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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Basically all of Switzerland's shots were aimed directly at the goalie with only a modicum of force behind them. I've never seen such a lethargic set of penalty kicks in my life.
  2. devo

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Ukraine finally beats Switzerland after taking the penalty kicks 3-0. The game was a bit of a grind, admittedly, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the announcers were making it out to be.
  3. devo

    The Critic: The Thread

    Eleanor: I've forgotten how charming you can be. Franklin: And I forgot to turn the oven off. *cut to flaming mansion* Butler: Burn, baby, burn.
  4. devo

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Joe Morgan: Hello? Ozzie Guillen? I am SO GAY for you! Ozzie: No! Really excited about the Mets/Red Sox series. It should be a terrific trio of games and I'm interested to see how Boston's fans will react to the Mets' return to Fenway. Hopefully, enough New Yorkers will make the trek up there to balance out any extraordinary negativity.
  5. devo

    The Critic: The Thread

    "Rosebud... yes, Rosebud frozen peas. Full of country goodness and green peaness. Wait, that's terrible. I quit." "And I'm hiding from those ruffians who wish to manhandle my dickie and kick my ascot!"
  6. Devil Doll is an episode that doesn't get enough love. I've seen it been called a poor to average entry mostly thanks to the particularly somber tone of the film, but I really don't think it detracts from the riffing at all. William Sylvester's ridiculous overacting and the ludicrous scenes with Hugo alone are good for a few laughs. "Are you a professional entertainer?" "Oh, no." "I didn't think so." "Neither am I." ------------------------------------- *Vorelli feels up a hypnotized Marianne* "Look, there's no God. There's the proof. Not a single God." "All goodness in the world just died. How 'bout that?" ------------------------------------- "Did I just see someone come in and paw my puppet?" ------------------------------------- "You think he likes ham! Wait 'til you see me like ham!" ------------------------------------- "WE'RE HERE TO COMFORT YOU." -------------------------------------
  7. devo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?type=mov&id=11503 Well, my interest in Yakuza has all but died. That's some terrible translation/voice acting.
  8. http://mst3k.com/history/index.html The answer's kinda complicated, so I'd recommend starting at 1994 (Part One) and reading on from there.
  9. Current favorite episodes... Puma Man TISCWSLABMUZ Mitchell The Final Sacrifice Night of the Blood Beast
  10. devo

    TWiB 6/19 - 6/25

    Nice start to a difficult road stretch for the Mets, as they take the rubber game of the series in Toronto. I said to myself before the road trip that I'd be happy if they got five wins out of the nine games, and that looks like a distinct possibility at the moment.
  11. The only memorably funny riff I can recall from Hamlet is "Night fever, night fever...we know how to do it!" during the dancing scene near the beginning. Just watched The Skydivers, the last Mike episode I need to see. A few more viewings will be necessary to determine this, but I'm pretty sure it's my favorite Coleman Francis episode out of the three. That might just be because it's not nearly as bad a film as Red Zone Cuba or The Beast of Yucca Flats, even though the riffing is really darn good. "Seems like they forgot to have things happen in this movie..." -------------------------------------- "Lemme see, am I chicken...well, I don't have a comb, or a gizzard...but sometimes I do ingest gravel to help me digest my food..." -------------------------------------- "Harry, let's go out and join the party." "No! Let's stay here in the crawl space." -------------------------------------- "Hey, her hair blossomed." -------------------------------------- And, of course, the short preceeding it is terrific, but that's been covered in detail in this thread already. Also, does anyone remember which episode contains the riff "Now go on, punch me hard!"
  12. devo

    TWiB 6/19 - 6/25

    Scratch what I said above. I'm currently pretty happy that I'm not able to watch the Mets game.
  13. No way. It's a mediocre entry, sure, but nothing is worse than the KTMA episodes. I've never been able to sit through a full one of any of those. And if those don't count, then Hamlet gets my vote.
  14. devo

    TWiB 6/19 - 6/25

    Hate hate hate hate blackout restrictions. I live in fucking Columbus, Ohio; what local market is being threatened by the Mets/Jays game?
  15. devo

    Futurama is back...

    Really excited about this. I can only hope Futurama's return is handled better than Family Guy's was. I honestly believe that Futarama was regularly more entertaining than the Simpsons at its peak.
  16. devo

    TWiB 6/19 - 6/25

    I don't put a lot of stock in hitting for the cycle (Eric Valent being the last person to hit for the cycle pretty much proves that anyone with a hint of speed can do it), but I think it does help show that Reyes is really coming along. He's getting on base a lot more often and even hitting for considerably more power than he did last year, which adds a great deal to the Mets' already extremely potent offense.
  17. devo

    TWiB 6/19 - 6/25

    I take back anything bad I ever said about Jose Valentin.
  18. devo

    2006 NBA Finals

    One of the worst foul calls I've ever seen.
  19. devo

    2006 NBA Finals

    HUGE block.
  20. devo

    2006 NBA Finals

    The Mavs have got to stop randomly throwing up three-pointers. I think they've hit one in the last five or six attempts.
  21. Y'know, even though The Final Sacrifice is a terrific episode, I've gotta agree with Crow when he says that it's not as bad as the usual fare. If the music were less cheesy and the actors not drawn directly from the local community theater and the antagonist's goal just a tad less ambtious, it might have been a halfway decent picture. In my opinion, the writing's actually pretty good and the cinematography is impressive for a low-budget film. Really, the film's main flaw is that its main character is a lisping little weenie whose partner has an unnecessarily hilarious name. That being said... "C'mon baby, don't let me down." "I won't, Rowsdower!" ----------------------------- "Yeah, officer, there's this kid in the front seat of my car." "And Play is in the back." ------------------------------ "Then that proves it! Map is real!" "Map Israel? I believe Israel has already been fairly well mapped." ------------------------------- "You don't think he - " "Killed your father?" "Sounds fun, but I'm busy."
  22. devo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yes, that's a fine way of putting it.
  23. devo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I loved Shenmue, but I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. On the other hand, I haven't liked a GTA game since GTA2 (in fact, I've grown to loathe Rockstar since then), so I'll reserve judgement on Yakuza until I get my hands on it.
  24. devo

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    That is a really good cast, but I still would have preferred it to be subbed. The Yakuza have a very rough dialect that's pretty fun to listen to.