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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    You know, Reyes' speed would be a lot more useful if he were a good baserunner. Getting picked off with runners at first and third is not a good way to keep a rally going, Jose. Edit: Even if the replay shows you were safe by a mile...
  2. devo

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    I don't know. I was convinced that last week's episode would be the last one, but that turned out to not be the case. What's more, the third Naruto movie is coming out in August, and it's pre-timeskip, meaning that the fillers might extend allllll the way to its release. Thank God the manga hasn't taken a break, or I'd give up on the series altogether.
  3. devo

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    The costume is really good, but he's kinda scrawny for Zabuza.
  4. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    I love how they had a little ammunation display in the bottom-right corner of the screen during that Eight Days video, as though that's all it would take to convince someone that it was gameplay footage.
  5. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    What I'm really interested in is how Japanese consumers will react to these prices. The 20 GB model is the approximate equivalent of $590, and who knows what Open Price means for the 60 GB model. They could be looking at 70,000 yen or more for the full PS3 experience.
  6. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    They won't cost that much in November. Can't say for sure about the Blu-Ray, though... Andrew: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=192
  7. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    http://revolution.ign.com/articles/705/705870p1.html Quick rundown on the differences between the controllers of the Wii and the PS3.
  8. devo

    Mustard or Mayonaisse?

    Spicy brown mustard and Hellman's mayonnaise. If I can only choose one, I'd pick the latter.
  9. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    That's good to know. For a moment there, I thought I'd be waiting for the $600 version to drop to $300 or so.
  10. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    So, how would one save gameplay progress on the $500 model? I really couldn't care less about Wi-Fi, HDTV, or the hard drive in general.
  11. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    It's basically identical to the Dual Shock now.
  12. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    At first, I was just happy that they ditched the Boomerang design. This is really pissing me off to no end. $500 and $600 dollars at launch. Fuck you, Sony.
  13. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    So, FFXIII's main character is Yuna and Leon combined. Okay. Edit: LOL @ Solid Snake ---> Old Snake
  14. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    Well, at the very least, I'm excited about Tekken 6, Virtua Tennis 3, and, to a lesser extent, VF5.
  15. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    David Schwimmer is Pitfall Harry! Coming this Fall.
  16. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    ... So, instead of looking at the rear-view mirror on the TV, you have to buy a PSP and set it up next to your TV. Brilliant. Everything thus far has been met with an unenthustiastic smattering of applause, and for good reason.
  17. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

  18. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    This has been pretty underwhelming so far. The FF7 technical demo was far more interesting than this GT4 technical demo. And I don't even like FF7 all that much.
  19. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    I see. Okay, thanks guys.
  20. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    Is anybody else watching (or trying to watch) Sony's press conference through Gamespot? The player seems to be working fine, but all I'm getting a is a placeholder screen with the Gamestop logo and the words "Stay Tuned". Just seeing if it's the same for anyone else.
  21. devo

    E3 2006: The Thread

    A Dragon Quest game is going to be a Wii launch title! Here's an excerpt from Gamespot's report on Square-Enix's press conference.
  22. devo

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    I apologize, you're right. A quick search on Google brings up a bunch of stories compelling the Marlins to trade Willis, citing the fact that he won't become a free agent until '09 as a main reason.
  23. devo

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    As far as I know, he's only signed through this year. Here's the details of his contract. Dontrelle Willis p 1 year/$4.35M (2006), plus $0.2M in incentives re-signed 1/06 (avoided arbitration) $4.35M for 2006 paid as follows: $0.2M up front, $2.65M during 2006 season $1.5M deferred $0.2M in incentives $50,000 for 35 g $100,000 for Cy Young award $25,000 each for All-Star selection & Silver Slugger award 2006 contract is record for first-time arbitration-eligible starting pitcher 1 year/$0.3785M (2005), re-signed 2/05 1 year/$0.3535M (2004), re-signed 3/04 (split contract paying $188,891 in minors) agent: Matt Sosnick ML service: 2.143
  24. devo

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    I was specifically talking about Milledge/Zito, yeah. I'm not comfortable giving up Milledge for either Zito or Willis, mainly because Zito isn't what he used to be and Willis' nagging injuries will probably prevent him from contributing very much this year. What's more, both Zito and Willis are only signed through this year. If they cut and run after this season, the Mets are right back where they started, only without Milledge.
  25. devo

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    That explains a lot. I'm really, really hoping that the Mets make the sensible choice here and promote either Heilman or Oliver to the starting rotation. Bannister will be back soon, and I feel that he and Heilman anchoring the rotation would be just fine. There's a decent selection of pitchers in Norfolk to take the empty spot in the bullpen. If the Mets make the trade that they're rumored to, I'll be pretty upset to say the least.