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Everything posted by devo

  1. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    So, basically every home run that was hit in Minute Maid tonight should have been an easy fly out. It's benefitted both sides, though, so nobody's really in a position to complain.
  2. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    That is kinda awkward, but it'd be even stranger if they abruptly changed the music for the white guys.
  3. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Well sure, but that's 190 hits over 696 at-bats for a .273 average. That's not bad, but it's underwhelming. And by saying he learned to hit, I also meant that he seemed to have learned a bit of plate discipline, which should give both his average and on-base percentage a nice boost.
  4. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Haha, that was quite the turnaround for Fasano. Also, Jose Reyes apparently learned to hit over the offseason. That's encouraging.
  5. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Good on Pat Hughes for subtly making him look stupid, though.
  6. devo

    Kingdom Hearts II

    I was somewhat confused about how I had been waiting throughout the entire game for an epic confrontation with those two, and then they simply seem to be brushed aside at the end.
  7. devo

    Kingdom Hearts II

    I really doubt they'd be written out of the story entirely. If that was the case, the would be severely misleading.
  8. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    The MASN announcers have been spouting ridiculous hyperbole for the past few days, but in this case they're right. The Mets pitchers have been plugging Nationals hitters all series, and the first time a Nationals pitcher hits a Met, he gets ejected. Now it looks like Frank Robinson's going to get ejected, too.
  9. Definitely baseball. It's the easiest to follow of any live sport I've seen, and yeah, the crowds always seem more pleasant than at other professional sporting events. Football's a real mixed bag live. On one hand, when the game gets exciting, it's great. When the game drags and is frequently stopped by constant TV time outs, at that time it almost seems as though a trip to the DMV might be more fun. Hockey's pretty good as well, with the only real strikes against it being that your experience almost entirely depends on where you sit and the fact that the crowds tend to be much more annoying than most.
  10. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Well, that'll put the end to the boos. At least for a little while. These curtain calls are getting really old really quick though. I hate to keep adding to this post, but now they're chanting MVP with Wright up to bat. I can see why Mets fans are widely regarded as assholes around the league.
  11. devo

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Definitely. It looks as though
  12. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    I like Frank Robinson as well, but I think he gets a little too much credit for that intensity. The MASN announcers were literally saying that he was responsible for Nick Johnson's home run just now.
  13. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Man, Frank's pissed. He should be grateful for the baserunners Pedro's giving 'em. They're certainly not getting on base any other way tonight... Edit: Me and my big mouth.
  14. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Mets unveiled the images of their new stadium today. Ground will be broken on it this summer. http://newyork.mets.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/nym...rk_overview.jsp I rather like it. Looks a hell of a lot better than Shea (even if it's an unashamed ripoff of Ebbets Field), and at least there won't be those useless bars criss-crossing the field level seats anymore. The only thing I'm scratching my head over is the 391' to right center. Also, I'm pretty sure the 300' to right is a typo and it's actually going to be 330'.
  15. devo

    Kingdom Hearts II

    I'm almost positive that you have to complete every aspect of Jiminy's Journal...find all the treasure chests, beat all the minigames (some with certain scores), complete all the missions...it'd take hours and hours of traveling from world to world to finish these objectives.
  16. devo

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Bah. If I had known that all you had to do the get the secret ending is beat the game in Proud Mode, I definitely would have picked that difficulty. No way I'm doing all this busywork to complete Jiminy's Journal, I'll just download the damn thing. Well, in any case, great game. I mainly wanted closure to the story, and I got that, so everything else was gravy. My only real complaint would be that the prologue was far too long, but otherwise, a very worthy sequel to the first game. The main ending makes me think that
  17. devo

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Hmm. Would you happen to know offhand what the third keyhole in Radiant Garden is, then?
  18. devo

    Kingdom Hearts II

    Hey Renegade, how did you get the sixth page to the Hundred Acre Wood? All the guides I've looked at says it simply shows up on the visit after completing the Spooky Cave, but that's not happening for me. I'm assuming completing the Hundred Acre Wood is necessary for the final ending...
  19. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Looks like their might be another twenty runs scored between the Braves and Dodgers tonight. Both teams have done well showing off their strengths and glaring weaknesses in this series thus far.
  20. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    They also apparently consider Columbus local to Pittsburgh, because I can't get Pirates games out here for whatever reason.
  21. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    I'm getting it just fine, and I have the same package. Maybe the free preview is only for certain games.
  22. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Somewhat embarassing game, but at least I got a good laugh out of the balk and the MASN announcers referring to Xavier Nady as "the world's greatest hitter".
  23. devo

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    A balk?! Okay, I'll take it.