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Dr. Tyler; Captain America

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Everything posted by Dr. Tyler; Captain America

  1. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Ground Zero Comments

    You guys forget that the pinnacle of Mark's career was tagging with me. *crickets chirp*
  2. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    My Computer is on Life Support

    Running WinXP?
  3. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    My Computer is on Life Support

    Reformat and reinstall.
  4. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Fox News sues Franken

    Doesn't sound as good.
  5. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Antidepressants grow NEW BRAIN CELLS

    Because it doesn't.
  6. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Fox News sues Franken

    Nobody takes Rush seriously even to this day, and not because he's "fat".
  7. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Official Arnold Schwarzenegger for CA Gov. Thread!

    Eh, might as well. Might keep them in line. Note: Sarcasm.
  8. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Fox News sues Franken

  9. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Official Arnold Schwarzenegger for CA Gov. Thread!

    Go eat a bag of dicks.
  10. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Fox News sues Franken

    OF COURSE it was a pot shot at them, but Jesus. As Marney said, whomever issued that copyright needs to be fired.
  11. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Official Arnold Schwarzenegger for CA Gov. Thread!

    Oh lord, don't get your panties in a bunch. It's fun to piss off conservatives by bringing up 2000.
  12. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Fox News sues Franken

    Cite me a source that states Fox owns the copyright to the three words "Fair and Balanced"
  13. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Suicide Blast Disrupts Calm

    That's absurd, and I'm not condoning the suicide bombers. I'm simply hoping this doesn't escalate AGAIN.
  14. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Official Arnold Schwarzenegger for CA Gov. Thread!

    And it sure helped in 1992, when the last republican president we've elected was tossed out of office.
  15. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Dean's budget-balancing act left taxpayers in red

    I would likely be in favor of something like that, but I think the lower class may get some sort of a break if needed, especially with the rising costs of housing and whatnot. The truth is this: if you can get an accountant these days, you're likely to be paying hardly anything in taxes; thus, if there is a flat tax, there's no wiggle room. The problem is that it hurts the little guy, who won't be able to buy groceries anymore; it's appetizing, though, in the case of higher income people, who will be guaranteed to pay at least that amount. I'm in favor of it because it brings up state-earned revenues, not because it's more fair on the rich.
  16. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Fox News sues Franken

    The book title, as it comes, is: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it in my eyes. They use the words "Fair and Balanced coverage" or whatever, but frankly, what are they going to make him say? If you can't say the words "Fair" or "Balanced", it gives the actual phraseology a slightly different meaning. I find it incredibly difficult to believe that they copywrited ONLY the words "Fair and Balanced", and thus, he's not USING their slogan; he's using fucking English, and even if he used part of their slogan on the top of his book, it still isn't -- likely, anyway -- the entire slogan. Law students are obviously more knowlegable about the limits of it, but Jesus H. Christ... since when can't you use the English language to describe a book?
  17. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Fox News sues Franken

    Fox News: We own the English language
  18. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Suicide Blast Disrupts Calm

    I expected this after Israel's attacks on one of the groups last week. Let us hope they regain their heads...
  19. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    The quote unquote "official" Howard Dean thread

    Actually, I'm really not going to get into some retarded flame war with you guys just because you think you're getting under my skin.
  20. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Official Arnold Schwarzenegger for CA Gov. Thread!

    1. A University of Pittsburgh campus in Northern, PA. The area is quite rural, and most of the students are republican born and bred. 2. The "HOT!!!!!!!" stories are usually accompanied by caveats about his electability. They're also slowing down considerably.
  21. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Dean backtracks

    It sends a message to anyone who wants to step up to speak out against the administraton's Iraq policy, theoretically.
  22. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Official Arnold Schwarzenegger for CA Gov. Thread!

    1. I go to a small campus in which the polysci wing isn't exactly the focus of education. Believe it. Of course my professor is probably liberal, but the ones I've had usually just cover the book. 2. Exaggerate much? Yeah, I'm sure Dean gets as much play on CNN as the Kobe trial or J-Lo's latest story.
  23. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Dean backtracks

    My "evidence" is "Who has the most to gain?" Also, it would be journalistic suicide for him to name his sources, since they'd never give him information again.
  24. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Dean backtracks

    Because her theory is based on history and human behavior while yours is, well, not. Man, one day, you'll be pissed at how poorly your professors are doing their jobs. -=Mike History and human behavior? Her theory was "someone outside the administration told him" Um, where's the history there? The human behavior? The only difference between our opinions is that one believes it was the administration and one doesn't. Neither of us know the truth, and there's no evidence supporting either side. It's sad, because while you're trying to use some condescending mention of college professors, you're assuming that you sound any less biased and ridiculous.
  25. Dr. Tyler; Captain America

    Official Arnold Schwarzenegger for CA Gov. Thread!

    Actually, I'm the only liberal in many of my classes. However, I don't know why I should feel the need to explain myself to you, so whatever. Again, you pick out miniscule stories to prove your point and ignore the rest of the evidence. Whatever.