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Everything posted by muzz

  1. muzz

    The Simpsons Question

    I love when I'm listening to the commentary for an episode, hear a joke on the show I really like, and hear "That's a John Swartzwelder line." Guys so great.
  2. muzz

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries was and still is one of my favourite games. I think I have the SCUMMVM version of Day of the Tentacle, complete with speech.
  3. muzz

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    I don't keep up with boxing at all and I've heard a fair bit about him, especially before his Ricky Hatton fight. He's been on sports broadcasts even down here.
  4. muzz

    Who here hasn't changed their screen name?

    I dropped an 'A' to become Muzz. Big news at the time.
  5. muzz

    An old debate brought up again

    I have no problem with one person writing a tag team, especially at this stage.
  6. muzz

    The Youtube Thread

    Foley is presented with a special personal Hardcore Belt before Wrestlemania 20. http://youtube.com/watch?v=sNTxXXzoKJo&feature=related
  7. muzz

    Stephanie and HHH

    I've already shotgunned that. They can't have it, no one can.
  8. Age of Conan, Empire: Total War.
  9. muzz

    I'm after a New PC

    If you're not doing much heavy gaming, that system looks pretty good.
  10. muzz

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    I would have written something, but poker happened, and I'm lazy. But it got done by someone at least.
  11. muzz

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    This is a turn up for the books.
  12. muzz

    Clusterfuck emergency rescue thread

    If it turns out no one has written when I get home I might do something. But Chance Silver will be winning.
  13. muzz

    What kind of music kick are you on?

    Bowie, including probably listening to Life on Mars a little too much.
  14. muzz

    Pictures I Like

    Bonding with Baby is my favourite, just for the baby's head poking over the table looking confused.
  15. muzz

    Heath Ledger dead

    He also did some decent films down here, and a short TV series, Roar. It's sad news to be sure. A Knights Tale is also a guilty pleasure of mine.
  16. muzz


    You can't go wrong with Salt and Vinegar.
  17. A character saying the name of the other character in the middle of a sentence always irks me because hardly anyone is that formal. I'm neither a good or experienced writer at all though, but as a reader I'd feel more comfortable if it wasn't so stilted.
  18. muzz


    Someone on a blog site thought there was two versions of the movie out. That'd be a trip.
  19. Czech, just 'cos. Milky, because of the way Winehouse is looking at Spears.
  20. muzz


    More monster movies says I. Was it a sequel-ish type movie?
  21. muzz

    Moments that irritated you

    Something that irritated me, but not booking wise, was when I found out the wrestler Crowbar wasn't an actual crowbar. This came about after my friend told me about a tag match that had someone tagging with 'Crowbar.'
  22. I have one as well, so it was was great to see one crawl outside my window while I was driving. I just kept thinking, "Please don't crawl through the engine and at my feet." It was a huntsman, which are a dime a dozen here, but those legs of theirs still freak me right out.
  23. muzz


    That was posted on the last page as being an early design, apparently. Here's the latest... apparently.
  24. muzz

    Raw 1/14/08

    You're right on about the JR thing, although I'm sure even he gets sick of saying it.