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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    Hard Drugs..

    Hmmm....odd. I get the exact same feeling that it's like smoking pot, but I don't get relaxed as much. I find it gives me more energy and makes me wanna go do stuff, but at the same time, makes me feel like I just smoked more pot then I ever thought possible and got so high my own brain stopped making sense.
  2. The Metal Maniac

    40% of world lacks basic sanitation

    Reading that 40% of the world doesn't have clean water reminds me that I was once told the majority of the earth's population will never use a telephone. I can't back that up with numbers (but really, it makes sense, when you consider poor people in rich countries, and all the poor people in poor countries), but I'm going to use it to make this point anyway: Most of the planet sucks. One country, regardless of it's size or power, ain't gonna change that, nor should they have to.
  3. The Metal Maniac

    Nikolai Volkoff's Poor Gimmick

    Does anyone else remember DiBiase referring to him as "Nickel-And-Dime" Volkoff? Cuz I do. Am I insane?
  4. The Metal Maniac

    Could this Egyptian Olympian

    Yeah, they used it at what, the first UFC? I think it was...I recall Dan Severn grabbing the guy from behind, and the announcer, calm as day, says "He's probably going to try a sooplay (his pronounciation)". So Severn suplexes the guy, holds on, and stands back up. "He's probably going to try another." That poor bastard was dead.
  5. The Metal Maniac

    The Matrix Trilogy...

    I think I've heard that the three Matrix movies were really only there to tell the story of Neo and the end of the war. They could keep going with more movies (though I doubt they will) and comics and such, but it's just be about different people in the Matrix, I guess.
  6. The Metal Maniac

    The Matrix Trilogy...

    Because only Smith's mind got shipped into the body. Why WOULD the whole body morph, just because his mind was copied over by someone else? If I'm not mistaken, a code is imprinted onto Neo when he saw the Architect. Since Neo MUST return to the source, I think it was a way of ensuring that the machines could not stop or kill him - he must return to the source. Also, I think his sight is just carried over from his sight in the Matrix. He sees things in code in the Matrix, and if I'm not mistaken, only "sees" things in the real world that have code in them (other machines, the Smith inside that guy, etc) Apparantly it is not. Remember, they describe the original One in the first movie (though they did not refer to him as such) as being able to re-make the Matrix in any way he saw fit. Obviously, Neo is quite good at fucking with the code. Remember, it's just a computer simulation. Perhaps the Frenchman liked the Matrix the way it was, and did not want it to re-load. Or perhaps he simply did not know exactly what Neo was going to do with said Keymaker. Or maybe he just liked the feeling of power that came with having so many powerful programs under his thumb. I figure that anyone below the One, the Oracle and the Architect never really knows the whole deal with the Matrix having to re-load and all that jazz...Hell, Neo didn't know until he saw the Architect - they thought the war was simply going to end when he got there. So it doesn't surprise me that people who aren't them would not know what the fuck was going on. What that guy said sounds alright to me, but I've also heard it theorized that the machines needed to have a copy of Smith hooked right into their main computer there in order to be able to delete him - perhaps the connections made to everyone in the Matrix aren't capable of doing that.
  7. The Metal Maniac

    I have a question

    The question is: When did Palpatine become so well-trained in the Force that he could see into the future and shoot lightning and stuff? I'm reading his bio on Starwars.com, and it quite literally never mentions him training in the ways of the Force. It talks about him being a senator, then it mentions Vader being his "pupil", then it talks about him using the Force. Did he train before he was a Senator? I can't imagine it would be after he became the Emperor, because he seemed pretty damned powerful to have only been using it for a few years. Or is this one of those questions that will (hopefully) be answered by the next movie?
  8. The Metal Maniac

    Mr. Bob Backlund

    He did. And he held the record for the next 11 years.
  9. The Metal Maniac

    Mr. Bob Backlund

    So, as a joke, they made Bob Backlund look like a million dollars? I wish they pulled more jokes like that.
  10. The Metal Maniac

    Pot grower faces murder charges for firefighter

    So...because the guy is an idiot and fucked up trying to grow pot, that somehow makes him more responsible for the death of firefighters then someone who just fucked up by being stupid? That seems very silly to me.
  11. The Metal Maniac

    I have a question

    I don't think that'd be it. For one, it's Vader's idea to turn Luke, if I'm not mistaken, and for another, he doesn't seem to know he has kids - at the end of ROTJ when he's fighting Luke, and he's like "What's this? A sister..." as if he himself just found out.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    I have a question

    I could see it happening if they had a new and improved Neo to do it. And a giant army.
  13. The Metal Maniac

    I have a question

    Well damn. Now it makes more sense. Thanks for the quick help, guys.
  14. The Metal Maniac

    A simple question

    Flight in a fucking heartbeat. Screw being invisible, I wanna jump over tall buildings!
  15. The Metal Maniac


    I think he makes a really strong point about how the American Idol people are only popular because OMGTHEY'REONTV!!! and all that, although he is acting kinda dickish at the same time.
  16. The Metal Maniac

    New GBA Retro Games

    You say that as if there wasn't already a version of Punch-Out without Tyson... Go Mr. Dream!
  17. The Metal Maniac

    Sports that should be part of the Olympics

    So...it's only legal to punch the other guy in the head? Isn't that MORE dangerous?
  18. The Metal Maniac

    Sports that should be part of the Olympics

    I demand that they include some form of MMA. If you can get an Olympic medal for WALKING, you should be able to get one for being able to beat the piss out of everyone you see. Though, wasn't there some discussion about MMA being included a little while ago? I had heard they hit a snag on certain rules, like the fact that you can strike a downed opponent - I heard the Olympic Committee did NOT like that one. Can anyone confirm/deny this?
  19. The Metal Maniac

    I want to purchase The Smart Marks.

    Bullshit, they wouldn't. "Alberta? What the shit is that?" "A province with lots of oil." "INVADE~!"
  20. The Metal Maniac

    Best/Worst Announcers Of All Time

    I just want to point out that I really don't like Joey Styles. Acting like a little smartass is one thing, but acting like a little smartass and then being WRONG? That just pisses me right off. Mike Tenay is my favourite PBP guy.
  21. The Metal Maniac

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    That IS sarcasm, right? RIGHT? And this guy goes beyond talentless slug. He was ALREADY taken off TV once. Why even bother again?
  22. The Metal Maniac

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    No, there's a difference. Not allowing a TALENTED, CHARISMATIC wrestler to get over is holding him down. Not allowing someone who's not talented, and probably not very charismatic to get over is common friggin' sense. I mean, the guy was already taken off TV once because he sucked, and Paul Heymen has said he dreads the day the guy actually shows up on TV, because he STILL sucks.
  23. The Metal Maniac

    Dumb American

    Nah man. We got bacon.
  24. The Metal Maniac

    Tell of a time when someone said

    People will believe the dumbest things before they believe that anything in wrestling is even close to real. "No, that's not real blood....see, they get goose skin, and somehow magically make it stick to their head and be the exact same color as their skin, and they put fake blood under that and then poke it to bleed." Someone actually said this to a buddy of mine who was training to go pro at the time. I don't know how the other person walked away. Also, while discussing how strong Brock was in class one day (it was like, the day after he F5'ed Rikishi for the first time) this one girl offered a helpful explanation: "He was probably on some wires or something." Some people...
  25. The Metal Maniac

    The guy I buy pot from occasionally was arrested.

    I do. Hell, I still use "dope" on a regular basis.