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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth

    Thoth Report

    Holy hell. Here it is.
  2. Thoth

    Thoth Report

    Maybe when you're older?
  3. Thoth

    God Hand

    WTF? God Hand is on PS2.
  4. Thoth

    DS Friend codes

    What WFC games do you have?
  5. Thoth

    Circuit City Game Clearance

    Man, I thought this didn't start till the 4th. Pretty much all they had that I wanted was Sigma Star Saga.
  6. Thoth

    Thoth Report

    We're back. I liked this week's show a lot, actually. Link to the Show
  7. Thoth

    Thoth Report

    Good contextual find, Sly.
  8. Thoth

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    Yeah, but for some reason that doesn't bother me. It does not say what each star does, but it does say what each arcade revision (set of stars) does.
  9. Thoth

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    Believe it or not, the strategy guide for this is very well done. It tells you what each revision of each game means (when you hit R2+options), and explains what each character needs to do in a match to win. Then of course, requisite combos, etc.
  10. Thoth

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    SNK's issue with modern character design can be directly attributed to Falcoon. However, I happen to like his designs. Incidentally, I enjoy characters of indeterminate gender (Ash, Soiree). Let's hope he doesn't fuck up the new Cardfighter's.
  11. Thoth

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    SvC Chaos is fun... sort of. I wouldn't call it good. I enjoyed playing with my friends. Nowhere near what anyone would call good. I'm tempted to agree with you, Andrew, that SNK doesn't have as many hits per game released as Capcom, based on two things. They released a lot of games that no one remembers (because they do suck), and King of Fighters 99-2001 suck ass. 2000 is sort of okay. However, KoF XI is a game that seems to be getting more appeal from the hardcore community. On top of that, the music is way better, and the animation is improving. Also, I think the sprites are slowly going high-res. Makes me wonder why the fuck they are making Neowave 2.
  12. Thoth

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    Dear lord. You can turn the balance changes on and off to your liking. Pro-gasm. I wish they were labelled, but seriously, what attention to detail. David Sirlin's hands are all over this.
  13. Thoth

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    Game comes out on Wednesday. By the way, I take back everything bad I said about this game. It turns out the Alpha 3 concern was taken care of a long time ago. This looks like a great package, actually. 7 games.
  14. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I know one of the developers of Backward Wrestling envisioned a Power Stone kind of a system. He admits he failed, but I have hope that the game won't suck. I don't think the motivation behind that kind of a design is bad.
  15. Thoth

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    Time to bump this thread... With myself.
  16. Thoth

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    So some people spoke with the senior producer on Alpha Anthologies. Believe it or not, there are 2 versions of Alpha 3 on the disc. The PS1 broken version, and an arcade perfect version. So I take back what I said.
  17. Thoth

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    There's more to being good at Tekken than beating the computer. The computer sucks. The computer sucks in every fighting game, including SF and KOF. You don't have to know all the moves and crap to be able to beat KOF or SF. Everyone can beat these games. Nobody cares if you can easily beat the computer. To prove this point, I once played through Clay Fighter blindfolded. I won. Every fighter in every game has a pattern. One you learn the pattern, you can beat the game rather easily. Later incarnations of SF were better at hiding them, but you can still figure it out. The same goes for any other fighting game. I can't speak for other games, but in Street Fighter, part of the reason for the patterns is tradition. Ken does three dragon punches. E. Honda sweeps before a torpedo. For the DC version of A3, Capcom created some ridiculously hard AI for players to beat, that doesn't follow patterns. The CPU is easy to beat because it's supposed to be. Capcom wants people to beat the game. Hard AI would discourage people from playing, and buying more SF games.
  18. Thoth

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    There's more to being good at Tekken than beating the computer. The computer sucks. The computer sucks in every fighting game, including SF and KOF. You don't have to know all the moves and crap to be able to beat KOF or SF. Everyone can beat these games. Nobody cares if you can easily beat the computer. To prove this point, I once played through Clay Fighter blindfolded. I won.
  19. Thoth

    Question about 360...

    There's a shareware solution that lets you stream music and photos from your Mac. Google it, I can't remember what it's called.
  20. Thoth

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    luke-o, two things: There's no such thing as a frames per second system. No such thing. Period. Two, Alpha 3 on Dreamcast is widely considered the worst version due to the fact that V-Ism shadows have different timing and basically fuck up every major combo, making it basically a different game.
  21. Thoth

    Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

    According to a report on the show floor, the Alpha games in this anthology are based off the PS1 ports. Which makes Alpha 3 worthless. Hello, Dhalsim glitches. For the record, the only arcade perfect port of Alpha 3 is on PSP (which adds a bunch of characters, therefore it might not be called arcade perfect) PS2 can do plenty of decent 2D fighters. See what SNK is putting out on it in Japan. Hell, what about MELTY BLOOD? RUMBLE FISH? Eh? EH? And have you seen Guilty Gear XX#R and Neowave on Xbox? They look just fine to me. And anyone who says "X has no tournament viability" is a fucking moron. Even Dead or Alive 4 has been embraced by the community. Smash Brothers will probably be played at Evo, too.
  22. Thoth

    Thoth Report

    Here it is. Link to the wishlist mentioned in the show (that I have not uploaded): Sarah's wish list
  23. Thoth

    Thoth Report

    Damn, I need to upload this.
  24. Thoth

    Thoth Report

    I apologize because this sucks. Well, here it is.