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Dr. Tyler; Captain America

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Everything posted by Dr. Tyler; Captain America

  1. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Some drama.....

  2. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Some drama.....

    Car stories are fun. I had one where some dick was flashing his high beams at me when I was going down a side street, so naturally, being the moron that I am, I tried to let him pass. He slows down too. He pulls up next to me and yells, "GET THE GUN!!!" And then I realized it was one of my dickhead friends. Ah hahahhahahhaa!!!!!! ... Duck season.
  3. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Some drama.....

    Have you ever considered founding a religion? If not, you should.
  4. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Some drama.....

    Y'know, Marney's so much better than everyone alive that it fucking hurts to acknowlege it. We can only hope that someone will put her out of her misery soon, for the strain and anguish put on her by simply existing in such a world as ours is more than extraordinary. Lo, we should all give our praise to this kind and benevolent -- not to mention inherently guided by the shining light of this world -- woman, for she makes many sacrifices to simply live in such a place as this. Marney, we thank you for your presence, O kind and gentle one! I, on behalf of everyone on the Earth, apologize for our inferiority! EDIT: Marney's greatness caused me to misspeak, forgive me.
  5. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Lockdown Comments

    Ah, just like the good ol' days. Talking about the scent... of X.
  6. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    So who voted for Arnold?

    There'll be a recall Arnold campaign in 100 days. Not saying it's right or wrong, but it'll be damned entertaining to watch.
  7. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    SWF Smarkdown Card

    Judge sucks.
  8. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Hey, look what I found!

    I just wanted to post in the thread, really. So, WTF!!!
  9. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Catholic Church to Africa: Don't use condoms

    Indeed. The political face of the church pisses me the fuck off a lot, too, so you're not alone. However, I absolutely refuse to believe they're this stupid.
  10. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Hey, look what I found!

    .... WTF.
  11. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Catholic Church to Africa: Don't use condoms

    I agree, but I hardly think the political face of the Catholic Church put out a paper condemning the use of condoms. It sounds like one or two morons said some stupid shit and it was picked up by the Guardian.
  12. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Catholic Church to Africa: Don't use condoms

    <----------------- Catholic. <---------------- Thinks Africans should use condoms. So yes, comments like "STUPID CATHOLICS THINK THEY SHOULDN'T USE CONDOMS LOL U SUQ LYNCH CATHOLICS" are rather absurd. Hell, I bet not even all of the LEADERSHIP believes what this cardinal said.
  13. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Catholic Church to Africa: Don't use condoms

    Meh. I personally doubt that said statements are anything more than the opinions of one or more idiots that happen to be higher-up in the bureaucracy. Don't condemn "CATHOLICS" because of the stupidity of one or two morons.
  14. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Anyone else hear about the

    I call supreme general of the NEW American republic. Damn fuckin' right. Who wants dictator?
  15. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Anyone else hear about the

    Fuck a presidential administration.
  16. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Fred Phelps to put anti-gay monument @ public park

  17. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Fred Phelps to put anti-gay monument @ public park

    That's disgusting.
  18. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Paris praises Mumia

  19. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Paris praises Mumia

    Die, whore.
  20. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Paris praises Mumia

    Judge is a murderer.
  21. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    The one and only California recall thread

    It probably wouldn't have swung the election either way, but the ACLU was right: punch cards suck. From DHinMI on dailykos.com:
  22. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Official SWF NaNoWriMo Signup Thread

    Who says "snap"? Speaking of snap, how's Edwin doing?
  23. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    SJL Metal Card for Oct 7th!

    Shut up.