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Everything posted by devo

  1. Way to go, Dolphins! There were no Miami fans at the bar I watched the game at but everyone was still cheering when that touchdown was scored. I really can't complain about the way the Jets played today. The offense didn't do anything aside from the one sustained drive and Washington's fifty yard run, but the defense did hold New England to thirteen offensive points (seven of which came after the blocked punt). Lousy weather or not, that's impressive against one of the best offenses in history. I can at least take satisfaction in knowing that New York kept the game competitive and that Brady didn't get a touchdown pass on their watch. Also, I didn't realize until today just how much of a roided-up nitwit Junior Seau is. Yeesh.
  2. devo

    Your 2007 Sports Wisdom of the Year.

    I dunno...are we going for sheer entertainment value or for the quote that was the most jaw-droppingly moronic? As fun as Gundy's meltdown was to watch, it's, at the very least, the most defendable of any of the candidates.
  3. devo

    MLB Off-season Thread

  4. devo

    The Mitchell Report

    In the past two hours, I've been told more about Roger Clemens' ass than I ever wanted to know.
  5. devo

    The Mitchell Report

    Plenty of former Mets, but no current Mets. That's all I care about. Can't say I'm too surprised by Lo Duca's involvement.
  6. devo

    MLB Off-season Thread

    Alex Rodriguez finalizes his contract with the Yankees. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3153171 The incentives for breaking the various home run records are pretty interesting - up to an additional $30 million for setting the all time record.
  7. devo

    The Mitchell Report

    Hm. Already been revoked 'cause of apparent errors. I don't think there's any point in guessing until the actual list surfaces.
  8. devo

    MLB Off-season Thread

    Well, if nothing else, it gives the Astros a fairly formidable lineup. If Tejada takes Everett's spot at short, that removes his weak bat from the order, leaving catcher and possibly Matsui at 2B as the only real problem areas.
  9. devo

    kkk Bowl V: Week 15

    Denver Cincinnati Arizona Tampa Bay Baltimore Cleveland Green Bay Jacksonville N.Y. Jets Seattle Tennessee Indianapolis San Diego Dallas N.Y. Giants Minnesota SF - 24
  10. devo

    House: Season 4

    They showed a great episode tonight. "Care to go for a spin?" is still one of my favorite lines.
  11. devo

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Same here. I had the most fun playing as Dudley, Necro and Q in Third Strike and barely ever played as Ryu, Ken, Akuma or Chun-Li. I've spent enough time playing as the II characters in the countless games they've had, thanks.
  12. devo

    MLB Off-season Thread

    Lo Duca signs a one year deal with Washington worth about five million. http://blog.washingtonpost.com/nationalsjournal/ I've got a baaaaad feeling about the Mets/Nats season series.
  13. devo

    The Amazing Race: Season 12

    This is the first time I can remember AIRPORT DRAMA~! actually going somewhere.
  14. devo

    kkk Bowl V: Week 14

    Cool, I'm 4-0 so far.
  15. devo

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    And now a do-over! Game's fun to watch if nothing else. Oh well.
  16. devo

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    Annnnd back within six. Onside kick number three, whoo!
  17. devo

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    No idea what that was about. Maybe they feel they can run another successful onside kick. Edit: No, not so much.
  18. devo

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    Jets recover their onside kick and have the ball on the Browns' 20 with two minutes left down 17-12. They looked defeated not a few minutes ago, so this is pretty freaking cool.
  19. devo

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    Yeesh. First quarter of the Jets/Browns game zipped by in about twenty minutes.
  20. devo

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    Chargers tie it up with nine seconds left. The least few minutes have contained some great freaking football.
  21. devo

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    Ho-lee shit. Good night, Detroit.
  22. devo

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    Whoo! They finally, mercifully cut to Cowboys/Lions over here.
  23. devo

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    Did Dallas seriously just fumble away the go-ahead touchdown on the goal line? I've only got the Gametracker to go by, here. Edit: That answers that.
  24. I use Firefox as my browser. Whenever I click on a link and then click Back, I'm brought to the top of the page as opposed to the part of the page where I clicked on the link, which is what I'd prefer. Does anyone know what option I have to turn on/off to make this happen?