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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth

    OAO Lockdown Thread

    He calls himself Senshi. Ahahaha. Bishoujo Senshi Low Ki. I demand that this sign be broadcast on Impact.
  2. Thoth


    Oh. I remember now. See, I thought you meant something like I covered the ring in mousetraps.
  3. Thoth

    ADB to Serial convertor

    As a Mac user, I can tell you that Apple dropping ADB cold turkey with the iMac didn't do much to create a need for ADB to USB adapters. By now, your best bet is eBay, or some discount electronics retailer, or, hell, at this point I have no idea.
  4. Thoth

    Top-25 Stupidest Moments in Fed History!

    I demand proof that I was actually coked-up enough to come up with a Mousetrap Match. The Stilts thing was gold, though.
  5. Thoth

    PC Games on Intel Mac

    I'm sure by now you've heard the news about BootCamp, Apple's solution to run Windows XP natively on a Mac. Some people on various Mac forums have benchmarked games. "Ok So I just played F.E.A.R a real hog of a game. As anyone with a gaming pc will tell you. On my P4 3ghz, 1.5gb, ATI X800XT with settings all high, antistropic 8x, AA off, Vsync off, 1024x768 I get the folllowing results low. 25fps average. 42fps high 73fps On my imac core duo, 2gb, 256 X1600 same settings low. 26fps average. 45fps high 75fps That is with version 1.0 retail. I will update to latest version tommorow, but those results are impressive nether the less." Holy shit, kids. Keep in mind the graphics card in the Intel iMac is an x1600.
  6. Thoth

    Today's Thoth Report

    I meant the people scheduled for the show. Also, I was kinda burned out, and to top it off, even if you had been in contact, my family's visiting. It's no-go.
  7. Thoth

    Today's Thoth Report

    1. No one has been in touch with me about the Thoth Report. 2. My family is visiting. Tomorrow, I am making some changes to the Thoth Report, and I will announce these tomorrow as well. Nothing major, but I think it will help the show.
  8. Thoth

    PC Games on Intel Mac

    The beta is available right now.
  9. Thoth


  10. Thoth

    Thoth Report 4-2-06

    No, probably not. Here it is anyway.
  11. Did anyone watch? I can't stop... laughing...
  12. Thoth

    The OAO '2006 Hall of Fame ceremony' thread.

    Oh my god, she's STILL TALKING.
  13. Thoth


    Cancelled. AGES ago. Would have brought that up in the Thoth report, but... see... 15 hours of Disneyland? We were tired. Real tired. I didn't want to record. Maybe some other day in the future.
  14. I am blown away by the reception that the New Thoth Report has gotten. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and support. That said, I've gotten a lot of requests for participation. For those that don't know, this is what you need to join me: A microphone ($5 at Target). Broadband internet. Dialup just won't cut it. Skype (Free for user to user or conference calls) OR A phone and North American residency. The show is back up to 4 people, including me. Yeah, now that Skype allows free calls within the US and Canada, if you have a phone and are willing to give me your number, you can be on the show.
  15. Thoth


    Woohoo! They don't appear to be young mothers, so I guess that's a plus. Not that that's an issue. Quite honestly, they had bad teeth. Nothing to do with pregnancy.
  16. Thoth

    Thoth Report hosting schedule

    PayPal me some moolah and I'll send you one (brand new, still in package). And dude, where's the report? No report this past Sunday because we were up all day at Disneyland, then bed until 7:30 AM for more Disneyland. We just didn't have it in us.
  17. Here's the link. I question whether I came off as too hard or brusque, but one thing to keep in mind is that these folks are casual gamers, and I didn't realize it until my argument was dug in.
  18. Thoth

    Animal Crossing Wild World

    Ced, you sold yours off too? I just sold mine to a friend.
  19. Thoth

    Metroid Prime: Hunters

    I am just blown away by how fun I find this game. If you have it, post your friend code, and I'll add you. PM me if you do so I know about it. My code is in my sig.
  20. Thoth

    Metroid Prime: Hunters

    It's more FPS-based than the GCN Metroids. Really, the lure of this game is the multiplayer, which I've gotta say is pretty solid. I haven't run into anything broken like snaking in Mario Kart yet.
  21. Thoth

    PSP and Wireless

    If the DS can do it, the PSP can do it. The DS can only access WiFI that doesn't need an HTTP (Web) connection to log on.
  22. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    He's right on this. MS fucked up bad here. I don't care that MS is working on it... still many people don't have broadband to get the fixes. To be fair, MS never promised across the board BC, because they know that it's an engineering nightmare. And you don't need broadband to get the fixes, either. Hell, you don't even need a computer. It is possible to connect to Live with dial-up... but, most people don't know how. Plus, dl'ing would take forever. You don't need Xbox Live to get the patches. Your Xbox does not need to be plugged into any sort of Internet to get the patches. You can burn it onto a CD from the web, or even have the CD mailed to you.
  23. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    That's impossible. Dead or Alive 4 has only the slightest amount of ground game, wherein the engine only allows for one, count it, one hit while the opponent is down. You just need to learn how to get up properly. And I would love an opponent who threw nothing but strikes all day. Free counters.
  24. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    He's right on this. MS fucked up bad here. I don't care that MS is working on it... still many people don't have broadband to get the fixes. To be fair, MS never promised across the board BC, because they know that it's an engineering nightmare. And you don't need broadband to get the fixes, either. Hell, you don't even need a computer.
  25. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    Itagaki decided to make a better game, that's what happened. ...wait, I just saw you get your ass handed to you by the COMPUTER. --- As far as fighting games go, the Street Fighter 2 on Xbox may be indefinitely delayed, due to the fact that Capcom is trying to make an online fighting game. If you don't get this joke, you've never played a Capcom fighting game on Xbox.