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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    NFL Week 15

    What in God's name happened to this team's rush defense? This is absurd.
  2. devo

    NFL Week 15

    Jets' offense appears to be clicking today. First two drives result in touchdowns with only two plays occurring on third down so far.
  3. devo

    Persona 4

    Not really. There are a few references made that you won't be able to pick up on but nothing that'll prevent you from enjoying the game to its fullest.
  4. devo

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Mets trade Scott Schoenweis to the Diamondbacks for Conor Robertson. http://www.metsblog.com/2008/12/12/news-me...ments/#comments Schoenweis didn't get a fair shake in New York. Neither Randolph or Manuel could ever seem to figure out that he was a LOOGY and not to be used under any other circumstances.
  5. devo

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Apparently the Yankees pulled the trigger on Burnett. Five years, $82.5 million. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3765754
  6. devo

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    What? No they didn't. http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/bronx/...eport_sa-3.html And just to show I'm not playing favorites, here's the sheet detailing the taxpayer costs for both Citi Field and the new Yankee Stadium. http://www.fieldofschemes.com/documents/Yanks-Mets-costs.pdf
  7. devo

    kkk Bowl: Week 15

    Sorry about that. Please add Pittsburgh to my choices.
  8. devo

    Persona 4

    I've been playing this almost non-stop since receiving it in the mail two days ago. Thoughts copy and pasted from another board... To begin with, the game takes a lot longer to get going than I would have liked. It wasn't boring or anything, but after an hour and a half I was saying to myself, "For Christ's sake, can't I just kill some Shadows now? Please?" But that's my only complaint so far. Now that the game's gotten underway, I'm loving every second of it. The combat's even more fun than P3 thanks mostly to the catchy, driving battle themes and the ability to completely control your allies' actions. What's more, none of the characters (at least the ones I've encountered so far) are annoying in the slightest, which is astounding to me. And I love Kuma/Teddie, particularly his wide variety of goofy expressions and seemingly endless supply of terrible puns. What I'm enjoying the most, though, is the little touches. Like the usage of a blue butterfly to mark a save point. Or the twist on "Shuffle Time!" and the overall cheerfulness of the post-battle ceremonies. It all adds up to a product that somehow seems more joyous than P3, more concerned with fun than with being important and philosophical. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the thoughtfulness of the last entry - to a point. But this is a nice change of pace.
  9. devo

    NFL Week 15

    But wait! http://deadspin.com/5107028/arena-football...-quite-dead-yet That cover art makes me smile. Are those goggles on the helmet of the man being tackled and struck by lightning?
  10. devo

    kkk Bowl: Week 15

  11. devo

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Maikel Cleto and Jason Vargas, too. Vargas mighta made something of himself, so that's a bit disappointing, but not really a big deal.
  12. devo

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Very nice. I'll miss Smith's ability to strand runners and Chavez's monthly unbelievable play, but that's about it. I'm comfortable enough with the bullpen at this point that I think Minaya should move onto another aspect of the club. Great work on his part to get this done.
  13. devo

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Anybody else see this possible deal brewing between the Mets, Indians, and Mariners? Here's the latest thing I heard, from Ken Rosenthal... "The Mets will get J.J. Putz, OF Jeremy Reed and reliever Sean Green; The Mariners will get Aaron Heilman, OF Endy Chavez, 1B Mike Carp and OF Franklin Gutierrez, plus minor leaguers from the Indians; The Indians will get RHP Joe Smith and infielder Luis Valbuena." http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/8922020...r-meetings-blog It's not a bad deal for the Metropolitans if it's true. Heilman's just short of a malcontent while Chavez and Smith aren't much more than role players and Carp doesn't seem like he's ever going to make the Major League breakthrough. Putz would be an ideal setup man and Green's a capable arm. Reed could be half of a platoon, I guess, since he's not terrible versus lefties but putrid against right-handed pitching.
  14. Step One - Go to drop.io and upload one or more of your favorite examples of videogame music. Step Two - Provide the link(s) here. Make sure to use the one that allows the user to play the file immediately - that'll be under the "Full Page View" option. Step Three - Sit back and enjoy everyone telling you how great your taste in music is. Or, alternately, fend off vicious attacks on your person from people who hate your choices. In tribute to the release of Persona 4, my choices are all Shin Megami Tensei related. Digital Devil Saga 2 - Divine Identity Persona 3 - Changing Season Persona 3 FES - Heartful Cry
  15. devo

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Just came across the ESPN ticker that the Mets have signed Rodriguez to the contract detailed above. As I just stated, I'm of two minds about this deal - on one hand, he's an undeniably talented closer and an immediate boost to a beleaguered bullpen. On the other, considering how much hype he received last year many fans are going to be expecting the Second Coming of Christ or something. Here's hoping, for everyone involved, that he's up to the challenge.
  16. devo

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Oh, without a doubt. If he ends up becoming a Met and turns in anything less than last season's performance he'll be eaten alive.
  17. devo

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    True, but he also has a career ERA of 2.35 and a career WHIP of 1.114. Guy's a great closer by any metric.
  18. devo

    NFL Week 14

    This sucks. It's become patently obvious that the rest of the league has figured the Jets out but God forbid the coaching staff change anything. Miami already won and there's no way the Seahawks come back against New England. It's gonna be a three-way tie for the division which was essentially the Jets' for the taking two weeks ago. Christ. Last year was awful but if this team doesn't make the playoffs this'll be much more painful.
  19. devo

    The College Football Thread 12/3 - 12/6

    Christ. I like a good upset as much as the next guy but this is potentially pretty damaging to all the mid-major conferences, not just the MAC.
  20. devo

    kkk Bowl Week 14

  21. devo

    Prop 8: The Musical

    Haha, that was pretty great. Thanks for sharing.
  22. devo

    Persona 4

    It's PS2. You shouldn't be overly concerned about the voice acting, though, since the voices for P3 were great and I've heard the same about P4.
  23. devo

    Persona 4

    Well, one of the main reasons I enjoyed Persona 3 so much is how different it is from most RPG experiences. The character the player controls is a normal high school student in a realistic world instead of some whiny big-haired creep exploring an overblown land of fairies and talking rodents. Much of the gameplay takes place in the day-to-day activities - going to school, socializing, deciding what to do with one's free time. I know that doesn't sound exciting but it's a surprising joy to unlock the storylines that come with making new friends at school and figuring out the most efficient way to relax (certain diversions help raise your stats or allow you to speak to otherwise inaccessible characters). The combat is fairly unremarkable but loads of fun thanks to two unique elements. One is the All-Out attack, in which your party attacks all the enemies at once in a giant melee once you've exploited said enemies' weaknesses. The other is demons and demon fusion. The main character will, at times, have a chance to gain a new demon, whose powers he'll then be allowed to use. The demons you collect can be combined to create new demons, with completely new abilities. A lot of the game's fun comes in finding the combination that gives you the most powerful Persona possible. There's more, but that's what I like best about P3. Oh, and the music is fantastic. Oooh yeah! Dunna dun dun, da dunna dun dun Baby baby!
  24. devo

    Persona 4

    Can't-hee wait, ho! I got the game and the Social Link Expansion Pack through Amazon. Opted for the free shipping so I probably won't have my copy for another ten days, but that's not a big deal. I've managed to avoid spoilers and be patient for this long so another week won't kill me. From the little bit of information I've allowed myself it seems like the game's going to be even better than Persona 3, which is my favorite RPG of all time.
  25. devo

    Ben Folds - Way to Normal

    Haha, I don't mind. I don't talk about music very often so I'm not as familiar with the grammatical rules as I should be.