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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    The NXE ain't coming until November.
  2. Thoth

    Wii Numbers

    I actually updated the front page: everything should be up to date. Sorry about the 3 month delay.
  3. This thread is only for Rock Band 2 (because of online band support) and Xbox 360 (Exclusive for 2 months). This thread is separate from Rock Band discussion and should only be used for finding and organizing bands. POST YOUR XBOX LIVE GAMERTAG, and your preferred band position. I will edit the first post with your info. Below, I have separated everything into three categories. You can be in more than one category if you play more than one instrument. Since you can be in more than one band, it makes no sense to remove someone from the list once they are in a band (I will do so upon request, though). I will also list official TSM bands here, too. If you already posted your stuff in the Rock Band thread... post it again. Current TSM Bands We don't got none. Vocals Thoth - ThothBeyond death_by_burrito - deathbyburrit0 (Preferred Position) KingPK - PKIsLive Matt Young - X Matt Young X Drums Thoth - ThothBeyond AnonymousBroccoli - DeviousBroccoli Matt Young - X Matt Young X Guitar Thoth - ThothBeyond death_by_burrito - deathbyburrit0 KingPK - PKIsLive The Ghost of bps21 - bps21 Cowboy13012 - DallasCowboyHOF AnonymousBroccoli - DeviousBroccoli Conspiracy_Victim - Gunslinger57 Matt Young - X Matt Young X
  4. Thoth

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Cammy, Fei Long, and Dan are 100% confirmed at this point. Fei Long and Dan are on the damn website, and Ino (director of the game) said "Yeah, we threw an early model of Cammy into the game to see how she plays. She is confirmed for home release." Keep in mind, since the game came out in arcades, Akuma became a playable character, and another character is coming soon (most likely Gouken).
  5. Thoth

    Total Non-Stop Action

    IGN Score: 4.5.
  6. Thoth

    Rock Band!

    I noticed an unusually long delay in downloading the message of the day. After that, though, I played a couple online matches, no problem.
  7. Thoth

    Genesis Talk

  8. Thoth

    Rock Band!

    Thinking of changing my band name from "Five Snowflakes" to "The Torn Quads." Hear hear?
  9. Thoth

    TSM Rock Band Organization Thread

    HA. Vicktones. If I see anyone on the list online tonight, I'm sending an invite, regardless of what you're playing. Someone better show up.
  10. Thoth

    TSM Rock Band Organization Thread

    Looks like MrRant has the game (Smarktalk).
  11. Thoth

    TSM Rock Band Organization Thread

    I had The Lost Smiles, and then I deleted it. Hopefully, someone should be able to take that once Rock Band's servers see that it's not in use.
  12. Thoth

    TSM Rock Band Organization Thread

    Okay, I misjudged how this works. You form a band, it gets binded to your account. Then, you can invite others to play. Like creating a game room in any other game. This information is still relevant to find people, though. My band is Five Snowflakes.
  13. Thoth

    TSM Rock Band Organization Thread

    I like the majority of these. New idea: Brocolli (or somebody, but I nominate YOU, good buddy) invents a pool of names, from which we can pick from. To determine the leader of the band... I dunno. Call shotgun?
  14. Thoth

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    Did this happen all at once, on the same day? If so, I assume it was never explained?
  15. Thoth

    TSM Rock Band Organization Thread

    I'm only doing wrestling related things because this is primarily a wrestling board. I'm also hooked on ending every band name with "Experience".
  16. Thoth

    TSM Rock Band Organization Thread

    I've combined the Lead Guitar and Bass Guitar into one category. If for some reason, you prefer one or the other, just say so.
  17. Thoth

    TSM Rock Band Organization Thread

    So I have me on drums, burrito on vocals, and PK on Lead guitar. I say that's enough to start a band, and we can add a bassist later. If you concur, think of a band name. Whoever's band name we choose gets to be leader, I think. I say we should be "The Jobber Experience". Edit: Devious can be bassist. Or lead guitarist.
  18. Thoth

    TSM Rock Band Organization Thread

    King, I can't seem to find your gamertag. What is it?
  19. Thoth

    Rock Band!

    I think it would be prudent to just form 2 bands. Once we get 8 definites, let's go for it. I'll start a separate thread to help organize things.
  20. Thoth

    Rock Band!

    Yes, finally we can do bands online. I'm in. I can play anything. 2 more? Edit: I see AnonymousBrocolli playing. I know he wants in. He has to.
  21. Thoth


    Fuck no. Cho Aniki is fair game.
  22. Thoth

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    I fail to see the problem. Sarcasm? Absolutely not. Like it was said, playing story mode with a CAW to buff his stats is really annoying at times. Plus, the quality of the linear storylines from SvR 2006 was good, as far as I'm concerned. And don't worry, CM Punk is one of the storylines. It's: Cena Punk Jericho Undertaker I forget the 5th one, but I have $5 it's HHH Batista & Rey If I'm getting 6 different linear storylines of the same quality as I got in SvR 2006, then I'm thrilled. From the trailer, it looks like Jericho's storyline is pretty cool, especially the use of the tron. Edit: Yup, it's HHH.
  23. Thoth

    Dragon Gate in LA

    At the end of the show, they announced they would come back next year. But it sounded like they would be returning to LA. And, while it was promoted as a Dragon Gate show, there was a lot of influence from PWG, not that that's a bad thing. Shingo vs Pac stole the show.
  24. Thoth

    Dragon Gate in LA

    I just got tickets to the Dragon Gate event in LA in early September. Anyone else going?
  25. Thoth

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    I fail to see the problem.