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A Happy Medium

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Everything posted by A Happy Medium

  1. A Happy Medium

    2008 NBA Finals: Lakers vs. Celtics

    If only it were a Dallas home game when that happened to us. There would have been a terrible riot. Everyone around here is still bitter...and a lot of people wrote off the NBA.
  2. A Happy Medium

    2008 NBA Finals: Lakers vs. Celtics

    When was the last time we saw some real 8 on 5 action favoring the road team? There might be a riot in Boston if we see some Heat/Mavs Game 5 level officiating. I finally read the box score from that night. 49 free throws for the Heat in that game. It's still unbelievable. My friends and I were so pissed off. The worst part is that the Mavericks shot nearly eighty percent from the line for most of the series. The Heat were somewhere in the sixties.
  3. A Happy Medium

    2008 NBA Finals: Lakers vs. Celtics

    The reach-in that wasn't called was just horrible. It seems to me that while guys can take four steps in the lane and they never call a lane violation, the referees still call the reach-in foul. Kobe didn't touch the ball. He slamed Pierce's elbow and grazed his jersey. He then made what I believe may have been his only field goal of the forth quarter. He'll get on Sportscenter, too. Van Gundy was tearing them a new asshole at the end too. And Pierce...is so pissed off. I honestly believe he may score fifty on Tuesday.
  4. A Happy Medium

    Next In Line preview thread

    SWF could travel by boat, actually...Panama Canal!!! Or how about a show on a cruise ship? Or maybe a time limit match or two where one person has to defeat the other by the time the boat gets through the canal!
  5. A Happy Medium

    Promo: X-Force Nine is FUCKING Dead!

    Oh. What happened is that right before I was bumped up, I had a match to regain the JL World Title. I lost to an ending where I had my testicles bitten while in a standing head scissors. I then looked a lot like Michael Jackson, and lost to what I believe was an Osaka Street Cutter or something. It was really shitty, and I let it eat away at me. This stalled out Munich, as well. I had new nicknames made for me, and I felt like, and probably was, an emasculated (sp?) joke. This promo is burying the XF9 part of Munich. The lost time of being a good guy. And honestly, we neither have the resources or the stupidity of people to go in to a stable with me as a leader. I should have joined The Clan when I was in the JL and then we'd be good. People are always up for a Clan revival under any conditions. It was a cool concept and a pretty cool stable. I could always sacrifice a llama to Spider Nekura, and then we'd be golden. ...but you knew that. GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT!!
  6. A Happy Medium

    Let's talk about...

    *realizes that was seven years ago* *goes outside for a cigarette*
  7. A Happy Medium

    Let's talk about...

    Remember when I had Ash Ketchum run over with my car? Good times. Heh, remember when the ML and JL merged and we had to recruit Ash because we lost SoS, Low Brass, and Hammer? That was fun. I think he wanted to have XF9 travel in some kind of poke ball or what have you.
  8. A Happy Medium

    Let's talk about...

    By the way, Manson. We had something good going with Manson/Griffon. My bad.
  9. A Happy Medium

    Top-25 Stupidest Moments in Fed History!

    I remember that at the time, Strangler and I thought that the hockey rink match was a great idea. I got to two thousand words, and then just stopped. It was so terrible. I also like being mentioned in that list.
  10. A Happy Medium

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It's not unconceivable that Milton Bradley could be traded to the White Sox if the Rangers fall behind further in the AL West, and continue to have no pitching staff what so ever. This makes me want to ask the question of who would win in a fistfight... Milton Bradley or Ozzie Guillen. I'm taking Milton.
  11. A Happy Medium

    WWE Signs D-Lo Brown

    I feel like I'm fifteen again with this news. I missed him.
  12. A Happy Medium

    Let's talk about...

    Yup. At least there's that funny XF9 connection.
  13. A Happy Medium

    June dates

    I'll be around, guys.
  14. A Happy Medium

    Other IGNWF oldheads here?

    *looks up at PDS's post* You know...I just missed that feud when I joined....seven years ago. The boss has a good point.
  15. A Happy Medium

    The Youtube thread

    I love that endless one liners clip. God, is that show awful.
  16. A Happy Medium

    Where Amazing Happens

    Where doing it next Saturday happens! Where "little monsters stealing my oxygen" happens!
  17. A Happy Medium

    Other IGNWF oldheads here?

    Hey Drew. This is Munich. I think you may have promoted me to the WF back in the day. I remember Rane. He had the biggest growth spurt of all time. Heh.
  18. A Happy Medium

    Tales of Restaurant Misbehavior

    This is why I want to get out of waiting tables. I get to read stories that involve stiffing a server due to just not liking the way they...talk?? I'm missing something, right? I mean, he didn't fuck up the drinks or the food, right? There's also a difference between hamming and having a pre-shift meeting minutes beforehand where the corporate asshole GM puts you under a microscope for not being friendly enough. Please expand.
  19. A Happy Medium

    Drunken Munchies

    Jack in the Box. Either the two tacos deal, or some stuffed jalapenoes
  20. A Happy Medium

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    I was in the car when my buddy's ex-girlfriend's cig slipped from her hand and out of the window on an old country road. The fuzz were right behind us, and of course, she got a ticket. This was fire season in North Texas, so smokers were once again under the radar. I believe all of the major fires that year were caused by either power lines, or railroad rails. Anyways, mine don't go out the window anymore. I have this thing called an ashtray that I use. It's good to have. I only leave a cig on the ground if there is no trash can or ashtray nearby. I'd be like Gene Hackman from Burning Mississipi
  21. A Happy Medium

    Guitar Hero.

    I wish they raise up the left side of the kit to allow for closed hand drumming. This is the main gripe I hear from drummers that I know. It still looks pretty cool, though.
  22. A Happy Medium

    M.E. ONLINE PREVIEW: Her Majesty Announces...

    Damned Clannies... I just wanted to mention my IC turned to OOC distate for The Clan. Hehe...
  23. A Happy Medium

    Middle School/Jr. High backtrack

    Junior High School was decidely awful in my suburban Chicago town. 6th was the worst because I had no clue what was going on, was miserable with my classmates, got really fat, and generally kept to myself outside of my friends. However, I got into a fight at the end of sixth grade. I blacked out, won the fight, and got a three day weekend through an early morning suspension. I've actually been piecing it back together for about ten years now. All I know is that I started throwing knees and eventually had him off of his feet with two hands around his neck. I agree with Annie that it can be pretty fucking scary to go down that road. Lets see. Nothing happened in 7th and 8th grade. The only memorable thing is that I had this cunt Mrs. Kish for Math lab in 8th grade. I already had her for sixth grade Math. I was good in Math before that class before her terrible job. Oh, in eighth grade I moved to DFW, which was strange. I go from being one of the bigger kids in the school to this new school with kids that are the some age, but are somehow 6'4" and have goatees. I believe these kids were those jocks that were being fed growth hormones. High School was a better time. It wasn't much better, but it was bearable. No one bothered you.
  24. A Happy Medium

    The Hangover Thread

    I had something like that happen when I was eighteen. It was about 24 hours after I had started drinking the night before. I was playing a video game, and bam, I felt sick to my stomach and broke out into a cold sweat. It was quite strange.
  25. A Happy Medium

    Damaged Doors Don't Come Cheap preview

    Yay. I'm back! The rust is going to be quite noticable.