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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    This Week in Baseball 6/4 - 6/10

    That was the kinda game I need a big bowl of ice cream and an episode of MST3K to bounce back from. And now Endy Chavez is hurt, too. Maybe it's just as well - he's really exposed by everyday play. Still, 3.5 up with three regulars out for an extended amount of time on top of everyone else being randomly banged up? I'll take that any day of the week.
  2. devo

    This Week in Baseball 6/4 - 6/10

    Shane Victorino is amazing. There, I said it.
  3. devo

    Are arcades dead to you?

    Lucky bastard. I'd kill to play Super Session.
  4. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/28 - 6/3

    So, Beltran's hurt now too thanks to a collision with Rich Aurilia last night, so the Mets' outfield is going to consist entirely of backups at least for tonight. I'd be more annoyed by this if they hadn't already been winning to this date with a bench cocktail out there.
  5. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/28 - 6/3

    Oh my God what an amazing game that was. Best one I've seen this year so far. Lincecum/Perez was just as entertaining a matchup as I hoped and the late inning dramatics, topped off with the utter meltdown of Armando Benitez, were an absolute joy to watch. Delgado is back.
  6. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/28 - 6/3

    God bless Armando Benitez.
  7. devo

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    Mmm, Elena. That's really well done.
  8. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/28 - 6/3

    They're taking him directly to the hospital. God damn.
  9. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/28 - 6/3

    And as if things weren't already going bad for Cincinnati, Ryan Freel was just involved in an outfield collision and is about to be carted off of the field. After running into Norris Hopper, Freel fell and seemed to land right on his neck on the warning track.
  10. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/28 - 6/3

    Lincecum/Perez is a pretty cool matchup, but what I'm really looking forward to is Zito/Glavine on Wedensday. This has the potential to be a really, really entertaining series.
  11. devo

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    On Outside the Lines just now, Scoop Jackson was rationalizing dogfighting while abhorrent footage of such an event played, mere moments before he compared dogfighting to breaking the speed limit. Blech.
  12. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/21 - 5/27

    Two 400+ foot home runs in two at bats. Delgado's coming out of his slump pretty nicely.
  13. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/21 - 5/27

    Congrats to Smoltz on his 200th win. Damn was that frustrating to watch. Mets can't plate a run with seven hits through eight innings and when Kelly Johnson gave them a giftwrapped opportunity in the top of the ninth, they barely manage to score a run on a Julio Franco chopper but do nothing else. It's really disconcerting seeing that the Braves have the Mets' number again this year, especially considering how close the division race is going to be.
  14. devo

    What did you eat today?

    Lunch - Grilled chicken sub with cheddar cheese, bacon strips and roasted red pepper dressing. Dinner - Pan-fried breaded pork chop with Rice-A-Roni vermicelli and a simple salad of iceberg lettuce, bleu cheese dressing and bacon bits.
  15. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/21 - 5/27

    Well, it took him 122 pitches, but Oliver Perez manages to throw seven scoreless innings with control that was elusive at best. He was lucky to get out of the jams he pitched himself into, but still, it's nice to see him not freak out when under pressure.
  16. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/21 - 5/27

    Not even a mention of "Volare"? How disappointing.
  17. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/21 - 5/27

    I'm pretty sure that, troubles and all, Milledge isn't going to be traded until he gets a legitimate shot at the majors unless he does something really stupid. If he was going to be dumped for late season help, it probably would have happened already.
  18. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/21 - 5/27

    After being down 6-0 in the second inning, the Reds have come all the way back in the bottom of the eighth to take the lead 8-7 on a two-run Javier Valentin home run. This after Arroyo got knocked out of the game after a couple innings, leaving Cincinnati's notoriously terrible bullpen to keep the game manageable. Go figure.
  19. devo

    What did you eat today?

    Lunch: Cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter. Dinner: Ground sirloin burger with cheddar cheese and steak sauce on an onion bun. Uncle Ben's wild rice on the side.
  20. devo

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    Justin Miller was arrested for getting in a fight in Manhattan yesterday. http://www.newyorkjets.com/news/articles/s...ller-apologizes I'm hoping that since it's his first offense and it wasn't that serious, he'll be able to avoid suspension.
  21. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/14 - 5/20

    http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=mlb It's a pretty cool idea and a really clever way to give the Mets/Yankees rivalry a tangible importance. Winner of the series can at least symbolically claim control over the city.
  22. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/14 - 5/20

    Gah. I'm ridiculously pleased with the Mets' win today, sure, but the results were spoiled for me as I just got home from work and planned to watch the archived game. Of course, I just had to go to the Braves' website and check the score of their game beforehand, where the results of the Cubs/Mets game flashed on the headlines at the top of the page. Lesson learned, I guess. Speaking of which, I'm in disbelief that Atlanta dropped three of four to Washington. I'm really happy for Manny Acta, as I liked him a lot with the Mets and feel that he could be a great coach for the franchise if he could just get through this unavaoidably awful year.
  23. devo

    This Week in Baseball 5/14 - 5/20

    So, MLB.tv got rid of the abominable Right Guard commercial and in its place is a slightly less annoying ad for Dick's Sporting Goods. Now the problem is that not only is every video prefaced with it, so are the commercial breaks for the games themselves. Absolute insanity. If 700k got rid of these ads altogether, I'd switch to it in a heartbeat. As it is, I'm sure as hell getting Extra Innings next year.
  24. Bah. Okay. I bought the thing used off of eBay, so I figured it wasn't long for this world anyway. The fact that the blueness goes away if I turn it off for a while gives me a little hope, though. Thanks for the responses.
  25. Every once in a while, for seemingly no reason, the image on my computer monitor will turn a shade of light blue. Any idea what's causing this and what I can do to fix it?