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Everything posted by chirs3

  1. chirs3

    Genesis Request

    Being SJL commish and all, Raynor will probably make a skybox appearance. Wave to the camera, fake smile, try to start an "EDWIN SUCKS" chant, etc. I'll see if I can't whip up an insincere interview or something. And he might be there in a slightly bigger role, but that's still up in the air. King knows what I'm talking about.
  2. Ditto. Indigestion be damned, this was great.
  3. Not too bad a match thus far.
  4. What legends has Orton killed again?
  5. lol, Double-Arm... uh... drop... Sure JR, it was a powerbomb. Whatever you say.
  6. Did JR just say most of the world is rooting for Scott Steiner?
  7. Holy anti-climactic ending, Batman!
  8. chirs3

    Post A Login To The Webcast Here Please

    Red Hot Thumbtack = GOD. Thanks!
  9. chirs3

    What DVD set should I get...

    Whoa. Tons of support for Sports Night. I was going to second the nomination, but it's already been fifthed.
  10. chirs3

    New Topic

    I wanna tag one more time with either Edwin or ELM to take on Justice and Rule. And then I want to face Chris Storm in an actual match, rather than the umpteen cowrites we've done before. And then... King, Edwin, ELM, and GSMS in singles competition... and I'd also want to go up against Wild and Dangerous with heel Raynor and someone else. EDIT: And Thugg. I only had one match against Thugg (cage match to "soften him up" for the PPV - how backwards is that? ), and I don't think I wrote too well on that one. EDIT EDIT: Deja Vu too! EDIT EDIT EDIT: I don't think I've ever faced Xstasy... well, once in a tag match, but that's about it. So add him.
  11. chirs3

    SWF Awards Help

    Definitely Tokyo-X, for reasons mentioned above.
  12. chirs3

    SWF Fund Raising

    $25. While I'd obviously prefer it to be lower, I'd be willing to go as high as $25. Nice t-shirt design, by the by.
  13. chirs3

    How much is your soul worth?

    My soul is worth £35814. I have no idea what that funky little L thing means, but I'm guessing it's more than I currently have in my checking account, so I'll take it.
  14. chirs3

    How old be you?

    Uh... *holds up 18 fingers* This many.
  15. chirs3

    All the WFers.

    Ahem. Edit: Er... un-ahem. Should've looked in the R's. Carry on.
  16. Jericho through the glass? Figures.
  17. YES! Go Jericho Go! Go Jericho Go! Sorry, but I've got my last $400 riding on him. He's gotta win! He's just gotta!
  18. Entrances are 2 minutes apart? I thought 5, for some reason...
  19. How many shots if one of the participants is put through the bullet-proof glass? And how many if it's Jericho?
  20. You bet against Kane after his mega monster push? LOL! You deserved to lose, dude. (LOL...j/k) I originally bet FOR Kane, but then I got to thinking there'd be a Shane-o run-in, setting up Shane/Kane. So I changed it. Gr!
  21. Kane wins? ... shit. There goes $423. GO JERICHO GO! GO JERICHO GO!