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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth

    TSM 2nd Annual Wii Secret Santa

    Given the exciting response to Secret Santa? I'll get right on it.
  2. Thoth

    TSM 2nd Annual Wii Secret Santa

    That's why there's an 8 day span between the 17th and the 25th to buy the game; to take into account the fact that people, most likely, won't be near a Wii for Christmas. Although yeah, money is a big deal.
  3. Thoth

    TSM 2nd Annual Wii Secret Santa

    Good lord, I guess everyone sold their Wii's or got banned. If no one responds within a week, it is literally going to be me and Smues buying for each other.
  4. Thoth

    2008 Cold Front Classic commentz

    When I said close match, I meant that you won closely in the match that you wrote, and gave me a couple clear pieces to promo off of. I won't show you my match, on the basis of that I was trying to go for a specific story, which now no longer applies (don't worry, you wrote a couple things that I can use that are basically just as good, and lead to the same end result)
  5. Thoth

    The OAO Vs. Fighting Game Thread

    Yeah, I wonder myself why I didn't start an all caps thread with me going crazy. Anyhow, I normally main Vega, but I've been playing with Fei Long, who is great because no one has any idea what to do against him, and they don't realize both his juggling and his range are improved. He goes through fireballs now!
  6. Thoth

    2008 Cold Front Classic commentz

    Thanks for the close match, Taiga. It gives me things to work with.
  7. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    Wow, really? I thought they were yanking your chain. Surprised that was the fix.
  8. Thoth

    The OAO Vs. Fighting Game Thread

    Ever since I downloaded SF HD Remix, I haven't played Gears 2. I also played Battle Fantasia on 360 recently. Online is dead, but it's still a fun game. I met some people that live near me in HD Remix. Now they all want to go to Arcade Infinity. I get the impression that there aren't that many fighter players on this board. It's my favorite genre, and I would love to play people here. I am playing: SF HD Remix Arcana Heart KoF 11 Neo Geo Battle Coliseum Looking forward to: KoF 98 Ultimate Match SF 4
  9. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    Several arcade games are available for online play for silver members this month. Most notably, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix.
  10. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    I had a 614v6 some time ago. Sucked for gaming. Try disabling the SPI Firewall. If that doesn't work, Netgear sucks.
  11. Thoth

    What would you do with 100 Grand?

    I always wondered whether the VG boards needed a mod. On topic: I remember when Acclaim went out of business... the rights to Iggy's Wreckin' Balls went for $3000. Of course, that was for the rights to publish the Nintendo 64 game. In case of a Midway firesale, I call dibs on The Suffering.
  12. Thoth


    Wrestlecrap Radio is probably terrible, but I find it endlessly hilarious.
  13. Thoth

    Netgear Wireless Router Issues

    If you want to port forward, you HAVE to set your computer up to connect using a static IP. No matter what router you get, you will HAVE to do this. Just follow the directions at portforward.com, it's actually not that hard to do. I would tell you what to do, but I'd just be repeating the information. When it comes to router setup, it truly is best to learn by doing. Trust me, I know it seems like a pain in the ass to do it, I know. But it's really worth it in the end. And by the way, routerlogin.com is just netgear's website with a special DNS redirect if you have a Netgear router to (or 0.1, what the fuck ever). I guess now is as good a time as any to say that I have been, and still am, vocally against Netgear routers, as they have some kind of Peer-To-Peer firewall or some shit that redirects gaming packets into the abyss. I recommend Linksys. At any rate, with proper UPnP (Universal Plug n Play) setup, you're supposed to be able to use the Xbox without port forwarding (but I port forward anyway in the hopes it keeps my NAT open). Aside: Worst tech support ever was when Nintendo told me to forward all my ports on my router. I asked them to get someone on the phone who knew what they were talking about. They said this is what you had to do. I asked them why the Wii just didn't use one port, and they said that the Wii randomizes its port. If you take half of a computer networking class, you know this is a FUCKING LIE FUCK YOU NINTENDO. Incidentally, the problem was that Smash Brothers was fucked on their end. They fixed it later, and then denied anything was wrong. Edit: If you are looking for free tech support from a router company, you will find none exist for phone support, and email support is spotty at best. You may get help for initial setup, but they will usually not do port forwarding over the phone (maybe by email). Seriously, portforward.com is the business.
  14. Thoth

    Fallout 3

    You can complete Follow in his Footsteps early by doing a number of things (And you don't get achievement credit unless you do it the "right" way).
  15. Thoth

    Netgear Wireless Router Issues

    Cowboy is correct, although I think with Netgear routers, try if 1.1 does not work. The default username and password is indeed those. Port Forward has tutorials for you.
  16. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    There will never be a cheat device for the 360. For any product to interact directly with the hardware, Microsoft has to license it. Note that there are no unlicensed third party 360 controllers. There is a cheat device for the Wii, though, I believe.
  17. Thoth

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I donated a controller. Not very exciting, but I figure kids have germs, so they'll need a lot of controllers or something.
  18. Thoth


    I'm up to 4 medals myself, but way to win all categories.
  19. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    I'm going to be on in the early afternoon Friday. If I see any of you on, invites go out.
  20. Thoth

    Black Friday 2008/Holiday Video Game Deals

    Got Infinite Undiscovery, GOW 2, Spore Parts Pack, Boom Blox, and Dead Space. Just under $90. EDIT - Didn't see WotLK on sale. Got that plus a Wii Fit Battery Back for $33.
  21. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    Agreed. I would LOVE to play through from beginning to end.
  22. Thoth

    Xbox 360

    I would play Ultimate Alliance if I had people to play with; playing Solo doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.
  23. Thoth


    I knew my unusual rage against Punk for that retarded thread in Technology had some meaning.
  24. Thoth

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    Hopefully, D'Lo Brown will be in DLC Pack #2, so we can get some moves there.
  25. Thoth

    TSM 2nd Annual Wii Secret Santa

    It is the arrangement of this particular event, and by mod request, that Urban Champion is a bannable offense,