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The Metal Maniac

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Everything posted by The Metal Maniac

  1. The Metal Maniac

    10 Worst Cartoon Character's of all

    Man, I fucking HATE Pepe Lepew, and it's gotta be for the silliest reason ever... EVERY FUCKING CARTOON IS THE FUCKING SAME. And yes, I realize that's a fucking silly thing to hate a cartoon for (especially when I love Roadrunner cartoons) but I just can't watch the fucking things. Every single time that fucking skunk shows up, I KNOW there's gonna be some fucking STUPID way for some fucking cat to get another goddamned white stripe on them... It irritates me a bit, as you may have noticed...but I'm not really sure why I can tolerate all the other Looney Tunes, but just THAT ONE gets me for being repetitive.
  2. The Metal Maniac

    Fire Pro D

    I've been playing it more recently, after having not played for a long period of time. As a result, I've totally lost my timing and I get fucked in every match. That's the suck.
  3. The Metal Maniac

    Cops aren't very nice anymore

    That's amazingly hilarious, for some reason... I actually just got pulled over tonight for the first time, cuz I was apparantly doing like, 80-85 or so in like, a 50 zone...I honestly didn't even notice I'd been speeding, but that's probably because I ALWAYS speed on that road. Anyway, I didn't really even get a warning - he just told me to take it easy. I think he was just making sure to check people, on account of it's a holiday weekend and they didn't want any drunks cruising around.
  4. The Metal Maniac

    Limp Bizkit "fans" want refunds

    That makes it even BETTER, on account of the fact that half the people there would probably have GLADLY paid Durst $25 a head to get off the friggin' stage.
  5. The Metal Maniac

    A soundtrack not mainstream friendly

    I'd say that's not very true. I know a great many people who know of Finger Eleven, actually. And if I asked ten random people if they knew of any of the listed bands, I'd honestly be shocked if I only got one. And it's not just mainstream to Laz, either. This kinda stuff is essentially mainstream to anyone who's interested in heavier music, because it's what gets seemingly the most attention from all these crappy rock magazines and such. Basically, if you're at all "in-the-know" with heavier music, you probably have heard of a few of these bands.
  6. The Metal Maniac

    Limp Bizkit "fans" want refunds

    "Why would the come to our concert just to boo us?" My question is, since this took place in July...was this JUST Bizcut, or was it a Summer Sanitarium show?
  7. The Metal Maniac

    A soundtrack not mainstream friendly

    Something like that, because I remember having the MP3 of it ages ago.
  8. The Metal Maniac

    Limp Bizkit "fans" want refunds

    So wait... They booed Durst off the stage, and now they're suing him for being booed off the stage? Huh?
  9. The Metal Maniac

    Scott Keith Ten Years Ago

    One. Dave Stanley Martin. Back on topic, I agree that it's silly to point out that he changed his mind over 10 years. It's TEN YEARS. Also, I read his rants for show recaps almost exclusively, because while I don't always agree with him as far as how good a match is, I've read enough of his stuff to know what to expect out of a match if Keith gives it (X) stars, generally. Also, he can be entertaining.
  10. The Metal Maniac

    WWE Banning Even More Moves

    Why? One, it's not necessary; they've already castrated the move. Two, I think there's more risk involved in a belly to belly then a german, really. I mean, you'd have to fuck up a german pretty bad to land right on your head, especially the way they're done in the fed these days. With a belly to belly, I can see someone landing on their head much easier. And also, no, matches don't NEED flashy moves to be good. They also don't NEED to be 20+ minutes. But it helps.
  11. The Metal Maniac

    What was your past life?

    Name: Carl Cameronpoe City: Bern, Switzerland Job: Baker Death: Jumped out a fifth storey window. Sounds fun.
  12. The Metal Maniac

    What the hell happened to solos?

    Yeah, but the thing was that Agent claimed that Metallica helped spawn nu-metal, due to many nu-metal bands maning them as influences. Laz countered by saying that everyone lists Sabbath as an influence, so it was just a generational thing. I was just pointing out - Metallica being listed as an influence by many nu-metal bands is not the same as Sabbath being listed as an influence by virtually every metal band ever.
  13. The Metal Maniac

    What the hell happened to solos?

    Picky picky picky. My point is (and I think it still stands) that Sabbath was THE influence. Yes, there were others (And I should've worded my previous post to reflect that) but I still think that Sabbath is something different then Metallica, as they inspired practically everyone that came after them. And you've mentioned about a dozen or so bands there - while there may be more that we've both neglected to mention, I still doubt that there's as many potential heavy influences on the 80's metal bands as there are on 90's-00's bands.
  14. The Metal Maniac

    What the hell happened to solos?

    Something to think about, Laz: Not that I totally disagree with you, but look at it this way: In the 1980's, metal hadn't been around for very long. So really, there weren't many metal influences to draw from, and when Poison or Ratt says that Sabbath was a big influence, that's probably just because that's all they had. I mean, when members of those bands grew up, they only heavy music they really had to listen to would've been bands like Black Sabbath or Zep. So even though they didn't really sound an extreme amount like Sabbath, Sabbath could still be considered a big influence on them, just because that's the heavy music they liked. Why does this matter? Because these days, metal bands not only have the original, 70's heavy bands, they also have a full generation of 80's bands to draw from. Thus, these days, bands can say they were inspired by Death, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Anthrax, and a plethora of other heavy bands that existed in the 80's. In short, MODERN metal/nu-metal artists have more choices as to who their influence is, really. So, when a lot of Nu-Metal bands say "Oh, Metallica was a huge influence", knowing that there's about a jillion other bands they could've been listening to and been influenced by, I think that means a lot more then EVERYONE in the 80's calling Black Sabbath a huge influence. I mean, of COURSE Sabbath was an influence - they pretty much started the whole damned thing. So while I do see where you're coming from, I also see Agent's side, and I think that he may have a point as well.
  15. The Metal Maniac

    Holly / Cappotelli

    Yes, because GOD KNOWS when a veteran who's been in the business for about 10 years is in a bad mood and decides to stiff/sandbag you, your ONLY course of action is to drop him right on his head in an apparent attempt to end his career. I'm sorry, but the whole "he deserved that" logic bit pisses me off. Holly was hitting a bit hard, perhaps. Maybe he wasn't jumping as much as he could (Though really, if you're Brock's size, it shouldn't matter). But he wasn't RISKING BROCK'S CAREER. I say, Brock's a big boy. Got stiffed? Stiff him back. I mean, Brock's a 290-something pound former NCAA champion. And yet, there was NOTHING else he could've done but drop Holly on his head? Gimme a break. Sorry to go off-topic, but that's bugged me for a while... As for the OVW stuff...I think it's kinda neat for them to make that into an angle, and it sounds like it could be good...though I fear angles that are primarily based in Tough Enough, a show that essentially says "Yes, it's fake". Though to be fair, I've never watched the show - that's just the impression that I get when I hear about it.
  16. The Metal Maniac

    Why is McMahon on Brock's side?

    I would assume that the fed just wants you to think that Vince, in all his glory, wants a WWE champion who will do exactly what he says. Which made sense...in 1997 or so when he tried to force Austin into being the corporate champ...but these days? Bosh. I think it's just because Vince has decided that the belt can't change hands without him being in the ring and someone turning to his side.
  17. The Metal Maniac

    Watch this!

    That's how good he is. For the record...I'm listening to that track right now...and I'm assuming you're thinking of the chorus...and that's him cradling the pedal, unless I've gone totally mental.
  18. The Metal Maniac

    Watch this!

    I'd also like to point out that Nicko McBrain only uses a single bass pedal. With that kept in mind, listen to some of the shit he plays. Pretty fucking good for one foot, I sez.
  19. The Metal Maniac

    Should pulling the tights even be called cheating?

    It's technically against the rules, since it can give unfair amounts of leverage to people who pull the tights. You could make the same argument about hair - he grew it like that, so why can't the other dude pull on it? It's a rule, it's always been a rule, so may as well stick at it.
  20. The Metal Maniac

    Halftime band performance used Nazi flag...

    But...didn't the Nazi's essentially hate everyone who wasn't a perfect blonde-haired, blue-eyed member of the Aryan race? And didn't they just START with Jews? And weren't there a lot of dead Gypsies too?
  21. The Metal Maniac

    HHH v. Steve Austin - No Way Out 2001?

    Actually, I enjoyed the psychology, at least in the first part of the match - Austin worked on HHH's arm for a bit, which made the Pedigree much less effective - when HHH has him set for the Pedigree on the table, you can see that HHH just doesn't have it in his arm to pull it off, and Austin countered. I liked that. That said - I was pumped as HELL to see this match, but didn't get to see it live. If I had, I probably would've called it the best match ever right there, just because I was so psyched for it. But man, it didn't go on to tape well. I find that watching the match now kinda sucks because hey, I know wrestling's fake, but that doesn't mean I need to hear HHH calling out spots every three seconds. I don't need to be able to watch the match and go "Now Austin has the blade...whoops, he dropped it...oh, now HHH has it...". That just kills watching a match for me. And JR's lame "they've been talking thrash to each other this whole match" cover? Bleh. As far as it being a brawl - duh. The story was that they hated each other with an unbridled passion. If they went out there and traded wristlocks for 5 minutes, it would've looked silly. They HATED each other - it was time to FIGHT, not wrestle. Good at the time, not a bad match. I won't give stars though, because I don't.
  22. The Metal Maniac

    Calling wrestlers by their real names

    Maybe the Undertaker just doesn't want random people running up him and saying "Hey, MARK!"
  23. The Metal Maniac

    So I wrote an English Paper on MetallicA

    You know what? I'll write a paper about the greatness of St. Anger right now. St. Anger, and the Greatness Thereof *rimshot*
  24. The Metal Maniac

    Man Sues After Being Locked in Toilet

    I doubt he could have suffocated - aren't most port-a-potties ventilated in some way? That said, locking the guy in there is just flat out mean. I'd sue, but I probably would've gone totally insane - I don't like being locked in places.
  25. The Metal Maniac

    Great Album TITLES

    I'm a fan of Piece of Mind (No mistake made), personally.