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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    Biggest Bust in Canada...ever

    *Shrug* I dunno. I said that's how it is...not that I agree with it.
  2. The Metal Maniac

    Terminator vs Predator vs Terminator II

    I'll say Predator, but then, I've never seen T2.
  3. The Metal Maniac

    the biggest question...

    Because, if the person in question didn't know who Blind Guardian was, then that'd be useless.
  4. The Metal Maniac

    A quick question on capitals

    I had heard it had to do with the arrogance of being a heel. I mean, they make them write their name all in capital letters. That is kinda arrogant, if you think about it.
  5. The Metal Maniac

    the biggest question...

    See, here's proof of how useful the genre names are... I literally thought of the exact same band.
  6. The Metal Maniac

    Trailer Park Boys

    I've never heard of them being available in the states...though every episode is floating around Kazaa, so that''d probably be a good place to find out what you think of the show.
  7. The Metal Maniac

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    I think that alone is probably what causes the rift between metal/rock and rap more then anything else. People who listen to metal/rock music generally tend to listen for the music involved in it. The guitars, the riffs, all that jazz. With rap, it's the exact opposite. The music is secondary to the lyrics. So obviously, you're going to have two very different fanbases. That's how I see it, anyway.
  8. The Metal Maniac

    the biggest question...

    Eh...I'd tend to agree that there's probably a number of relatively useless labels floating around, but that doesn't mean that they're ALL useless.
  9. The Metal Maniac

    the biggest question...

    You'd be wrong, though. Listen to "Highway to Hell", then go listen to "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son". They're two different styles, emcompassed within one genre. Hell, depending on who you ask, it's not even one genre. Like I said before: For easier clarity. You can't say that Cannibal Corpse and Manowar are the same thing. But if you can tell me that one is death metal and one is power metal, then you're on to something. Those are definitions that people can USE to help them get a quicker grasp on exactly what kind of band is being talked about (assuming that they know the labels). Oh, and someone said.... http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...88&hl=finntroll
  10. The Metal Maniac

    Iced Earth "The Glorious Burden"

    I got the single-CD version today. One word: DRAMATIC. The last three tracks are EXTREMELY dramatic, with lots of orchestra. Another word: Cheesy. The whole "GO US!" feel to the CD may be a bit much for some people, especially the picture of a crying eagle in the liner notes. I understand what they're trying to accomplish, I just think that some would take it as being too cheesy. Overall, it's damned good, and Ripper does a capable job (even though I still would've perferred Barlow).
  11. The Metal Maniac

    the biggest question...

    Yeah, but if I told someone like, say, AoO that there was this band I listen to, called Blind Guardian, and they were a metal band, he'd have to waste all that time going out, downloading their tracks, and listening to them before he realized that they were power metal.. It's much faster to just say that they're power metal. Genres and sub-genres are necessary to a degree.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    the biggest question...

    No it's not, because I can almost guarantee you that in at least 20 minutes, Laz will have posted a 7-paragraph rant describing all the subtle differences between rock and metal. To be less subtle - Metal is heavier and (generally speaking) less mainstream. There is a difference. The worst part is, I *knew* someone was going to bring that up....
  13. The Metal Maniac

    the biggest question...

    But don't they give awards for like, Best Hip-Hop whatever? I could be wrong, but I thought they did...
  14. The Metal Maniac

    Kazaa Lite Resurrection

    Yeah, I meant the adware stuff. Ok, cool. Thanks guys.
  15. The Metal Maniac

    Kazaa Lite Resurrection

    So...is this Kazaa...good? I was told not to install Kazaa on my new PC because it can fuck with stuff...but should this be safe?
  16. The Metal Maniac

    Powerball winner robbed... again...

    "Hey, do you take credit?" "Sure." *swipe* "Can I get stamps too?" *slap*
  17. The Metal Maniac

    Huge Update On Chris Benoit's WWE Future

    If they had decided to enforce the rules, then you're right. But this is wrestling, where they only enforce the rules when necessary. So when they realized Benoit wasn't coming back, they quickly pointed out that he never should have won, and reversed the decision. Like a really delayed Dusty finish, or something. I know, it doesn't make much sense to me either, but hey, they're the ones who deny it.
  18. The Metal Maniac

    Huge Update On Chris Benoit's WWE Future

    The WWE probably likes to say it because it makes Benoit look better. WCW always denied it, because technically, Benoit never should have won that match, as Sid's foot was under the rope.
  19. The Metal Maniac

    Smackdown spoilers

    Hopefully mystery participants. I hate knowing every single wrestler who's going to be in the RR...suprises are much better.
  20. The Metal Maniac

    Huge Update On Chris Benoit's WWE Future

    Again, Bisch would not have the authority to do this. That'd be akin to Heyman saying, right now, that he's gonna bring the Hardcore title back to SD because HHH doesn't defend it. They don't have the authority to do that. Thus, we must assume that it's a brand new belt, not connected with the WCW belt, even though the WWE says it is.
  21. The Metal Maniac

    Smackdown spoilers

    Sooner or later, they HAVE to start making the teams with more people WIN THE FUCKING HANDICAP MATCHES. Does this bother anyone else? I hate that they take all the stuff that people actually believe, and work that too. Fucking Christ....
  22. The Metal Maniac

    Huge Update On Chris Benoit's WWE Future

    Yeah, but at least they lied and SAID that he won it from somebody. It's not like they did it on live TV.
  23. The Metal Maniac

    Trailer Park Boys

    I *think* it airs in some parts of the states, but I'm not sure - which is part of the reason why I posted this. I say *think* because my cousin, who works in customs, said she once had some Texans come through, and the first thing they asked her was where Trailer Park Boys is filmed. However, it WILL be airing in the states before too long. They recently got a deal to put the show on some US channel. I don't know the specifics of it, but I'm pretty sure it will happen. Which I can see as both being good and bad. If they make more money and get famous, good for them. But I think that they'd risk losing the "feel" of the show if it became a better-quality program. I mean, the show literally looks like a bunch of weirdos running around, swearing, and making up lines because that's what it is, and that's part of why I like it so much. So it's a double-edged sword, I guess.
  24. The Metal Maniac

    Huge Update On Chris Benoit's WWE Future

    Uh...no it wouldn't. Winning a belt with 50+ years of history that's been held by the greatest in the business = prestige. Winning a belt with 1+ years of history that's been held by 3 people, all of whom were past their primes at the time, and was created simply because they needed a champion = nothing. Honestly, how can you admit that the belt was just given to HHH for no real reason, and yet still think it holds the same prestige as the ACTUAL belt?
  25. The Metal Maniac

    Huge Update On Chris Benoit's WWE Future

    Andrew...Yeah, I realize that...hence my comment on how fustrating it is to look for any sort of consistency in the fed. Honest question now: Should that belt even be considered to be the WCW title? The actual WCW title was changed in name to the World Title, but then again, that only lasted for about a month before it was unified. So Jericho won it and the WWF title, became the Undisputed Champion, and things stayed that way until Brock said he'd never show up on RAW again. Thanks to this, Bischof declared HHH the new Wold Champion, and gave him a belt that's very similar (but not the exact same) to the WCW title. So does that really count as the WCW title, kayfabe-wise? Brock Lesnar never lost the WCW belt - well, he did, but they never seperated. The only person who said they were seperated was someone who has no real jurisdiction (I think I butchered that) over the actual champion. I mean, I can understand him being able to pull out the IC belt, because he put it there in the first place, and one can assume that HHH would've given the belt back freely, as he had no need/desire for it. But how on earth could he be able to pull out the WCW title from the Undisputed Championship? Again, I understand that this company doesn't even try to make sense, but really now; The belt HHH has should be considered worth only slightly more then the WCW belt replicas anyone can buy, and only because it says "WWE" on it, which would make it much rarer then any WCW World Title belt.