Because if he wanted it done ages ago but never brought up the claim that she said she'd want to die until later on, then I'd be suspicious.
  8. The Metal Maniac

    If Luke knew who Anikan really was

    I was thinking about getting the Clone Wars DVD, but I wasn't sure what it meant by Volume 1. Now that I know, I think I will get it. I wanna know how the hell the Clone Wars wasn't a movie in it's own right though. I mean, they make a whole movie about finding some kid and doing some racing, then the war gets relegated to a cartoon? Bushwa. Oh yeah, I also wanted to ask if there's any explanation for the fact that the Emperor looks about a billion years older then Palpatine, yet they're the same person. I mean, from what I could tell, he even looks that old and ragged in the trailers.
  9. The Metal Maniac

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    How do you know that he doesn't want to give her dignity? Maybe he just really doesn't see the point in keeping a severely brain damaged woman with no hope of recovery alive. I mean, I know there's all these claims about money and his other wife or whatever, but why is it impossible that he just actually thinks she should die/heard her say it and mean it years ago?
  10. The Metal Maniac

    Why all the Orton hate?

    I hate Orton because I think he's everything wrong in wrestling. He walked into WWE offices, and said "Hello, I'm Bob Orton's son, I'm built pretty well, and chicks think I'm hot. Can I have a job?" so they gave him the fucking world title. He got pushed because of his name and the way he looks, not because of any skills whatsoever. As everyone else has said, his matches, while not really BAD, aren't good. At all. They're boring and bland. And yet, because of his name and look, he may very well end the streak, while wrestlers a thousand times more talented, who lack the look and the name, get NOTHING. That's why I hate Orton. That, and he just looks like a complete queef. That's the only way I can describe the guy.
  11. The Metal Maniac

    Orton's RAW promo

    I think the ideal way for the streak to end would be to have 'Taker vanish for a few months, then he makes a comeback in the rumble, and cleans house. Then he does exactly what you sez.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    If Luke knew who Anikan really was

    I don't think it quite counts as defending yourself if you went to go see the guy, then he told you to kill him. At least, I think Vader told Luke to kill him...I know Palpatine did...but in any event, I think the circumstances for the final bits with Luke and Vader were different then they would have been if they met on a battlefield or something.
  13. The Metal Maniac

    Summer Concert Plans

    Does it MATTER who else is playing? Anyway, since my town sucks, I'm going to no concerts. Wait, scratch that. Apparantly, Motorhead *IS* coming here, so I'm going to that.
  14. The Metal Maniac

    Sony fucks up again!

    How do they lose money, exactly? They'd have had to pay the exact same prices to ship it a week later. Now, the games are already shipped, and they don't have to worry about it. Why does it matter if they sit in a Wal-Mart warehouse instead of a Sony warehouse?
  15. The Metal Maniac

    Exclusive pics of Kotzenjunge

    What the hell kind of a point do you expect people to make in a thread that was started totally in jest in the first place?
  16. The Metal Maniac

    Worst wrestling related conversationd you've heard

    "That's not real blood. They put fake blood in a pocket of goose skin and attach it to their forhead."
  17. The Metal Maniac


    They're also more environmentally sound when it comes to producing paper. Unless techniques for producing paper have changed (which is quite possible), hemp paper production produces less pollution.
  18. The Metal Maniac

    Can Cena's gimmick keep him over?

    Weren't piledrivers banned back in like, '00 or '01, before Cena was even working for the company?
  19. The Metal Maniac

    If Luke knew who Anikan really was

    But doesn't Vader tell Luke that he can destroy the Emperor, as the Emperor used his Force powers to see into the future and forsaw the possibility of Luke killing him? I think I'd be more willing to believe that, to be honest. And if you ask me, Luke does destroy the Emperor, if indirectly. He made Vader turn back and kill him, so it was kind of Luke's doing...indirectly, of course.
  20. The Metal Maniac

    Wanna Join the Israeli Army?

    It's kinda similar to a computer RPG, what with turn-based combat, only you use dice to see how stuff plays out. Characters have stats that decide what you need to roll in order to hit, how much damage you can do, etc. My brother was a huge D&D nerd, so I picked up stuff from him.
  21. The Metal Maniac

    MMA Matches you like

    Agreed. This fight rules the fucking school.
  22. The Metal Maniac

    Your Favorite Albums

    I'll assume you mean Piece of Mind.
  23. The Metal Maniac


    I'll say Hurley, mostly because that would be the death that would most fuck with everyone else, I think.
  24. The Metal Maniac

    Matches that made wrestlers stars

    He wasn't really anything special in the WWF before that. He was just that guy who beat the Undertaker a few times - which I guess is special in it's own right, but that match was the one that really pushed him over the edge. I really didn't mean to make that pun. It just kinda happened.
  25. The Metal Maniac

    If Luke knew who Anikan really was

    I don't think he would have, assuming that he went to confront Vader anyway; Wasn't that the whole point of the crazy force tree in...Empire? I get my movies messed up sometimes. Anyway, it seems to me that Luke learned very well not to lash out in anger or hate. Hell, the Emperor wasn't his dad, Luke didn't kill him, not even when he had the chance; that is, of course, assuming that he would have been allowed to kill the Emperor, IE, Vader didn't stop him. But the Emperor had a bunch of clones and stuff, so I don't see why they wouldn't have let Luke kill him to make him turn. I think they should have made more of a big deal about the fact that Anakin was birthed by the Force itself, and so his children could potentially be insanely Force-powerful. I mean, they do talk about this somewhat (saying that Vader's children were a threat to him and whatnot), but it'd be neat to see one of the other Jedi explaining to Anakin that he should never father children because of the potential risks involved. And to go a little off-topic: Do the Jedis consider Palpatine to be a Jedi? I mean, I know he's a sith or whatever and they don't know that, but do they know he's trained in the ways of the Force? It's just that, in the trailer, he asks Anakin to be his personal representitive on the Jedi Council; why would he be on the council if he wasn't a Jedi?