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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It doesn't look like it. The only baseball title on IGN's 360 releases page is 2k7. From what I can gather, it's a PS2 exclusive.
  2. devo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    You're not the first person I've heard express their dislike or outright hatred for Canned Heat, which is somewhat surprising to me not only as a Jamiroquai fan but because there are several truly awful songs on this game much more deserving of scorn.
  3. devo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Finally got my hands on Elite Beat Agents today. I love it, but I've gotta say that there are a few songs that really don't lend themselves to the game. The Anthem and La La in particular are REALLY awkward and not very much fun to play. At the same time, September and Canned Heat are a blast. I definitely do much, much better at songs that I actually like, which unfortunately isn't most of the songlist. Never thought I'd pick this game up before Ouendan. Now I know I need to get that once I'm done with EBA.
  4. devo

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Oh my God. I've never seen that all the way through before. I didn't think the eighties could be summed up in just under six minutes, but there you go.
  5. devo

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    From what I've gathered, it doesn't. MLB.tv will work just as it has in years past.
  6. devo

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    The Midwest Bowl! This is going to be one hell of a game with both teams playing as good as they have all year. Of course, the story over the next couple weeks is going to be "Does Rex '0.0 and 1.9" Grossman stand a chance against Peyton Manning and the Colts? OUR EXPERT PANEL WILL TELL YOU NEXT." I foresee a Bears victory. They kicked all kinds of ass today against a team pretty darn similar to the Colts.
  7. devo

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Uh, it's perfectly reasonable for football fans to not want to watch the same matchup with the same storyline over and over again. Questioning a fan's love of the sport is a move one resorts to when they have no logic or reasoning to back up their argument.
  8. devo

    What did you eat today?

    What, you've never had cream cheese and lox on a bagel? It's really quite good. Of course, finding quality cured salmon is no easy task.
  9. devo

    Top Chef...

    Elia, Ilan, Sam and Cliff were getting drunk and screwing around, and Elia and Ilan decided to shave their heads. After that, they thought it'd be a good idea to wake Marcel up, hold him down, and shave his head. Cliff did the first two parts, but no one came in with the razor. Marcel eventually broke free and ended up sleeping in the bathroom down the hall. The next day, Chef Tom comes in and kicks Cliff off the show, since the show's contract states that anyone can be eliminated from the competition for touching anyone else "in an aggressive manner". Laike naiwf said, in the end it doesn't really matter, since Cliff had made the worst dish of the the Elimination Challenge anyway.
  10. devo

    Spam PMs.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who's gotten this. I've got to admit I'm a little curious as to what the nude section entails.
  11. devo

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    Hoo boy. Of course I don't want to jump to conclusions, but how dumb do you have to be to try and bring marijuana onto an airplane?
  12. devo

    Top Chef...

    So, they pulled a Project Runway Season 3 on this one, not eliminating anyone in the final elimination challenge and letting all of the remaining competitors go on to the finale. I have to say it was a good decision, since although Sam and Ilan clearly had the best dishes Marcel and Elia turned in good performances as well. I am shocked that Marcel actually made it to the finale - I was sure that at least Sam, Ilan, and Cliff had a better chance of making it than he did. Of course, Cliff screwed himself over by manhandling Marcel, which got him kicked off the show. Stupid, stupid, stupid move.
  13. devo

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Could be, but looking at the depth chart, it appears that Aybar's going to be used off the bench to play 2B-SS-3B whenever someone needs a day off. But, being the furthest thing from a Braves fan, I couldn't say for sure.
  14. devo

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Apparently the Braves got a minor league SS named Brent Lillibridge in the deal as well, who is supposed to be one of the Pirates' best prospects. If that's the case, then this deal definitely swings in Atlanta's favor. From what I've read, he'd need another year of development before he's ready to contribute at the major league level, but when he is ready, he could possibly fill the gaping hole at 2B the Braves are currently filling with Martin Prado and Pete Orr.
  15. devo

    American Idol

    Guh. I thought those were stockings of some sort, not the actual color of her skin.
  16. devo

    Kingdom Hearts II

    I'll at least rent Final Mix if they get rid of the whole card-based fighting thing from CoM. I couldn't get through that game because of that and was pretty darn confused about what was initially going on in KHII as a result.
  17. devo

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    It's good for both teams, but I gotta think it's a better deal for the Pirates. They won't have to swap Nady between 1B and OF anymore and add a significant boost to their lineup by acquiring Laroche. Speaking of which, that order is looking pretty good right about now with Sanchez, Bay, Nady and Laroche anchoring the top of the lineup. The addition is especially good considering that Laroche thrives against righties, whereas Bay, Nady, and Sanchez do not (there isn't a huge split for Sanchez or Bay, but Nady is pretty miserable against RHP). What's more, the Pirates have plenty of bullpen talent left even after dealing Gonzalez.
  18. devo

    American Idol

    The kid with the juggling sticks was a highlight. I enjoyed how his mom comforted him with "Don't worry, you'll be famous someday." The hissy fit he threw alone should be enough for his fifteen minutes.
  19. devo

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    And now C Ramon Castro has been signed to a one year, $850k deal. Thus ends any possibility of the Mets dealing with arbitration for the 15th straight year.
  20. devo


    As far as chunky soups go, I've gotta agree with New England Clam Chowder. Lobster bisque is my favorite of the smooth (creamy?) varieties. Although it doesn't technically count as a soup, there are few things better than a hearty, homemade beef stew.
  21. devo

    The Amazing Race: All-Star Edition

    I haven't been following the show for very long, so I don't know most of these teams. I have a feeling this season is going to leave me a little cold.
  22. devo

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Mets signed Endy Chavez to a one year, 1.75 million dollar contract today. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?i...ce=MLBHeadlines A fine deal, if only because it means Chavez and the Mets don't have to go into arbitration. Also, a one year, 1.25 million dollar deal for Jorge Sosa is supposed to be announced later today, as strummer predicted. I don't feel Sosa's going to have some magical Darren Oliver-esque turnaround, but the risk is fairly minimal considering the length and relative cheapness of the contract.
  23. devo

    What did you eat today?

    Lunch: Grilled sirloin steak and some roasted carrots basted with olive oil and honey. Dinner: Chipotle. Specifically, a salad with chicken, black beans, sour cream, cheese, and that lovely honey chipotle dressing.
  24. devo

    24 - Season 6

    Whaaaaaaaaaaa. This is the first season I've decided to watch from the beginning, and this episode confirms that that decision was a good one.
  25. devo

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Fucking Patriots. The least interesting and most annoying possibility for the AFC Championship has come to fruition. God I hope the Colts win, not only to finally knock the Patriots out but because I think Indy could have a really good game with either Chicago or New Orleans. Especially New Orleans. Man that would be a fun Super Bowl to watch.