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Everything posted by chirs3

  1. chirs3

    Thoth Report 4-2-06

    What I was planning to say, but forgot because of stage fright, was that booking a PPV a month in advance would work only if everybody knew what they were doing a month in advance. And lots of writers here (myself included, so don't think I'm knocking you guys ) prefer just kind of coasting. Tom-n-Mike-n-Me were trying to have a sort "where we want to be two weeks from now" kind of plan to book around, but it quickly fell apart for the same reason. Lots of people don't know what they're doing two weeks from now. Also, it's creepy that JJ remembers a chat session from last summer. Just... weird. ALSO also, I wanted to kill JJ for saying "Ko-nam-ee" instead of "Ko-nah-mee". Crazy Canadians.
  2. chirs3

    Hey, you.

    I never said they couldn't spell. EDIT: Foxes also probably know not to submit a post before it's done. Let's try that again. I never said they couldn't spell, but they probably can't. I mean, if they can't speak, what have they got to write about anyway?
  3. chirs3

    Hey, you.

    Foxes can't speak, you wierdo.
  4. chirs3


    Explanation here.
  5. chirs3

    SWF Smarkdown Card 4-03-2006

    Markers edited in.
  6. chirs3

    SWF Smarkdown Card 4-03-2006

    If that's the case, I already know who's winning Davis v. Coyote and Bruce v. Amy.
  7. chirs3

    Lockdown Comments

    GRIUFCNJNCJWENJWNXJNWFJRIJIOEW You guys EVER write that many promos again, I'll murder every last one of you.
  8. chirs3

    SWF Smarkdown Card 4-03-2006

    I love how no one pointed out the fact that I put: Rules: 4000 For the last three matches.
  9. chirs3

    SWF Smarkdown Card 4-03-2006

    Never on the USS Alabama specifically, no, but I have been on a battleship before. Boy Scout tour. I forget the name. Never been on a sub, though. All I know about them is from what I saw in U-571.
  10. chirs3

    SWF Smarkdown Card 4-03-2006

    Descriptions in. Markers to be added. And I think the Battleship has more fun options for violence than a sub does. But that's just me.
  11. chirs3

    SWF Smarkdown Card 4-03-2006

    No clue, WC. And I really do mean my sincerest apologies about this mess of a card - Judge turned into a Cell zombie or something yesterday, and I was up til all hours trying to just get something together. I had hoped to get a Wildchild defense in for this show, among other things, but by 4 AM I was just plain fried. Anyone I missed on this card - consider yourselves Top Priority for Storm booking. Again, I'm really sorry about this.
  12. chirs3

    Lockdown Comments

    Main Event's up.
  13. chirs3

    SWF Smarkdown Card 4-03-2006

    Almost every replacement announcer we're testing was after my time. I know he's supposed to be both a face and super cocky. And I know he has a weird name. And I'm pretty sure he's neither gay nor Canadian. After that, though, you'd need to ask someone else. Bed. Sleep. dmmdef.f fewfjf. dweidne. hiweff j
  14. chirs3

    Lockdown Comments

    Ooooh. Ok. No, I didn't do that. You're supposed to double-tag it, you doofus.
  15. chirs3

    Lockdown Comments

    I use the Fast Reply option - I didn't know that made a difference in formatting, though. I'll make sure to start using normal from now on. Sorry about that.
  16. chirs3


    I hate to be a nit-pick... well, actually, I don't, but anyway... I think it was closer to "You need his love more than you need mine."
  17. chirs3


    Correct. The woman was Sayid's little sweetheart, Nadia.
  18. chirs3


    I'm surprised no one has mentioned the girl whose house Locke was inspecting. We've seen her before.
  19. chirs3

    Google the SWF!

    I mean, haven't we all wondered what Exploding Chicken is up to these days? Chris Raynor Chris works with the Chimala School of Preaching and leads evangelistic efforts in the Usangu Plains, which lie north, east and west of Chimala. I also sell garage doors. Bruce Blank - The shocking truth is revealed! Michael Cross - You never told us you had an art gallery! Looks... um... quaint? Tom Flesher's IBM Slideshow Wes Davenport - Famous actor, or drunken lout**? YOU DECIDE. ** near the bottom. Andrea Montgomery - Jewelry Designer? BELIEVE IT. And just in case anyone out there didn't believe us when we said Bobby Riley was gay.
  20. chirs3


    "Mad World", by Gary Jules. I'm having a hard time seeing what this show will be like week to week, and how it can be sustained for a long time. Nip/Tuck and (to a lesser extent) The Shield carry long story arcs against a "blank of the week" kind of backdrop (I don't regularly follow Rescue Me, so I can't draw any comparisons there), but Thief looks like it's just building up to the one big job - are the next ten episodes just going to be building up to that? I'm not complaining... yet... just curious as to what kind of formula it will follow, or even if it will follow one at all. On a more positive note, this beat the everloving shit out of the Heist premier. I doubt this comes as a shock to anyone, but still.
  21. chirs3

    24: Season 5

    I really hope Audrey turns out to be dirty after all. Especially since CTU's cleared her. So, are the last 8 hours just going to be a big Christopher Henderson manhunt, or what?
  22. .... I can't top that. So I'll just say Happy Birthday, Mark!
  23. chirs3

    Google the SWF!

    A side of Amy Stephens you've never seen before.
  24. chirs3

    SWF Lockdown Card - 06/03/29

    My original plan for the LSU House Rules was a "First to get mauled by Mike the Tiger loses" match, but honestly, I thought the Fever Pitch thing was a pretty neat idea. Most hardcore matches boil down to beating your opponent in the head with something heavy - here they were trying to not only keep their opponents conscious, but work in creative new ways to abuse weapons and submissions to make them scream... seemed like fun. I hope the writers didn't mind...
  25. The Smartmark's Wrestling Federation Presents... SWF STORM LIVE, FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, FROM THE SOLD OUT TIGER STADIUM IN BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA! (7:00pm PST, 10:00pm EST; check local listings) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The SWF's Hell or High Water tour keeps on truckin', this time to Baton Rouge, Louisiana! It could have been New Orleans, but I am finally in a position of power, which means I can abuse it at my discretion, so Baton Rouge it is! Tonight's show takes place in Tiger Stadium, on the Louisiana State University campus! Also known as "Death Valley", Tiger Stadium is known for many things (I think), but of particular interest is the fact that its fans have broken records by cheering entirely too loud - and that's just at crappy football games! Imagine how crazy they'll go for ACTION PACKED EXCITEMENT! And they'll have even more reason to cheer for the guest commentator - ANNIE ECLECTIC! Plus - Wes Davenport is the champ, but so far, he's a champ without a contender! Will we finally learn the details behind who his first defense will be against? And the Wildchild/Jay Hawke International Title Rematch hits another speedbump, as family matters keep Wildchild out of harm's way for one more show. Surely Jay Hawke will not be pleased with this... -=-=-=-=- THE MAIN EVENT - SWF Cruiserweight Championship Match "The Divine Wind" Akira Kaibatsu © © vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins GUEST COMMENTATOR: Ghost Machine 2.0 ---> Oooooh yeeeeeah, diggit! The Cruisers take the Main Event! Spike Jenkins cashes in his long-awaited shot against the man who took the gold from his partner, Akira Kaibatsu! Will Spike bring the gold back home to Camp Spyon, or will Akira retain, and leave SpYon in the dust? And this match just wouldn't be complete without the man next in line for a shot on Color Commentary. Rules: PURE RULES. Each man has three ropebreaks allowed to break up submissions and pinfalls - after those three are used up, there are no more ropebreaks. Closed fist punches result in the loss of a rope break - if you throw a closed fist and you have no more ropebreaks, you are disqualified, and the title CAN change hands in this manner. Outside count goes to 20. Word Limit: 6000 Send to: realitycheck -=-=-=-=- Ultraviolent Championship Match - House Rules Fever Pitch Match Bruce Blank © vs. Sean Davis ---> Bruce Blank scored his lucky 13th on Smarkdown, and how are we celebrating? By shoving him straight into #14! Tonight, the Beat the Champ Challenge sees Sean Davis vying for the title. Davis had an impressive reign of his own a while back - will he be the one to defeat the Hardcore King? Rules: Tiger Stadium crowds have set a record for loudest audience ever - it's time to see if our competitors can do the same! The match will be fought under standard hardcore rules - no DQ, no countout, BUT! The object of the match is not to pin your opponent! LSU Professor Mark Slovak and his undergraduates will be on the floor, right in the thick of the action, measuring the volume of our competitors! The match will last 15 minutes long - your goal, within that time, is to make your opponent scream/shriek/cry/etc. as loud as they can! Whoever has the loudest decibel volume recorded at the end of the match is the loser! Word Limit: 5500 Send to: Justice -=-=-=-=- Zyon vs. Ghost Machine 2.0 ---> Ghost Machine picked up a HUGE win over Spike Jenkins on Smarkdown, sending a clear message to the Cruiser Division: 0001011100101001011010111001. Get it? It's a binary joke. Anyway, while Ghost Machine patiently awaits his shot at the Cruiserweight title, he takes on the former owner of said title, Zyon! A win for GM would be big... a win for Zyon, potentially bigger... Rules: Standard singles match. Word Limit: 5000 Send to: Secret Agent -=-=-=-=- Tornado Tag Team Match Insane Luchadore and Amy Stephens vs. Kevin Coyote and The Crimson Skull ---> Insane Luchadore and Amy Stephens have something in common - they both want a shot at Bruce. Will they be united in their hatred for all things Blank, or will their quest for Ultraviolent Gold pit them against each other? Hopefully the former, as they will be facing the formidable team of Kevin Coyote and The Crimson Skull, who also have something in common - neither one has an A in their name. Rules: Tornado tag rules - everyone is legal, all the time! No countouts! DQ's are still in effect, though, and pinfalls still take place inside the ring. Word Limit: 5000 Send to: chirs3 -=-=-=-=- I Am Completely Lacking In Originality Triple Threat Stryke vs. Christian Fury vs. Jimmy the Doom ---> In the name of getting as many people booked as possible, two Calvinball losers will take their aggression out on the winner! Rules: Standard triple threat rules (no tags required). Word Limit: 4500 Send to: janusd -=-=-=-=- Opening Bout JJ Johnson vs. David Cross ---> BECAUSE, that's why. Rules: Standard singles match. Word Limit: 4000 Send to: Evolution -=-=-=-=- Opening Promo: Unclaimed! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (Send all promos, marked matches, etc. to realitycheck...) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-