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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    Books you can read over and over again....

    How the fuck did I forget that? I love that fucking book. "Cast me into a dungeon, burn me at the stake, crown me King of Kings; I can "pursue happiness" as long as my brain lives, but neither Gods nor saints, wise men nor subtle drugs, can ensure that I will catch it."
  2. The Metal Maniac

    Best rogues' galleries

    I used to have a Batman comic which, while I'm sure it was probably just a re-telling, told Two-Face's origin in very explicit detail, right down to Two-Face confronting his father with the same two-sided coin that his Dad always used to flip before he beat him, but scratching up one side of the coin with his gun so his Dad would have the chance he never got. What a great comic that was.
  3. The Metal Maniac


    You ever see that ad with those guys from FUBAR? "I dunno how people who don't smoke ever meet people man. It's like, you can just be standing around outside, and ask someone for a cigarette....BOOM! Instant buddy."
  4. The Metal Maniac

    Sperm donor ordered to pay child support

    Don't you think the best person to ensure the kid's financial future would be, I dunno, THE PERSON FUCKING RAISING THEM???? Especially when you consider that the person donating the sperm probably sold it because they NEEDED MONEY. This is beyond retarded. Does this guy even know these kids? Does he even see them? It doesn't seem like it, judging by the article. And it took her FIVE YEARS to ask for money to help with the kids? Like, Jesus....this is so stupid...
  5. The Metal Maniac


    If by "getting used to", you mean "the nicotene changes your brain chemistry and makes you need it", then yes. I don't like to smoke, but I will from time to time.
  6. The Metal Maniac

    Weekend Boxoffice Report. July 23-25

    Considering all the bad press, I'm impressed it made that much.
  7. The Metal Maniac

    Books you can read over and over again....

    I second Ender's Game. I don't even read the whole book; I just randomly pick chapters and read those every now and again. Love that fucking book.
  8. The Metal Maniac

    Sperm donor ordered to pay child support

    I'd be better off with a few extra thousand a month. But that doesn't mean anyone is gonna give it to me, now does it? I'd like to actually see this story though - there's gotta be something going on here that we're missing, since the link appears fucked.
  9. The Metal Maniac

    The Da Vinci Code

    Yeah, it's just a fictitious book...I think people get too antsy about it. I've read Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code, and I gotta say - DAMN are they similar in style. It's like, the same friggin' book only with a different conspiracy to deal with. That said, they're still good books. I perfer Angels and Demons myself, because there seems to be more action to it, and I found the Illuminati stuff much more interesting.
  10. The Metal Maniac

    Lyrics Sites... Are there *any* that don't have

    If you're looking for heavy metal, darklyrics.com. If not, I dunno.
  11. The Metal Maniac

    Desired Concert tours

    I'd kill someone in front of their own mother to see an Iron Maiden/Iced Earth show. Of course, I'd do that just to see Iron Maiden live, PERIOD, but that's another matter.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    FS sez: Then he sez (while talking about the same person, mind you): I'm at a loss for what to say here. YOU call him revered, then you say he's over-valuing himself? Oh, and leave Iced Earth out of this!
  13. The Metal Maniac

    Movie Characters

    Almost forgot: Percy Wetmore, the fucking DOUCHEBAG from Green Mile.
  14. The Metal Maniac

    Here you go FS... now playing:

    Is Barlow REALLY that much of a love him or hate him guy? I've never seen anyone on the forums say that they were OK with him - they either hate him, or love him. Odd. Anyway, I'd say that for people who're fans of death/black type metal, your best IE bet is Burnt Offerings, most especially "Dante's Inferno". Heavier then most of their stuff, and some pretty impressive growling near the end - well, for a power metal singer, anyway.
  15. The Metal Maniac

    Aqua Teen Volume II!!!!!!!!!!&

    I spent the majority of yesterday smoking joints and watching ATHF DVD's - my buddy got seasons 1 and 2, so we watched all of 2 and most of 1. I think my brain melted.
  16. The Metal Maniac

    What's the loudest band you've ever seen live.

  17. The Metal Maniac

    Movie Characters

    The guy who bones Pink's wife in The Wall.
  18. The Metal Maniac

    Wrestling history

    I might not put it on the tape, but I at least wouldn't have someone on the tape say that it never happened.
  19. The Metal Maniac

    Wrestling history

    The thing that bugs me about their historical revisionism is that they do it in places where it doesn't even NEED to be done. Anyone see the Rikishi bit on Confedential a while back? The one where they pretended that Too Cool never existed? Yeah.
  20. The Metal Maniac

    Megaman collection

    (even though it's helpful in the final boss) Aren't like, half the Mega Man games like that though? I know off the top of my head that 2 & 3 require you to use like, the worst weapon possible on Wiley, but are the others like that?
  21. The Metal Maniac

    Great Superman News

    Would it be impossible to do the Death of Superman if they followed the canon of the first movies or something? It's been a while since I saw any of them.
  22. The Metal Maniac

    Michael Moore calls Bush the "AntiChrist"

    If you're interested, there's a book called "Fourth Reich" by Robert Van Kampen, which is basically his interpretation of the end times, as predicted by the Bible. From what I can tell, it's pretty close to what's in the Bible, and yes, the Anti-Christ is a ressurected Hitler. Crand's post just made me think of that, so there you go.
  23. The Metal Maniac

    The Misfits

    If I'm not mistaken, the long story shortened is that Danzig was in the Misfits, wrote most (if not all) the music, then quit. Then Jerry Only decided to continue the band, so Danzig sued him. 13 years later, after a big legal mess, the Misfits came back - by which I mean Jerry Only and Doyle got some other guys to play with them and they called it the Misfits. Danzig made a strong point about it in some interview - he essentially said that he doesn't care what Only does, but he shouldn't be calling it The Misfits - call it the Jerry Only Band, call it anything else - but not the Misfits, because they're not.
  24. The Metal Maniac

    Futurama/Family Guy block

    Teletoon (the Canadian cartoon station) does show it every weeknight at like, midnight. Since this is right after Family Guy/Futurama, I have started to watch the show. Not bad.
  25. The Metal Maniac

    BTW, Should We Americans Be Worried?

    It's true...it's not the nation we hate...just that bastard.