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Everything posted by treble

  1. treble

    amusing little movie game

    Took me WAY too long to figure out #11, which was pretty obvious.
  2. treble

    Orange juice.

    No pulp. My roommate just bought some shit with calcium added and it kind of tastes like shit. I've been drinking more apple juice lately, anyway.
  3. treble

    NHL Thread: It's December Now.

    Leafs are kicking the shit out of the Rangers right now, 8-1 in the 2nd. Wellwood has a hat trick and Renney is leaving Lundqvist in to take his lumps.
  4. treble

    NHL Thread: It's December Now.

    Shocking turn of events, the Leafs come from behind and win a game! And score a few goals in the 3rd period to do it!
  5. treble

    Office Christmas Parties

    Off topic: But i met a few people from Brockville this past weekend while working in Niagara Falls. They were kinda surprised that I knew where Brockville was. Yeah, nothing big ever happens here. And most people who come down this way will just go to Ottawa or Kingston.
  6. treble

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Rumour: Blue Jays offer Vernon Wells a 7 year/$126 million contract.
  7. treble

    DS Lite - The Thread

    Is it almost impossible to find accessories for a regular DS now? I thought I lost my stylus last week, even though I found it, I still looked a bit last time I was in a few department stores and none of them seemed to carry anything other than DS Lite accessories. I guess if I checked someplace like EB I could find them if I needed to, just something that would be a pain in the ass down the road if discontinued.
  8. treble

    NHL Thread: It's December Now.

    I wonder how a team of Phil Kessels would do against a team of Lance Armstrongs.
  9. treble

    Office Christmas Parties

    The plant I work at has one that you have to pay to go to, so fuck that. We have a pot-luck kinda thing on night shifts, though, that are alright. Get about an extra hour off work in the middle of the shift to eat some turkey is always fine with me.
  10. treble

    Tales of Laziness.

    Yeah, a minute and a half is 99 seconds. I even try to avoid typing in 3 digits for anything over a minute if I only have to type in 2. I moved into this apartment about 3 months ago, but I didn't have my shit set up in my room properly until this weekend. I'd spend 2 or 3 days just putting it off and then I'd have to go back to work and it would be forgotten for another few days.
  11. treble

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

  12. treble

    NHL Thread: It's December Now.

    So, how about instead of changing up the schedule, we just get rid of the 3rd period?
  13. treble

    NHL Thread: It's December Now.

    This is the same shit that was happening last year that kept them out of the playoffs. Losing games they had leads in and going into a huge funk. Fuck, I was listening to the game on my first break at work last night, 2-0 at the end of the second. Go back out for lunch, check the score, 5-2. I don't think I want to see the highlights.
  14. treble

    NHL Thread: It's December Now.

    My favourite memory of him was when he got hit in the eye a few years back. He did a TV interview where his eye was all swollen and shit, it was disgusting.
  15. treble

    Computer poll

    I usually just turn it off when I'm at work.
  16. treble

    12/4: 45 Reasons Why I Had An Atari 2600/7800

    I only got an Atari (this version) because I wanted an NES (my friend across the street had one), but my parents probably didn't want to drop too much money on something I might not like, which was probably a good idea. It was always stuck down in the basement on my mom's old b&w TV, so whenever I got to bring it upstairs to the living room and play it in colour, it was a big deal. I think it came with Pole Position, and some other games I remember getting were Q-Bert (which was a bit harder to play when the squares were grey), Donkey Kong, Ms. Pac-Man, Boxing, Crossbow, and Vanguard.
  17. treble

    Wii Numbers

    Right now you'll need a wireless router or a WiFi USB adapter. They're coming out with something, though, in January, that'll connect to the USB ports with the Wii.
  18. treble

    Post pictures of your Met(s).

    I love the photoshopping in that picture. Glavine and LoDuca especially.
  19. treble

    How big or small

    The sign says 21,000, I think, but last I heard it was down a bit from that. We're the smallest of the 'bigger' cities on the 401 once you get a few hours out of Toronto (Belleville, Kingston, Cornwall) before the Quebec border. I haven't really read that sign on the 401 in ages, even though I pass by it several times a year. I think I give us too much credit calling Brockville a bigger city. Everyone know about Kingston and most people have heard of Belleville and Cornwall, but it's tough finding too many people from a few hours away who've heard of this place.
  20. treble

    How big or small

    The sign says 21,000, I think, but last I heard it was down a bit from that. We're the smallest of the 'bigger' cities on the 401 once you get a few hours out of Toronto (Belleville, Kingston, Cornwall) before the Quebec border.
  21. treble

    How big or small

    20,000. Big enough for most major chains (deparment stores, fast food, etc.), but there's still not much to do here. Finally got a movie theatre in the summer after about 5 years without one, even if it is only 6 screens and doesn't seem to get much besides big budget movies. On the plus side, Ottawa (1 hour), Montreal (2 hours) and Toronto (3-4 hours) are all within a days drive.
  22. treble

    Wii Numbers

    Basically just an avatar that you create for yourself.
  23. treble


    I 'stood in line' for about 2 hours, Wal-Mart opens at 8 on Sunday, but they let us wait in the McDonalds at around 7 so I only ended up waiting outside for about an hour. I felt like a big enough loser then, I couldn't imagine spending all night outside.
  24. treble


    And me.