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Everything posted by chirs3

  1. chirs3

    This Week in SWF History

    Added something I missed - March 8th, 2004 Rankings. Toxxic debuts at #1.
  2. chirs3

    This Week in SWF History

    A list of noteworthy matches, events, topics, etc. Just kinda feel like pretending to be a historian for a while, that's all. If I overlooked anything, let me know, and I'll add it in. 2005 From the Fire - Toxxic def. Landon Maddix in a Total Elimination Match to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship! Other Notable Matches - Insane Luchadore wins (sort of) Calvinball II! - Mohammed Koran's Debut 2004 From the Fire -Charlie "Grappler" Matthews def. Va'aiga in a two-falls match to win the SWF World Heavyweight Championship! (The whole show is awesome, but I didn't want to list every single match on here. ) Other - Monthly Rankings - Toxxic Debuts at #1 Community Board - DUDES! (comedy matches) 2003 Notable Matches - Tom Flesher def. Judge Mental - Frost def. Ejiro Fasaki in a tables match to retain the SWF ICTV Championship Community Board - An Open Letter to the SWF - Annie's Goodbye 2002 Notable Matches - Mistress Sarah returns! - H-Ville Thugg def. Spider Nekura via DQ in a No-DQ match. Good luck figuring that one out. - Xstasy def. Fallout, El Luchadore Magnifico, and Sacred in a Double Jeopardy match to claim #1 Contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship Community Board - IGN Minor League Title History - Homework (technically march 5th, but given recent events, I think it's relevant ) 2001 (IGNWF) Notable Matches - The King of Hearts and Adam the Red wrestle to a draw (double-countout) in a match for #1 Contendership to the IGN Minor League World Heavyweight Championship. - Pimp Daddy Sarp vs. Cyclone Comet (show's gone, don't know who won) - Rane vs. Simon Flare (show's gone, don't know who won) - NTD's Cruiserweight Tournament: Lust Full of Rage 2001 - Round 1 ------- El Luchadore Magnifico def. Insane Luchadore ------- Brian Fury def. Xero ------- Divefire def. Jay Dawg ------- Masked Man def. Fallout ------- Diablo def. The Sacred One ------- Spike def. Chris Storm ------- "Insane" Joe Flyer def. Iceman ------- Corlindo def. Angel Other - Rane ranked #1 in the Official SWF Rankings; Hurricane Red ranked last, at #29.
  3. chirs3

    Thoth Report 3-12-06

    When Thoth says "Raynor had a spotty connection", what he means is "Raynor's computer had a complete and total fucking meltdown". Not twenty seconds earlier, Tom Flesher IM'd me. COINCIDENCE? Ah well. Comments as I listen. 1. Muzz's voice = awesome. 2. Mercury awarding himself the title... meeeeeemorieeees... 3. MOM~! 4. HAMSAUCE~! 5. I had totally forgotten about "The Steak Sauce Covered Bastard". God, this is great. 6. Plastic bowls! 7. "Well I'd just like to hear his excuse for living." 8. Clusterfeck. 9. Z's absolutely right - if you guys knew who Ghost Machine was, you would not write him off. 10. A partial birth abortion match? I have to hear about this. 11. I can't wait to hear Thoth's reaction to Calvinball III. 12. Thoth's mom actually participated in the conversation? Braver man than I. My parents are blissfully unaware of the SWF. 13. Echo, echo, echo! 14. Half-Life 2 is indeed fucking awesome. Even on X-Box. Aaaaand that does it. Good show, but I'm beginning to agree with Crusen about a time limit for it, because it really started to get stretched pretty thin the last 10-15 minutes.
  4. Now hang on a second there, if you join a game with explicit instructions saying no rush and then you rush, that is plain out cheap. I know it's cheap. I never said it wasn't. In fact, if you look right up there at the bolded statement... Besides, there's plenty of ways to counter rushes. If you don't want to get rushed, learn 'em. That said, I don't go out of my way looking for 10 MIN NO RUSH games, but if I happen to join a game and then they say "No rush!", fuck 'em.
  5. chirs3

    SWF Official Media Release

    If possible, I'd just brighten the BATTLEGROUND a bit. I know that it says Battleground, because what else could it say, but if I didn't already know it would be hard to read.
  6. Never played WoW, but I'd kind of agree with you here, as I too ignored opponents who said "10 Minutes No Rush" in Starcraft. Cheap? Sure. Against the rules? No. While that wasn't exactly an exploit, it still applies here. In competitive gaming, anything short of rewriting code (or fucking with the network, ala Standbying in Halo 2) is acceptable. Don't like it? Find a way to counter it. Thoth made numerous references to fighting games I'll never play, but I imagine people who are good at them know the exploits, and as a result, know ways to avoid or counter them. Don't want your opponents to get an advantage by gate jumping? Then you do it too. The advantage is null, and within this single game of AB, your teams are on equal ground.
  7. chirs3

    Wrestling Panda SWF News and Notes

    ... come to think of it, I have no clue who the kayfabe booking squad is either... We'll sort this out.
  8. chirs3

    SWF Official Media Release

    Said over AIM, but I must reiterate - I love the logo.
  9. chirs3

    SWF From the Fire Card!

    Also, for anyone needing Calvinball rules: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/2990/cb_rules.htm
  10. chirs3

    Global Combat fun!

    I missed this the first time around - thanks for bumping it.
  11. chirs3

    SWF From the Fire Card!

    For the purposes of the show, use Comet again. If Longdogger Pete should lose at From the Fire, then SWF Aftershoxxxxx will be hosting an internet poll, where SWF fans can log on to SWF.net during the show and vote for who they want to be his replacement!
  12. chirs3

    SWF From the Fire Card!

    And Calvinball is fair game for everyone we forgot to book. So, pretty much Skull.
  13. chirs3

    SWF From the Fire Card!

    D'oh. Yes, Amy/GM is what I meant.
  14. chirs3

    SWF From the Fire Card!

    Fixed x 1000.
  15. chirs3

    SWF From the Fire Card!

    Correct, Spikerz. Winner of Amy/Bruce faces the winner of Spike/Akira. And Skull - Calvinball has no rules. Negative rules, even. You could totally write for it.
  16. chirs3


    First off, some of the blame falls on Mike, Tom, and I, for being too lazy to update it regularly. Boo us. That said, I think something we should consider doing with V2.0 is using it more as a creative outlet than a place for stats and records. It was CC's job to post the card and the show results every week, but we can get those here. It was our writers' job to post their stats, but we can get those here. There wasn't really much reason for people to actually go to the website, since all we were doing was posting results and cards. If we give it another go 'round, I say we use it as: 1) A launching point for newbies. 2) A place for website-only content. Get some people to write articles, maybe bully Toxxic into doing the Wrestling Panda newsletter once a week, get Thoth to post the audio show there, get whoever used to write as Scott Keefe to review the shows, do roundtables, etc. That way, it's not any one person's responsibility to update, since everyone has the opportunity to, and there would (hopefully) be incentive for people other than newbies to visit the site.
  17. We got lazy for the last few PPV's - time to fix that. Nominate potential From the Fire theme songs here!
  18. Posting on behalf of He Who Has No Permanent Gimmick: Wrestlers Name: Matt "" Myers Height: 6'3" Weight: 221 Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii (Origonally from New Haven, Connecticut) Age: 23 Face/Heel: Hyper Active Super-Face Stable: None! Ring Escort: None! Weapon(s): Anything ringside, but if he happens to stumble across his trusty wallet-chain, HELL YES! Quote: No real quote, will usually make fun of the way his oponent looks, or something to that affect. Looks: Basic Looks/Outside Of The Ring: Meh, whatever. It doesn't really matter. Ring Gear: Whatever to fit his current gimmick. Ring Entrance: Whatever song you want, but no pyro, and the lights do not change in any way. Myers is not good enough to get dim lights or explosions. Stats: ¯¯¯¯¯ Strength: 4 (Can pull of a few power moves, but would rather stick to arm drags, scoop slams if anything other than flying moves. His strength is similar to the amount of Christian; he can lift people that weigh up to 250 Pounds) Speed: 8 (What the...Which way did he go? His judo kicks are similar to Tajiri, very swifts and making a big impact sound and same for his high-flying moves. Has qualities of Rob Van Dam, Tajiri, with a smidgen of Billy Kidman) Vitality: 2 (He can take somewhat of a beating, but a finisher will put him to rest.) Charisma: 6 (He's so fricken' over! People love Matt Myers!) Style: Matt Myers wrestles kind of like a cruiserweight, as he uses both high-flying moves and he has some technical moves up his sleeve. Also, Matt Myers will resort to martial art moves to get him trough matches, such as any martial arts kick, punch, or combos, such as spinning kicks and punch/kick combos, he often uses a swift kick to any body part to get out of a hold or submission Signature moves: 1) Corkscrew Moonsault. Sometimes will use this as a finisher in matches 2) 450 Splash. If Myers misses this, he'll be down for a bit 3) Diamond Cutter 4) Basically an evenflow DDT, all expect it's good enough to use as a finisher sometimes 5) Dragon Sleeper hold, but Myers usually sweeps the legs of his oponent, and hooks them as well, so they fall to the mat, making it very hard to move around 6) Formerly known as Death Myers Driver I, Matt Myers scoops his oponent up into a Death Valley Driver Position, and then pushes his oponent over into a tombstone piledriver, and then slams them down. Even with a 4/10 strength, Matt can pull this off, just very quickly and not as affective if it was to someone lighter Common moves: 1) Leg Drop 2) Moonsault 3) Spinning Wheel Kick 4) Super Kick 5) Running Powerslam 6) Spinebuster 7) Powerbomb 8) Russian Leg Sweep 9) Tornado DDT 10) Flying Cross-body 11) Belly-To-Belly Suplex 12) Frogsplash Rare moves: 1) Shooting Star Press 2) Gorilla Press (Usually Done to smaller oponents that are less than 200 pounds) 3) TKO (Usually a last resort, but can be done when driven to the edge in matches. He usually does this one and only one, and it’s usually a complete desperation attempt) Finishers: 1) Basically a Ki Krusher 99, Matt catches his opoennt in a fisherman's suplex position, pulls them up into the air, and then turns them on to their back and slams them down in a piledriver type move. Very devistating 2) For people who he quite can't pick up with the above, Matt kicks them in their gut, as they double over. Now this is where it gets kind of confusing. Matt gets on their neck so he's facing the way they are facing, grabs the arm and hooks them as if he was to do a pedigree, and jumps into the air and slams their head and neck on to the ground. So it's basically a pedigree with Matt facing the other direction 3) Black Mist (The traditional black mist. Also comes in other colors) Myers, well, Myers sucks. Those signature moves up there? You can ignore them if you want, or use them and give them a fitting name. And whatnot. So, yeah...it's Matt Myers.
  19. Posting on behalf of He Who Has No Fingers:
  20. chirs3

    The Wrestling Panda's SWF Results Section

    On behalf of all us lazy bastards in CC, thank you for keeping this thread updated.
  21. chirs3

    Signature Weapons?

    King had the Ace of Clubs... don't remember what it was, though. A bat? And if you were tempted to use Christopher Walken, you can't - he's already claimed.
  22. chirs3

    Guest bookers? Yes or no?

    Special Guest Booker - Johnny Dangerous! Consider this a trial run - Johnny came to us with the idea of booking a prison-themed show, and we let him run with it. I think he did a pretty good job. CC's got the idea now that the show before each PPV could be guest booked by a retiree - a way to get some wacky gimmick fun in every now and then, and to keep our retirees around and interested a little longer. If you like this idea, then yay! If not, then this will be a one-time thing. Your thoughts?
  23. chirs3

    New X3: The Last Stand Trailer

    For some reason, trailers on Apple's website never work for me. Anyone got a different site for me?
  24. chirs3

    Storm Comments
