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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth

    Wii Numbers

    Brawl: 1719-2839-5472
  2. Thoth

    Router fun!

    Yeah, it's also relevant to ask what kind of router the large hamburger man is using.
  3. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm playing... so, the hardest level is probably Through The Fire & Flames.
  4. Thoth

    Router fun!

    The CD contains a wizard, yes, but you don't need it. Hardwiring it doesn't let it work, eh? With most modern routers, you can connect everything with ethernet, and just let it go. I suggest turning off the router and the broadband modem by unplugging them from power, then plugging in the modem, waiting for it to fully boot, then plugging in the router.
  5. Thoth

    Wii Numbers

    Bump in anticipation of this weekend's Smash release. Every single one of you jerks better post your numbers.
  6. Thoth

    Orange Box

    Orange Box went live after midnight this morning. After decrypting, I jumped right into Portal. An hour and a half later, I'm on level 18 of 19. IGN did say it was a short game, although the challenge levels look like they could be fun. And the stuff the disembodied voice says is terrific. The best one: "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" The portal mechanics are great, too. I was afraid that shooting portals in such a way that you could look into infinity would crash my machine, but there's a setting in your options that controls the portal render depth. 2 is the recommended setting. Some people are complaining that Portal and Episode Two are suffering from the same audio bug that plagued Team Fortress 2 during its beta, but I haven't seen any indication of it. If you have the PC version, post your Steam ID here, too. If you have the 360 version... well, I guess you can talk about it here, too. (j/k 360 owners, you know I love ya. On another note, there's improved support for the 360 pad in Portal/TF2/Episode Two)
  7. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    If anyone cares, Target is having a sale. You know those prepaid cards, that have Xbox Live arcade download codes on them? Like, you can buy a Mortal Kombat card, or a Worms card? Well: Buy 1 @ $9.99, get 1 of equal or lesser value free. I have MK and Worms now. The selection isn't great at my store, sadly... I think you have Worms, MK, Geo Wars, and one other thing.
  8. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    Nope. You need the HD DVD drive to upconvert, AND it will only upconvert if your 360 is hooked up with VGA or HDMI.
  9. Thoth

    Orange Box

    This doesn't seem popular on the 360 anymore, from what I can gather... Still uber popular on the PC. It's easier to patch the PC version, anyway. Has the 360 version or PS3 version even got the new Badlands map?
  10. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    Which end goes into the TV? HDMI?
  11. Thoth

    The OAO Phoenix Wright thread

    So this game jumped the shark, eh?
  12. Thoth

    Gears of War 2

    You can generally get Gears for PC for $40 or less, if you look for sales.
  13. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Still Alive (the song from Portal) confirmed for Rock Band.
  14. Thoth

    The OAO Phoenix Wright thread

    Apollo Justice came out yesterday in the US.
  15. Thoth

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    I follow wrestling, but no sports. Generally, I talk about nerd things.
  16. Thoth

    The OAO Phoenix Wright thread

    I guess it's time for a megabump to this thread. Picked up Apollo Justice, (put the keychain thingy on), and dove into the first case. Wow. I have to say that this is the most epic first case ever. And my favorite swerve:
  17. I'd keep checking cheapassgamer.com if I wanted one.
  18. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm late to the party on a lot of things, but god Mass Effect is fun. I have a hard time being a jerk, but I have a hard time being all loving and emo. So I'm a dumbass neutral who agrees with everyone. I solved the preaching issue in the Citadel by making both people happy. I also found out that being neutral (or good) doesn't get me laid with the consort. Apollo Justice arrives tomorrow, kids. Buybuybuy.
  19. 360 - Recent price drop. Just ran into some shortage issues. Don't expect another drop for around a year or so. PS3 - Two drops since launch. PS3 is picking up momentum. Don't expect a price drop anytime soon. Wii - They have absolutely no reason at the moment to drop the price. No price drop for at least 12 months.
  20. Thoth

    HD DVD/Blu-Ray

    Yea i'm sure none of them have any interest in playing games like Uncharted, GTA4, Gran Turismo 5, Devil May Cry 4, Resistance 1 and 2, Final Fantasy, Unreal Tournament, Metal Gear, Various Sports games, etc. I would buy a next gen system, for purposes of playing King of Fighters XII, if I didn't already have one.
  21. Thoth

    Guitar Hero.

    Oh boy, Guitar Hero Aerosmith. At least 360 and PS3 get a free song. Dream On is the only song I could conceivably care about.
  22. Thoth

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Anyone from TSM going to the house show at Staples tomorrow?
  23. Thoth

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    I'm pleasantly unsurprised that you were the one to answer me. Ditto on the KoF anime though. ... or a King/Vanessa doujin. Both Z and I would kill for a good one. -Annie You and I both know that KoF doujins, from here on in, are shota territory. No one does any KoF doujins anymore, other than Saigado.
  24. Thoth

    HD DVD/Blu-Ray

    Way the hell farther than 8 months, and not 9 terabytes. But the disc technology exists and is being tested. If Blu-Ray can hold full movies at the maximum resolution that a TV can show, the only improvements could be the bitrate, and to improve the sound quality. So not a whole lot of point to the discs.
  25. Thoth

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Second season is almost here. Wish there was a KoF anime that was really good, too.