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Everything posted by muzz

  1. muzz

    2008 Summer Olympics

    I'm surprised Stephanie Rice hasn't been mentioned here yet either.
  2. muzz

    2008 Summer Olympics

    I always watch Handball when it's on... and it's actually gotten a fair bit of play over here. If you're a goalie, you have to be prepared to look silly.
  3. muzz


    I could play Srabble on facebook all day. And I do. At work.
  4. muzz

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    Jericho's new tights are mega-gay. I've never seen them.
  5. muzz

    Ground Zero Talk

    I think Zed should be made aware of this thread, he'd be saddened I'm sure.
  6. muzz

    Heath Ledger dead

    Little late, but those are some painfully unfunny jokes.
  7. muzz

    Jamie Noble, boy

    Noble and Palumbo's feud really helped elevate... Michelle. The way she's being pushed I think they'd both have to job to her.
  8. muzz

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Gary Cole would be another reason for me to see it.
  9. muzz

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    History of Rare http://retro.ign.com/articles/894/894511p1.html Good read.
  10. muzz

    Box Office Report...

    I'd be interested to see the numbers from here in Australia, because there's been talk everywhere about it, more so than any other movie I can remember. Someone I work with, who's past 60, thought it was really great.
  11. muzz

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/searc...titantron_music I think anyone could look great in a titantron.
  12. muzz

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    Didn't Cena and Eddie Guerrero have an awesome match with that stip? Yes they did. On Smackdown I thought that was just a normal street fight that happen to be near some cars. I remember that match solely for Cena FU'ing Eddie on a tire.
  13. muzz

    Post pictures of your pet(s).

    The one on the right looks really rough.
  14. muzz

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    I don't understand the No PC games rule.
  15. muzz

    Post pictures of your pet(s).

    We got another kitten recently. I was stopped at a red light when the guy in the car behind me gets out and knocks on my window, telling me a cat just climbed up onto my back wheel. I got out and lo and behold, there she was, perched just above the wheel. I pulled her out, and the guy said to just put her on the footpath, but there's no way I'd leave a kitten near a busy road, so I put her in the car and went home. Then she got stuck between my cars console and passenger seat, and it took a couple of hours to get her out. Can't give her up after all that.
  16. muzz

    Pictures I Like

  17. muzz

    Diablo 3

    I think there was talk of another MMO coming from Blizzard, but not right now. I'm just happy to relive the days of Starcraft and Diablo again.
  18. muzz

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    I liked the call back to Edge winning the title after Mark Henry destroyed the Undertaker, with both Henry and Batista walking up the ramp while Edge/Punk passed them to pick up the pieces.
  19. muzz

    Diablo 3

    Blizzard can't do much wrong, I'll definitely be picking up Starcraft and Diablo. I like that Diablo is keeping the "Acts". Going from act to act always seemed like something big.
  20. muzz


    I'll put up with it for this game.
  21. muzz

    Next In Line preview thread

    I can't quite summon up the effort to write something, which is a shame.
  22. muzz

    Pictures I Like

  23. Trailer for new Spiderman movie: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=UhHhXukovMU
  24. muzz

    To those of you that are like me

  25. That's so not true. I use the cute little white dog.