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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Thoth

    I've just bought a Playstation 2

    Yes. Do NOT touch the back switch unless you are unplugging the machine.
  2. Thoth

    How much is Napster?

    iTUnes Music Store is the best, check it out.
  3. Thoth

    SNK vs Capcom: Choas ROM released

    louhvdisFUBhiPNTEijte[0OINA 98Y_)AQ$Y09uh7gbvd p9ubz
  4. Thoth

    Most disappointing games...

    Turok 2. I was on the preorder list for almost 18 years. I think I realized the game sucked when I got to the point where the framerate dropped to about 3 fps. Then I cried. No one ever wanted to do Turok 2 multi, either. They all wanted to play Goldeneye, and for the record, Goldeneye's multiplayer < Perfect Dark's.
  5. Those conditions aren't very odd.
  6. SJL CRIMSON CARD Date: Thursday, November 13, @ 6 PM EST Venue: La Arena de los Trubadores in Mexico D.F., Mexico. Or something. Send Promos & Marked Matches To: Ace309 OPENING PROMO: Not called yet. OPENING RETURN MATCH Alan Clark vs Dominic Korgath Description: Alan Clark is back bizznizzatchezz. He’ll face Korgath in his first sortie back. Rules: Standard match. DQ & Countout apply. Word Count: 4000 Send To: Longdogger_Pete PIE MATCH Manson vs “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins vs Unknown Warrior vs Landon “La Cucharacha” Maddix Description: What the hell is wrong with me? Oh well. You should have fun writing this. See rules for details. Rules: Like a hardcore match, except with one difference. You can only use pies and the cheap tins they come in to hit your opponent. I’m fucking serious. Word Count: 5000 Send To: Thoth MAIN EVENT WORLD TITLE CONTENDERSHIP #2 QUADRUPLE DOMINATION Insane Luchadore vs Todd Royal Description: Aecas defends his title on Metal against a challenger of his choosing. But after that, one of these two men will get a shot. A normal match for these two will not do... and knowing me, I can come up with some wacky stips. So here goes. Rules: In each corner, there is a lever like contraption. Each contraption can raise either a red circle or a blue circle. IL is red, Royal is blue (GET IT? ROYAL BLUE LLOLOLOLOL). The first man to raise all 4 colors is the winner. The poles are high enough that you’d have to stand on the very top rope to reach the lever to raise your color. Each pole starts out with no color raised. Word Count: 6000 Send To: Ace309
  7. Thoth

    SNK vs Capcom: Choas ROM released

    Yes to the first, no to the second.
  8. Thoth

    SNK vs Capcom: Choas ROM released

    You could at least wait until the game isn't exactly new to emulate. I follow the MAME guidelines and wait 2 years from release year to emulate.
  9. Thoth

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

  10. Thoth

    SNK vs Capcom: Choas ROM released

    Fuck you both.
  11. Thoth

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Leon Sharpe... Hmmm... OH YEAH. Him. Happy B-day... umm... buddy.
  12. Thoth

    An awesome joystick

    For $60, you get a PS2/XB/GCN (It's universal) joystick that is of very good build and quality. Western style joystick that can be digital or analog, 8 concave buttons, start and select (or back) buttons that look nice, an extra prot for an Xbox memory card or headset. I love it. Anyone else have it?
  13. Thoth

    An awesome joystick

    You think a HORI is high-quality? Dude. What. The. Fuck. Anyway, Japanese style sticks aren't my thing. I don't like the candy ball feel and the cramped buttons. Pelican's website might have pics of it. Look for the Real Arcade.
  14. Thoth

    SJL Crimson 11/13/03

    An explanation of the Domination match: Not only can you lower your opponents color... you have to. Only one color can be active at a time in each corner. Think Unreal Tournament Domination mode here.
  15. Thoth

    An awesome joystick

    Umm... $60 is cheap for a joystick. If you want a quality one, $100-$130.
  16. Thoth

    SJL Wrath 11-9-03

    Bonus Match that should have gone at the beginning: (OTher mods, feel free to edit this around so it makes sense) Judge: “Good evening and welcome to another edition of SJL Wrath! You’re with Justice and Rule!” Annie: “And Annie Eclectic!” J&R: “Whatever!” Ejiro: “I just have TWO more words to say after seeing Alan Clark, that split personality whacko, appear just after the show kicked off! What the F@ck?” Judge: “Eji, that’s three words.” Ejiro: “No it isn’t, I self-censored the last one.” Annie: “WHATEVER! We’ve got a great show for you tonight! It’s going to be a HARDCORE match for the European Title tonight, as Landon Maddix faces off against Manson!” Judge: “But that’s nothing compared to our Main Event tonight! We’re going to see newly crowned WORLD CHAMPION Aecas…” Ejiro: “I still have NO idea what goes through that guy’s mind sometimes.” Judge: “… against one of the strongest competitors to date… the Unknown Warrior!” Annie: “I think he should make that his legal name. You know, like, Mr. Unknown Warrior. What’s up, Warrior? Although something tells me it’s already been done before.” Ejiro: “Just be quiet, Annie.” Judge: “But to kick our show off… the SJL’s latest rookie, Wes Outlett!” “Fist Full of Steele” by Rage Against the Machine hits, blasting it’s way around the city of Detroit, as a handsome youngster appears from behind the curtain. The audience doesn’t know whether they’re supposed to clap or boo, so they boo him anyway. Wes Outlett simply holds his head up high, ignoring the crowd as he struts arrogantly to the ring and awaits his opponent. Funyon: “Now stepping into the ring, weighing at 189 lbs and hailing form Cincinnati, Ohio, he is… WESSSSS OUTTLETTTTTTTTTTTT!” Ejiro: “This guy reminds me of our previous rookie, Daemon.” Judge: “In what way, Eji?” Ejiro: “He has POTENTIAL. But not much else.” Judge: “Ha!” "You sit alone in lightless chambers, all the love you had is gone No one there to catch your fall, you never felt so alone Blackened thoughts in lonely ruins, lifeless eyes an empty gaze Death is but a promise now, life is just an empty phrase!" The opening lines of Grave Digger's "Demon's Day" hits as the massive form of Dominic Korgath emerges from behind the curtain. The crowd rains hate, curses and Jehovah’s Witnesses as the Big Demon simply stands, motionless at the top of the ramp. Then, the Big Demon raises his iron staff high above his head in the universal sign of defiance as he starts making his way down to the ring. Funyon: “And his opponent, weighing in at 350 lbs, he is the leader of the Decay, DOMINNNNIIICCCC KOOOORRRRGGGGAAAATHHHHH! Ejiro: “It’s been exactly two weeks since we last saw anything of the big man after he was swallowed by G0R0!” Annie: “I bet you’ve been waiting for days to say that!” Ejiro: “I stand guilty.” The big man climbs over the top rope as he gets into the ring and scouts Wes Outlett, summing up the lithe man and not caring much for the match. Judge: “I’ve got 10/1 odds on Outlett!” The two men circle each other for a while, before both, as if on cue, rush in towards each other, trying to get the first shot and the advantage. Korgath stretches his arm for a mighty lariat, but Outlett’s speed and agility allows the smaller man to surprise the Big Demon with a quick kick to the side. The force of the blow, made even stronger by the momentum of the big man, causes Dominic Korgath to double over, the wind knocked out of him. Outlett tries to maintain his early upper hand in the match and runs to the ropes. Rebounding off them, the Ohio native shoots directly into the knees of his opponent, feet first. Taken completely by surprise, Korgath can only crumple as the supports holding his massive weight up disappear. Outlett continues to lambast the fallen body with a series of kicks to the midsection, while Korgath simply rolls around the ring as the brutal blows continue to land. Ejiro: “Outlett has brought down the monster! He’s done what few people have been able to do!” The rookie can hardly believe his luck and climbs up the turnbuckle to celebrate. The crowd claps respectfully, recognizing Outlett to be the lesser of the two evils at this point in time. However, the claps quickly subside and a roar of outrage builds up. Outlett is too elated, swimming in his euphoria as behind him, Dominic Korgath sits up and gets to his feet, as if none of the earlier damage had occurred. Annie: “Korgath’s on his feet! And Outlett still doesn’t realize!” Outlett’s obliviousness to the whole situation proves to be his downfall, as Korgath picks the rookie from off the turnbuckles and slams him WITH AUTHORITY! to the mat below. The Big Demon then proceeds to blast the face of Outlett with right hook after right hook, before topping off the carnage with a killer elbow drop to the solar plexus. Judge: “The Big Demon ensuring that Outlett is both dazed and short of breath, making it almost impossible for a normal man to continue fighting.” Korgath ensures that he has the referee’s attention and covers Outlett for the first pin of the match. Referee Anthony Michael Hall drops down to the mat and begins the count. ONE!!! TWO!!! KICKOUT!!! Judge: “Outlett managed to kick out of that pin! What a show!” Korgath looks incredulous and motions to the referee to imply that the official wasn’t counting fast enough. Hall simply denies it, claims it was a fair count and tells the Big Demon to continue. Dominic Korgath isn’t satisfied. The big man picks up Outlett’s carcass, carries it across the ring like some piece of roadkill, before slamming it back down to the mat. The rookie’s body flips over once like a fish out of water, before laying unnaturally on the canvas. The Big Demon drops to his knees and grabs the leg of his opponent as Anthony Michael Hall begins the three-count. ONE!!! TWO!!! SHOULDER UP!!! Ejiro: “How does he do it? How does he keep on surviving the power of Dominic Korgath?” Annie: “I think the bigger question is: WHY does he INSIST on incurring the wrath of the monster?” Dominic Korgath is MORE than furious now and proceeds to kick the living hell out of his fallen opponent. Wes Outlett desperately tries to evade the blows and rolls out of the ring as a last resort. The relief is short-lived, however, as the Big Demon simply reaches past the top rope and grabs Outlett by his shoulder-length hair. The rookie tries his best to prise his opponent’s fingers away but to no avail, and much earlier than he would have liked, gets thrown back into the ring. The Big Demon still maintains his hold against the rookie’s hair and slaps the pretty face of Wes Outlett in a show of contempt. Dominic Korgath then sends his opponent hurtling into the ring ropes and the force of the push sends Outlett right back. The leader of the Decay stretches out his arm in preparation for a major clothesline, but Outlett has the presence of mind to duck as the momentum carries him to the other end of the ring. Bouncing off the ropes, Outlett bounds off the mat and clocks Korgath on the back with a flying axe handle! Feeding off this newfound energy, Outlett runs towards the second rope and, with agility not often seen in the SJL, leaps off the middle rope and connects with his opponent using his body as a weapon! And for the second time tonight, the Big Demon is down! Judge: “Superb springboard plancha there from Wes Outlett in only his second outing here in the SJL!” Ejiro: “Hmmm… not bad, but I still think he needs to do more to distinguish himself from the pack.” Outlett goes for the lateral press! Anthony Michael Hall is more than happy to start the count. ONE!!! Annie: “Can Outlett pull off an upset victory here?” TWO!!! Judge: “Remember, it’s still 10/1 odds on the rookie!” THREEEEENOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Ejiro: “I think that’s the longest time I’ve ever seen the Big Demon stay down!” Annie: “He has been pinned before, you know.” Ejiro: “Yes, but not for long!” Annie: “Whatever, Ejiro.” Wes Outlett continues to press his regained advantage over Dominic Korgath. Draping his arms around the Demon’s large head, Outlett locks the move in on tight as the pressure continues to build on the large skull of the Big Demon. Judge: “The side headlock isn’t exactly an intelligent follow-up move especially when you’re fighting a larger opponent. I used to know one worker who HAD to include the headlock in every match he was in. Not a very smart guy.” As if to agree with Judge Mental, it isn’t long before Dominic Korgath powers out of the hold easily, before picking up the surprised body of Wes Outlett and drops the Ohio native hard on Korgath’s bended knee. Ejiro: “Backbreaker! Outlett is definitely not winning this match after a blow like that.” Indeed, Outlett has difficulty even getting to his feet as he clutches the small of his back in pain. Showing no mercy, Korgath then proceeds to behead his smaller opponent with a massive lariat, before grabbing the leg for the pinfall. ONE!!! TWO!!! THREEEEEEEEEENOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Annie: “And Wes Outlett continues to prolong this massacre!” Judge: “He’s crazy!” The Big Demon is fueled by pure frustration now as he picks up his opponent and whips him into the ropes. Then, bending over, Korgath sets Outlett up for a back drop, which, unfortunately, the rookie cannot avoid. One minute he was threatening to break the sprint speed record and the next, he puts Olympic high jumpers to shame. Outlett bounces off the mat as soon as he lands, clutching his back in pain as the agony is apparent in his face. Korgath goes once again for the pin, his demon mask hiding little of his obvious wrath. ONE!!! TWO!!! Annie: “Call an ambulance!” TWO AND A HALF!!!! THREEEEEEEEEENOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Ejiro: “The referee says it he only counted two before Outlett kicked out!” Judge: “This proves it. We don’t need an ambulance after this match. We need to book him a bed in the mental institution.” Annie: “Mad or not, no one can doubt Wes Outlett’s undying tenacity. He reminds me of me!” Dominic Korgath gets into the face of the presiding official and threatens to show Anthony Michael Hall the true meaning of “hellfire and brimstone”. Only the possibility of an immediate disqualification prevents Korgath from doing anything more. Unsatisfied, but willing to play by the rules for now, the Big Demon turns his attention back to his opponent, only to be taken down by a swift hurracanrana from the rookie! Ejiro: “And that’s the third time he falls to the mat! This is an ALL new record!” Judge: “I didn’t know you were such a statistician.” Ejiro: “I’m not, I just put a bet on how many times Korgath would be floored in this match!” Outlett raises his arms to the crowd in a triumphant pose, eliciting a polite response, but nothing else. Unperturbed, the Ohio native grabs the head of Dominic Korgath with his right arm and the tights of the Big Demon with his left hand, before pulling the bigger man over with a stunning vertical suplex! But no! Korgath’s 350 lbs weight simply proves too much for the tired Outlett to carry and all Wes goes home with is a strained back muscle. Annie: “The fool!” Judge: “For once, woman, I agree with you.” Dominic Korgath locks up with Wes Outlett, but it is to no one’s surprise when the Big Demon gets the advantage and strikes the smaller man with a brutal back elbow to the face. The force of the blow causes Outlett to stagger backwards, before being squashed by the leader of the Decay in the corner turnbuckle with a mighty clothesline. Stunned and barely conscious, Outlett crumbles to the canvas. Korgath signals that he’s going to the top, a gesture which some mistake for him flipping the bird to the crowd and as a result, a loud wash of boos come from the Detroit audience. “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Korgath climbs the turnbuckle anyway and leaps off the top rope for a huge leg drop! But there’s no one home! Outlett manages to roll away just in time, leaving the Big Demon hurting as he sits on the mat in pain. A quick springboard dropkick sends Korgath flat on his back and Outlett is now the one to ascend to the top rope. Ejiro: “A PERFECT SHOOTING STAR PRESS!” A small cheer erupts from the audience in appreciation for the technical excellence displayed by Outlett is that one move. Anthony Michael Hall checks to see that the pinfall has been made and initiates the count. ONE!!!! Annie: “Can Wes Outlett pull off the victory here?” TWOOOOO!!!!!!!! Ejiro: “I’ll eat my pants if that happens!” TWO AND A HALFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!! Judge: “Come on! 10/1 odds! Don’t let me down boy!” THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Korgath powers out of the pinfall attempt and sits up! The look of shock on Outlett’s face needs to be trademarked! The Big Demon is on fire now! Outlett takes one massive blow to the face, then two, then three! Kick to the gut sends Outlett bending over in pain! Korgath grabs the head of his opponent, then slaps the back and drops to the ground with a MASSIVE DDT! Wes Outlett has been planted! The man lays unconscious! He can’t go on! Dominic Korgath claps his hands three times, making it clear to Anthony Michael Hall that he wants a three count this time around! A reluctant referee does as he is asked and drops to the mat. ONE!!!! TWOOOOO!!!!!!!! TWO AND A HALFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Judge: “He kicked out again! I can’t believe it! This is insane!” “ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” The fury of Dominic Korgath is unmistakable. He picks up Wes Outlett and shakes him like a rag doll. Draping the body across his back, he screams once again, “IT ENDS HERE!!!” Then, after stretching the torso of Outlett beyond human limitations, Korgath starts jumping up and down! The pain on the back of Outlett is pushed to insane standards, and the victory now is only a matter of time. Ejiro: “The TORTURE RACK! The TORTURE RACK! No one’s ever gotten out of that!” Indeed, Ejiro’s words soon come true as Outlett barely manages to submit before passing out cold. *DING DING DING* Funyon: “And the winner, by means of submission, DOMINICCCCCCCCCCCCCCC KORRRRRGATTTTTHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Annie: “It was a long a drawn battle, but it was worth every second. Once again, the better man is victorious.” Ejiro: “Up next, a bar room brawl between fellow Decay member Jimmy Liston and former World Champion Spike Jenkins! Stay with us!” Judge: “Damn. I lost my bet.” <cut to commercials>
  17. Thoth

    SJL Wrath 11-9-03

    It’s a great big beautiful tomorrow…shining at the end of every day… *BOOM BOOM BOOM* “Welcome to the Joe Louis Arena and WRATH!” The Judge’s voice echoes over the ruckus filled-to-the-rafters crowd as pyro explodes around the building. Annie tries to continue, but Ejiro cuts her off. “That’s right…and tonight we have some high quality…for the SJL anyway…matchups including the new World Champion Aecas taking on the Unkown Warrior…” Annie finally smacks Ejiro in the face and sends him tilting backwards in his chair.. “And if Unknown Warrior wins…he gets a shot at that coveted title…but…if Aecas pulls out a victory he gets to choose his own opponent!” Ejiro fixes himself up and cuts off Annie once more… “You all know he will pick Funyon…that guy is ALWAYS in the ring working on his skill…” Ejiro and Judge laugh, Annie just stares in bewilderment… Suddenly the lights drop down and a voice echoes throughout the arena. “Please Stand Clear of the Ring. Por favor Soporte Claro Del Anillo." "For the safety and comfort of others...no smoking please. Para la seguridad y la comodidad de otras... el ningún fumar por favor" "The SJL and the Walt Disney Company are proud to present...the following…" 1… 2… 3… The SmarkTron comes to life and shows a shot of Tinkerbell flying in and down through space toward the arena. She flies through the doors and over the tops of the crowd and as she reaches the curtain… ..it opens and out comes the Ohio State Marching Band~! “Oh…My…God…” is all the three announcers can say as the band heads to the ring marching in time and busting out their own special version of “When You Wish Upon A Star”… After the percussion section empties out from backstage and the ring is surrounded by band members…from the right side of the SmarkTron comes a huge bright float. “What is THAT?!” Ejiro stares as the float barrels out toward the ring, with ALAN CLARK riding on the top, along with Goofy, Mickey, and Donald. All four wave to the crowd as the band continues to play. When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Any thing your heart desires Will come to you… And if your heart Is in your dreams No request is too extreeeeeeeeme When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true… The singing of Alan Clark causes a bit of laughter from the announcers, but the crowd eats it up. Halfway down the entranceway the float stops and Alan jumps off, leaving behind his friends as the float backtracks to where it came as the characters continue to wave and the band follows them out, leaving Alan to slide into the ring, still holding the microphone. “Unbelievable…I can’t believe he came back! Didn’t we almost kill him?” Judge looks at Ejiro, and Ejiro mumbles a ‘yes’ through his fits of laughter, prompting another slap from Annie, who is still laughing at bit herself. The house lights return to normal and Alan can be seen better now…in full suit and tie. “How is everyone doing tonight? Are you all having magical days?” Alan asks the crowd, prompting some cheers. “Well I’m having a magical day…and you know why…because I’m BACK IN THE SJL! I’ve been waiting for weeks and just this last week my Disney training was finished and I was cleared to come back and wrestle in front of all my fans and my friends.” “I haven’t been kept in the dark about all the recent happenings around here and I’ve seen some crazy things lately. English Dragon gets moved up to the bigtime…the Insane Luchadore reaches his goal…TWICE…only to lose it a few days ago to that huge maniac Aecas! It’s unbelievable! So much has changed since I went away and now I get to come back to THAT GUY holding the World Title. I know all of my fans out there have been waiting for me to come back and set my sights on the strap…and sooner or later you will see it…but like every great wrestler that has come through that curtain…when you take some time off…some rust develops…” The crowd seems down at this revelation, only to look to Alan and see a smile on his face. “So you can call this my Refurbishment Period…getting rid of that rust and bringing myself up to tip top Disney shape. I have come back to give all of the SJL fans a magical experience every time you come out to our show and maybe one day you will visit Walt Disney World or Disneyland…and you may see me sweeping up, handing you a turkey leg, singing a funny song…whatever…but no matter what…I’ll always be having fun!” “…now how about another song!!” The crowd cheers as Alan signals back to the sound crew and suddenly everyone’s FAVORITE tune begins to play. it’s a world of laughter A world of tears It’s a hopes And a world of fears There’s so much that we share That it’s time we are aware… It’s a small world after all… As the song kicks into high gear, some groans can be heard, along with some singing, even from the announce booth. “It’s a small world after all, it’s a small world after all…” Justice And Rule continually chant in Annie’s face, who looks like she is ready to vomit uncontrollably. With her last bit of sanity she grabs both guys by the head and slams them together, knocking them backwards and putting an end to their singing just as Alan finishes his song in the ring… “It really is a small world after all, you guys…so I want you to go out…make every day special…and always REMEMBER THE MAGIC!” The crowd explodes...mostly due to the song being over, as the marching band reappears from backstage, playing The Mickey Mouse Club March. Judge and Ejiro sing along once more, prompting more pain from Annie as the band marches around the ring and toward backstage once again, with Alan following them out and to the back to a lovely ovation from the crowd as Wrath goes to it’s first commercial.
  18. Thoth

    SJL Wrath 11-9-03

    A mere moment after Wrath’s Main Event has ended and both men have cleared the ring, the cameras turn back towards the Commentators table. “What a show this has been,” says Annie. “I am thoroughly pleased!” “Well it’s not over yet,” discloses Judge. “What? You mean we have more?” “Damn straight we do,” says Ejiro. “We are in Judge’s hometown; you can bet we’ve got a little something planned.” Judge shakes his head, smiling from ear to ear. “You can’t do anything here,” snaps Annie. “This is a Junior League show. You boys have a show in Tokyo to go all out for tomorrow night; don’t try to steal the spotlight from these young talents here.” “Who said anything about taking away their spotlight, Annie,” Hearford replies with mock sweetness. “I’m just going to borrow it for a moment.” WHOOSH! Just then, a paper ball whizzes past the Judge’s head. “What the hell?” Judge immediately snaps his head around, growling towards the fans wearing Beezel masks behind the announce table. The fans whistle innocently, looking in the totally opposite direction. “ANY-way,” Judge turns back towards the camera, “lets take it to Funyon for my introduction!” Judge rises from his seat and nods towards Funyon to begin. Before the exquisitely dressed announcer can even raise the microphone to his lips, the fans besiege the former Oakland County D.A. with a barrage of boos! “What the hell is this,” shouts Ejiro. “These fans have no respect! Where’s the hometown loyalty?” *Tap! Tap!* “That’s it,” says Ejiro, as he feels a finger tapping his shoulder. He takes off his headset, stands up, and spins around towards the annoying fans behind him. Both of the Beezel mask-wearing fans stand at the crowd barricade. “I told you two for the LAST time!” The first fan closest to Ejiro reaches to his neck, and rips the mask off his face. Ejiro’s mouth simply drops, while the crowd simply... explodes! “Oh my God,” shouts Annie, looking towards the man. “It’s Johnny Dangerous, from the SWF!” “Surprise,” Johnny says, just before rearing back and SOCKING Ejiro Fasaki right in the eye! WHAM! Ejiro is caught completely off guard, and goes stumbling back into the Announce Table! The second fan tears his mask away, and the crowd cheers grow by a leap and a bound! “... And Wildchild,” screams Annie at the top of her lungs, trying her hardest to make her voice audible over the roaring fans! “Wildchild and Johnny Dangerous are here at Wrath!” Judge spins on his heel a second after he sees Ejiro getting smacked to the ground from the corner of his eye, but the Bahama Bomber and the Barracuda are already charging towards him! Johnny slings his fist out, but the Judge tosses his forearm up for the block with surprising quickness, and swings for Johnny’s head as a mighty growl escapes his lips! WHAM! “How dare you try to upstage me in my home,” snarls Judge. He rears back for another blow on the stunned Dangerous, but again, something catches his attention from the corner of his eye. Wildchild leaps onto the Announce Table, then hurdles himself off towards Judge Mental! The Judge shoves Johnny back and tries to prepare himself for the Bahama Bomber, but before he can, Wildchild lands a massive Tornado DDT, and DRILLS Hearford face first into the floor! WHAM! “...And the Judge goes down,” cries Annie. “Hizzoner is down for the count! Wait! Johnny Dangerous is advancing on Ejiro!” Ejiro stands to his feet, rubbing his throbbing eye socket. He makes a wild swing for Johnny, but the Barracuda side steps the blow and slings his knee into Rule’s gut! “Oof,” cries Ejiro, as he doubles over clenching his stomach. Johnny quickly swings around behind Ejiro, slips his head in between Fasaki’s legs, and rises to his feet with Rule riding on his shoulders. Without a second thought, Wildchild leaps onto the outside ring apron, and then ascends the turnbuckle. “Surely they wouldn’t,” says Annie. “It looks like Wildchild and Johnny Dangerous are going for the Dangerous Drop! A devastating move from the Wild and Dangerous days!” The Bahama Bomber stands tall atop the turnbuckle. Raising his arms out to the hundreds of fans, while flashbulbs explode from every corner of the arena. Then he leaps, and as he does Johnny begins to fall back over the Announce table- -WILDCHILD GRABS FASAKI’S HEAD ON HIS WAY DOWN, AND THE PAIR PLOW EJIRO STRAIGHT THROUGH THE TABLE, TEARING IT COMPLETELY IN HALF!! KA-RAAAASSSSHHHHH!!!!! “DANGEROUS DROP! DANGEROUS DROP,” cries Annie, standing just a few inches from the rubble with Ejiro buried in the middle. “Oh my God, I can’t believe it! Johnny Dangerous and Wildchild have followed Justice and Rule to the ends of the earth to get some revenge!” The pair jumps to their feet, and quickly dives over the barricade to make their escape as their old tag team music “In Da Club” thumps through the arena! They jog through the audience with their arms held out to the fans, and the place is simply on fire! “What an ending to a fantastic show,” says Annie. “I’m not sure of the consequences that Wildchild and Johnny Dangerous will face, but you can tune into Smarkdown tomorrow night to find that one out! Then come right back here for Crimson! What will happen when the “Black Angel” puts the title on the line, and when Alan Clark steps back into the ring!” The cameras show a shot of Judge beginning to push himself off the floor with the help of some road agents the back, then a shot of Ejiro lying motionless in the shards of table matter. “For the Judge William Hearford, and Ejiro Fasaki, this is Annie Eclectic saying good night to all!” As we: FADE OUT
  19. Thoth

    SJL Wrath 11-9-03

    SJL Wrath comes back from commercial with a bang, the cameras panning quickly around the Joe Louis Arena capturing the thousands of screaming fans that squeezed themselves into the building, all wanting to be a part of SJL Wrath. The cameras drift over the clusters of signs that populate the seething mass of humanity, some signs question the identity of the Unknown Warrior, others welcome Alan Clark back to the SJL and at least one fan clutches a sign that reads “POT PLANTS EQUAL RATINGS.” The cameras continue to drift for several more moments before they finally settle down, as the feed cuts back to the announcers table, revealing Judge, Ejiro and Annie, as ever more than ready to continue calling the action unfolding on Wrath. Judge: Hello everyone and welcome back to SJL Wrath! We are live from the Joe Louis arena in Detroit, Michigan and we’ve had one hell of a show tonight! Ejiro: But it’s fixed to get even better Judge. We’ve got one match left, and we’re going to see the Unknown Warrior take that plant loving idiot Aecas apart! Annie: You seem very confident in this guys abilities Ejiro. Ejiro: And what’s not to be confident about Annie? He defeated the former champion, the Insane Luchador on Crimson to get this far! His star has just kept on rising! Annie: True but Aecas is the largest man he’s come up against yet and by far the strongest. Ejiro: Size doesn’t matter Annie, there’s a way to win every match and the Unknown Warrior will find a way to win this one! Judge: This is certainly a big chance for the Unknown Warrior, if he defeats Aecas tonight then he will automatically become the Number One contender for that title and will face Aecas in the near future. But if Aecas wins this bout then he will be allowed to pick an opponent of his choice for his first title defense! Both men have a reason to want to win this one, The Unknown Warrior because its his first shot at getting the title, and Aecas because there’s no better situation than being able to pick your own opponent! Ejiro: Unless they beat you that is. Judge: Well there is that yes. The arena lights suddenly cut out plunging the building into pitch blackness; a graveyard bell rings ominously as the cheers of the fans echo around the small arena. The Smarktron displays a figure shrouded in darkness, stabs of light highlighting the scales of a winding tattoo that spreads itself across his chest. The stabs of light travel slowly up the figures body highlighting the blank white orb of an eye as a deep voice reverberates through the arena speakers. "Are you scared?" The voice echoes for a moment before several voices speak as one. "He's here..........." Dark Funeral's “Dead Skin Mask” blasts out from the arena speakers as red lights begin to strobe around the arena, like an alarm system gone wrong - or a system that is warning of imminent carnage. Thick smoke boils up from the entranceway, filling the air and carpeting the floor, a blood red spotlight picks out Aecas as he stands deep in the depths of the smoke, an eerie silhouette will a large staff in one hand. Aecas raises the staff high above his head, a long wicked blade snaps forth from the staff, inciting a roar of approval from the crowd as he strides down the short aisle, Scythe in one hand the SJL World Title in the other. Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen! The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And will decide the Number One contender for the SJL World Title! If the Unknown Warrior wins he will face Aecas for the title, but if the champion wins, he will then be allowed to pick his own opponent for his next match! Funyon pauses for a brief moment as he lets the fans digest that information before raising his mic once more. Funyon: Introducing first! Weighing 315lbs! And hailing from Shrewsbury, England! He is the SJL WORLD CHAMPION! THE BLACK ANGEL! AECAS! The fans explode into cheers once again, almost raising the roof of the arena with the sheer volume of their voices and practically drowning out the music as Aecas leaps up onto the apron. The Black Angel steps through the ropes and immediately makes his way into the nearest corner, climbing up the turnbuckle until he stands with one foot on the second rope and the other placed firmly on the top turnbuckle. The giant looks out at the crowd for a long moment, an evil grin already working its way across his face before he punches both his Scythe and the belt he fought so hard for into the air to another huge pop from the crowd. The music slowly fades away as Aecas jumps back into the ring, the giant makes his way across the squared circle, tossing first the belt and then his Scythe down to the Timekeeper, who struggles to hold both as he returns to his seat as the Black Angel begins to pace the ring. As Aecas moves the fans voices change from hearty cheers to callous boos as the second participant in the match makes himself known. Clad completely in a black suit that would do a Ninja proud and a mask that conceals everything save the eyes the Unknown Warrior walks out of the entranceway and makes his way down to the ring, his piercingly green eyes focused on the ring and on his opponent. Funyon: And his opponent! From Calgary, Alberta, Canada! Weighing 227lbs! THE UNKNOWN WARRIOR! The boos of the crowd increase in volume as Funyon announces the Unknown Warrior before making his way out of the ring, leaving referee Eddy Long and a pacing Aecas in the ring. Aecas and the Unknown Warrior lock eyes, the giant stops his pacing and faces his opponent squarely as the Unknown Warrior steps into the ring. The two men stare at each other for a long moment until Eddy Long signals the Timekeeper to start the match. DING! DING! DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The two men lunge at one another as the bell tolls, slamming together straight into a collar and elbow tie up, both men straining against one another but Aecas’ greater strength quickly begins to tell in the uneven contest. The giant breaks the tie up quickly wrapping one huge arm around the head of the Unknown Warrior and drawing him in close with a side Headlock. The Unknown Warrior reacts quickly, pushing Aecas back into the ropes and using all his strength shoots him off across the ring, the ring ropes bending alarmingly as the Black Angel rebounds and runs full tilt across the ring. The Unknown Warrior ducks under a huge Lariat attempt by Aecas, whipping around to face the big man as he rebounds from the ropes a second time. The Black Angel comes off of the ropes and gets knocked straight down as the Unknown Warrior counters with a Lariat of his own. Aecas is quick o get back to his feet, but the Canadian Superstar is faster, pouncing on his opponent from behind and latching his arms around the giants middle in a solid waistlock. Aecas is quick to counter this latest threat however, snapping an elbow back into the Warrior’s face before he drops to one knee both hands coming up to latch onto the head of the masked man, hauling him down over the giants shoulder with a quick Snapmare. The Unknown Warrior is quickly back up to his feet locking eyes with Aecas as the two men share a brief standoff, the Black Angel starting to pace the ring once again as the fans begin to warm up to the match. Judge: A short burst of action there did not produce any decisive results for either of these two men. Ejiro: They’re just feeling each other out Judge, but the Unknown Warrior would be wise not to try and go toe to toe with Aecas, he may be tough but Aecas is just too strong for him. Aecas stops pacing after a moment and the two men square off for a second time, this time however the Unknown Warrior ducks under Aecas’ questing arms and slips behind his giant opponent once again latching on a waistlock. Aecas once again jams an elbow backwards into the head of the Canadian Superstar, a second hard elbow follows loosening the grip just enough for the Black Angel to spin around and try for another Lariat but the Unknown Warrior ducks yet again. Both men spin around to face the other, the Unknown Warrior lashing out with a booted foot kicking Aecas squarely in the gut. The kick has the desired effect as it doubles Aecas over leaving him open for the Unknown Warrior, the Canadian Superstar doesn’t waste the opportunity stepping in close and wrapping an arm around the head of his massive opponent. A split second before the Unknown Warrior can hit the Evenflow two massive hands latch onto his legs and Aecas straightens up quickly, easily lifting the Canadian Superstar into the air and onto his right shoulder. The Unknown Warrior struggles for a brief moment before Aecas yanks down on his opponent’s legs, catapulting the smaller man backwards and slamming him backfirst into the canvas with a huge Spinebuster. The fans cheer as Aecas blocks the DDT attempt but the cheers quickly die away as the Unknown Warrior simply stands back up glaring at Aecas seemingly unfazed. Judge: Big Spinebuster by Aecas, a nice counter to the Evenflow DDT but the Unknown Warrior just shrugged it off! Ejiro: this guy is tougher than Aecas Judge and he’s out to prove it in a big way tonight. Annie: This is going to come down to a simple matter of give and take; will Aecas be able to dish out more punishment than the Unknown Warrior can take? Ejiro: I highly doubt that Annie, the Unknown Warrior beat the Insane Luchador very convincingly, he won’t have a problem with this guy. Aecas eyes his opponent for a moment as the Unknown Warrior seemingly no sold the Spinebuster, the giant give a slight shrug and simply smashes his huge right hand into the face of his opponent, sending the Canadian Superstar reeling back a pace. The Black Angel slams another punch into the head of the Unknown Warrior following it up with a swift left cross that rocks his opponent back once again, slowly driving his opponent towards the corner. Finally the Unknown Warrior gathers his wits, ducking under another punch he slips behind the Black Angel yet again slamming a hard punch into the giants kidneys, Aecas arches his back as another sharp blow hammers into the kidney area, driving the giant into the turnbuckles. Aecas twists in the turnbuckle trying for yet another elbow but the Unworn Warrior ducks out of the way letting Aecas turn himself around in the corner before smashing a hard right into the belly of the champion. Judge: This has turned into more of a brawl than a wrestling match so far! Ejiro: The Unknown Warrior has got to keep Aecas on his toes, he’s got to keep working over the big man an6y way he can, if that means he has to use his fists then so be it but he has to keep the pressure on. The Canadian Superstar quickly backs up as Aecas doubles over once more, the Unknown Warrior backing up into he middle of the ring, crouching down and waiting for the right moment. The time arrives as Aecas begins to straighten up in the corner, the movement sending the Unknown Warrior charging back across the ring to drive his sho8ulder into the stomach of the Black Angel with a huge GORE! The Black Angel folds up as he is driven into the corner, but his arms move down to circle around the Unknown Warriors waist, latching tight as the Canadian Superstar tries to pull away. Judge: Devastating GORE by the Unknown Warrior right into the corner! Annie: But Aecas has got a hold of him! If you want to talk about toughness Ejiro you have to give the Black Angel his due as well. Ejiro: I’m not giving him anything Annie; he won the title by pure luck that’s all. Back in the ring the action continues as Aecas hauls the Unknown Warrior off of his feet, dragging his gangly opponent up onto his shoulders, the Black Angel takes three running steps out of the corner leaping into the air and sitting out as he Powerbombs the Canadian Superstar into the canvas. The Black Angel keeps a tight hold of his opponent’s legs, leaning forwards and pinning the Unknown Warrior to the canvas as Eddy Long rushes over to count the pinfall. ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! … … … TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! … KICKOUT!!!!!!!!!! The Unknown Warrior quickly kicks out of the pinfall attempt, roiling over and quickly getting back up to his feet only to meet Aecas’ boot as he straightens up, the Black Angel wraps a huge arm around the head of his opponent, his left moving down to grab the fabric of the Unknown Warriors trousers. Aecas lifts his opponent effortlessly into the air, holding the Unknown Warrior up for a brief moment before dropping him down with a nasty looking Brainbuster, smashing the Canadian Superstar head and shoulders first into he canvas. Judge: Aecas has got the Unknown Warrior in his clutches! Annie: We’ve seen this before Judge! I don’t know if even the Unknown warrior can hold out against an onslaught like this! Ejiro: Would you listen to yourself Annie! Aecas is obviously a weak champion and the Unknown warrior is going to prove that when he beats that idiot tonight and takes his title away on Crimson! Aecas is quick to get back up to his feet his arms still clutching the Unknown Warrior in a deadly embrace as the Black Angel heaves his opponent into the air once more dropping him down on his head a second time with a flawless Evenflow Brainbuster. Judge: And there’s the Evenflow! Next comes the Corkscrew and that might herald the end of the Unknown Warrior! Aecas slowly makes his way back up to his feet once more; the Unknown Warrior still has enough fight in him to struggle, trying to break the hold but lacking the strength to tear him free as Aecas inevitably lifts him off of his feet once again. The Black Angel holds his opponent high in the air for several long moments letting the blood run to the head. Aecas pivots on the spot, spinning 360 degrees as he drops the Unknown Warrior down one last time, smacking the Canadian Superstars head off the canvas for a third consecutive time. Judge: And the Unknown Warrior has reached the crossroads of defeat right now! Aecas is on fire right now! Winning the title seems to have kick started his aggression in a huge way! He’s all over the Unknown Warrior! And things are only going to get worse from here on! The fans cheers threaten to tear the roof of the stadium and they only intensify as Aecas gets back up to his feet one more time, STILL holding onto the Unknown Warrior to the delight of the fans. Judge: And Aecas is setting the Unknown Warrior up once again! Annie: Aecas is snapping right in front of us! He’s going to kill the Unknown Warrior! Ejiro: Long! Get in there and do your job! Annie: He IS doing his job Ejiro, just as Aecas is doing nothing wrong! Ejiro: What do you mean nothing wrong! He’s going to kill a man right in front of us! Annie: The Unworn Warrior made the challenge Ejiro! Now he has to reap what he’s sown! Aecas lifts his groggy opponent back up to his feet, the Black Angel looking out at the fans for a moment his left hand releasing the Canadian Superstars trousers for a moment to draw a thumb across his throat before he heaves the Unknown Warrior into the air once again. Aecas doesn’t waste any time, dropping the Unknown Warrior straight South once more, smashing the masked head of the Canadian Superstar into the canvas with a vicious Sheer Drop Brainbuster the sheer force of the impact dragging the crowd to their feet, cheers mixing with shocked cries at the move they just witnessed. Judge: And he just dropped him on his head! Did you see that?! RIGHT ON HIS HEAD! Ejiro: Long needs to seriously think about whether he should let this match continue or not! Annie: What’s wrong Ejiro I thought you said the Unknown Warrior was the toughest guy in the JL? Ejiro: He’s survived this long hasn’t he Annie? Annie: I don’t call getting dropped on your head four times “Surviving” Ejiro. Aecas finally lets go of the Unknown Warrior getting back to his feet and raising his arms, a sharklike grin tearing across his face as the Canadian Superstar groggily gets back up to his feet not realizing the Black Angel is ready and waiting for him. Judge: And the Unknown Warrior is STILL getting back up! Annie: He’s got guts I’ll give him that, but it might have been smarter to just stay down… Ejiro: Stay down? The Unknown Warrior is still in this match Annie! He’ll bounce back just you watch! This isn’t over yet! Aecas steps in close to his opponent as the Unknown Warrior rises unsteadily to his feet, the Black Angel grabs the arms of the Canadian Superstar crossing them in front of his body. Aecas wrenches the Unknown Warrior down, trapping the masked mans head under his arm, letting go of one of the Canadian Superstars arms to reach between his legs lifting the Unknown Warrior up once more. Judge: And it is going to BE over in a minute! There’s only one way for the Unknown Warrior to go from here! Annie: And that’s down! The Unknown Warrior hangs suspended in the air for a brief moment before Aecas drops him to the canvas once more, and once again the top of the Canadian Superstars head hits the canvas, the impact sickening to watch drawing more gasps and screams from the crowd. Judge: Darkness Buster! This is over! Aecas gets back up to his feet, looking down at the limp, prone form of the Unknown Warrior, the Black Angel looks up at the fans for a moment, his grin hasn’t disappeared, if anything its only grown more sinister. Ejiro: Okay you’ve made your point now just cover the man and have done with it! Annie: I think a pinfall is the last thing on Aecas’ mind right now Ejiro, he’s still not finished with the Unknown Warrior! The Black Angel slowly walks across the ring to a corner, ascending the turnbuckles slowly until he is perched on the top looking down into the ring and the prone body of his erstwhile opponent. Judge: Aecas going up top, he could be going for Hard Rain or As Darkness Falls on the helpless Unknown Warrior! Ejiro: He’s too far away! He’ll never hit the Unknown Warrior from his distance! Aecas slowly stands up on the top rope, showing an impressive amount of balance as he stands tall on top of the ring, the Black Angel crouches low and springs off of the top sailing through the air and dropping one huge leg across the throat of his opponent. The force of the impact makes the Unknown Warrior jerk spasmodically as Aecas slowly climbs back up to his feet once more, the cheers of the fans ringing in his ears. Judge: And Aecas comes off the top with a Guillotine Legdrop! Ejiro: Long will you do something about this?! Enough's, enough! What else is Aecas going to do to the Unknown Warrior?! The Black Angel has an answer to Ejiro’s unheard question, the giant raising his right hand slowly dragging his thumb across his neck in a throat slitting motion, the simple action getting another huge pop from the fans as Aecas leans down, grabbing the Unknown Warrior by the fabric of his mask and hauling him upright one last time. Annie: And there’s your answer Ejiro! Judge: Aecas is fixed to take out the Unknown Warrior in one fell swoop! Aecas holds the Unknown Warrior up by the head for a moment, looking down into his opponent’s eyes before he shoves the Canadian Superstar down; jamming the masked mans head between his legs. Aecas leans forwards wrapping his huge arms around the waist of the Unknown Warrior hauling him off his feet and up to his giant shoulders, the limp body of the Canadian Superstar flops backwards hanging upside down supported only by the massive hands of the Black Angel gripping his legs. The Black Angel holds his opponent immobile as the fans chant for the end, the giant takes a single step forward and launches himself into the air, spinning 180 degrees in mid air and driving the Unknown Warrior head first into the canvas with the Executioner! Aecas lets the Unknown Warriors body fall back to the canvas rolling his opponent over and crossing his arms over his chest in a Darkness Pin as Eddy Long makes the count once more. ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! … … … TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! … … … THREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! DING! DING! DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dark Funeral’s “Dead Skin mask” explodes from the arena speakers once more, wearing for domination with the cheers of the fans as Funyon raises the microphone to his lips, having to shout to make himself heard over the wall of sound. Funyon: The winner of the match! THE BLACK ANGEL! AECAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Judge: And mercifully this is over! Annie: Aecas as in no mood to take any prisoners tonight! Ejiro: This is an outrage; the Unknown Warrior will never be able to walk again after this! Annie: Please Ejiro; stop overselling the fact that you can’t believe your man lost. Judge: Well that’s about it for us tonight folks, the last question remaining is who will Aecas pick as his opponent for his first title defense? Annie: We’ll just have to wait and see on that one Judge. Aecas steps through the ropes and jumps down to the floor, the giant slowly moving over to the Timekeepers table, retrieving both his Scythe and the World Title before turning to start his journey up the ramp. The Black Angel grins at the fans as he walks by, feeling palms slap his back and thousands of voices chanting his name, he walks up the ramp slowly before stopping just before the entranceway and turning around. Aecas lifts both his Scythe and the World title high to another huge pop from the crowd, the Black Angel still has that manically evil grin stamped on his face, gazing down to the ring and the decimated body of the Unknown Warrior before turning around and slipping into the darkness of backstage…
  20. Thoth

    SJL Wrath 11-9-03

    We return to the sold out Joe Louis Arena just in time for the hardcore rules match, Funyon standing in the ring ready to make the introductions...and of course Annie Eclectic, Ejiro Fasaki and 'Judge' William Hearford sitting at the announce table, ready to…'call the action'. "Welcome back one and all to SJL Wrath..." beams The Judge. "A night that has so far been, as a certain New Yorker would say, 'off the hook'." "It certainly has Judgey," buts in Annie, sounding a little over enthusiastic in the process. "But the best is surely yet to come. Including, next up...hardcore rules, Maddix and Manson." Judge takes back his introduction quickly, "And with the European Title on the line, this one promises to be quite the battle. Both men hold a victory over the other from their two meetings, so the two are obviously very evenly matched." Suddenly, we cut backstage to where Landon Maddix is just leaving his dressing room...European Title over his shoulder, no stupid European get up on for some reason...he's all business. "Well, there's the champ" points out Judge. Stopping in the doorway, Maddix takes a deep breath...as suddenly, the corridor around him is filled wih the sound of an intense roar. First Maddix looks confused, but it soon turns to shock as from nowhere Manson comes sprinting down the corridor, and SPEARS Maddix back INTO THE CLOSED DOOR!!! "GOOD GOD!" yells a shocked Judge. "Where the hell did Manson come from!?!" adds a just as shocked Annie. The door has swung open from the impact, as Maddix sits slumped against the doorframe. Distant "SJL" chants can be heard, as the snarling Manson gets to his feet, and starts to stomp away at Maddix. Manson himself favours his shoulder from the spear, trying to shake it off as Maddix slowly starts to get up. The challenger grabs a hold of Maddix's arm and irish whips him forward, Maddix crashing hard into the wall opposite. The force causes Maddix to stumble back, into another irish whip...this time through the doorway and into Maddix's locker room! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Shrill screams fill the room, as three of Maddix's girls dressed in frenchmaids outfits dive out of Maddix's way, the Euro Champ tumbling into the couch. Quickly Manson grabs a metal tray from the table beside him, and goes to smash Maddix...before one of the girls grabs the tray! Manson turns around, and goes for the girl...who runs. Manson goes to follow, as suddenly the other two girls start to goad Manson into something...the challenger losing his focus as he starts to chase the girls away. Suddenly in through the door steps referee Sexton Hardcastle, who has to quickly retreat to avoid Manson's anger. "This is like a bad scene from the Benny Hill Show," mutters a disbelieving Ejiro. "Hey, there were no bad scenes on the Benny Hill Show!" replies Annie. Manson goes for one of the girls, but is suddenly caught from behind with a takedown by Maddix. The Euro Champ quickly starts to fire away with right hands, as the three women quickly run off out of the room. Meanwhile Maddix continues to hit repeated right hands to the head of Manson, until the challenger has a glazed over look in his eyes. Maddix finally gets up, and tips over the nearby coffee table, making his locker room look like even more of a wreck. "Well, I guess this match has started backstage," says Judge. Ejiro laughs, and adds a sarcastic "You think?" Quickly Maddix grabs the metal tray from the floor, and slowly waits for Manson to get up. Manson however is not as hurt as Landon expects, the challenger suddenly lunging forward and sending Maddix and himself up and over the couch with another spear. Both men start throwing fists on the other side of the couch, as Gus is having a hard time getting all the chaos on camera. Eventually Landon fights Manson off, shoving him back over the couch. Manson rolls through the fall and lands on his feet, as Landon emerges from behind the couch, smashing Manson over the head with... ...a baguette!?! "What the hell?" questions Ejiro. "This kid has lost his tiny little mind...he just hit Manson with a baguette!" Breadcrumbs fly everywhere, as a pissed looking Manson shakes the 'blow' off, only to get caught with a flying clothesline...from OVER the couch...by Maddix! "LANDON! LANDON! LANDON!" The crowd in the arena start their chant, as Maddix takes the opportunity to exit his locker room, the stunned Manson close behind. Maddix hits a quick right hand, before retreating down the hall...as still Manson is in close pursuit. Referee Hardcastle grabs the European Title from the floor, as Maddix is now trying to get away from Manson, throwing whatever he can lay his hands on in front of Manson to slow him down. "I think the baguette shot just pissed off Manson guys," Annie says. "Well it didn't exactly cause him any injuries did it?" adds Ejiro sarcastically The numerous obstacles don't stop Manson, who keeps following Maddix...until the Euro Champion suddenly disappears. In the arena, the fans are quiet watching the big screens, adding to the atmosphere. Manson is a lot more cautious now as he creeps through the hallways. Angrily he kicks a door open, and checks inside to find no-one. Walking on, Manson kicks another door open, but again the room behind is empty. “Manson has got to be careful…Maddix obviously has a cunning plan,” observes Judge. “As much as I hate the kid, it’s a smart one too. If you can’t beat someone man to man, you have to try and outsmart them,” Ejiro adds, trying to sound as wise as possible. Manson continues down the hall, finding a door that’s slightly ajar…and smiling slightly. He then backs up, and folds up a nearby steel chair…before kicking the door in… …nothing? Manson lets a sound which can only be described as a confused grunt, as behind him another door opens slowly…and Landon Maddix steps out! “Behind you…behind you!” Ejiro starts to shout. “He can’t hear you,” sigh both of his colleagues. Manson slowly turns around, as Maddix throws a right hand… SMACK! …which is blocked with the chair! Landon holds his hand in pain, as Manson adjusts his grip on the chair, and CRASHES the steel seat across Landon’s head! The champion collapses back against the wall, as Manson quickly pulls him away and makes a cover… SLAP ONE! SLAP TWO! …T… Quick kickout. Hardcastle shouts out an unnecessary “TWO!”, as Manson grabs the chair again, and waits on Landon to get up. Meanwhile the European Champion is now on the back-foot…deciding to go back behind the door again. Manson grabs the door handle and tries to push it down…but Maddix is obviously holding it up from the other side. The increasingly angry Manson starts to kick at the door in an attempt to open it…eventually it does open, but as it does, smoke begins to billow out through the doorway. Manson throws his arms up, trying to stop the smoke from getting to his face…as Maddix emerges from the room with a fire extinguisher in hand. A shocked Ejiro mutters “This kid is smarter than I thought!” The choking Manson drops to his knees, as Maddix throws down the fire extinguisher, and through the remaining smoke dives forward, catching Manson in the back of the head with a shining wizard kick! Quickly Maddix scrambles over and makes a pinfall attempt… SLAP ONE! SLAP TWO! …T… TWWWOOO! Maddix gets straight back up, and starts to scramble away down the hallway again. Manson tries to follow, but again it seems Maddix is lulling him in. Landon continues to walk through the backstage area, keeping his distance from Manson and getting to the ‘go area’, climbing up the steps towards the ringside area. “Oh great, they’re coming out here!” Ejiro moans. “Baton down the hatches…” “Yeah…yar matey!” jokes Annie, causing Ejiro to annoyingly grunt her way. Manson stumbles after Maddix, clearly still blinded slightly from the fire extinguisher being let off in his face. Manson gets to the steps, and begins to climb…only for a boot to come from nowhere, knocking him back down. “This kid is making Manson look the fool here…” observes Hearford. “That’s because he is a fool,” adds his tag partner and friend. “Who…Manson?” “No…the Euro kid.” Ejiroo mutters with a sarcastic tone in his voice. Maddix stands on the steps and aims another kick…but Manson grabs a hold of the boot of the European Champion, and pulls him into a front waistlock… …and a belly to belly suplex from the steps, ONTO THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!!! “OH GOD!!!” Judge instinctively yells out as Maddix’s body bounces off the floor. “Sweet jebus…beautiful move!” adds the ever tactful Ejiro. “SJL…SJL…SJL” The crowd chant away as Manson takes a breath on the steps. Maddix meanwhile has a grimace of pure pain on his face holding his back. Manson spits to the side, before grabbing hold of Maddix’s arm…and drags him up the steps back first, further adding more pain to the back. ---------------------------------------- The camera cuts back into the arena, and to the stage…where Manson emerges from the curtain a couple of seconds later, dragging the European Champion behind him. Cheers echo around the arena from the crowd, most of them knowing they don’t have to watch the match on a screen anymore. Meanwhile, Manson continues dragging Landon down the ramp, and by the time they reach ringside, Maddix’s back is covered in little nicks and cuts from which blood is now covering his back. Annie: “Oooh, that looks nasty.” “Listen…just because you’re ‘gay’ doesn’t mean you have to act all camp…” snorts Ejiro, looking for a rise out of Annie which surprisingly doesn’t come. Lifting Maddix into the ring, Manson quickly goes under the ring and grabs a Singapore cane before rolling into the ring. Landon pulls himself up, the grimace still etched on his face, as Manson swings with the cane wildly…catching Landon with a glancing blow across the ear. A determined Maddix yells at Manson to bring it on…so he does, with a vicious cane shot over the head knocking the European Champion down. “MANSON! MANSON! MANSON!” The divided crowd now chant for Manson, as he leaves the ring and starts to route under the ring again. Maddix meanwhile holds his back in pain in the ring…as Manson re-emerges with a steel chain, wrapping the weapon around his fist very deliberately, letting the crowd see what’s planned for Maddix. “Things are about to get nasty,” Judge points out “I know better than most what that chain feels like…” adds Ejiro, butting in. “And believe me, it is not a nice feeling having pure steel ground into your flesh and skin.” The crowd are buzzing, as Manson rolls into the ring again with the chain wrapped around his hand tightly. Maddix is trying to pull himself up on the ropes, as Manson waits for him to get up. Manson quickly irish whips the champion into the ropes, balling up his fist and swinging as Maddix comes back. At the last second however, Landon baseball slides through the legs of Manson leaving the challenger shocked. Maddix meanwhile is back up already and running off the ropes. Annie: “This kid is fast…you think you have him at your mercy, and he just slips away.” As Maddix comes back off the ropes, he leaves his feet and lands across Manson’s shoulders, looking for a hurricanrana. Manson however holds on, and uses his hands to shove Maddix upwards. The champion lands on his feet, but turns around straight into a chained fist right to the forehead, the crowd “OOOHing” at the sight of the right handed blow. Manson quickly makes the cover… …ONE… …TWO… …T… …H… NOOO!!! The challenger angrily slams his fists on the mat, as Maddix’s shoulder remains in the air. Hardcastle reinforces the two, only until Manson threateningly thrusts his chained fist towards Hardcastle, who backs off immediately. Again Manson balls his fist up to tighten the chain up, as Maddix tries to get to his feet. Eventually he does, only to get another chained right hand across the forehead. A little trickle of blood can be seen through his fringe as the champ instinctively gets right back to his feet…to get a third right to the head. “This kid keeps getting up. Why does this kid keep getting up to take this punishment over and over again?” questions Judge. “Because he has heart.” Annie replies sharply. Despite the blood now flowing even faster, both from the forehead and back of Maddix, he still gets up and encourages Manson on! Obliging, Manson goes for another right…but Maddix ducks, and takes Manson down with a bulldog! His head bounces off the mat violently, as Maddix seems to have a rush of adrenaline through his body…already up on his feet! By the time Manson is up, Maddix is waiting with a rapid set of three knifedge chops to the chest. Irish whipping Manson off the ropes, Landon waits until just the right time before leaping in the air and catching Manson coming back with a standing dropkick! Quickly Landon makes a cover… …ONE… …TWO… TWO ONLY! Undeterred, Maddix grabs up the Singapore cane from near the ropes and starts to wield it like some sort of fancy oriental weapon…which, of course, it is. Manson staggers over and goes for a right…but is cut off with a cane shot! Shaking it off, Manson goes fir the right, but gets the cane again over his head. Two more cane shots snap over Manson’s ragged haired head before he drops to his knees. “This is just a war of attrition now!” Judge shouts, getting a little excited now. Dropping the cane, Maddix runs to the ropes and leaps to the middle rope, using it as a springboard to launch back towards Manson. The challenger sees it coming at the last second, too late to avoid being headscissored clear across the ring! Manson gets straight up by instinct, and charges back at Maddix who goes for a superkick… …but Manson manages to duck, and locks on a waistlock…before popping his hips, and nailing a vicious german suplex, Maddix landing fresh on the back of his head and always injured neck! “There’s the neck gone,” comes from the ever remembering Ejiro… “Manson has taken the advantage back, and may even have the match won here.” Annie replies, a little more sensitive than Ejiro. Manson rolls Maddix over, but instead of going for a cover he grabs the cane. Pointing down at Maddix with the weapon, Manson can be heard yelling ‘this is payback’… …but suddenly his eyes roll into the back of his head, as Maddix raises his boot and connects square between the legs with a stiff kick! Manson stands doubled over and holding his groin, as Maddix quickly gets to his feet and nails another couple of cane shots across the back, yelling ‘THIS Is payback’…before throwing the cane aside and nailing a sharp Evenflow style DDT! The challenger’s head bounces off the mat, as Maddix quickly makes a desperate cover… …ONE… …TWO… …T… …NO! Two only as Manson quickly kicks out. Both men are quickly to their feet, the now nearing on frantic Maddix going for a boot to the gut. Manson catches the boot by his side and goes for a legtrip…but Maddix manages to step over it, and catch Manson in the back of the head with an enziguri! Maddix again goes for a cover… …ONE… …TWO… …T… …H… …R… NNOOOOO!!! Maddix looks shocked, deciding to go to the middle rope and call for the end. Pointing out the obvious, Judge shouts “Here comes the end…the Crash Landon!” Manson stumbles over towards the corner, and gets a boot to the gut…Landon then sets up for the Crash Landon, and leaps off the ropes…but Manson counters in mid-air with a sidewalk slam!!! The back of Maddix leaves blood stains on the mat almost instantly, as Manson is now angry…grabbing up the Singapore cane. Slowly Maddix gets up…as Manson swings the cane… …but Maddix ducks, and locks on a waistlock… …and takes Manson over with a german suplex, FOLDING him up on his neck!!! “Now THAT’S a german suplex…” yells Annie, as the crowd roar away in the background. Maddix quickly dives into the cover, as Hardcastle does the same to make the count… …ONE… …TWO… …T… …H… …R… …EEEEE!!! MADDIX WINS! “The Fight Song” starts up, as Maddix is quickly passed his belt…blood coming from his forehead and back, but still able to celebrate with his belt as the cheers fill the Joe Louis Arena. “What a win for Maddix…tricking and treating his way to a win…a bit late for Halloween, but, whatever!” Judge beams. “Yeah…a great win for what’s turning out to be a great champion.” adds Annie. Judge takes back control, “Well…unfortunately we need to go to a break now, so have to cut this celebration short…but stay tuned, because the new SJL Champion is in non-title action next!” The scene fades to a break, with Maddix holding his prized European Title aloft, and rolling from the ring with the grimace still on his face.
  21. Thoth

    SJL Wrath 11-9-03

    (SJL Wrath returns from the previous commercial break, as Ben Hardy is standing outside "O'Malley's Pub" in the mean streets of Detroit, Michigan. Ben seems a little nervous, looking up and down the street, as if waiting for someone to arrive. Ben looks at his watch, and shakes his head, wondering where the people he is waiting for are. A small man walks out of the bar, wearing a SWF Polo shirt, speeds up behind Ben, and taps him on the shoulder. Ben turns around, looking at the man.) Ben: Yes? Man: Ben, we kind of have a situation... Ben: What is it? We can't use this bar? Man: No, we can use the bar. I was just in there, and everything is set to go... Ben: Then what is it? Man: Well, you know how Spike Jenkins and Jimmy Liston haven't showed up yet? Ben: Yeah. I'm out here waiting for them now. Man: Well, they actually did show up. Early in fact... Ben: Where are they? Man: Inside......but they aren't in the greatest shape to be having a match at the moment... Ben: What do you mean? Man: Maybe you should come take a look. (Both Ben and the man turn around, and head towards the bar. Ben opens the door, and heads in, but stops dead in his tracks as the camera focuses in on Spike Jenkins sitting with Jimmy Liston. Ben rushes over to both of them, as they continue to talk.) Ben: GUYS! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I thought you guy's weren't showing up! Now I find you in the bar....drinking? Fantastic! Liston: Well, this IS a Bar, Ben..... HSJ: Yeah dude, chill out. Ben: You guys are going to be on national television in a few moments, and you want me to chill out! How much have you guys drank? Liston: Between the two of us.... HSJ: Ummm... Liston: Uhh....I lost count. HSJ: Somewhere around five pitchers an hour ago....I think.... Ben: Jeez, Guys. Come on! Can you guy's at least perform tonight? HSJ: ABSOLUTELY! (Spike jumps off the stool, but as quickly as he jumped off, he falls backwards onto the floor.) HSJ: Oh man.... Liston: Are you alright? Damn... (Liston gets off his stool, and gives his hand to Spike, trying to help him up, but Liston ends up falling onto his face right next to Spike. Ben stares blankly at the two trying to get to their feet, as he knows this isn't going to work.) Ben: There is no way, we can go on the air like this... Man: THREE.....TWO.....ONE.....WE ARE ON AIR! (Ben slowly turns around, and looks as the man he was talking to before standing behind a camera, filming the actions that are taking place.) Ben: Ummm....Welcome back fans, to SJL Wrath! Up next we have the Barroom Brawl between "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins and "The Demon" Jimmy Liston! But there seems to be some technical difficulties..so we will have to get back to you....... Liston: THAT'S MY GOD DAMN PEANUT! HSJ: I FOUND IT! IT'S MINE! (Behind Ben, Liston charges at Spike, and tackles him to ground, as they both start fighting over a peanut they found. Both get up to their feet, and Liston starts throwing left and rights in the direction of Spike....but they just end up being wild punches that go nowhere. Spike in return, goes for a kick to Liston's head....but misses by a mile, and falls backwards into a table.) Ben: Oh My God... (Spike gets up to his feet, and stumbles around for a bit. Liston charges at Spike, but Spike ducks down, and hits a sloppy backdrop, flipping Liston over onto a pool table! Spike stumbles around the pool table, and picks up a pool stick off the ground. Spike moves the cue ball into the center of the table, and sets up his shot, aiming at Liston's crotch. Spike pulls back, and goes to hit the cue ball, but ends up missing completely, and just ramming the pool stick into Liston's crotch!) HSJ: Oh dude, that has to hurt! (Liston rolls off the table, holding his crotch. Spike charges towards Liston, but Liston lifts his boot into the air, connecting it with Spike’s face. Spike falls backwards, but again charges at Liston. Liston lifts his boot into the air again, but Spike baseball slides under him, and under the pool table. Liston, slowly turns around, and gets on his hands and knees, and looks for Spike under the table. Liston crawls under the table, in his drunken state, not knowing any better. Liston reaches the opposite end of the table, and gets up to his feet. He scratches his head, not knowing where Spike went. Liston turns around, and is greeted with a beer bottle over his head, knocking him to the floor. Spike falls on top of Liston, as the special referee (Pat O'Malley, owner of “O'Malley’s Pub”) drops to the floor, and makes the count. One.... Two..... Three! Ben: Wait? Did Spike just win a match? ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN ON WRATH! (Spike gets up to his feet, and hops back onto the pool table.) HSJ: I WON! I WON! DRINKS ALL AROUND! AND IT’S ON CHRIS RAYNOR! Ben: Uhh oh... HSJ: PUT A QUARTER IN THE JUKEBOX AND PLAY MY MUSIC! (“Oi Oi Oi” by the Dropkick Murphy’s start playing, and EVERYONE IN THE BAR STARTS DOING THE MONKEY~! EVERYONE IS DOING THE MONKEY~! Beers are being passed around, and all are have a jolly time.) Ben: This is really fucking weird. (The screen fades to black as SJL Wrath goes to a commercial.)
  22. Thoth

    SJL Wrath 11-9-03

    “... And welcome back to SJL Wrath, everyone,” exclaims Annie as the show returns from a short commercial break. “We just had one heck of a riveting match between Dominic Korgath and Wes Outlett, but the action doesn’t stop there!” The cameras shift slightly to the right, where Ejiro is leaning back in his chair with his feet plopped on the table. Behind him a couple of fans wearing Beezel masks stand waving - one of them gives Fasaki bunny ears. “Well,” he says, “I think it’s... Hey, what the hell?” Ejiro jerks up in his seat, causing it to land on all fours. He spins around snarling towards the fan like a rabid dog. “I told you once already, you better sit down and quit!” “Oh look,” says Annie, glancing behind her. “That’s just too cool; they have Mr. B masks on!” “Anyone else with a quarter in their pocket can have one too,” adds Judge. “Aren’t those like eighty percent off at the merchandise stands?” Annie scowls at Hearford while he snickers. That is, until a balled-up popcorn bag is heaved towards Judge Mental and bounces off his noggin! “Goddamn it,” snarls Hearford, spinning his head around. He stares a basketball-sized hole through the fan’s head, but they just shrug and look back at him as if they don’t know what his deal is. “I’ve had all I can stands, and I can’t stands no more!” “Well one thing’s for sure,” says Ejiro. “These fans are about to miss the last eighty percent of the show; someone get security out here!” “No way,” says Annie. “Those guys are cool. Besides, you don’t know for sure that they threw that paper ball.” “Fine,” concedes Ejiro. “But if they get to stay, then the fans at home shall suffer! You people at home get to sit through another commercial break, and you can blame these morons behind me for that one!” “And how,” says Judge. “I’ll second that one!” And so the show fades once again to commercial break.
  23. Thoth

    When Worlds Collide Round 1 Roleplays

  24. Thoth

    Yes, another RIAA discussion

    Don't underestimate Steve Jobs. He has done some amazingly wacky shit before that actually worked. Though he has had failures, too.
  25. Thoth

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Janus is 20! And Rando... is somehow still alive! GOTTA FIX THAT ROFLMAO Duhurhuhruhrurhur