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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    kkk Bowl V: Week 14

    My vote is no.
  2. devo

    kkk Bowl V: Week 14

    Washington Jacksonville Dallas Buffalo N.Y. Giants Green Bay Pittsburgh San Diego Cincinnati Tampa Bay Seattle Minnesota N.Y. Jets Denver Indianapolis New Orleans SF - 17
  3. devo

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Stephen A. Smith hates you and all your kin. http://www.firejoemorgan.com/2007/12/steve...-amendment.html
  4. devo

    MLB Off-season Thread

    Padres close to signing Peavy to a three-year, fifty-two million dollar extension with an apparent twenty-two million dollar team option for a fourth year. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/base...y.ap/index.html Not a bad deal at all.
  5. devo

    kkk Bowl V: Week 13

    Nice, Bucs came though and got me a win. Three in a row~!
  6. devo


    Man was seeing the Jets/Dolphins game in person fun today. Not a lot to say about New York's performance other than that, despite the fact that they were playing Miami, it's pretty clear that there actually is a good team buried in there somewhere.
  7. devo

    The College Football Thread 11/29 - 12/1

    Is ESPN2's feed completely blank for anyone else? I've got audio but no picture. Edit: Never mind, fixed itself.
  8. devo

    The College Football Thread 11/29 - 12/1

    God damn it. There goes listening to local radio or television for the next month.
  9. devo

    MLB Off-season Thread

    Ryan Church and Brian Schneider? Are you fucking kidding me? For all his personality problems, Johnny Estrada is probably overall as good (if not better than) Schneider, and even though I like Ryan Church a lot, he's more than likely reached his potential whereas Lastings Milledge is only going to get better and is already as valuable a corner outfielder as Church. What a disappointment. I wait for years to see what'll eventually happen to Milledge and this is what I get. Christ almighty.
  10. devo

    MLB Off-season Thread

    The Astros sign Kaz Matsui to three year deal worth either fifteen or sixteen million. http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2007/11/astr...1.html#comments Good luck with that, Houston.
  11. devo


    A little harsh, but well said.
  12. devo

    This week in the NBA

    My dad actually called me to alert me of this embarrassment. He said, and I quote "I hope, for the good of the franchise, they lose by fifty points."
  13. devo


    Is Favre hurt or did they just yank him?
  14. devo


    I've never really gotten the hate for kickers. To me, it's probably the hardest mental game in football. More often then not, if you are out there kicking a field goal, the game is resting solely on you. Not on a combination of other people like other positions. It's just you. The only help you get is someone holds the ball, and you have a line holding the opponents back. Everything about the kick as far as succeeding is only you. On top of that, you are ONLY brought out to kick every so often. I think that may be the main issue. In a lot of fans' eyes, the kicker does nothing for fifty-five minutes or so, lounging on the bench while the "real" players are out there getting their asses kicked up and down the field. If you're only going to come into the game a few times and almost never even get touched, you damn well better be able to nail that kick. That's a guess, anyway.
  15. devo


    There's a terrific article in the New York Times today by Michael Lewis regarding the peculiar social status of NFL kickers. It's a great read. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/28/sports/p...nted=1&_r=3
  16. devo

    MLB Off-season Thread

    Fransisco Cordero officially signs with the Reds - apparently for four years and forty-six million with a club option for a fifth year at twelve million. http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...rtnered=rss_mlb Christ. Cordero's extremely good, but that's a ridiculous amount of money for the Reds to be spending.
  17. devo

    kkk Bowl V: Week 13

    Dallas St. Louis Washington Detroit Houston Indianapolis N.Y. Jets San Diego Seattle San Francisco Tampa Bay Cleveland Denver N.Y. Giants Pittsburgh New England SF - 28
  18. devo


    Hahaha. ... Ahahahahahaha!
  19. devo

    No Country for Old Men

    Saw it tonight and loved it. Even though essentially everything about the film was terrific, I have to give special compliments to the cinematographer. It's clear he labored over each and every shot to make the imagery as effective as possible - I didn't even mind the film moving slowly in the beginning since I was spending a lot of that time marveling at the breathtaking shots of the Texas landscape. Couple of things, though...I was really surprised when And what was with Carla Jean's mother? She almost seemed like the kind of old woman Tyler Perry plays in his shitty movies. Completely over the top and more of a distraction than anything else. Also, despite the evidence to the contrary,
  20. devo


    Gonna be at the Jets/Dolphins game this weekend. First NFL game I've been to in about ten years and it'll probably be the Dolphins first win of the season. Ah well.
  21. devo

    The Amazing Race: Season 12

    Really good episode tonight. The dance challenge is my favorite of this season so far.
  22. devo

    MLB Off-season Thread

    Brewers sign Jason Kendall to a one year deal of indeterminate value. http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...rtnered=rss_mlb That was quick.
  23. devo


    What, seriously? That's kinda disappointing. I was looking forward to
  24. devo

    kkk Bowl V: Week 12

    Green Bay N.Y. Jets Indianapolis Jacksonville Denver Cleveland Minnesota New Orleans Kansas City Seattle Cincinnati Washington San Francisco San Diego Philadelphia Miami SF - 21