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Everything posted by muzz

  1. muzz

    The Simpsons Question

    A quote from Season 5 that I'd never heard before. Marge: "Oh Lisa, is that too spicy for you?" Lisa: "*gasps* I can see through time!" Lenny: "Newsweek said you died of liver failure." Duffman: "Duffman can never die, only the actors who play him. Ooh yeah!"
  2. muzz


    If you don't reveal it, you can't sell any toys. That'd be a tonne of money.
  3. muzz

    The Simpsons Question

    Jasper: Talking out of turn? That's a paddlin'. Lookin' out the window? That's a paddlin'. Staring at my sandals? That's a padddlin'. Paddlin' the school canoe? Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'. Give a little love to Jasper.
  4. I recenty started watching Life on Mars, and I don't know why I didn't before. It and Dexter are my two favourite series from the last 2 years. I'm starting to prefer the hour long format.
  5. Voting better be compulsory for everyone.
  6. muzz

    All Kinda Farts

    Nothing says 'I Love You' quite like a dutch oven.
  7. muzz

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    This last page was awful.
  8. muzz

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It's way too easy to voteban in CoD 4. I've been in a few clans with late teens and young twenty somethnings that were quite normal, but there was a lot of elitism. And don't join a clan of older gamers that are too old. There's one or two I know of that are quite creepy.
  9. muzz


    I knew I was about to be Rick Roll'd, but I kept on anyway.
  10. muzz

    Christmas Dinner

    A whole fish (Snapper I think), ham, chicken, prawns, scallops, antipasto, salad, vegtables, and I made a Scoth Fillet for myself with a red wine sauce.
  11. muzz

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I don't entirely agree with that list. The SupCom and Crysis box art are fine. The special edition Crysis box is especially nice. Orange Box shouldn't be included, because you want to get across how much is in it, which doesn't leave much room for much else.
  12. Rick Astley and Bill Fillmaff would be the greatest tag team ever.
  13. muzz

    TSM Game Nights

    Boo, play CoD 4 on PC. Also live in the same country as me.
  14. muzz

    Clusterfuck 2008 Discussion

    I'm sure no one's done that much writing yet, so I'd like to be taken out of the 'Fuck. I can't write, and I wouldn't want to be in if I couldn't.
  15. muzz

    Nine men gang rape a 10 year old girl

    I'm sure our crime rate is comparable too.
  16. muzz

    Impact spoilers (airs December 27th and January 3rd)

    Sounds like when Vince hurt his quad, or whatever it was.
  17. muzz

    Nine men gang rape a 10 year old girl

    The convict stuff annoys the hell out of me, but I can't really complain since I often hear, "those Americans, they just go around killing each other." I heard it again on the radio the other day when they said things like UFC were popular over there.
  18. muzz

    Nine men gang rape a 10 year old girl

    I didn't realise there were so many Australian-haters.
  19. muzz

    RAW XV

    He's at it again.
  20. muzz

    PC Gaming

    WASD or any other setup is invaluable for online and single player shooters. Of course if you don't use it you won't see the benefit.
  21. muzz

    The Youtube Thread

    I don't think the WWE could ever make a crowd that hot again, or care that much.
  22. muzz

    Couple made over $800,000...

    And that people will believe anything.
  23. muzz

    Pizza Hut

    I prefer a local Aussie chain around here than Pizza Hut, but i do like Pizza Hut. I wonder how much different the pizza's are compared to the other side of the globe. This place I go to do great Mushroom pizzas, and Seafood pizzas. Before that I'd really only been a Ham and Pineapple man.
  24. I'll write against anyone who's available, or I'll just promo and have an enhancement talent match. Nothing too stressful, still sick.
  25. muzz

    Activision Blizzard

    Activision Blizzard is a lame name. Should just name themselves Cloverfield, because they're just a monster now.