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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    This Week in Baseball 4/28 - 5/4

    FSN Arizona's Diamondbacks coverage is beyond awful. They're spending more time making boxing analogies and focusing on random schmucks in the audience than discussing the game itself.
  2. devo

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    What a silly ending to that game. Dribble around for seven seconds then throw up a desperation three.
  3. devo

    This Week in Baseball 4/28 - 5/4

    Make that seven runs on three hits. Perez is just incapable of pitching when things don't go exactly his way.
  4. devo

    This Week in Baseball, 4/21-4/27

    It may be a situation of needing to get innings out of some guys. You can go balls out to try and win games now, but that pen will collapse come August. I understand, but that's not even the whole problem. There are guys in that pen whose job it is to strand runners (Smith and Feliciano). If you're not gonna use them then, when?
  5. devo

    This Week in Baseball, 4/21-4/27

    In yet another instance of brilliant game management, Willie Randolph leaves Perez in to bat after he struggles through an extremely tough fifth inning where he gave up three runs and would have given up more had it not been for a remarkable play by Wright. Perez starts the sixth inning by allowing the first two baserunners to get on before getting yanked. In comes Heilman, arguably the least productive member of the pen so far, who gives up a grand slam a couple minutes later. That, combined with two Met hits from Church and Casanova that barely missed being home runs (Casanova didn't even run his out - he ended up on first) have made this a really, really frustrating game so far.
  6. devo

    NFL Offseason Thread

    The Jets have traded Dewayne Robertson to the Broncos for what appears to be a 2009 conditional draft pick. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/foot...04/24/trade.ap/ Not a great return, but it feels good to get that money off the books.
  7. devo

    This Week in Baseball, 4/21-4/27

    They've had enough exercise already!
  8. devo

    This Week in Baseball, 4/21-4/27

    The MASN broadcast of the Nationals game has a weird fisheye effect going on, where the images warps at two invisible lines to the left and right of center. It's really distracting.
  9. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,351608,00.html I...uh...yeesh. I cannot find the words to describe my repulsion.
  10. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    This could (well, will) be a move that lowers the Jays' future standings with free agents, though. Who's going to want to sign an incentive-laden deal with relatively low guaranteed money if the team's itchy to release a player after a slow start?
  11. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    For Christ's sake, Willie. Wagner's a big boy. He can handle five outs. Edit: Okay, that was a little short-sighted. Really nice work from Heilman. And apparently I'm losing coverage again. Thanks blackout rules!
  12. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    Consider yourself lucky. Up until the bonus coverage kicked in, I had to keep track with Gameday and online radio.
  13. devo

    Isiah Thomas, we hardly knew ye.

    Took 'em long enough.
  14. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    It's a shame that Wagner's performance is almost certainly going to be unappreciated, because he's been phenomenal so far. In six innings, not only has he not allowed a run, he hasn't even allowed a hit. Very small sample size, sure, but encouraging nonetheless.
  15. devo

    NFL Offseason Thread

    God, somebody take him. Please.
  16. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    Single, advance on a wild pitch, advance on a botched pickoff. Damion Easley is trying to win this game by himself. Ahahaha, scores on a wild pitch. Fuckin' Iceman does it again.
  17. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    Keith Hernandez just pronounced Pagan as pecan. I guess he's officially a Met now.
  18. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    Figureoa turns in an even better start tonight (7 IP, 3 H, 2 BB, 2 ER, 7K), so I guess all that's left is to see is if he can pitch away from Shea Stadium. My money's on no, but hey, we'll see. Unfortunately, he can only get a loss for his efforts, since the Mets made John Lannan look like Cy Young tonight.
  19. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    What an awful throw from Lugo. That was embarrassing. Twenty runs scored and it hasn't even been five innings yet. This game isn't ending before midnight.
  20. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    On the plus side, Red Sox/Yanks is actually an engaging back-and-forth game tonight.
  21. devo

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    Yeah, Josh Fogg was a good signing. Edit: And C.C. Sabathia is just getting shelled tonight. He's been terrible so far. The Indians might not have to worry about coming up with the scratch to sign him if this keeps up.
  22. devo

    This Week in Baseball 4/7 - 4/13

    Nelson "Stopgap" Figureoa turned in a pretty good start tonight (6 IP, 2 H, 2 ER, 2 BB, 6 K). The performance would have been more enjoyable if the announce team hadn't been reminding us of his Brooklyn heritage every five minutes, but whattaya gonna do. The team's been through enough temporary fixes to know I shouldn't get my hopes up for this guy, but if nothing else, it was a pleasant surprise for tonight.
  23. devo

    This Week in Baseball 4/7 - 4/13

    Really sloppy game at Shea tonight. Four errors in three innings.
  24. devo

    This Week in Baseball 4/7 - 4/13

    That was embarrassing. At least it only cost them one run this time. Edit: Six walks for Kendrick and one run scored. This is insane.
  25. devo

    This Week in Baseball 4/7 - 4/13

    I gotta say, it's pretty jarring to see Citi Field looming over the left field fence after years and years of there being absolutely nothing beyond Shea's walls. Kinda majestic, even.