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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth

    Better Know A Writer!

    Justify this. With Stubby, Ash, Bo (that sex promo), and Mercury (that time he did that thing), how am I a bigger drama queen? I'm quite harmless.
  2. Thoth

    Better Know A Writer!

    Real Name: Ted Polak Characters Portrayed: Thoth, Orochi (who was the same guy as Thoth), Bill Fillmaff In SWF Since: 2001 Real-Life Height: 5'9" Real-Life Weight: 158 Real-Life Age: 24 Real-Life Location: Orange County Picture: Facebook doesn't allow direct linking, so... My Profile Picture Education: Bachelors in Computer Science Accomplishments Outside of SWF: I work for Datanet Solutions programming financial software. Nice, steady job. Favorite Band: Right now, I'd have to say UVERworld. Favorite Song: Color of the Heart by UVERworld. Favorite Movie: Right now, Pan's Labyrinth. Virgin? Explain.: No, not a virgin. Lost it at 18. Accomplishments Within SWF: More title reigns than anyone in the history of the SWF. Previous record holder of longest US title reign. Either the only person, or the second person, to be the ML champion, the JL champion, and the WF champion. Favorite SWF Moment: IGNML, Hell in a Cell vs Silent to win the ML world title, or stopping Tom Flesher's insane hot streak to be crowned SWF champion. Favorite SWF Writer (All-Time): Fallout. Ridiculously underrated. Very dependable. Should have promoed more. Favorite SWF Writer (Current): Haven't followed. Really should... I'll edit this. Why You Joined The SWF: There was an article on IGN Wrestling... back when that even existed. I joined up in the Winter of 2001, just interested by the whole concept. I created a character that was a ripoff of Iori from the King of Fighters, which with I was obsessed with at the time. It led to endless days of writing, and great moments of camaraderie.
  3. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    Live is a lot better for me now.
  4. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    As a side-effect of the class action lawsuit, we will no longer get intermittent updates about the status of Xbox Live. This comes from Major Nelson himself. I just feel the slightest bit sick.
  5. It's barely been over 24 hours. Yeah but your video game buddies are showing up, which means I'm toast. Those are supposed to be MY video game buddies. Argh. I know I'd at least finish in the top 80%.
  6. Milky Luke-O Ripper Agent Venkman Nightwing MattYoung CWM Carlito NYU King MrRant JN News Carnival Mole Jingus Czech Devo KingPK PBone Vitamin X Gary Floyd El Dandy Bob Barron Black Lushus Bored Incandenza Edwin MacPhisto Alkeiper AndrewTS Smues Scroby Seriously though, I should win this whole thing.
  7. How... in the blue holy fuck, am I not in this. TAIGASTAR IS IN THIS? And I'm not?
  8. Thoth

    TSM Game Nights

    One day a week, we decide a game we all want to play together, and then we play it. Anyone think this is a giant waste of time? Or worth doing? It seems like gaming tastes are quite widespread among this board, save for wrestling games.
  9. Thoth

    New Soul Calibur IV characters announced

    That would be the shit, actually.
  10. Thoth

    TSM Game Nights

    So I guess that means... we're both MattYoung'in it. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
  11. Thoth

    TSM Game Nights

    I don't think there's a whole lot of interest in TSM Game Nights, as far as I can tell. I'm not going to try and organize any official whatever, going forward, but anyone else wants to do this? Go ahead.
  12. Thoth

    Raw 1.7.08

    I'm not watching right now due to the West Coast, but if he's doing what he did on Heat, it is totally awesome and cool.
  13. Thoth

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Did anyone watch Heat this week? Charlie Haas is the man, even though WSX already did this. And fuck the announcers that thought that wearing a mask = luchador style.
  14. Thoth


    UHHHHHHHHHHH STARTROPICS AWESOME Wait a minute. How are they going to do the "Submerge the piece of paper" thing for VC? For those that don't know, Startropics had a piece of paper in the game box. Submerging it revealed a code you needed to proceed. This was done to piss off rental outlets and increase consumer sales of the game. So what was there to stop rental outlets from submerging the paper themselves and writing the code on the game itself or the box they rent it on or something? No idea. I was like, 9 then. FYI, the code is 747.
  15. Thoth


    UHHHHHHHHHHH STARTROPICS AWESOME Wait a minute. How are they going to do the "Submerge the piece of paper" thing for VC? For those that don't know, Startropics had a piece of paper in the game box. Submerging it revealed a code you needed to proceed. This was done to piss off rental outlets and increase consumer sales of the game. King of Fighters '94 is antquiated and broken, but has its moments. King of Fighters '96 was the first "modern KoF" in my opinion.
  16. Thoth

    TSM Game Nights

    I have dates tonight and tomorrow, but I'll be playing GH3 on Sunday, if anyone still cares at that point. Gamertag is ThothBeyond.
  17. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I was playing Gears PC a little while ago. One of my teammates starting shooting me. Of course, Friendly Fire is off. He proceeds to try to shoot me for thirty minutes, no exaggeration.
  18. Thoth


    When's this happening? I'm guessing it's a way to get games onto your DS (unless they mean to play it on the Wii) but then how would you save them to your DS? This is the big question. I remember myself mentioning that they could sell a memory card that plugs into the GBA slot, if they wanted to do direct DS downloads. It's very possible to do this, as the DS Web browser comes with a RAM cartridge that fits into the GBA slot. The big problem is making a cartridge with enough rewritable memory, which is more expensive than the non-rewritable. Of course, they could do what homebrew does: make a cartridge with a slot for an SD card. Hell, Wii already uses SD cards, so asking people to use SD cards for this wouldn't be a huge stretch for Nintendo's customers. Edit: This was all a lie, apparently.
  19. Thoth

    TSM Game Nights

    I like Aegis Wing (I'm a mark for 2D side scrolling shooters), but it's pretty damn hard. Then again, I've only flown solo. I'm pretty sure 4 player mode online would be awesome. We really need to play it sometime. And, as you said, it's free, so everyone with Live can get in on it. It is impossible to play the game solo, I swear. Anyway, this weekend will be the first game night of the new year. I think I said previously, I was gonna do Rock Band/Guitar Hero 3. This is open to PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii users. The point is not to get everyone to play the exact same game at the exact same time on the exact same platform. If there are a number of small groups, I think that serves the purpose, too. I'll put up a poll for the next game on Sunday.
  20. Thoth

    How was your 2007?

    2007 was good in that I worked my first full year as a software developer. I can't think of really anything else though, so call it a wash? I made some resolutions for 2008 a few hours before the new year. Find a girlfriend Break my dry spell Move out Some of these have already been taken care of. 2008 looks good.
  21. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    My nephew is about 4 and a half, and he loves games. Not really good at them, but likes them. The first game I think he actually "got" was the original Mega Man. I didn't want him to play it very long for fear of crushing his soul, though.
  22. Thoth


    My gut says that one of the Club Nintendo rewards was a specially shaped (either NES or SNES) Classic Controller, but I can't find the news of it anywhere. It was also revealed today that the Wii Download channel, in addition to offering DS demos, can offer full DS games.
  23. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I see parents willing to buy whatever tripe (Disney games, etc) their kids want. Used to make me sick. On the other hand, some of these kids are 5 and 6... I don't know if they would even know what a good game was.
  24. Thoth


    I put the Wiimote next to me in the chair I'm sitting in. I do agree it is a problem, though.
  25. Thoth


    All NES and TG-16 games work with the Wiimote. Some Genesis games work with it. For SNES and N64 games, you'll need either a gamecube controller or classic controller. A wavebird is pretty much the best overall controller. It works with everything and you'll be able to still use it wirelessly on the Wii (same way on GC, plug the reciever into the gamecube port or ports). For some games, a gamecube controller can feel awkward. For me, most notably Simcity and Contra.